"It's okay, don't be nervous. "

Chen Qian comforted the elves around him.

Murata's Soroak slowly walked up to Chen Gan, bent down, and handed the small notebook to Chen Gan.

Chen Qian took it, opened it and saw that it was a diary.

It's all written in neon script.

Fortunately, in these years, science and technology have developed, Chen Qian took out his mobile phone, opened the intelligent translation software, and just scanned it.

Page 1.

June 19th.

"I did as the pheasant had told me to go to the altar where the mysterious elves were sleeping. "

"Everything went according to plan, and the awakening went very smoothly, but due to errors in the literature research, there were unexpected deviations in the process of awakening..."

"The awakened spirit has appeared before our eyes, but it has not yet fully awakened. "

"The people above are too anxious, although they have successfully captured it with a Poke Ball, they should never release it, let alone give it the medicine that has not yet been successfully researched to try to control it directly. "

"There is a serious problem with the medicine, when it wakes up completely after taking the potion, it is angry, because of the problem with the potion, and the mistake in wake-up, it has fallen into a violent state!"

"It killed everyone but me! and my elves died one after another against it, except for my best buddy Thoroac... Because I didn't get it out of the Poké Ball at the time. "

"It didn't kill me, maybe it regained some of its sanity after the killing, or maybe it was because I was the one who touched the entire awakening process of the altar, and in its eyes it was the culprit who woke it up, and it wanted to take revenge on me with the most horrific means..."

"It burrowed into my shadow, and from this day on, I knew... My nightmare began..."

After reading this first article, Chen Qian suddenly felt a little happy.

Darkrai's mental state was indeed not normal.


June 20th.

"I've had nightmares, several nightmares, a series of nightmares!"

"The nightmare is so real, I even wonder if it's still in a dream, I'm scared, I can see it in the mirror when I wash up, it's behind me, it's pestering me, it's not stopping to retaliate against me for a moment!"

"And then I got a phone call, and my identity was actually discovered by the Elven Alliance?"

"No... Is this supposed to be a nightmare? No, I'm writing a diary, everything is happening, even though I already experienced it in my dream last night..."

"My mind is messed up, but I know I have to run now!


But it's not the next day, it's June 23rd.

"I feel like I'm going to break down..."

"The bastard above, why didn't you come to help me?"

"When is it going to leave me? It's going crazy... I felt like I couldn't hold on, how could I hold the knife? When did I get blood on my hands? No... I'm in... Or is it in reality?"

"Please, I know you can see me writing, let me go, wrong, let me go!

Seeing this, Rao is Chen Qian felt a little creepy.

Although Darkrai is the strongest among the "divine beasts", he must be the most capable of torturing humans.

Turning the next page, the date jumped for two more days, and the handwriting became non-existent.

June 26th.

"I've seen the Takiya brothers and sisters, but I still can't tell the difference between dreams and reality..."

"I want to die..."

"I didn't want to hurt them, even though they killed me many times in my dreams. "

"I'm a little confused about the time, it should be in a dream last night, there was suddenly a mysterious man in my dream, and he stood there quietly, as if he didn't even manipulate this half..."

"What is this called? Prophetic dreams? Prophetic dreams in nightmares?"

"Oh, is that reality? Or am I in a dream now?"

Turning the page, the diary moved directly to June 29.

That is, yesterday.

"The boss finally found me, but he actually wanted me to get close to a ** person? Why didn't he save me, but instead arrange a task for me?"

"Why are the Takiya brothers and sisters here..."

"No, I have to find a way to make them retreat, don't continue to look for me, it will affect them..."

"Soroark, I know you're eager to help me, and I know that if you act recklessly, it will also monitor you, and will threaten my life when it sees you messing around. Actually, I wish you could act recklessly... I wanted to die, but it wouldn't let me die, and I committed suicide countless times, and every time I ended up in a dream, and every time I woke up again..."



"Relieve me!"


That's the end of the diary0....

In just a few diaries, even if Chen Qian reads them through translation software, he can feel the emotions of fear, despair, and collapse gradually revealed between the lines.

also explained some of the confusion in Chen Qian's heart by the way.

This is called Murata Ying, Chen Qian doesn't know what happened to him before his death, so he can't tell whether he is a good person or a bad person.

But judging by this diary, at least during this time, he was a pathetic man.

"What are you going to do next?" Chen Qian looked up at the Zoroark.

It shook its head, took a deep look at Murata's body, did nothing, and turned to leave.

Chen Qian guessed that Murata Ying should have already given it his last words.

During this time, Chen Qian's Soroyak also leaned over to talk to it for a few words, probably out of comfort among his fellow clansmen.

Not long after seeing the other party leave, the investigators of Coconut City and the investigators of Neon arrived one after another.

The two sides cooperated to clean up the mess and listen to what happened by the way.

When they heard Darkrai's passage, everyone present showed surprise and curiosity.

After all, it's one of the legendary mysterious elves!

There may be only one in the world!

Chen Qian silently sent Murata Ying's diary to everyone's eyes, and after a few minutes, all the investigators put away their curiosity, and they all felt creepy, and none of them dared to propose to release Darkrai out to take a look.

Curiosity is curiosity, or fate matters.

The 4.3 inspectors continued to be busy, while Chen Qian casually found an excuse to return to the hotel to sleep.

But the ace investigator of the neon side, Takitani Kawayou, stopped him at this time.

"What's wrong?" asked Chen Gan.

"There is something that needs to be discussed with Mr. Chen Qian. Takiyagawa smiled on his right side, obviously polite and gentle, but inexplicably gave people a sense of ill will.

"What's the matter?"

"It's about the mysterious elf you caught. "

Hearing this, Chen Gan's eyebrows raised slightly, he vaguely guessed what the other party wanted to say, but he still pretended to be puzzled and asked, "You said specifically." "

"That's right, Mr. Chen Qian. According to the contents of the prisoner's diary, it can be deduced that the mysterious spirit was excavated in neon, that is, it belongs to neon, can you see what I mean?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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