"Mr. Chen Qian, what's wrong?" Xiong Siyuan saw that Chen Qian had a rare gaffe, and hurriedly asked.

Chen Qian hung up the phone with a solemn face: "Just now the hotel staff called me and asked me why I wanted to destroy the door of the room. "

"It's Ei Murata?!"

Everyone present immediately reacted.

Chen Qian nodded: "After I went out at eight o'clock in the morning, I didn't return to the hotel, but the hotel staff clearly said that through the corridor surveillance, they saw that I violently broke the door of the room ten minutes ago, and there was no one else but him." "

Takiyagawa added: "To be exact, his elf, Zoroac! has the ability to transform into any creature! Although Murata Ei himself is good at disguise, he is definitely not at the level of perfectly pretending to be another person, and it is also Zoroark who disguises himself as Takiya Cloud at 11 o'clock! There is no doubt about this, Murata Ying once sent Soroark at the Neon Kanto Regional Tournament!"

Xiong Siyuan also spoke: "But the question is, why did he suddenly find Chen Gan?"

"Maybe it's because 04 found out that Chen Qian has a connection with me?"

"We don't rule out the possibility that Hidei Murata appeared in Coconut City, but most of his actions were done by his Soroark, so we don't know his exact whereabouts at all. Xiong Siyuan nodded in agreement with this speculation.

"But this also can't constitute a reasonable logic, just because there is a connection, you want to try to hurt me?" Chen Qian frowned, the tip of his right finger unconsciously rubbing his chin, "I'll give you a bold conjecture. Since Murata Ying's actions are basically done by Soroark, is there a possibility that that Soroark is not sabotaging according to Murata Ying's orders, but is deliberately attracting our attention and providing us with clues?"

Takiyagawa's right eye lit up: "I think Mr. Chen Qian's conjecture is very reasonable." Now we have a clear clue - Murata's mental state is extremely unstable, and he is suspected of waking up a mysterious elf and is retaliated. Then it can be inferred from this that Hidehide Murata is probably in danger... No, it should be in torment, and his elves are also under surveillance, not daring to seek rescue at will, and can only try to leave clues in the order after order. "

"Have you sent someone to investigate?" Are there any casualties in the shops, pedestrians, and elf healing centers that were attacked?" asked Chen Qian.

"You're really... The report sent earlier said that there were no casualties!" Xiong Siyuan was stunned.

This is obvious.

There is no doubt that elves have the ability to easily take human lives.

And in the attack at 11 o'clock, all the places and people who were attacked were not really injured, at best they were frightened.

Could this have happened if it hadn't been done deliberately?

If you really want to attack, a good Zoroac can easily screw a human head off!

"Are there any other clues left now? "

Chen Qian had just asked, when the door of the conference room was pushed open.

The hair of an investigator walking away with several pieces of paper and a transparent sealed bag was repeatedly compared and confirmed to be from the elf Zoroac. "

This happened to be the test report, which instantly made everyone present realize the key point.

It is very likely that the matter is just as Chen Qian dared to guess, Murata Ying's Soroark deliberately left clues!

Otherwise, it's hard to explain how the transfiguration of human Thoroac happened to leave those tufts of hair at those crime scenes.

If the coincidence is too coincidental, then it is close to the truth.

"Can you try to let spirits like Wind Speed Dog who are good at tracking scents find the location of Zoroac through these tufts of hair?" Xiong Siyuan asked.

"Yes, but it's hard, I'll tell people to try to do it. The investigator with the investigation report nodded.

"Okay. "

Although there is little hope, there are finally some clues about Murata's whereabouts.

Chen Qian stood up: "I'll go back to the hotel first, and I still need to deal with the things over there." "

Xiong Siyuan also stood up: "I'll send you over, after all, something just happened over there, so I'm more relieved, and I can explain to the hotel." "

"Okay. Chen Qian nodded.

The Takiya brothers and sisters next to each other glanced at each other.

They seemed to want to go along, so they cast a cautious and expectant look at Takiyagawa.

But in exchange for Takiyagawa's stern reprimand: "Don't make trouble for Mr. Chen Qian!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Qian said, "Let them follow." "

Takiyagawa was slightly stunned: "Mr. Chen Qian..."

"It's okay, since they came secretly, I guess they can't settle down here, maybe they can help me do something. "

"Then since Mr. Chen Qian has said so..."Takitani's right eye drooped slightly, and his eyes swept to the two brothers and sisters: "Thank you to Mr. Chen Gan!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen Qian!" The two siblings said in unison, not caring about Takitani's tone, and cast a grateful glance at Chen Qian183.

Subsequently, several people went downstairs together and sat in Xiong Siyuan's car.

After about 20 minutes, we arrived at the hotel.

When Chen Qian walked to the front desk, the staff had planned to ask the teacher for guilt.

But as soon as he saw Xiong Siyuan's investigator certificate, he immediately shut his mouth and led them to the monitoring room according to Chen Gan's request.

In the surveillance footage, Chen Qian saw that the "person" who was exactly the same as himself broke open the hotel door in a violent manner, and glanced in the direction of the surveillance camera before stepping into the room.

Obviously, it's hinting at something.

After less than two minutes inside, it left.

So Chen Qian and the others said that they took the elevator back to their room.

Except for the scattered fragments of the door, there was no mess in the room, as clean as when you went out.

Chen Qian's memory is still good, and he can see that there are still traces of being turned over in the room.

So he began to inspect every nook and cranny and finally found two tufts of gray hairs under the suitcase.

"It really left hair again!" Xiong Siyuan was delighted, this was one step closer to the truth.

Chen Qian didn't speak, but took out the Poké Ball from his pocket and released Lucario and Zoroac. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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