On TV, the photo playing at the moment is none other than Takiya Yun who is chatting with the boss at the front desk!

There are not many people eating in the restaurant, not counting Chen Qian and others, the boss and the busy staff in the back kitchen, there are six people in total.

Due to the loud volume of the TV, it still attracted the attention of three of them.

And Takiya Yun was busy chatting with his boss at the moment, and he didn't notice the photos on the TV, and it happened that the position he was standing in was behind the three people, so he hadn't been discovered yet.

"It's not my brother, it's really not..." Takiya Chiyo hurriedly grabbed Chen Gan's hand and cast a look of help and panic, "I can prove it... My brother and I were still on the road at that time, and we definitely didn't do it!

Chen Qian frowned and did not speak.

But suddenly I heard a crisp sound of "pop".

The waitress who was about to pass by with the dish seemed to have witnessed a ghost, and the whole person was stunned, and the plate couldn't help but slip from his hand and fall to the ground and fall into pieces, the soup splashed all over the ground, and the sound attracted everyone's attention.

"How do you do it?" the boss looked at and scolded him a little angrily, and in this direction you can see the photos on the TV screen that have not yet finished playing~.

Takiya Chiyo's face was slightly pale, and her heart was almost pinched.

And at this moment, Chen Qian grabbed her hand, without the slightest explanation, dragged her to get up and walked quickly towards the door, when passing by someone's table, he took off the cap that was eating alone, did not stop at his feet, and when he walked to Takiya Yun, who had not yet reacted, he buckled his head, and dragged him out of the hotel quickly.

"Eh, my hat!" the man who had been robbed of his hat hurriedly stood up and chased after him.

But Chen Qian suddenly turned his head and glared at the past, and the man suddenly laughed dryly: "It's okay, it's not worth much." "

When the three of them left the hotel two steps away, the people in the hotel finally reacted, and an exclamation of "" came out.

Takiya Yun hadn't reacted to what was going on at the moment, and asked a little confusedly: "What's wrong?" I'm chatting with the boss so much, drag me out to do it?

Chen Qian didn't speak with a straight face, and Chiyo Takiya next to him said in an anxious tone: "Brother, why are you still making stupid mistakes at this time, you are wanted!"

"What, what?"

Chen Qian dragged him, lowered the cap on his head to cover his facial features, and kept an eye on the pedestrians around him, dragging him all the way to the uninhabited garbage alley.

At this time, Takiya Yun reacted slightly, and looked at Chen Qian with a panicked face: "Brother, tell me honestly, is it really illegal to brag in **? I just bragged to the boss for a few words, why was I wanted?"

Chen Gan's face was expressionless: "It's not okay to brag, but attacking shops, attacking pedestrians and elf treatment centers, it's not only a crime, you will even be sent to death!"

Takiya Yun was stunned for two seconds, and then it became clear in an instant, that is, to blow that I won the ranking in the neon competition.

Chiyo Takiya helped to defend himself: "Mr. Qian, please think about it carefully, doing this kind of thing to send to the death penalty field is not beneficial to our brothers and sisters at all! And I will not do such a thing at all!"

"That's why I didn't detain you on the spot, and besides, the timing is a little wrong. Chen Qian glanced at his watch.

The three of them met almost a moment after 11 o'clock, and Zhongqing Road and Cuiyuan Road were on the road when Chen Qianlai came, and it took at least 10 minutes to get to their meeting place at that time by taxi.

The news said that the case happened at 11 o'clock sharp, which must have referred to the real-time time of the monitoring, so the time is definitely correct.

If Takiya was a prisoner, he couldn't have arrived at the meeting place less than a quarter of an hour after 11 o'clock after he had done all that.


"Unless... Use elves to commit crimes!" Chen Qian narrowed his eyes.

Throughout the hundreds of years of development of the Elven Alliance, there have been many examples of using elves to commit crimes.

There was once a criminal syndicate that trained extremely excellent Changeling Monsters and turned them into people or things to commit crimes, which gave the Elf Alliance a headache for a while.

In addition, there is Zoroark, who surpasses the Changeling Monster, and his transfiguration ability is even more difficult to find.

0··· Asking for flowers...

It's just that this elf is too rare, so it's rarely used by criminals.

"The conscience of heaven and earth! I really didn't do it, and I don't have that elf!" Takiya Yun was anxious, "I can prove it, I have absolute people to help me prove it!"


"Investigator of the Elven Alliance, but it's from our Neon Division. "

"You're asking the investigator from far away in Neon to testify for you? Are you kidding me? Why don't I send you directly to the Coconut City Alliance Branch?"

"No! The investigators I know are all in Coconut City now! They must have reached a cooperation with the Elf Alliance in Coconut City, which can prove my innocence! Actually, you can send me directly... I think that the Elven Alliance branch of Coconut City can also call up the surveillance of various streets to prove my innocence!"


After hearing this, Chen Qian frowned slightly: "What is the situation? Do you know the prisoner?"

The two siblings glanced at each other, and then Takiya Chiyo nodded slowly, and said to Chen Qian with a slight apology: "The purpose of our visit to ** is not only to find excellent trainers to learn, but also to have a task on our bodies... Actually, it's not a task, it's just that my brother and I joined this matter on our own initiative. Because I didn't want to affect other innocent people, I didn't explain it to you. "

Takiya Yun hurriedly added: "But there is one thing you can rest assured! We are definitely not here to harm people! We are here to save people and help people! There is a criminal who is in an extremely unstable mental state who has escaped from Neon to **, and we must catch him! Please allow me to make a call first, and I will explain to you later, okay?"

"Okay. "

Chen Qian watched expressionlessly as the other party took out his mobile phone, he would not let down his vigilance until there was absolute evidence of the other party's innocence, so he put his hand in his pocket and was ready to take out the electric baton and Poke Ball.

Takiya Yun honestly dialed a number from the phone, and after a few short exchanges in neon, he handed the phone to Chen Gan, and looked at Chen Qian with a very surprised look: "The Coconut City Elf Alliance Branch is looking for you." "

Chen Qian picked up the mobile phone with doubts, and as soon as he fed it, he heard a more familiar voice on the other end of the phone: "Is Chen Qian dead?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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