In the field, after losing the first game, the neon girl did not show surprise or ugly face, but took out the wound medicine spray with some distress.

After treating the fairy elf's injuries, it was taken back into the Poké Ball.

After all, fairy elves are really not suitable for combat.

Whether it's a low race value, a single attribute and move... In high-end elf battles, elves that should not be played, have too big weaknesses and are easy to be targeted.

In addition, it was also a giant gold monster.

She had to admit at the moment that she was a little underestimated, and she thought that Chen Qian was the same as the opponents who came with the purpose of accosting her and had no strength before, so she sent fairy elves to meet her.

I plan to test Chen Gan's strength first, so I can decide to show a few points of strength.

"Looks like he's going to continue using this glittering monster. "

The neon girl looked at Chen Gan, who did not take back the giant gold monster, and muttered to herself, her voice was not as cute as it looked, but on the contrary, it had a mature taste, and it also had a bit of neon accent.

"In that case, let's send it out in the second game. "

She slowly took the Poké Ball out of her bag and threw it out.

When Bai Mang catapulted into the field, everyone present quickly saw the spirit she sent out in the second game, the Blazing Roaring Tiger!

【Blazing Roaring Tiger】

Level: 50

Attributes: Fire, evil

Trait: Fierce fire

Potential: A


Seeing this elf, Chen Qian was a little surprised.

It's not that the Blazing Roaring Tiger is rare, but that this elf has the dual attributes of fire and evil, which happens to restrain the steel plus super system of the giant gold monster.

Double restraint.

The disadvantage is big.

The audience watching from the sidelines was even more amused.

"Sister's hand is okay, fire and evil, can't this beat that giant gold monster so that it can't be found?"

"Double attribute restraint, if my sister can lose, I'll upside down!"

"Hey, this rich second generation is going to overturn, right? I didn't expect this girl to have such an elf, right?"

"This is providence!"

"Come on, girl!"

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Chen Qian looked at the girl at the other end of the venue.

The girl smiled at her, and although she didn't speak, it seemed to say "the second game is mine".

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Qian slowly took out the Mega Evolution Stone from his pocket, and then the Giant Golden Monster was shrouded in the colorful Mega light, and began to deform under the light.

Seeing this, the faces of the large number of spectators who were still applauding a moment ago suddenly turned black.

"Rub, I'm still doing Mega evolution!"

"It's so shameless!"

"This attribute double gram is also a little hanging. "

"Sister, don't panic, play well, what about Mega evolution, attribute double grams are Tianke, and it's right to beat it!"

The neon girl seemed to have expected this scene, and her face did not change much.

Soon, the evolution of the giant gold monster Mega has been completed, and the mechanical referee next to him has also finished the countdown.

The second game, begin!

"Charge with self-motivation first, then charge with flashes!" neon girl.

"Iron wall, arm hammer!" Chen Qian.

The two sides commanded almost simultaneously, and the elves moved at the same time.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger roared with its head back, expanding in size for a moment, and then enveloping its entire body in flames.

The giant golden monster didn't say a word, but its silver-gray body seemed to have been suddenly polished, glowing silver in the bright moonlight.

Then, the Blazing Roaring Tiger violently exerted its strength with both feet, using its innate outstanding explosive power, and at this moment, it was like turning into an arrow off the string, carrying the scorching flames, regardless of the difference in size, and rushed towards the giant golden monster like a thousand pounds!

The Giant Golden Monster waved its stout four arms, bringing up a ferocious wind to meet the blazing roaring tiger that rushed into it!

At the beginning, there was no temptation, it was the most direct collision, the most direct injury exchange, which stimulated the audience to hold their breath.

But at this moment, I suddenly saw the fierce blazing flame roaring tiger leaning over violently, and at the same time slamming his right foot on the ground, trying to sideways avoid the frontal attack of the giant gold monster, and attack the giant gold monster from the side!

However, it still underestimated the reaction of the Golden Monster.

The Giant Golden Monster's arms were still waving in the same direction, but its floating body spun violently, as if it had been prepared for this, so the rotation was particularly ferocious, making the Blazing Roaring Tiger unable to avoid it, and had to collide head-on!


With a loud sound like thunder!

A visually stunning scene that took place before everyone's eyes!

The Blazing Roaring Tiger, which should have taken advantage of the attribute Tianke and used the powerful move of the Flash Charge, was smashed out by the giant gold monster using the arm hammer skill in a head-to-head confrontation, and fell heavily to the ground, and screamed in pain, looking extremely injured!

On the other hand, the Giant Golden Monster's silver-gray body had obvious scorch marks from the flames, but looking at its state, it felt like it was not injured.

However, looking at its fierce eyes at the moment, it was obvious that it was provoked by the blazing roaring tiger!

The neon girl looked stunned.

The audience outside the stadium was full of incredulity.


"Isn't it? Why was it hammered off?"

"Isn't the Blazing Roaring Tiger the Giant Golden Monster a celestial monster? And it also uses a flash charge, even if the giant golden monster uses a fighting move, it shouldn't be so exaggerated to restrain the Blazing Roaring Tiger with an evil system, right?"

"Ask for a great god analysis online!"

Listening to the audience's exclamations one after another, Chen Gan behaved quite calmly.

The "Hercules" trait plus the fighting arm hammer of the evil system, as well as the innate high physical attack talent and Mega form, there is a ghost if you don't hammer the opponent away.

And the giant gold monster is nine levels ahead, and it is also ahead of the potential of one stage, and it has used the iron wall skill to temporarily improve the defense, even if the attribute is restrained, the opponent still has no advantage in front of the giant gold monster that can withstand the beating, and it is not surprising that it can withstand the offensive of the flash charge.

However, although the giant gold monster is resistant to beating, it does not mean that it will not hurt.

The flaming charge just now really hurt it a lot, but it was stubborn and didn't show it.

At the moment, it is angry.

Chen Qian knew its stinky temper, and he could see its anger at the moment, so he said:

"Okay, you use the Miracle Eye first, and then play freely. "

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