"The reason for the establishment of this grass system gym is really great, in order to protect the ecological balance of the surrounding forest, it was established directly in a remote town. After driving the local environment and economy, it did not choose to develop transportation. It is said that if traffic is developed, the surrounding trees will be damaged. Therefore, if you want to go to the grass forest dojo, you can only walk there. Yechen said to a few Pokémon beside him.

Turkey Chicken, Fire Dinosaur, Moe Leaf, Chirulian, Latias, Gera Ola, Shock Beast.

Yechen released these Pokémon from the Pokéball in order to train and exercise them in the wild to improve their strength.

Leaving the mainland and entering the forest, Yechen became extra cautious. Trainers with common sense know that the wild is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you can easily get injured and encounter danger. With a trekking pole in his hand, he swept through the grass.

Once you encounter some aggressive Pokémon, the little ones around Yechen will be the first to rush forward and beat it.

As you continue to go deeper, the number of wild Pokémon you can see gradually increases, and the path to Moye Town is gradually covered with a lot of weeds, which shows how long this road has not been walked.

After entering the wild forest for some time, Yechen looked at the sky, and it was almost completely dark. Now I have to find an open place and make a fire to cook.

After searching for a while, Yechen found an excellent location, a cave. The inside of the cave is very empty, and there is a lake not far from the cave where you can draw water.

"This place is nice, so come and cook now!" Yechen said as he took out some pots and pans in his backpack and some cooking utensils. Fortunately, the infinite space of the system has the function of keeping fresh, otherwise these ingredients may be broken.

Yechen is also glad that the cultivation house has the function of providing Pokémon food, otherwise he would have to prepare the food of the Koga Ninja Frog, which would be really exhausting.

In the darkness, the place where Yechen was located glowed with orange-red fire. The cooking effect with the flames of fire dinosaurs and fire chickens is really good, and the heat is just right.

The staple food has been made by itself, and now it is a pot of mushroom soup, which tastes very delicious. Entangled all the friends around him.

Chirulian threw herself next to Yechen, staring at the soup in the pot with her eyes straight and said, "Honey, shouldn't you get me some of such a delicious soup?" It's very hard when people serve you, and you also need to be nourished. "

Yechen immediately rolled her eyes at Chirulian, knocked on her brain, and said, "Speak to me well, don't make things up to me, it's really the same as your mother Shanaiduo, and it's so natural to drive." If you want to drink, just say it, don't slander my innocence. "

"Oh yes? So the host~ Do you want to enjoy it as an after-dinner dessert? Whew~" Chirulian lay in Yechen's ear, blew slightly, and said charmingly.

Yechen was teased by Chirulian's face, and directly hit Chirulian on the head with a knife and said, "It's not good to learn anything at a young age, if you have to learn your mother's set, I will send you to the cultivation house." "

"Woo, good horn." Chirulian said, clutching her pitiful sink.

"Hahahaha!!" The fire dinosaurs watching the play on the side suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Chirulian's originally pitiful appearance disappeared in an instant, exuding a dangerous aura and asked with a dark face, "Who else dares to continue laughing?" "

There was silence for a moment, and none of the Pokémon dared to continue laughing, but looking at their faces, they all knew that they were all holding back laughter. Even the two innocent children, Latias and the turkey Ben, were taken to ruin.

At this moment, there was a sparse sound in the woods behind Yechen.

The Pokémon, who were still playing, suddenly became vigilant.

Then a green caterpillar emerges from the grass and cautiously crawls towards Yechen's side, followed by some other Pokémon.

A dozen Pokémon such as Little Lada, Unicorn, Thorntail, Walking Grass, Furball, Mushroom, and Acorn also popped out of their heads, and they didn't dare to step forward when they looked at Yechen like this. Because they were afraid of Chirulian's mighty presence.

The green caterpillar that came to Yechen's side, twisted around with his smaller body and gestured to something, and constantly communicated with Yechen.

Holding the green caterpillar in his arms, Yechen said to the Pokémon who were hiding in the grass and didn't dare to come out, "You are all attracted by the smell of food, right?" Looks like you're all hungry, let's all eat together, we have a lot of food anyway. Chirulian, take away your momentum and aura, and don't frighten them. "

Chirulian nodded, and took all the Pokémon food on the table, as well as a few bowls on the floor. He smiled at the Pokémon and said, "Come and eat, don't be afraid." "

At this time, everyone was no longer afraid, and they all gathered around Yechen, kept rubbing Yechen to express their gratitude, and then they were very well-behaved and sat there with two food bowls and ate Pokémon food.

"Well, go and eat with your companions, and the soup will be served to you later." As he spoke, he placed the green caterpillar on the ground.

So for the first time, the Pokémon of Yechen enjoyed food with the little ones in the wild, and when the soup was ready, Yechen also served a bowl of soup for each Pokémon.

Some of these Pokémon eat slowly, and some gobble up. After eating a spinytail, he still looked directly at the food of other friends.

A full bowl of food was pushed in front of the spiny tail again, and the spiny tail looked up to see that it was Gera Ora.

Gelaora touched the spiny-tailed head and smiled, "Keep eating, it's not enough." "

Chirulian walked up to Gera Ora and said, "I didn't expect you to be fierce and loving." "

Gera Ola ??? Am I fierce? Don't think that I won't dare to beat you if you have the support of your master, I am obviously so handsome.

After eating dinner and packing up Yechen's things, the group of little ones did not leave, but gathered around Yechen.

Yechen walked into the cave and took out his sleeping bag and said with a smile: "Since you don't want to leave, let's sleep together, and it will be warm for Pokémon to sleep together." "

Chirulian also slipped into Nightchen's sleeping bag, holding Nightchen's arm and refusing to let go, while the Turkey and Mohama slept on the other side.

"Harm, I've really convinced a few of you, so let's be safe."

Around a bonfire, many Pokémon gathered around Yechen and fell asleep. Geraora jumped onto a branch of a tree outside the cave, leaned against the branch, and fell asleep after making sure she could see the entrance to the cave.

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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