Chapter 1385

But after the self-test, Grim found that his biggest growth came from Flame Witchcraft.

With the step-by-step analysis of Heart of Natural Law, Grim has initially integrated a variety of flame laws to form the natural law flame of its own style – Inextinguishable Flame.

Its terrifying is even a taboo for those superpowerhouses!

The only thing Grim needs to do now is to follow the tempering method provided by Flame King, tempering the flame energy of the body into a Natural Law Fire, and then slowly radiantly transforming himself with a natural law flame. Body.

When his body fits perfectly into the special flame natural law of Inextinguishable Flame, Grim has completed the transformation of the legendary natural law and is ready to advance to Fifth Grade. Before that, he was still only one and a half Natural Law Adept!

For the transformation of the natural law, the estimated time given by the chip is 218 years. This has already paved the way for all the roads, just slowly accumulating the natural law flame and boosting the Spiritual Force. The moment when these two items reached the Fourth Grade Peak at the same time, it was the time when Grim successfully advanced to Fifth Grade.

After completing today’s quenching bath, Grim re-entered the leather soft armor that was created by the Fire Dragon skin. Although after becoming a Fourth Grade Adept, he has been able to use the Witchcraft method to formulate a variety of simple clothing, but the energized item obviously cannot have the various singular characteristics of the magiced item.

The internal construction of the magicked item and the rune system are too complex, and his knowledge and strength cannot be modeled.

Therefore, he still cherishes this kind of Fire Dragon leather armor with super defense effect!

After getting dressed, Grim just took a step and the whole person disappeared into the flames of the sky.

In the corner of another Witchcraft Chamber, the flames suddenly appeared and Grim stepped out from the inside.

Inside a small pool in the corner of the room, there is a strange wave of dazzling fascination. The standard length of 7 meters, width 5 meters, high 3 meters of the pool filled with weird liquid filled with rich elemental aura, and the liquid is also impregnated with some unspeakable quirky life.

If Grim doesn’t explain it, I’m afraid no one can associate this pool with strangely glowing liquids and human blood.

But it is indeed blood!

Yes, even Grim didn’t think that he analyzed the blood of Adept Geraldine’s Blood Source and used a lot of rare resources and analyzed genetic information to replicate the blood.

Standing on the pool side, I can feel the clear liquid in the pool, pure to the quintessence.

As the water ripples, all kinds of fascinating brilliance come to the bottom of the eye, straight through the heart, even Grim can’t help but feel a little frenzy, and Spirit is a little confused.

It seems that Grim’s eyes are felt, the liquid and liquid oscillate, and the center of the pool suddenly rises up in a humanoid form, and then the light and shadow changes, showing a transparent human shape that is similar to Grim’s body shape.

“Ontology, what are you going to do with me? Can’t you imprison me forever? Life is free! Although my life is given by you, I still want to pursue freedom!” Transparent human form is light, even the sound It’s exactly the same as Grim.

Grim brows slightly.

Speaking of which He can’t believe that the blood of Adept Geraldine, which was copied at such a huge price, still has a strange Spirit connection with his body.

Although due to the isolation of Magic Tower, Geraldine in Continent Eastern could not sense that he suddenly had a replica, but the transparent human figure in front of him did have the power of a few apostles.

The transparent human form in front of the blood has a blood filled with rich light, and has a law of light similar to Geraldine. The only difference between it and Geraldine is that the latter is more than a hundred years of memory and emotion, and the former is just a pure soul centered on Grim’s part of Spiritual Force.

Other than that, there is almost no difference between the two.

Moreover, as long as it is released from the tower, Geraldine can immediately detect the anomaly at the end of World by virtue of the law of light.

At that time, once Geraldine chased it, Grim could hardly explain to him the whole story!

Therefore, before thinking about how to use this strange person, Grim did not intend to release it to disaster.

“If I let you go, what would you do?” Grim couldn’t help but curiously ask.

“Go to Geraldine and fight with him. If he wins, he blends me. If I win, I will merge him. Anyway, there can only be one apostle of light in this world, not that he is me!” Transparent light people only have basic intelligence, and have not yet learned the complex sly ability of lying. And his strength is only the Fourth Grade Novice, which is a lower level than the Geraldine.

“You can’t beat him!” Grim shook his head. “He has a real body. As long as life doesn’t end, energy sources continue to produce light energy, and you can’t. If you leave this liquid pool, you lose. The ability to make light energy, its strength will only be less and less, until it is completely exhausted…”

Having said that, Grim couldn’t help but sigh again, saying: “You can never beat him! Because you are not a real life after all…”

“So how can you become a real life?” Transparent light people curiously asked.

“First of all, you must have a core that carries the spiritual will and the source of the soul. Secondly, you also need to build yourself a body that fits the origin of light…” Grim has no privacy for this person, but sincerely The intention is to help ‘it’ planning.

After all, Guangren is based on his singularity of Spiritual Force. As long as he moves, the other party will dissipate consciousness and annihilate, so there is no fear that the other party will suddenly turn against water.

If you can solve some problems, Grim will be able to come up with a trusted Fourth Grade helper!

“You don’t worry, I will try my best to collect some Adept materials that match the light elements, and create a real body for you. By then, you will be free to move! Maybe you can find a chance to grab the part of Geraldine.” …” Grim comforted.

“I understand! Trouble with you, the body! Remember to wake me up when I have a harvest next time…” The transparent light man nodded, his body collapsed into a liquid, and once again fell back into the pool, disappearing without a trace.

Leaving the photographic pool, in another corner of the chamber, Grim came to an Alchemy workshop.

On a singular platform, Shade Demon’s black and dark body is up to 4 meters, and there are countless Alchemy beams engraved with complex and fine Witchcraft rune and magic lines on the surface of its shadow steel body.

In the last battle of the nightmare castle, Shade Demon ate a big loss under the Gloria, and the entire body was smashed and smashed countless times.

Although Shade Demon has Dark Breathe ability to heal and recover in the shadow space, it is such a serious injury that still makes its basic combat power drop a lot. As a result, Grim has tailored some of its darkening modifications to enhance its ability to hide and attack.

At least the modified Shade Demon will not have the ability to create threats and pressures for the superpowerhouse as before!

According to the calculation of the chip, the modified Shade Demon scale will jump from the Fourth Grade Intermediate Level to the Fourth Grade Advanced Level, and the damage to the elemental-class Adept will be doubled. With this strength, there is almost no problem with rolling Adept of Grade Grade Novice.

Waiting silently, when Shade Demon’s new Magic rune was successfully drawn and floated on the bench again, Grim slightly waved, and the other party disappeared into the shadow under him like a ghost.

Grim took Shade Demon and just turned around to send out the Witchcraft Chamber, and a Witchcraft message came straight into his mind.

“Star Spirit Tulas? What does it do for me?”

带着好奇的疑问,Grim 转身返回了居所之内,从靠墙的一个暗橱里拿出了一片指甲盖大小的blue 晶体,然后放在了书桌的通讯crystal 上面。

随着blue 晶体里面荡溢出丝丝缕缕诡异至极的能量气息,通讯crystal 突然变得明亮且清晰起来。

很快,当光影变幻渐渐稳定下来,Star Spirit 图拉斯那诡异的云雾状身躯和满布其中的星星点点Skeleton 节点就缓缓浮现了出来。

“long time no see 了,Grim !”

“确实long time no see 了!怎么突然想起来联系我了?”Grim 语气中可没有‘老友’重逢的喜悦。

他们这些人只不过是一时利益的结合而已,根本不存在所谓的信任和情谊。对于对方所说的每一个字,都要cautiously 应对,以防自己成为某个陷阱或阴谋的牺牲品。

不过,身为彼此一方的Fourth Grade powerhouse ,多条路子总比孤零零的无依无靠要好得多。因此,那次夺取Coffer of Severe Winter 的任务后,Grim 也曾经为了跨plane 交易的事情和这位Star Spirit 联系过,双方也确实有了一些交集。

不过时隔百年之久,对方又突然联系自己,看这模样也不像是想要进行资源交换。因此,Grim 也就直接问了出来。

“老朋友,魔潮已经爆发了,你那里的情况怎么样?”Star Spirit 图拉斯眼眶位置两团幽深的white light 死死地盯视着Grim ,显然很在意他的答案。

“还行。虽然情况比较糟糕,但是还没恶化到最坏的那一种结果!”Grim 含糊不清的搪塞着,显然不会告知对方Adept World 真实的情形。

“那是当然,你们Adept World 也算是多元宇宙少之又少的high grade 文明了,背后又有Ninth Grade Great Adept 撑腰,一次提前爆发的魔潮不可能伤及你们根本的……”Star Spirit 图拉斯叹息道:“我们World of Spirit 就不行了,到处都是散兵游勇,个体实力虽然都不弱,可是却难以统合起来共同抵御入侵者。”

“噢,你们那里已经有外族入侵了?”Grim 也忍不住好奇起来。

“是Star Beast Hesmoto !那个混蛋闯入了我们World of Spirit ,还在这里强行产下了一枚石心卵,我们现在正在四处搜寻那个胚胎呢!”说到这里,即便以图拉斯的冷静沉稳也忍不住破口大骂起来。

听到石心卵三个字,就连Grim 都忍不住shivered 灵打个冷战。

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