Chapter 1356

Adept World is a wonderful place.

With the expansion of the Adept community, the Adept civilization has spread to thousands of exotic planes along with the Great Adept, and has grown there.

Adept World, due to the limitations of the Fourth Grade threshold, has been squeezed out of Fifth Grade and above, and can only be tempered by 茫茫sea of ​​stars and endless inside the Void. Compared to the large number of Great Adept, Adept World’s Fourth Grade is nothing.

However, considering that the three Ninth Grade Great Adept in the Adept civilization originated from Adept World. Therefore, Adept World, which can only accommodate Fourth Grade strength, has become a very special existence. Not only is the Adept community’s recognized source plane, but the Adept civilization is also rooted in it.

This also creates a very strange phenomenon, that is, everything that happens in Adept World will be particularly interesting, and then enlarged and rendered through layers, resulting in an unusually ridiculous ripple effect.

Adept World has only three adept organizations for tens of thousands of years, and behind them are faintly discernible with a Ninth Grade Great Adept that guides the development of the entire Adept civilization.

Although the entire Continent Central is the most extensive, resource-rich, and densely populated, it has long been used as a buffer zone to withstand the erosion and blow of the three adept organizations.

However, the particularity of Sandtalin also created its singular status. The three adept organizations were restrained and pulled by each other, and no one could invade this rich territory.

So, a singular architecture that builds a multi-strength balance balance appears!

But nothing in the world is truly permanent, and nothing can never be changed.

Adapt strength’s weak Sandalin has been stunned by the emergence of a strong adept, and its speed of change is far beyond everyone’s imagination!

An ‘ordinary’ Adept war broke out between the Durnell Family and the Crimson family, and in just a few months it burned into the super battle of Sandalin. Such a strange change may not be estimated by anyone in advance, and it is even more impossible to foresee it in advance.

In the Battle of the Gravel Canyon, the Legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim defeated the two super powerhouses, and the horrific record directly eroded the confidence of the old forces to jointly counterattack.

For a time, Central was shocked and all Adept Family were in danger!

And just as everyone thought that Grim was also seriously injured, and in the short term can no longer lead the Crimson family, the terrifying Crimson fleet took the initiative to attack the old family’s core figure Fourth Grade Adept Fried’s family nest.

With the help of the powerful war Magical Machine, Friede, who chose to be one with Kirinburg, was not able to attack the Crimson forces. At the last moment of the battle, even Friede suffered the terrifying backlash of Homunculus Kirin.

The end result is that not only is Fried’s own backlash, but even the entire Mo Family family Adept hiding in Kirinburg has become the flesh-and-blood ritual of the new taboo life Kirin.

Taking advantage of Kirin’s sleep and digesting blood sacrifice strength, Grim and Mary joined the nightmare and controlled the evolutionary Kirin soul core. As a result, Blood Queen Mary, who has been in a state of stagnation, has turned over and has a Castle Lord field that can fully utilize its terrifying power.

The emergence of the second pseudo-superpowerhouse immediately became an important chip to overwhelm the Sandtalin strength balance!

At this point, the entire Sandtalin can no longer find the equivalent strength that can balance and contain the two Crimson giants. It was originally intended to completely mourn the confidence of the Fourth Grade forces, and finally lowered their heads to the Legendary Fire Sorcerer, who was proud of the entire Continent Central.

Mary took Kirinburg and renamed it the fifth day of the nightmare castle. Fourth Grade Adept Mira announced the addition of the Horton Magic Institution on behalf of the Kunis family…

On the 7 Day, Fourth Grade Adept, on behalf of the Hill family, Roderick announced that he was led by Crimson and sent a large number of Adepts to the Horton Magic Institution…

On 13 Day, a big news that shocked the entire Sandtalin came out: Huang Jin Clan Patriarch Monash Gaia sneaked into the nightmare to meet the Legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim, and then publicly announced that the two sides formed an alliance to promote Continent Central. Adept prosperity…

This news is simply a shock, immediately let all Central Adept understand the general trend. In the past, a sand-sanding Sandtalin has become a thing of the past. From now on, a strong and brand-new Adept strength has finally taken root in this land and has grown rapidly.

Thus, as the most important card fell, the entire Central fell like a domino oh la la.

Andrews’s Arden family, Ashton’s Smally family, Arisa’s Manso Family, Adriatic’s Clare family… For a time, many Fourth Grade forces expressed their willingness to join the Crimson Alliance and accept the great Legendary Fire Sorcerer. Grim’s leads directly and contributes part of the family strength to the Horton Magic Institution, which represents Central’s future.

As a result, the entire Central is left with only Mirwa, Nicholas and Matthew, who are still hesitant.

However, the time left for them is not much!

On the 27 day of the Mo Family, the Crimson fleet set sail again and sailed slowly to the three Adept territories. In the face of an imminent crisis of extinction, Matthew was the first to stand up, surrendering when the Crimson fleet reached halfway through the road, and the Nicholas was follow closely from behind.

As for the support of the final Milwa’s Vice President, the Crimson Fleet took the initiative to surrender at the moment of the Annemdo Institute.


Annemdo Institute.

Located in the southwest corner of the Alsiya Region, it is adjacent to the Lion Vulture Cliff, the snakewoman swamp and the wild wolf, and there is also a passage to the Underground World in the Academy control area.

Responsibly, this area is one of the best trial locations in Continent Central, and the Annemdo Institute has become one of Continent Central’s renowned Magic Institutions for its expertise in monsters.

But all this became a thing of the past when the Crimson fleet arrived over Academy, and a new chapter was opened.

In the Golden Square in front of the Academy, Milwa led all of the Academy Adept and apprentice to meet, and the expression complexly looked at the giant airship that slowly fell in front of the sky.

The body airship of five 100 meters and one 100 meters wide is a pulsating behemoth. The bright, smooth, flat hull, the tall, towering steel-like beast-like smooth lines, the dark tanks of the artillery on both sides of the hull…

When such a steel giant beast drops from the sky, the huge shadow cast is even enough to cover nearly half of the Golden Square. The feeling of oppression that comes from the face and the fierceness of King Getie Matte make every Adept in close quarters feel a sense of difficulty breathing.

However, steel giant beast is not just a simple steel giant beast!

The violent magical energy hidden in the hull rushes, distorting the spatial structure around the giant airship, forming a strange magic protection force field. The first challenge for anyone who wants to attack a giant ship is how to break through this amazingly powerful magic energy force field.

Although Mirwa’s confidence has been lost, his eyesight is still there.

Only by the spatial distortion level around the giant airship, he can initially estimate that the approximate energy level of this layer of magic energy force field is 2000 degrees. This means that in addition to the Fourth Grade Adept, the Adept below Third Grade can hardly break this magic defense even if there are more aggregates.

Fortunately, this magic energy force field can only be used to defend against remote Witchcraft and cannot block the passage of entities. Therefore, boarding attacks are undoubtedly the best way to destroy these giant airships.

But considering the densely packed Combat Magical Machine and Crimson Adept on the huge flight deck of the giant airship, this is obviously not the most appropriate way to break the giant airship…

As he was thinking about it, Mirwa raised his head and silently watched several familiar silhouettes falling from the giant ship.

Grim, Clara, Alfred, Declan, Monash Gaia, Andrews, Roderick… And behind the long team, Milwa also saw the silhouette of Matthew and Nicholas.

The eyes of the three people staggered quickly.

Somehow, even Nicholas, who has always been angry and indifferent, feels a bit strange at this time, and his old face is a bit hot.

However, there is no way. By the time they reach this age, there are not one or two people around them, but a huge family of thousands. Most of Clansman does not have Adept innate talent. They can only rely on the family’s shade, the support of the secular territory, and live a life of luxury and drunken stupor.

And Clansman, who has Adept innate talent, enjoys the quality resources that are unimaginable for ordinary people, so that they can tap the potential of their innate talent to the extreme.

It is this huge Adept Family that has supported the Fourth Grade forces that have dominated Central’s major regions, and their bloodline inheritance has expanded like this.

However, the family is also a family, and the family is defeated!

At the moment when Mirwa wanted to make a final decision, the noisy, crying bloody Clansman also affected his choice.

He can resist the end, then the whole family will be with him jade and stone burned together!

He can switch to the door, and the three adept organizations will open the door to him. But the whole family is so huge, how can it be taken away together? Besides, thousands of years of prosperity, Clansman’s everything is closely connected with this land, and these things are said to be able to break?

It is all this that makes Milwa, Nicholas and the others want to fight hard, and wants to walk away… It has completely fallen into a dilemma, and there is no way to go.

In the face of Grim, who came with a gentle smile, Milwa finally lowered his head, his face barely squeezed a smile, boring.

“Welcome! Welcome Grim adults to come and visit…”

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