Chapter 1319

Grim is getting more and more angry.

But he didn’t bow his head and rethink. If it wasn’t for his persecution, Fried could not show the trump card trump card of this trump card.

Friede himself is not a Fourth Grade Intermediate Level, and as lifespan approaches, his strength does not rise and fall, and there are signs of strength weakness. And the forced fit of Kirinburg is not without cost. The price is that Fried has to think twice and repeatedly.

After Kirinburg was activated, its power source was provided by a source of magic force somewhere in the ground, and it was impossible to leave the five-mile range of the site. Moreover, every time Fried is forced to fit Kirinburg, he has to pay for a hundred years of life.

The price, to be honest, Fried really can’t pay!

Now he is seven or eight hundred years old, and the remaining life is less than two hundred years. If you lose another hundred years, it means that he will soon greet the end of his life.

It was such a lot of concerns that made Fried, although he had developed this method of pushing his strength to the Fourth Grade Peak level, he never dared to try it.

Even if this time the Crimson fleet hit the origins of the Entom family, Friede was still able to repel the opponent with the activation of the castle, instead of forcing himself to fit with Kirinburg. Not at the last moment of compulsion, he really did not want to do this.

It seems that Fried’s embarrassment is seen. Grim has a red glow in his hand, his lips are moving, and he rumors a few words silently.

Soon, the fascinating Magical Machine under the Crimson fleet speeded up the pace, surpassing the Magical Machine, and the marching move of the meteor was rushed into the giant life of Kirinburg.

And it’s not the only Fourth Grade creature to play.

Above the sky, a loud dragon roar rang.

On the edge of a giant airship, Fourth Grade thunderbolt lord Amsna’s smooth and perfect body appeared. Its opened mouth emits a dragon roar 吼, and the Paragon’s Dragon’s might spill over the whole world, and then it slams the dragon wing and swoops down from the giant ship.

Fourth Grade War Magical Machine plus a Fourth Grade Giant Dragon lord…

Among the towering Kirinburg, the plane is old and the sturdy Fried is sitting on a tall stone bench. The boss hands are trying to figure out the huge crystals inlaid on the left and right handrails. body.

Looking at a powerful opponent from the ground hong long long, a high-altitude dive from high altitude, Fried’s face slowly faded, looked down at a rune crystal hanging from the chest, gnashing teeth I have not made up my mind for a long time.

In the end, he gave up the impulse of the fit, grasped the two central crystals, and began to violently counterattack.

At this time, Kirinburg is like a huge giant beast, roaring, two stout and extremely thick stone legs suddenly slammed, and a row of thick stone pillars rises in the Path of Magical Machine 傀儡龙, which temporarily blocked other side.

And it took advantage of this effort, wholeheartedly guarded against the Fourth Grade Giant Dragon in the high-speed dive.

The activated Kirinburg size is 1000 meters, while the Fourth Grade thunderbolt lord is fully expanded by thirty feet. However, Fried is all guarded by God, and looks like an enemy.

There is no reason for him, only strength!

After the activation of Kirinburg, although the body is super giant, the strength is amazing. Such behemoths deal with low rank creatures, which are naturally unstoppable, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. But once faced with a powerful opponent of the same level, it will be caught by the gap because of the inability to move.

Kirinburg is awesome, but it is no good to hit the enemy!

Under the control of Fried, the Kirinburg squatting man, like the giant beast, stood up, and the two giant thighs swept like a reversed mountain. Although its movements are slow and slow, but the huge size, violent strength, let it carry an irresistible wild hurricane.

Ordinary magic creature don’t say that it was hit by a giant leg, or it was swept up by the edge of a violent hurricane.

At this time, it is the terrifying power of the top predators of Fourth Grade Giant Dragon!

Fourth Grade thunderbolt lord Arms figure is like a blue lightning flashing between the two peaks, the thunderbolt of the whole body is turned into a silver dance snake, and the jump between the giant peaks is flashing.

Every time a strength breaks out, it can smash down a ton of gravel gravel from the rock pillar.

The rocky rain of oh la la almost never stopped before the entire upper part of the giant beast.

A huge giant beast of 1000 meters, a blue Giant Dragon with a length of thirty feet meters, the two sides are disparate, and they look like a puppies constantly chasing a cockroach. Obviously, all aspects are 狰狞giant beast, which is an absolute advantage. However, after a fight, the loss of injury is the size of Kirinburg.

Fourth Grade thunderbolt lord Arms also intentionally or unintentionally concentrated the attack on Kirinburg in the head of the giant beast, but the other side was very strict and the two thick forelimbs continued to attack. Many times, it would rather use the giant claw to block the Thunder Dragon attack, and not want to have a slight flash of lightning on Kirinburg.

The two sides were so fiercely killed.

The Giant Dragon breathes quickly and concentrates, and formidable power is superior in most of the Fourth Grade magic creatures.

It was swept along the surface by the Fourth Grade Thunder Dragon and bathed it with the terrifying lightning Dragon’s Breath. Even the steel rock that Kirinburg condenses turns red, heats, and then softens into the flow under the extreme strands. The liquid lava, peeled off from the huge body of Kirinburg.

Just a long and violent Dragon’s Breath, Kirinburg was successfully slimmed by the other side. Although the body of the 1000 meters is almost undetectable, it is still painful for Fried, who controls Kirinburg.

So, 狰狞giant beast bite and become more fierce and violent!

However, at this moment, the Magical Machine Snapdragon, which has been on the road, has smashed a dozen stone pillars that have blocked the road and rushed to the edge of the battlefield. Two terrifying magic energy guns fired on the back of the ridge, one after another hot red fireball strikes on the body of the giant beast, bursting into a large group of fireworks.

Thousands of gravel blocks are pouring down like mudslides, and the terrifying scene is tremble.

Encounter the other side up and down, 狰狞giant beast body shape, gave up the Giant Dragon, suddenly rushed toward the Magical Machine. The Magical Machine, which was still in the past, was also a big surprise. Instead of escaping from the war, it quickly flew outwards, and baptism the other’s body with intensive gunfire.

The huge giant beast only stopped for a short walk and stopped, and turned back. It didn’t seem to dare to stay away from the huge pit that climbed out.

Seeing this scene, the Adept of the Crimson family naturally guessed it, and the crater must have hidden secrets of the other party. As a result, several giant airships began to move forward slowly, joining the siege of Kirinburg with magic energy cannons.

A powerful beam of terrifying energy, each and everyone screaming at the magic energy missiles, a piece of brilliant Witchcraft like a fireworks… almost instantly immersed the huge stone body of 狰狞giant beast .

In the high-spirited head of 狰狞giant beast, the Entom family Adept each and everyone gnashing teeth hiding in Kirinburg fought back with Witchcraft.

The fierce and fierce Witchcraft interweave in midair, exchanging terrifying damage.

So terrifying the battlefield, those low rank Adept troops simply couldn’t get into the hand, they could only be squeezed out in the ten severe li and the Magical Machine team was strangled together. Only those who have strong anti-shield or high rank strength are eligible to step into the main battlefield and join the ranks of the dog.

For a time, the entire battlefield was full of fire, roar, and there were terrifying shock waves formed by the explosion of elemental magic.

After struggling for half an hour, he was turned around by many enemies, and even a qualified spoils of war was not obtained. Controlling Fridry’s anger and anger at Kirinburg, looking at each and everyone’s fierce enemy, his heart was stunned and finally made a decision.

He slammed his left hand into his chest and shouted and opened a big mouth, but no strange blood spewed out of the wound.

Fried bite his teeth and grab the rune crystal fiercely into the heart.

“The taboo technique, life combination…”

As Fried’s sharp slaps out the magic spell, the magic rune and lines on the rune crystal inserted into the heart illuminate, revealing an unusually mysterious mysterious sorter array.

And when the sorcerer array was completely lit, Fried slammed, and the entire figure and face were much older at the speed visible by the naked eye. Exposed skin instantly covered with wrinkles and huge mildew, and dried as a winter branch.

However, under the communication of the strange rune crystal, there is no blockage between him and the huge Kirinburg. The consciousness and atmosphere of the two are blended together, and there is no difference between you and me.

Kirinburg suddenly became stagnant.

狰狞giant beast protects Kirinburg under his arms, silently bearing the violent baptism of the rapid Dragon’s Breath, magic energy cannon and renju artillery.

A ton of tons of broken rock pieces fell off and shattered, and piled up under the giant beast to form a rising hill.

However, Kirinburg seems to have once again activated the general, and slowly sink into the stone body of the giant beast, disappearing without a trace.

Next moment, 狰狞giant beast is suddenly resurrected!

It stood upright and turned into a human form.

The rocks that are attached to it are constantly squirming and squirming, and they are condensed together, gradually drawing out the human head, body and Four Limbs. And as these rock blocks are constantly waving and twisting, their movements are first and foremost clumsy, and then they become more and more skilled and quick.

The powerful strength of the body that rises up is violent, honest, and heavy, making it difficult to rise up and match its mind.

Fourth Grade Peak !

At this moment, the activated Kirinburg finally has the super strength of Fourth Grade Peak!

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