Chapter 1316

“A dodge… dodge… give me high speed maneuver!”

The swamp Wyvern leader who led the team was a real Adept. Seeing such a dense fireball dragging the smoky tail strikes, even he was scalp and tingling.

Driven by his madness, the Swamp Wyvern King raised his neck and raised his wings. The whole body fled in a dense fireball like a sharp arrow, struggling against the giant airship.

Behind him, each and everyone companions are also sneaking in a crazy maneuver.

Unfortunately, the energy fireball is too dense, avoiding one to hide from two, avoiding two to avoid a group… and a few more swamp Wyvern even hit the panic because of too much panic.

For a time, the fireball burst, the swamp Wyvern screamed, and Apprentice Adept screamed together and rang into a mess.

Bang bang bang ……

A series of fireball bursts triggered the terrifying Flame Shockwave, making the battlefield environment even worse and more difficult to measure. A head swamp Wyvern crashed into the fireball, and the flight path was chaotic, immediately detonating more energy fireball.

A bright fireworks burst in the air.

In a flash, more than twenty swamp Wyverns were smashed together with the Apprentice Adept on the back, and the Wyvern corpse and the purple blood of the oh la la blockbuster were sprinkled. The scene was spectacular.

And more swamp Wyvern rushed to the sky with the magic shield, approaching the giant airship.

At this moment, the edge of the ship’s side of the giant airship is already full of the metal Magical Machine. They propped up the energy shield, activated the magic energy cannon on the body, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

The magic energy gun has a range of seven 100 meters, far exceeding the spitting distance of the swamp Wyvern venom. So the first wave of attacks was started by the Metal Magic Machine.

The three giant airships are arranged in a zigzag pattern, and the flagship Vasello is slightly decorated.

When the swamp Wyverns hunted the Apprentice Adept and slammed their wings into the shooting range, the sides of the three ships simultaneously shot a small-type energy-fire group.

The Adept heart that just rushed to the sky was cold, and the depth of the eyelids reflected the energy fire group that was oppositely packed.

The previous magic energy fireball volley, but only three hundred hair, although it seems densely packed, but there is still a small gap between fireball and fireball can be interspersed. However, the firearms in front of the volley, but the formation of a real fireball rain, there is no possibility to escape by virtue of body shape and position.

He immediately with the slightest hesitation activated the ‘shield gems’ that are about to sweat.

Next moment, a full-faced Witchcraft shield envelops him with the Swamp Wyvern King underneath. The shield was just created, and the intensive fireball burst into a rolling fire sea.

In an instant, there are a dozen swamp Wyverns who have fallen into the sky.

“Beyond the opponent’s attack range… get rid of the opponent’s attack range… fly to the sky and then launch a dive attack!”

Under the command of Adept, Swamp Wyvern King desperately flew up and finally surpassed the giant airship and soared above the other’s head. At this point, the magic energy artillery on the giant airship has been difficult to attack him. Only the metal Magical Machine, which is lined up in a large flight deck, can raise his arms and continue to chase behind him with a dense fireball.

Coiled on the opponent’s head, avoiding one after another, the fireball from the pursuit, Adept frantically pulled out a strange seed from his arms and slammed into the flight deck.

The seeds are only the size of a fist, and there is almost no weight in the light.

When they drifted in the wind and landed on the flight deck, they explored a green bud from the inside. Don’t look at these fine buds pink and pink, but their penetration is not weaker than the high rank enchanted weapon.

The green buds are inserted into the metal deck half a metre down and quickly drilled and stretched inside. Nothing, no food, no food, this is the special thing about this strange magic plant.

With the devour of metallic materials, the singular magic plant quickly expanded and became a powerful life resembling a metal octopus.

They waved ten several meters of metal tentacles, rambling on the flight deck, knocking down a metal Magic Machine, or winding it up as Meteor Hammer.

The metal Magical Machine quickly mobilized, surrounded by all directions, using crazy firepower to suppress the metal octopus from crumbs and stalks. Unfortunately, this strange magic plant is extremely tenacious, even if it is screened, it is still lively dragon and animated tiger. Don’t wipe out the Magicick consciousness in its metal head, it won’t stop at all.

For a time, the entire flight deck was disturbed by them!


A sharp arrow burst.

A singularly magical arrow crossed the chaotic battlefield of 100 meters, passing through the metal octopus’s dozens of metal-tipped tentacles, straight into the shiny metal head.

The next second, the arrow burst, and the magic flame spurted out of the gaps in the octopus’s head. The powerful magic plant, which had previously shown off one’s military strength, softened in an instant, and the metal material absorbed was scattered. The half-metal half-plant’s magical body turned into a full-blown viscous green liquid, which rusted the metal deck underneath.

The Magic Marksman Sando, which already has the Second Grade Intermediate Level, appears on the flight deck and holds a singular shape with a metal longbow with a magical rune. She looked back and gave a loud voice to the dozens of people behind her.

“You stay on the deck and slowly pick up these metal octopuses… Hey, I will kill those who started!”

And these men are carrying a magic longbow with a magic dagger at their waist, and it is a Blood Elf with the title of Magic Marksman.

In a word, Magic Marksman Sando came to the edge of the flight deck in a few jumps, and the whole body flew like a goshawk. At this time, Adept, who was riding the Swamp Wyvern King, just flew over and saw Sando, who was flashing like a power, and immediately waved Magic wand with the slightest hesitation.

A horrible black smoke immediately wrapped around her body.

Sando snorted, his body bursting, and he smashed the black smoke. And in her hand, a giant bow swayed, and a magical bursting arrow immediately rushed to the Adept as lightning.

With Second Grade Advanced Level, there is almost no suspense in this battle!

The magical bursting arrow instantly nailed into the Adept forehead, and then the whole head was blown like a smashed watermelon into a bloody sauce.

The Swamp Wyvern King had just screamed and screamed. He hadn’t waited to dive down, only to feel his body sinking, and Sando grabbed his back.

The magic bow was handed to the left hand, and the right hand took out the short sword and stroked it. The big Wyvern’s head was broken and rolled and flew down the sky. And Sando stepped on the Wyvern’s body, and his eyes glanced at the sky, looking for the next target and rushing past.

The body is still halfway, the magic bow sway, and another magical bursting arrow is lightning bolted on the back of a swamp Wyvern. The next second, the arrow burst, and the Apprentice Adept immediately screamed and fell into the sky.

His body and Sando are interlaced in the air, the cool glow flashes, and a human head flies high. And Sando has stepped on their corpses and leaped to the sky again.

Sando used the vivid and magical attack of Blood Elf’s magic archer to make a swamp Wyvern, each and everyone Apprentice Adept fall into the sky, and one by one dagger.

Slaughter… This is a Naked massacre!

The hundred and ten swamp Wyvern is paired with the heavily armed Apprentice Adept, and it is not a problem to lay down a medium-sized Human Kingdom. It can be disappeared on the top of the Adept battlefield without even a big splash.

The Adept Tower in Loker City is, in the final analysis, only a regional city. It is very valuable to have Adept troops of this size.

After the swamp Wyvern troops were swept away, the Magic Tower Tower lost its defensive strength, which continued to fight against the Crimson fleet. It could only be tightly guarded with the densely packed protection force field, and no longer dared to send people out to fight. .

As a result, the Crimson fleet put down a number of more than 300 Magical Machine battle groups, and with the air strighth began to sweep the entire city of Loker.

It must be said that the secular Human Kingdom’s army did not even have the power to fight against the real Adept forces.

More than three Magical Machines marched in a queue and marched forward. A round of artillery fire destroyed the city wall of Loker City. As for the secular guards of Loker City, in the face of hundreds of indestructible, Steel Muscles Iron Bones-like high-magnitude Magical Machine, even the courage of fighting did not break directly.

This is actually a good thing!

Once they ironed the Magical Machine, the Crimson fleet would not be so polite. Three giant airships can destroy nearly half of the city buildings with two or three rounds of attack. At that time, under the jade and stone burned together, the residents of Loker City must be buried with the Entom family.

Dispelling the guards of the city of Loker, the Magical Machine team dispersed into a combat squad and began to march along the street to the Magic Tower. And three giant airships are suspended above them, acting as umbrellas.

The giant airship was approaching and exchanged attacks with Adept Tower.

With the Magic Engine Furnace, every giant airship is not weaker than an Adept Tower. With three dozens, the other party obviously can only be self-protected, and there is not much counterattack strength.

The reason why the Crimson fleet sent ground troops was to kill the reserve energy in the Magic Tower faster. No way, even before the Magic Tower energy was consumed, even with the sheer number of Crimson fleets, it was difficult to break into this Adept Tower with a perfect attack and defense system.

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