Chapter 1300

“Kesuna, you see today…” Third Grade Pale Witch Julia whispered.

“Let your men be honest. Today is too busy. In any case, our people can’t easily show their heads!” Kesuna looked around and looked up at the sky, his face dignified.

“Other adept organizations are also sent people?” Julia was shocked.

“More than…” Kesuna raised his face, revealing a chilly smile on his delicate, cold face, staring at the small black spots that hovered over the gravel canyon, coldly said: “Really Unexpectedly, even these detached guys are coming!”

Julia looked at Kesuna’s gaze and could barely see that it was a few giant eagle. But apart from that, nothing can be seen.

However, to become Third Grade Sorceress, Julia’s knowledge and insights are also comparable to those of ordinary people. From Kesuna’s tone and a few words, she quickly judged the origins of the giant eagle.

“Big… adults… they are… just…”

“You know, you don’t have to say their names! Otherwise, the destiny will lead their attention… These guys who just like to hide behind the fate, hey, are the most annoying voyeurs! ”

But immediately Kesuna put her gaze on another area, where she vaguely perceives a soul that disgusts her.

Severus… Damn, how did the old fellows of the Adept Association put the Slaughterer out? There is a spoiler here. I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone to get out of the way today…

At the thought of this, Kesuna’s gaze became condensed, and the cold and white body of her brown leather armor wrapped up in a cold, cold-blooded body, which made it a death. Qi The place of yin death.

Over the gravel gorge, a few giant eagle’s giant eagle lingered around, spinning, and from time to time, the neck and the neck made a sound of two sounds.

Ing incarnation’s giant eagle flies above the high sky, and from his perspective, the five-mile gravel canyon is like a short gray stone line. In front of the canyon, the battle between the two tall giants who had forgotten their lives was in his eyes, but only two slightly stronger ants were fighting.

Just as he couldn’t keep flying, feeling the horror of the sun under the sun, a face condensed by the smoke appeared in front of him.

“Indal, how is your situation there?”

“Tower Lord, we have been here for more than half a month. There has just been a top-level Adept war. Just as you can see now, the two guys with superpowerhouse are fighting. They are fighting for Central Control for hundreds of years…”

“Indal, I told you many times, don’t be fooled by unexpected events outside the main line of fate. Your task is to find the guy who blessed the fate, observe and record how the Strength of Destiny is driving the development of the plane. In addition to this, we should not be involved in any Adept battles and Adept forces’ intrigues…”

“Understood, Lord Lord, we are doing this according to your instructions. But…Strength of Destiny eventually led us here. After coming to Continent Central, I assigned the members of the Eagle Group to go. Tracking and exploring powerful organizations or individuals that can influence the situation in Central. Today, all members of the Eagle Group have been towed here by the Strength of Destiny… Adults, now it has become a gathering place for Strength of Destiny, one The major event piece that is about to change the fate of Continent Central is about to be born!”

“What? Strength of Destiny has begun to gather? No, I want to project Eye of Omniscient right away… Let your people polish their eyes and pick up the feather pen to write! This is a good opportunity for us all our lives. Will not encounter a few times…”

Usually the most wise and stable old man is the most exciting and madman. He couldn’t help but wave his arms and talk about his excitement.

A moment later, Indal’s transformed into giant eagle suddenly split a small vertical joint between the eyes, and the opening revealed a strange and magical eye.

“Destiny… Destiny… I saw the fate… This small piece of land has gathered so many powerful guys with fate spurs… Damn, let me count… one…two… Three…Bastards, how are so many! There are actually seven Child of Destiny…”

“Seven? It’s impossible!” Indal listened to the strange fluctuations in the third eye, and couldn’t help but wonder: “Tower Lord, Child of Destiny, shouldn’t there be only one?”

“hmph, ignorance, ignorance… Indal, you have entered the Diviners Tower for so long, and have tracked so many major event pieces that have occurred all over the plane. How can there be such a stupid question…” The third strange eye Drip and whisper: “Do you think that Strength of Destiny will only love one person like a stupid girl in love?”

“When you feel that your life is like omnipotent like Heavenly Eye, when you are all right, Strength of Destiny is naturally in love with you, and you have entrusted you with endless expectations. But these gains are not without cost! Anything to get fate The guys who are favored are the promoters of the fate. The purpose of their existence is to push the entire World process to move towards a pre-set direction and trajectory…”

“But once they have completed their historical mission, do you think that your destiny will continue to favor them until they are old? You can be blunt to say that every guy who once showed his existence in the plane river has been chosen for fate. The lucky ones come out. Each of them can be regarded as Child of Destiny for a certain period of time… but once their mission is completed, their fate will re-circulate and turn to the next new darling that will continue to promote World’s development…”

“So, for these guys, we can call them Child of Destiny, or they can be called destiny for their fate! Their values, their lives, are in the hands of the fate of aloof and remote! And we are free Eyes beyond the fate of the river. This is our mission and our glory!”

Listening carefully to the truth of the fate told in the mouth of the old Tower Lord, Indal couldn’t help but ask: “So… who is the lucky one of the fate of today’s great change?”

“Don’t be confused by the secular strength and power, close your eyes and quietly understand the evolution of Strength of Destiny. And the place where Strength of Destiny gathers is that…” The strange eye is constantly talking about the truth. Its Spirit language suddenly fluctuated wildly: “Damn damn damn… What’s wrong with this? Why do so many people have fog masks of fate?”

The Eye of Omniscient slowly turned, and when its sight fell on the gorge this Gu, a guy with a full body mask under the dazzling red glow showed his figure.

The other person seems to be in some kind of strange Witchcraft stealth.

For the Eye of Omniscient’s gaze, this guy felt a sense, couldn’t help but look up at the giant eagle, staring at the giant eagle, and then not aware of the dangers and threats, then regained his eyes and continued to watch the distant battle.

At the moment when the Adept appeared in the Eye of Omniscient, above the Sky City Diviners Tower beyond ten ten thousand li, the strange eyes set on the spire of the tower shot a strange colorful rays of Light.

Unfortunately, not waiting for the old Tower Lord to see the fate of the other side of the line, a thick fog from all directions, completely masked each other.

“hmph, it’s Severus! He’s the most fierce one in the Adept Association’s superpowerhouse. Since the association has released him, he definitely wants him to stir up the wind in Central. He is filled with the voyeur Marstan’s breath! Marstan When Prophet’s strength is not good, it can still be done by using Strength of Destiny to cover an Adept’s fate line in a short time. Forget it, give up on him! Let’s look for the next one…”

The giant eagle soared in the sky and quickly searched the entire battlefield.

“Silver Union’s Tatas is here, Northern Witch’s Kesuna is coming… Central’s Fourth Grade Adept is coming eleven, together is seven, and four are scattered in different areas… ”

“From the trend of Strength of Destiny, they are not the protagonists of today! Today’s protagonist seems to be one of the two in the battle… Go, Indal, we will meet this today’s Child of Destiny Let’s go!”

In a word, the giant eagle no longer hesitates, flapping the wide wings, and spreading wings to the main battlefield that is still in the battle.

At this point, there has become a doomsday World!

The two powerhouses at World Peak, once unscrupulously shot, have caused too much damage to the world that survived.

The entire space of nearly four hundred miles has been devastated, and the soul utter misery. Looking around, there are crazy magic elements everywhere, the space disorder caused by the collision of laws everywhere, everywhere is the strange scene formed by World Law Variation…

The once dark and shiny land has dried up and cracked, and the earth has become a strange substance similar to ceramics and crystals. The cracked heat wave transpires the terrifying heat wave, and the dark red viscous liquid lava flows through the underground hong long long, which gathers into a small-type lava pool in the deep pit left by many Lava Fireball bursts. .

The earth is still so miserable, the sky is covered with a dark red scar, from which the terrifying Void hurricane and the chaotic energy that devours everything.

And in this doomsday-like scene, the two giants of a gold and a fire are smothered together…

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