Chapter 1287

When the war between the Durnell Family and the Crimson family reached the 7 day, it finally entered the stage of white-hot.

Durnell Family’s Broken Face Garo, Third Grade Peak, was besieged by the Crimson family outside the sad swamp and was seriously injured. It is said that his injury has touched the origin of Adept, and it is impossible to advance to Fifth Grade in this life!

The Crimson family’s shapeshifter Spara, Third Grade Advanced Level, sneaked into Black Rose Manor and wanted to save the Crimson Archduke Antonel, and fell into the labyrinth of Warlock Marilyn Mona, and finally died on the spot.

The sudden exit of the two Third Grades also indicates that the war between the two Fourth Grade forces has gone out of control.

The hatred and anger accumulated by the two sides can only be ruined with ten times and a hundred times of blood, and before this, the artillery of war can never be calmed down!

Garo’s serious injury and Spara’s death, like two heavyweights*, instantly destroyed the war tacit understanding that was still barely maintained before the two major families, and also let the two sides’ high-level efforts to prevent the war from going to full confrontation to be lost.

The intensity and intensity of the battle instantly rose to the level that could not be added, and the two sides no longer kept their hands and could not keep their hands.

The war began to evolve from the middle of the low rank Adept confrontation to the high rank Adept. Both sides of the blood flowed into tons, the war was also burning day by day, and various taboos of Witchcraft and endless warfare methods also began to appear on the battlefield…

The accumulation of hatred to the present is no longer an ordinary battle for compensation.

Cold Mountain City.

Located in the southwestern part of the Alvis region, it is also a must-see path from the Deurnell Family to the Central Rich Area.

Here, relying on the Cold Mountain Fort and a solid Magic Tower, the Crimson family’s army is facing the Durnell Family Legion coldly. Both sides have irresistible persistence and responsibility, and they all have unforgettable hatred. Therefore, there is still no life and death in the battle for three days.

The Crimson family doesn’t dare to retreat, and there is no way to retreat!

Behind Lengshan City is the most prosperous territory that the family has managed for two hundred years.

Once it falls, let the Durnell Family’s troops trample and sway the core areas of the family territory. Even after they were re-expelled afterwards, the family lost the foundation to continue to grow and develop.

Therefore, for the family, for the individual, Crimson Adept can’t go back!

The Durnell Family also has a good reason to break through this line of defense.

The war has hit this level, and it is far beyond the expectations and estimates of the mastermind. The hatred of both sides is deep, and it has reached the level where it cannot be properly withdrawn and mediated.

Unless the Durnell Family can knock Crimson down and make it badly hurt, it will definitely be in the most unfavorable situation in the next negotiation settlement.

From the beginning of the war, the Clair Sorceress of the Durnell Family did not intend to encroach and engulf the Crimson family. After all, the volume and strength of both sides are there!

The Durnell Family only has a person Fourth Grade Adept, and the Crimson family has four or five of them on the bright side. Therefore, Clara’s original intention was to intimidate Crimson and quickly settled the war before his Fourth Grade powerhouse came out.

In this way, in the case that many Central Fourth Grade Adepts are on the side of the party, the peer-to-peer negotiations will undoubtedly bring great returns to the Durnell Family.

What’s more, in order to carry out this war, each Adept Family, especially those of the Fourth Grade, also sent their own secret Adept troops, hiding the number, hiding the badge, and posing as the Adnell Family’s Adept troops to fight.

Someone sent troops to contribute resources, and they just came out with a name. Once broken, many Fourth Grade forces will intervene in mediation and never let Crimson’s Black Hand reach the Durnell Family territory. Once the victory is over, the occupied territory and the resources and population seized will become the wealth of the Durnell Family…

I have to say that such a big good dream can make the Clara Sorceress laugh out loud!

However, at the beginning of the war, the fierce battle level and the resistance of the Crimson family were somewhat out of Clara’s expectations.

Broken Face Garo, Third Grade Peak, that is the most promising powerhouse for the Durnell Family to advance to Grade Grade. Even Crimson was besieged, especially the abominable Insect Adept Billy, who was unscrupulous and hit Garo at the expense of his own strength.

After Garo fled to the Durnell Family, Clara Sorceress personally examined the injury and even concluded that the other party’s source was damaged, and it is highly probable that eternal life would not advance to Fourth Grade.

This kind of blow is undoubtedly huge for the Durnell Family, and it is impossible to make up for more resources and territories!

But immediately, Third Grade Blood Elf shapeshifter Spara died in Black Rose Manor… This news not only did not make Clara Sorceress feel comfortable, but felt the pleasure of revenge, but instead gave birth to a chill from the bottom of the heart.

The war… seems to be out of control!

The sudden exit of the two Third Grades seemed to open a terrifying Pandora’s Box, the war began to escalate, and the situation was not under the control of Clara Sorceress. Even if she is willing to stop the war at this moment, the war will be burned to the Durnell Family territory with the help of hatred.

This is the most headache and fear for her!

So after hearing the news of Crimson Third Grade’s death, Clara Sorceress felt for the first time that she had a remorse for her rashly launching the war.

Maybe… myself… really wrong!

The death of Spara quickly returned to the Crimson territory, and the high rank of the family exploded immediately. In particular, the vampire group is even more arrogant, angry, and can’t wait to immediately rush to the battlefield and the Marilyn Mona.

Inside the City Lord Mansion.

Mary was wearing a red-clothed armor, sitting on the high back chair at the end of the hall. She looked cold and severe, and her eyes were condensed. The corners of her eyebrows were all covered in a layer of Moring’s killing intent.

As the only Blood Lord, she is the master of all Blood Adept, and the co-owner of all vampire. Now, one of her direct men is actually in the hands of the enemy, which is a huge challenge and humiliation for her entire vampire group, for her Mary.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for Grim, she couldn’t easily step on the battlefield as the Cirson family’s registered Fourth Grade Blood Adept. I’m afraid that Mary had already razed the Black Rose Manor with a lot of vampire.

After so much effort and sacrifice, I finally became the Fourth Grade Adept, but I can no longer be unscrupulous as before. This is undoubtedly a great torture for Mary, who has always acted before thinking.

So in front of the vampires who were near the bottom of the nest, Mary finally stood up and screamed and screamed.

“What are you calling here… There is Strength and ability to get the slut back to me! No matter who lives, who brought me back to the Marilyn Mona, the maiden immediately approved her to advance to Fourth Grade…”

To be honest, the vampires present were so fierce, but they all looked at Mary with a squint, just waiting for her.

When Mary said this, the entire City Lord hall immediately boiled.

Bang bang bang ……

The red fog blew and the bats flew.

All vampire moments swarmed out of the hall, circling slightly over the cold mountain city, just like a huge red cloud flying towards the southwest.

On this way, they called friends, recruited, and high rank vampire called for more low rank vampire, and then took the Blood Slave troops that they pulled up.

This piece of red cloud rushed into the sky and continued to expand and expand. After flying out of the cold mountain city range, Great Accomplishment has expanded a vast army of pure Vampire Bats, and rushed to the distance without returning.

Unknowingly, the Vampire Group of the Crimson family has grown into a huge group that is fearful!

In addition to 50 li in the distance of Lengshan City, it is the forward base of the Durnell Family troops.

At this moment, there are several Third Grade Durnell Family Adept gathered in the tent to discuss the current military situation. However, before they negotiated the results, several pale family Adept suddenly came in.

“Adults…Adults…not good! Outside…outside…the enemy is coming up…”

Upon hearing this, several Third Grade Adepts had a stiff face and rushed out of the tent.

Sure enough, when they blessed Hawkeye, or saw the huge red clouds that rushed out of the cold mountain city with the eyes of the distant Witchcraft, even the Third Grade Advanced Level Sorcerer headed up was dizzy.

Vampire …… all vampire!

And look at this situation, look at this scale, it should be the Crimire family’s vampire all out! I don’t know that Mary of Fourth Grade is not in this group of vampire…

I thought that it was very likely that I would soon encounter a Fourth Grade vampire Adept. Several Third Grade Durnell Family Adepts couldn’t help but swallow their throats and felt a bit dry.

“Prepare for war… Prepare for battle…” The first Sorcerer has a dark green robes, brown skin, thin cheeks, a wolf helmet, and a tough body. See this scene, pull out the short blade at the waist and shout shouted: “All Adept The troops immediately stopped their rest and went out to prepare for the battle! Everyone, you also rushed back to your own team and must block the impact of the enemy.”

“If… I mean if… there is the Mary in the enemy team, I will allow you to leave the battle early. Remember, if the team is broken, the next meeting is…”

It is a pity that the vampire army that played this time was flying too fast, leaving them with too short and short preparation time.

Just as everyone’s Third Grade Adept rushed back to their Commander’s Adept troops, the huge red clouds deflected slightly, passing by the side of their forwards and continuing to fly in a direction southwest. .

All of the Durnell Family Adept each and everyone clasped the Magic wand or the Sorcerer Staff, and they all came out of the water. Who knows that this vampire army is just passing by.

They looked at each and everyone with a dull look at the vampire army from the distant sky, and disappeared out of sight again, completely unaware of how they should react.

Is chasing, or continue to wait, or disband to rest…

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