Chapter 0992

This is a huge wooden boat.

But unlike other wooden boats, it does not sail in the river, but slowly floats in the air.

The tall mast, the appearance of the gold and jade in glorious splendour, and the pointed horns in front give it a singular look that is graceful, splendorous and majestic. The most prominent position on the side of the hull is branded with a striking Fabris family badge.

On the land in the direction of the front, back, left and right, it can be seen that the neat team is slowly moving forward with the wooden boat as the center.

Cabin, in a secret room.

The seven Adepts were whispering in front of a pair of Witchcraft sandboxes.

The Witchcraft sand table displays the topography and landmarks of the entire Alvis area. The entire area near the southwest has become green, and the rest of the area is either red or green or yellow.

Green indicates land that has been occupied or has been returned, yellow indicates that it still belongs to the territory of the Crimson family, and red indicates the territory in the fierce battle…

Seven Third Grade Adept whispered, every time a decision was made, a three-dimensional model of the pieces picked up from the table and placed somewhere in the sand table. On top of the pieces, there are flashing Witchcraft marks of different colors and shapes.

Whenever there is any change in the sand table, there will be a special person next to record the family’s high-level decision and pass it outside. When the order is conveyed to the specific Adept and the team, a group of people gathered around the wooden boat will take the task straight to the distance.

Of course, every time, there will be teams returning to complete the task.

In this way, the pieces available at the Witchcraft sand table are always in a dynamic state!

However, as the secret room was busy, a few light sounds were heard from the Witchcraft sand table, and several pieces placed on it suddenly burst. On the surface of the piece, there was a crack in the densely packed, and then the Witchcraft imprint on the surface was completely dimmed after several times.

And this usually indicates the family’s Adept death!

If this happens only in one or two places that are not important, the seven high rank Adepts present will not care. After all, it is impossible to have a casualty in the Adept Family war.

However, at the same time, the five missions failed at the same time, Adept death, this…we should not pay attention to them!

Uma in the seven high rank Adept swept away and couldn’t help but whisper.

Four of the five mission failures were tasks that he personally arranged. It is no wonder that he is going to be irritated and feels that he can’t stand on his face.

Closer look, the Cold Wind Collar, Silver Spring Mine, Savia Castle, Ilgar Stone Tower, and Arxton City are all secular territories or resource points outside the core circle of the Crimson family. It stands to reason that in the intelligence survey conducted by the Fabris family Early Stage, the team sent by each mission point must be several times stronger than the other party. The probability of losing the hand should not be so big.

Uma believes in picking up the broken pieces placed in the Savia Castle and immediately discerning their identity from the extinguished Witchcraft brand. With the authority of the core Adept, he also quickly connected to the frequency of this Adept team’s Spirit.

“I am Uma Adept at the headquarters, is there anyone else in the crystal spear squad?”


The same Spirit whispered, and it was a lot of time to get a response.

“Uma, fast… come… save… we…”

The message that came back from the Spirit frequency was Apprentice Adept, but he seemed to be in high-speed running, and the messages sent back and forth were intermittent and accompanied by strong interference.

“I don’t care who you are, hurry up, what happened to you? Why did the mission fail?”

“Yes… Insect Adept… is… ah…”

The Apprentice Adept discourse screamed only halfway, since the last connection was lost.

Insect Adept… The core of the Crimson family, Second Grade Insect Adept Billy?

Uma’s brow was immediately twisted together.

If it is this guy, the terrorist follow-up task will be somewhat difficult.

Since the accident occurred in the War Zone of Uma, the rest of the Third Grade Adept will only be ignored if it is seen. Only Linus Adept, who is closer to Uma, couldn’t help but quietly sound transmission: “How, need help?”

Uma’s face was lightly rejected.

It was only a low-intensity battle on the periphery of the family. As an old-fashioned Third Grade Adept of the Fabre family, he used enough Adept under his hand, and he could not go to other Third Grade Adept for help. Otherwise, once leaked out, it will provoke other Third Grade Adept ridicule.

“How is your situation?” Uma couldn’t help but ask.

In the five missions that failed, the Stone Tower in Ilgara was the War Zone of Linus Adept, so he would have this question.

“There was a Second Grade blood dragon there, and the guy who went to my Sect was killed… I was thinking of ways to encircle it!” After the reason, Linus Adept’s face was angry: “What about you?”

Uma put down the rest of the broken pieces, and almost gloomy can squeeze out the ink.

“Damn, Insect Adept, Dragon-Human, and the goblin… The core of the Crimson family, Second Grade, is on my side…” It’s no wonder that he wants to be so resentful, such a vast and huge family battlefield, the core strength of the other side. It turned out that he was running into his War Zone, and it was hard to swallow.

“Insect Adept Billy? You are careful, this guy is very difficult. Ordinary Second Grade Adept can’t compete with his Insect Army. It’s easy for you and Third Grade to beat him, but it’s a bit difficult to kill him… …” Hearing the answer from Uma, even Linus, who was still in anger, couldn’t help but secretly celebrate.

Dealing with Insect Adept, the ability to clone countless guys, or find a soul Adept to deal with him is right. With Soul Adept’s in-depth knowledge of Soul Lock, finding Billy’s true soul from the Insect Army, this is a critical strike, so he has no chance to escape.

However, Uma’s hand does not have Second Grade’s soul Adept, so hesitantly and again, can only whisper to other ‘partners’ for help.

Borrowing a Second Grade soul Adept from another Third Grade Adept, and pairing with one of his own Second Grade Elemental Adept, it is also targeted in two-on-one, with a prejudice rate of 80%.

Thus, in the 67 seconds after the last mission failure, Uma placed a new piece in the position of the Savia Castle, and a series of fine and subtle commands were passed out layer by layer.


Savia Castle.

The once secluded and beautiful castle has disappeared.

From the collapsed city wall to the devastated Castle Host’s Body, you can see the twisted bodies lying in the pool of blood everywhere. Some are the original guards of the castle, some are Adept guards in black armor, and some are Apprentice Adept in grey robes…

Their causes of death are different, but at the moment they have become a place for the hatching of strange beetles.

All the corpses of the corpse are raised high, and the skin of the epidermis is thinned like a piece of paper, and almost a blood solution of red sputum is visible inside. When the blood is turned over, you can see some intensive nest eggs like nests.

In the looming, you can still hear some strange and strange sounds!

Bang bang bang ……

As the hatching ended, each and everyone’s bloody abdomen began to burst, and the scarlet and sticky blood flowed to the ground, and a large number of black larvae were drilled from the inside.

These black larvae only have the size of a fingernail, tremble the body, smash the sticky flesh and blood and the blood stains on the body, open the hard plate of metallic color, and explore a long and short pair of strange coleoptera from the inside. Then he flew up in a strange noise.

For a time, the black beetle rising above the ground was too dense, and a huge black smoke group formed on the ruins of the castle.

As the invisible Spirit shock wave came out of the castle, this huge black smoke group was divided into two parts. Some of them flew into the castle and hid in the damp corners of Darkness. Some of them fell to the ground and turned into vanish in a flash. Without trace.

After doing all this, Insect Adept Billy did not stay in the castle, leaving with his own guards, 7 Head Second Grade Ripper and 30 Head First Grade Magicked.

As for the Insect Army that hatched in the castle, Billy didn’t mean to take them away, but let them lurk inside the castle. Before leaving, the last order Billy gave them was to annihilate all the creatures that broke into the castle.

Presumably, the walking dogs of the Fabres family will definitely send people to check the situation here, then the Insect Army will entertain them.

However, Insect Adept Billy had just left the castle for less than a quarter of an hour, and the Insect Army where he stayed was touched.

Perceived the large group of Spirit nodes that were quickly extinguished inside and outside 3, Billy paused and looked back at the distant battlefield.

There are only two people in the two, one male and one female, all of whom are powerful Fabre family Adept.

Among them, male Adept is a plane with cold and severe, and the brow is condensed with the faint frost attribute ice attribute Adept. Billy’s Insect Army is so fast that it is thanks to the Elemental-type Adept. Another female, Adept, is graceful and eye-catching, and a pair of eye-catching eyes with powerful Spirit can’t be seen.

Originally Billy was still scrutinizing and looking at the two Adepts with the eyes of the insects, but when his gaze collided with the female Adept, even though three miles away, Billy couldn’t help but sting. A burst of dizziness.

Even more terrifying, the female Adept seems to have directly locked Billy’s soul through the dual purpose, and coldly yelled at him: “You can’t escape!”

Immediately, Billy’s contact with the distant worm’s Spirit was interrupted!

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