Age of Adepts

Chapter 0777

With the appearance of the Adept family Adept, the battlefield situation has just become a little bit of consolidation.

The Flame Throne Magic Tower, which has been slowly hoarding strength, has no way to sprinkle a dazzling red glow, and has begun to give the Crimson Adept and Magical Machine Legion battles on the battlefield a large area of ​​flame protection. This is followed by a long-lived Meteor Fiery Rain.

On the ceiling of the lava hall up to the thirty meters, a large area of ​​fire clouds suddenly gathered, and there was a fiery flame and a bubble in the inside, and the dark red piece of the whole space was like a sinister sin.

Alliance Adept, who was in the siege team, didn’t see the situation well, and immediately applied the method to exit the frontline battlefield. As a discard, the noble army and the servant army who will exhaust 4000 are thrown onto the battlefield.

All human warriors looked up in horror and looked at the huge red clouds rolling over the top of the head. As the Magic Tower’s flame energy was injected, the red cloud became bigger and bigger, and the densely packed inside was filled with watermelon-sized hot foam.

Under the pressure of the powerful fire elemental aura, everyone feels that breathing is difficult. It is not the cool and icy air that sucks into the chest, but a heat wave that burns people’s heart and lungs.

“Run fast…”

“We can’t wait here to die…”

With the crazy gathering of the Fire Element, the battlefield was stunned by the bloody slaughter and the stunned warriors each and everyone fled. Even the horses they had left lost control, did not listen to the command, blindly chaotic, and biting each other and colliding with each other.

The entire battlefield immediately fell into a world of panic-like panic!

However, the secular army of the Alliance has not yet withdrawn from the cloud, and a burst of thunder is transmitted from the clouds. As some of the foam in the clouds ruptured, a hot flame stream dribbled from the sky with an inexhaustible Fire Element bubble, and while falling, it poured a red flame toward all directions.

If the bubble falls on the floor, it will burst into a turbulent ring of fire and bring everything inside the ten meters into the terrifying golden flame. The bubble that bursts in the air is like a beautiful fireworks, which fills the sky with burning fire.

All the people and things engulfed by the flames will instantly become a black smoke and disappear completely from the human world. The only evidence that proved to have existed was the little ash that remained on the blackened floor.

This is the Meteor Fiery Rain that Flame Throne Magic Tower has intensified to combat the enemy. From the magic strength of this Witchcraft to the magic envelope, it is as good as the superposition of 7 Second Grade fire and rain meteors.

The mortal who stayed within the Witchcraft range did not survive at all. Even the First Grade Adept, if not dodged in time, and hit by more than 3 pulp, there is a great chance of dying.

So, when this super Meteor Fiery Rain came out, the nearly half of the lava hall became a tumultuous fire sea. Most of the noble armies of the Andorra Family and the Senas family, as well as those of the servants, were wiped out in an instant, and even the First Grade Adept instantly took the 3 name.

The Second Grade Alliance Adept trapped in the fire sea, under the containment of Mary and the others, fled.

This super Meteor Fiery Rain is powerful, but there is still a shortage of it to kill a Second Grade Adept.

For a time, the alliance Adept and the nobility in the fire sea struggled to escape. As soon as I stepped out of the edge of the fire sea, I fell to the ground with exhaustion and couldn’t climb anymore.

The terrifying of Magic Tower, they are thoroughly understood at this moment!

Just a random shot, it directly destroyed the aristocratic army of the 3000 people on the Alliance side, and expelled Adept from Andorra and Senas to the entrance of the Lava Hall.

It stands to reason that the Alliance side has suffered such a terrible attack, and those alliances Adept should feel frustrated and angry. However, from the faces of several high-level coalitions, everyone saw a smile.

“Sure enough, a group of unsettled guys!” Yurgarson smiled coldly: “With the expensive Witchcraft energy like this treasure to deal with a group of mortal troops without any attack power, they are really willing…”

“Yeah…” The old vampire, also accompanying him, also said with a sneer: “This Witchcraft energy is more than enough to kill a Second Grade Adept if it is used well. They are used to clean up some miscellaneous soldiers. …hehe, it seems that I can find ways to continue to tease them!”

Several Second Grade Adepts were also nodded, and they were not happy with the expression.

Everyone is a character who has been mingling in Magic Tower all the year round. How much flame energy does the Super Witchcraft need to consume? Although they can’t get a certain number, they can guess the eight*9.

If Crimson Adept managed to lure the Alliance Adept to the Magic Tower and then hit this thunderbolt, I am afraid most of the Second Grade Adept couldn’t hold such a terrible attack. But now, the Adepts of the Crimson family have wasted such horrible attacks on mortals, which means that the security of the Alliance Adept is one more point.

As long as such a scene appears two or three times, the small-type Magic Tower will not be able to retain much energy reserves!

If the energy reserve between Magic Tower’s energy is exhausted and you want to rely on the loss of Magic Crystal to support the operation of Magic Tower, it is an astronomical figure that even Adept can’t easily imagine. The Magic Crystal reserve, which was created by the Crimson family for less than a decade, is such an extravagant act that they will not last long.

The war has been going on for so long, and the Alliance Adept rarely comes close to Magic Tower. One of the main reasons is the fear of Magic Tower’s counterattack. Even with the Third Grade Adept such as Jurga and Heines, once the Crimson family’s Adept stalked under the Magic Tower and then attacked with Magic Tower’s strength, there was a great probability of falling.

Adept are all extremely cherished for their lives, and are not willing to easily get involved in such a danger that can endanger their lives. So after breaking the link between the Flame Throne Magic Tower and the underground lava sea, a large number of aristocratic private troops were dispatched to consume the remaining Witchcraft strength of Magic Tower.

Only by consuming most of the energy loss between the Magic Tower energy, these high rank Adepts are willing to embark on the battlefield and try to capture the small-type Magic Tower.

Without the blessing and protection of Magic Tower, the Crimson family could not be the opponent of the five coalition forces. When they blocked all their escapes, the five coalition forces, in spite of a large amount of resources and materials, could take the opportunity to seize the World coordinates of the two secondary planes controlled by the Crimson family.

It is said that one of them is the Giant Dragon Plane of the resource fat, which has a large number of Giant Dragons that can be looted, and an endless indigenous slave that can be enslaved. This is actually the deepest reason why the five coalition forces can unite.

Otherwise, everyone is desperate to lose so many mortal territory army, just for a small-type Magic Tower, such a stupid thing is no one wants to do.

The fire sea in the lava hall did not fade so quickly, and the alliance side quickly adjusted.

The Andorra Family, who suffered heavy losses, took down and rested, and the Senas family re-selected a thousand people. When the fire sea went out, they quickly went up and tried to hit the Magic Tower, forcing the other to use Magic Tower again. Defense strength.

Under the Flame Throne Magic Tower, the Crimson family also began some minor adjustments.

All the archer Magical Machine no longer tops the Magic Tower, but the formation retreats and brings the Magic Tower front. Those attackers who want to attack the archer Magical Machine can only cross the Magic Tower to hit the Magical Machine Legion’s shooting line. Otherwise, they can only attack the Magic Tower with the bullet rain of the archer Magical Machine.

In this way, it forced the Alliance Adept to step into the Magic Tower’s attack range.

This, in turn, gave the Crimson family Adept a strong counterattack.

Both sides are calculating the chips in their hands, desperately plot against how to offset the strength of the other side, and a deadly fight that killed you and died again in a quarter of an hour!

The battle in the lava hall was hot and bloody.

A group of human warriors rushed to the battlefield, and then fell on the road of the charge. Their bodies were broken and twisted, and they piled up into pieces of small-type corpse. The new batch of soldiers stepped on the rugged and corpse road, holding the shield high, and silently and numbly continued to charge forward.

There is no roaring roar, no roar of courage, all the soldiers seem to have foreseen their fate in advance, but under the pressure of Adept and the nobility, they are eager to move forward.

The Magical Machine behind the Magic Tower has been reduced from the original 53 stage to the current 22 stage, and the Alliance side has buried the 5 Thousands under the Magic Tower. It is already the sixth batch of launching the charge now!

Since the beginning of the war, the 3 aristocratic private army and the servant army brought by the Alliance Adept have killed 1ten thousand taels thousands of people, and the first Grade Adept of each family has lost more than 17.

As for the Crimson family, except for the Magical Machine damage, it is almost unscathed!

However, the top leaders of both sides are aware of the fact that the Crimson family’s injuries are no less than the alliance side.

After all, the energy inside Magic Tower is the lifeline of the Crimson family! Now, this energy line has fallen to 57%, an extremely dangerous scale for Magic Tower.

Once Magic Tower’s energy reserve could not pose a threat to Third Grade Adept, it was the moment when two long-standing Third Grade Adept shots were unscrupulous. With the Crimson family’s fighting power reserves, even under the magic tower’s blessing and protection, it is difficult to compete with so many alliances Adept.

The reason why the alliance Adept is still so tolerant is to wait for the moment when the Crimson family is running out.

When the Magic Tower gate was broken, it was the moment when the Alliance Adept broke out!

And as the war continues, this time is slowly approaching…

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