Chapter 0665

The generation of The power of Faith is very strange, and the existence of faith is even more elusive.

Because of the opposition to Gods all the year round, there are also many wonders in Adept that have been studied by Gods. Through careful and comprehensive experiments, they have initially explored the ways in which Gods believers and Reved God communicated. It seems that all this is related to a brain domain node called the belief channel.

After the ordinary creature becomes a Gods believer, the soul will be left with a strange imprint by Revered God. This branding is like a magical magic switch. As long as the believer is in a devout prayer state, a small but stable Spirit channel can be established between the believer and Revered God to complete the transfer of The power of Faith.

Of course, this channel of faith is also two-way.

When the believer devours the soul devoutly, his body and mind, everything in his soul will be unmasked in front of Revered God. Only for the thoughts and secrets of ordinary creatures, Revered God has no interest in understanding and exploring!

Through a lot of experiments and research, Adept found that as long as they can try to close the Branch Brain domain of Gods believers and break the channel communication node between him and her, then it is only necessary to induce and deceive a believer to convert. “It’s ok.”

Only this method and method of closing the local brain domain is also testing the strength of Adept.

If the closed area is slightly biased, the intelligence and thinking ability of the spell recipient will be greatly damaged, even if the closure is successful, it will become an idiot. Where the blocked area is located in the brain, and the size of the area is appropriate, these may vary from person to person and vary from god to god, so you can only slowly explore and try.

Mary certainly can’t master such high rank Witchcraft knowledge, and it’s impossible to have such a superb Witchcraft method. So when she tried to get a Second Grade female elf, it was more about relying on the vampire’s racial abilities.

In the previous experiments, some of the high rank elves were transformed into Blood Elf by her mistake. Unfortunately, today the female elf Captain is destined to let her return without success.

I don’t know if her Spiritual Force is particularly tenacious, or because her beliefs are particularly pious. In short, Mary’s is in the midst of a rush, and bloody is about to cover the channel node perfectly. There was a wave of ripples.

This wave of waves was very slight and very weak, and it was completely blocked by the densely entangled blood in almost a moment. But it invisibly alerted a strange existence far beyond a few thousand li.

Silsa Divine Sense Incarnation, who is whispering in the Moonlight Shrine and Mi Wei Goddess, suddenly stunned and silently turned to look southwest and look around.

“Silsa elder sister, what’s wrong with you?” Mi Wei Goddess asked puzzledly.

Hesitating for a moment, Silsa’s perfect delicate and pretty face showed a hint of anger.

“At the moment, there is a person high rank. The believer and I have broken the channel connection…”

Silsa said it was easy and vague, and it was replaced by other mortals, and might not even understand the implications. But now in front of Silsa is not someone else, but Moonlight Goddess Mi Wei, who is also the wizard of Revered God, and she immediately grasped several key points in Silsa’s discourse.

High rank believer… the channel is broken…

An elf chooses to believe in a certain Revered God, and with some *sacred prayer ceremony, Revered God can smoothly leave a special mark on his soul. Many believers who have been favored and cared for by Revered God can even reveal this branding and become an extremely striking mark.

And the guy with the holy mark means that there is a person Revered God who is constantly paying attention to him (her)!

In the Divine Spell Caster system, even those God’s Envoy can’t show the stigma, and only the goddess Goddess, which is more favored and cared for, is likely to have it.

Once this kind of god brand is branded, there are only two ways to erase it.

One is the believer death, and the other is the believer’s conversion.

But two of these possibilities are rare in Jia Lan Continent.

Let me talk about the change.

A forest elf completely abandoned the belief in God of Elves Silsa and converted to another Revered God. This is almost impossible in Jia Lan Continent. Even God’s Envoy of Moonlight Goddess Mi Wei, while fascinating with Mi Wei, keeps a shallow faith in Silsa God Lord.

This is almost an unwritten death rule of the elf god!

No one, no Revered God, dare to touch this one.

So the change of trust is simply impossible.

Then there is only one possibility of believer death.

Even if the high rank believer really has a death, then the Revered God brand should be broken down directly, instead of ‘breaking’ as Silsa said! Doesn’t this mean that the belief node still exists, but Silsa can no longer communicate to the believer by virtue of the belief node.

Such a thing, any Reved God is intolerable!

So Silsa eyes closed, and the face was finally unable to cover up.

I don’t know when, the same situation has occurred in 27 faith nodes.

However, when this happened, Silsa’s body was above the high Divine Country, and it was difficult to see through the plane barriers.

Although God is omnipotent, it is not omnipotent!

For those who are concerned about it, Revered God can naturally see what is happening in the other person. For tens of millions of general communicators, only when he or she came to Shrine or the altar and prayed to Revered God piously, Revered God could make a slight moment of attention.

Of course, this also requires him (her) to be able to make some interest in Revered God, worthy of our bets! Otherwise, even the most diligent Revered God is not interested in paying attention to an ant, no, what a lamb thinks.

But under this kind of light, Silsa was shocked to discover that his 27 believer, no, 28 name, inexplicably lost contact with his faith. And Silsa can be abnormally affirmed, the other party is not at all death.

Fortunately, I have lowered a divine sense because of the previous murder of believers, otherwise the believer’s ‘stealing’ may take a long time to be detected and discovered.

So Silsa without the slightest hesitation, Mi Wei, a nodded, turned back and returned to his Main Shrine.

Here, with the huge power of the power of Faith, which has been condensed for thousands of years, Silsa is able to exert its own divine sense perception power more efficiently.

With such a perception, Silsa is instantly angry!

Near the Elven City, called Sky Water City on the west coast of Jia Lan Continent, there was a lot of believer death. Perceiving each and everyone’s disappearing belief nodes, Silsa Goddess has completely gone!

No need to drink, just need single thought head, this God of Elves Main Shrine immediately blooms bright and shining God Holy Light. From a distance, the Main Shrine is like a layer of golden light, a golden and beautiful holy beauty.

In the Shrine area, no matter how far or near, all the elves who witnessed this scene could not help but stumble on the spot. The sincere thoughts evoked the praises and eulogy of the tribute God Lord Silsa.

Only Shrine Priest of Silsa sensed the anomaly in this golden light and rushed to the Main Shrine, crouching in front of the huge Goddess statue.

Sky Water City…The elf believers were slaughtered…

In the face of the oracle that Silsa God Lord lowered, several Shrine Priest look at each other in dismay.

Since ancient times, the genie God Lord Silsa has never given such a clear oracle to a single local defense. In the looming, several Shrine Priest can feel the wrath of the gods from the cold and harsh tone of Silsa.

Dare to hesitate, several Shrine Priest rushed out of Shrine and ran to contact the high rank believers in Sky Water City.

Although they have a powerful terrifying power, but in the face of a massacre that occurred outside a few thousand li, it is beyond the reach of the heart. The only thing they can do is inform the Sky Water City’s Elf Guards by this message, inform the high rank believers in the neighborhood, and let them become the vengeful messengers of Goddess, killing all the evil spirits who angered Reved God!

It is a pity that the Goth Lord Silsa’s four God’s Envoy, two on the front line of the South Coast, one stationed in Farn continent, one guarded on the side of the Elf Queen, can not easily move. Therefore, several Shrine Priest can only get in touch with the Shrine altar and those places Priest, and find ways to recruit high rank believers who have great strength.

But don’t tell me, after some crazy wrangling and quarrels, they really found the most suitable object.

Lance of Vengeance Aigaye !

This is a rare Elf female warrior who is able to advance to the ‘Lance of Vengeance’ profession in Elven Kingdom.

In the impression of everyone, elf women are always soft and weak. Although it can’t be said that it is weak and can’t help but compare with other ethnic women, it is still somewhat soft and delicate, giving people a strange feeling that they will be broken when touched a little.

The Lance of Vengeance Aigaye, as a female elf, has no vulgarity and exquisiteness of the ordinary female elf, but gives a rough and awkward resemblance to a man.

Her appearance is not ugly, nor can it be ugly.

However, her dressing is very different from that of the average female elf. It is the wild temperament of Amazon women. A hollow black leather armor, plus a sweat-soaked band, is her full dress.

No earrings and pendant, no necklaces and headbands, no bracelets and flowers… In short, she doesn’t like all the things that elf women like, dressed like an Amazon female warrior, with her most beloved wherever she goes. Javelin.

Yes, the weapon she likes is not the elf longbow, nor the elf long sword, nor the elf sword, but a javelin full of sorrow.

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