Age of Adepts

Chapter 0542

Among the snow-capped mountains, a group of black silhouettes are running fast.

Just over a low hill, a member of the shadow suddenly stopped and screamed in surprise.

“There is a movement!”

In her dark, skinny, right-handed right hand, a silver-gray metal ball is flashing.


Another tall black shadow smashed the black-robed body, revealing Sophia’s thick and solid body, holding a thick ebony rod in his hand, standing like a fierce scorpion on the side of the drug lord Endor. .

Mary’s wide batwings were on display, and the whole body slowly floated in the air, and immediately the surrounding scenes were all in sight. Insect Adept Billy throws Tigula out and puts it in a half-meter deep snow pile, and he himself instantly incarnations a squeaking black mist, encircling a thin ring to put Sophia and The Endor is protected on the inside.

As for the thirteen scorpion, it is not able to swim in the underground, and explore the possible enemies around…

And just after the Adepts made everything, the metal ball suddenly brightened, and the strong white light was mixed with the dazzling red glow, which made it difficult for people to look straight.

As the space in the Void fluctuated, two men and one woman, Adept, came out from the air. At the same time they appeared, a huge and indescribable wave of energy was transmitted together.


After a terrifying bang, everyone guarding the side of Endor was swept out by the explosion. Insect Adept Billy didn’t look at it for a while, but even outside the 100 meters, it was covered in dirt.

However, just as Adept just climbed from the ground and prepared to ask how the results were, a louder, more horrific bang suddenly echoed between the heavens and the earth.

Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, heaven and earth flip!

This world is going to be destroyed…

Almost every Adept’s heart can’t help but float a similar thought.

In their sights, the Iron and Steel Metropolis, far from 20 li, suddenly rose into huge soot and mud. The violent Void energy penetrated into every corner of Iron and Steel Metropolis, every inch of space, and then fiercely confronted with the Plane Principle, madly annihilating each other…

This has also led to the intersection of Void Energy and the Plane Principle, which directly affects the surface architecture of the Iron and Steel Metropolis, as well as the city’s Host’s Body, which is hidden in the mountainside.

The annihilation of energy between each other almost occurred in every corner of the steel city. A series of explosions made the whole mountain become crumbling and falling apart.

The boulder fell and the rock peak collapsed.

The stone statues of the Goblin sages towering in front of the Iron and Steel Metropolis are also like the broken world. They have broken and collapsed, and huge gravel has turned over.

Because of the previous eternal birth, the hundreds of thousands of goblins in the Iron and Steel Metropolis have long been slaughtered, so they no longer have to endure the second pain.

In the whole natural disaster-like big bang, there is no shortage of the weak and sorrowful silhouette of the weak and the sorrowful!

A huge mountain range stretching the severe dozen li seemed to evacuate the inner bracket and collapsed. Splashes of dust and snow powder mixed with thousands of debris have not yet flown into the sky, and the strong Void energy transmitted by the mountain’s belly has eroded into tiny particles that are indistinguishable by the naked eye.

Then, with a world-shaking horror explosion, all tiny particles with intense energy radiation were wrapped in strong kinetic energy and directed toward all directions.

For a time, the entire sky became dark red.

Among them, there are more than a thousand different light bands that cut through the sky.

The Iron and Steel Metropolis has ceased to exist, and as the mountains collapsed, the once tall and magnificent metal buildings sank into the mountainside. When the 1000 meters sloping down, the last trace was buried in the gravel and mud of nearly 100 meters.

As for the snow that once existed on the mountain, it has already been vaporized into violent water vapor by violent energy, and even a partial rain has started.

In the face of the horrific natural disaster, Adept, who is still in the range of energy explosion, immediately took the fastest speed to fly to the periphery.

Grim exhausted all the energy in the ground, and it was all held by Mary to hold the ground and fly fast against the forest. Alice was also stunned by the huge energy ripples, leaning weakly against Endor’s body and riding across the sky broom. The violent Sorceress Sophia ran wildly on the ground, and under the sprint, the speed was not as slow as the people in the sky.

Tigula doesn’t have this ability, it can only be wrapped in Insect Adept Billy, turning into a black smoke and quickly moving through the ground. Only every half minute, the black smoke will be drilled once to give Tigula a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, the road of nearly a hundred miles will come down, I am afraid that Tigula has already died in the ground.

They fled all the way and the mountain collapsed along the way.

I saw a sinuous mountain collapse behind me and fell into the bottomless crypt. A huge dust column wrapped around thousands of pieces of wood debris chased behind the Adept.

Until a hundred miles away, the terrifying energy wave was exhausted and the speed slowed down.

The Adept also took the opportunity to find a lonely peak, stopped to take a break, and quietly watched the gray waves drowning the land and jungle at the foot of the mountain, all the way forward.

In a twinkling of an eye, the mountain where they are located has become an island in the gray ocean, and everything around it is shrouded in energy dust that is difficult to see through.

This is not ordinary dust, but the energy dust formed by the combination of Void energy and Planar World, with terrible energy radiation. Ordinary creature traps in this dust, even if not killed, they are directly killed by high radiation.

So looking at it, there is no longer any living thing in the world surrounded by the gray ocean. Whether it is the mighty jungle wild beast or the terrifying flying raptor, it is impossible to escape the damage of energy radiation dust.

Above the sky, a few birds that escaped from the depth of the mountain range screamed and screamed.

Unfortunately, under them, terrifying gray dust is everywhere, and these things are a bit unbearable.

The rapid flight in a short period of time also made some of the weaker members of the Constitution unable to support, but instead flew lower and lower. When their bodies touched the floating radiation of energy, the birds immediately screamed terrifying.

The terrifying radiation causes their flesh and blood to wither, the bones are eroded, and the beautiful and beautiful feathers on the body lose their luster at the speed visible by the naked eye. The large skin and flesh are peeling off the body like a suede, revealing the red flesh and internal organs below.

The birds that have been entangled in the radiation are no longer able to break free.

They flew lower and lower, and gradually fell into the gray ocean, sinking all the way to the sorrow, until there was no more sound.

In the face of such a situation, several Adept can not help but look dignified.

The periphery is still the same, the energy radiation in the core area of ​​the Big Bang will only be stronger and more terrifying!

This time the Big Bang in Iron and Steel Metropolis probably has a profound impact on the entire Goblin Plane.

It is no longer a paradise for goblins!


The tragedy that took place in Iron and Steel Metropolis quickly spread throughout Goblin Plane.

Within a thousand miles, there was a thick cloud of energy radiation, and no one who broke into it could turn around alive. Therefore, the goblins who came to the rescue in various places gathered in several surrounding cities in Goblin, waiting for the radiation cloud to subside.

How did this tragedy happen?

There are several different versions in the middle of goblin about this issue.

Among them, the most popular is of course the Adept invasion theory.

There is a description of goblin’s portrayal, the evil Adept from the alien plane invaded Goblin Plane, and the great Prince Gazlowe was forced to detonate the space furnace in order to save the world, and perished with the invaders. .

Of course, there are more chaotic versions.

For example, some goblin rumors that the evil Adept was invited by Gazlowe in order to unite Adept against the Goblin royal family. As a result, the three parties had a trip in the Iron and Steel Metropolis Melee, and the space furnace in the battle was affected by the big explosion that was unexpectedly triggered.

In addition to this version, there are twenty or thirty kinds of rumors spread together, almost every one is depicted as lifelike, if you see. But no matter how the version changes, the evil Adept is a big villain, and goblin finally wins, which is the ending that all versions have.

I have to say that at this moment, Goblin Plane, there is really a strange situation in which the dragons have no heads.

Although Gazlowe’s ‘venture investment company’ was known as the largest force of Goblin Plane, all the high-level and combat elites of this goblin force were transferred to Iron and Steel Metropolis to defend against Adept and Dragon-Human. Group of outsiders.

Now with the world-shaking big bang, everything has turned into fly ash, and the former ‘venture investment company’ has become a headless snake. Although they still have huge forces and considerable combat troops in the local area, the real high-rises have been wiped out by a net, so they are inevitably caught in the fire and merger of the local chaebol.

As for the goblin royal family, the most leading Vanessa Princess has been ‘dead’ in the Iron and Steel Metropolis. And her two younger brothers are underage, and they are also goblin with a lollipop, a big nose and a wooden horse playing a snoring game.

It is a joke to want them to stand up and lead the group of goblin empire that is in great chaos.

So War God Tigula, who was wounded with Vanessa’s body and fled back to the Goblin royal family, became the savior of the Goblin Empire. And with the six different plane Adept returned by Tigula, the goblin empire quickly fell into internal division.

Some goblin clamored for Adept to go to war and thought they had brought disaster to Goblin Plane. Some goblin have been scared by the Iron and Steel Metropolis tragedy and asked to negotiate with Adept. As long as Adept is willing to retain the original status of goblin, they are willing to treat Adept as a guest and let it be sought.

For a time, the goblins were in a hurry and fell into a heated self-argument!

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