After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 92: Konan’S Imagination Of The Parallel Ninja World! (Please Subscribe!)

Ninja World No. 1.

Inside the Hokage conference room.

Uchiha looked unwilling and couldn't help asking: "Do you really want to let One Tail go?"

Yuriya asked speechlessly: "Who is called One Tail Jinchūriki? He is Luo Shuo's transformed son. How can you still hold his son away from him?"

Yuraiya was speechless. Perhaps because he had been imprisoned for a long time, this old guy's way of thinking still stayed before the establishment of the empire.

What is important now is the great unity of all ethnic groups. Are you so blatantly engaging in Luo Shuo because you are afraid that others will not know that you are blatantly engaging in party strife?

Fortunately, this old guy is from the Miyu faction. If he were from the Tsunade faction, he would be in trouble.


Uchiha looked at Yuriya with some reluctance.

Finally, Uchiha said in an instant: "If we have two tailed beasts, we can let more young people come over to experience, whether it is Uchiha or...

"This makes no sense."

Yuriya shook his head, then looked at Kakadong and said: "No matter what people from other factions did in this world, his contribution cannot be as great as Kakadong and the others.

What we have to do now is not to compete for credit, but to bring more people into this world to share the cake.

After hearing this, Uchiha was still a little reluctant, but he was no longer so ready to act.

Except for the leader Kakadong, who has no faction, the other two members of the Pioneer Team are Uchiha's.

In other words, the function of Uchiha is already large enough, and the reason for this is not exaggerating.

The Origin of Human Sobriety also explained: "What we want to do is to assist the Empire to develop the world faster, instead of causing chaos to competitors, which will only deduct impression points from the Emperor."

Unlike Uchiha Setsuna, an old man who has not kept up with the times, as someone who has been with Qianyu from the beginning, Yuri also knows what Mikiha's bottom line is? He also knows what Qianyu cannot tolerate.

And the old man Uchiha obviously doesn't understand this.

"Zhihuo, I'll leave the escort mission to you." Yuriya looked at Zhihuo who was sitting at the end.

The name Zhihuo was also a bit surprising.

He didn't expect that Yuan would name him and ask him to complete this task.

Although he was a little surprised, Zhihuo still nodded.

There is also a reason why Zhihuo was asked to take on this task.

This girl is the Holy Mother alive. After the ninja clan of Konoha returns, maybe he will not be able to suppress them bloodyly.

At this time, sending the Holy Mother to Shayin Village can avoid unnecessary conflicts within the team.

The Shayin Village may have begun a bloody suppression of the opposition forces in the village. By then, the Holy Mother of Zhihuo has passed, and she may be able to cause trouble for Luo Shuo.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist.

Yuraiya's idea is very simple. If this Holy Mother really wants to disgust people, as long as she doesn't disgust herself, that's fine.

"Then what will happen to Sarutobi Hiruzen if I leave?" Zhihuo asked worriedly.

"Hokage encountered an enemy on his way back. Although I rescued him in time, he was still beaten to cerebral palsy by the enemy [What do you think of this excuse?" Yuraiya asked with a smile.

Zhihuo: "...~..."

very good, very powerful!

This excuse is indeed watertight.

As we all know, Sarutobi Hiruzen was originally mentally retarded. Is it normal for him to have cerebral palsy now?

After the meeting, Uchiha returned to Uchiha's clan alone.

Now in the huge Uchiha clan area, only an old man named Uchiha Wen is guarding it.

As for Uchiha Runtu?

He didn't like that kind of gloomy place, so he lived in Kakadong's house.

After taking over the three siblings from Kakadong, Zhenghuo embarked on the road to Shayin Village.

Ninja World No. 0, in the Imperial Conference Room.

A research project surrounding the flesh-and-blood ninja world is unfolding here.

Orochimaru: "Nara is indeed a genius. He has already collected a lot of information for us. Now we only need to confirm one thing, that is, if the Chakra puppet goes to the flesh and blood ninja world.

When the puppet returns with the items, will it bring that virus...let's call it a virus? Will it also bring that virus back? Can high temperature kill that virus?"

"I don't think it's a virus, it's more like a parasite," Beiliuhuduben retorted.

Yakushi said: "But no matter what, we must first determine the contagiousness of that thing. It is the source of disaster that can destroy the world. We can't be too careful."

Qianyu, who was sitting at the main table, frowned in thought, then suddenly interrupted: "Orocha Yao, Nara Deer Tuan and their souls have not returned to the Pure Land."

"This is impossible!" Bei Liuyu retorted almost instinctively.

The expressions of all the scientists present changed.

They had begun to study the soul a long time ago. After conquering the Pure Land, the empire's research on the soul reached an outrageous level.

When each soul is born, it will be marked with the mark of the land of birth. In the end, no matter where that life dies, even in another world, his soul will return to the Pure King of that world.

Unless something specifically blocks it.

But the problem is that the empire's soul catcher is connected to the pure land of this world.

In other words, the soul of Nara Shikdan should return to the Pure Land.

Orochimab analyzed: "Is there something wrong with the soul transmission inside the soul capture device?"

Qianyu said: "But we have to prepare for the worst, that is, the flesh and blood life has the means to imprison the soul."

Orochi Yao, who had a strong curiosity about the weakened life, took the initiative to ask Ying: "There is also a Horcrux [I can let him take the puppet to that world for research and rescue."

Before the Empire conquered the Pure Land, in order to achieve immortality, Orochi split his soul into six parts and made a Horcrux.

Later, the Pure Land belonged to the Empire, and there was no need for Horcruxes or anything else to exist.

Although Orochimab recovered most of the soul fragments, in order to commemorate the masterpiece of Horcrux, he still kept the original Horcrux.

"I will study the flesh and blood creature over there. If it is too contagious, then I will abandon the Horcrux and send the data back.

Moreover, Horcruxes are not flesh-and-blood beings. According to the guess of Nara Lutuan, I should have more time to study that mysterious flesh-and-blood life.

Bei Liuxu's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement: "This is a good idea."

"If something goes wrong, your soul will really be missing a corner." Qianyu reminded.

For those who cultivate immortality, the soul is actually quite important.

Orochi, who didn't have the slightest worry on his face, looked at Qianyu with feverish eyes.

"If you want to drag the empire forward, how can you not pay the price? Your Majesty, my intuition tells me! There is something we need in that world.

Flesh and blood is rich in natural energy. If we solve his infection problem, this will be the flesh and blood Ganoderma given to the empire by fate!"

The empire currently has three cultivation systems, but the only one that can truly achieve immortality is the immortal way.

Orochi Yao, who was not very talented in martial arts, had always wanted to enter the immortal world.

But it is a pity that his talent and understanding are too poor, coupled with the lack of natural energy, he has never had the opportunity to enter the immortal path.

But now that flesh and blood life gave him hope. What kind of world-destroying disaster, what kind of flesh and blood disaster?

In his eyes, that thing is the fleshy Ganoderma lucidum that can allow him to enter the path of immortality!

More importantly, if the "Meat Ganoderma" is real, it will be of great help to martial arts, and may even raise the upper limit of imperial martial arts again.

Qianyu took a deep look at Orochimaru.

Although the world and growth environment are different, Orochimab's pursuit has not changed. What he has always longed for is eternal life, and this desire has reached the point of pervert.

But Qianyu doesn't care. Again, as long as the value is high enough, he can tolerate minor problems because he can control them.

Qianyu made a decision directly: OK! You should know the dragon pulse frequency of Team No. 3. I will leave this matter to you. I will also send Mo Shen Nian to go to that world with your Horcrux. "

"Remember, rescuing the Nara Deer Group is the first priority." Qianyu warned worriedly.

Ninja World No. 1.

Zhihuo was targeted by the Akatsuki organization just after leaving Konoha. To be precise, One Tail was targeted by the Akatsuki organization.

"Uchiha is very powerful. He possesses the legendary Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, so for this final capture plan, I recommend sending at least four members to work together.

Black Zetsu suggested sincerely.

After listening to Black Zetsu's report, Pain nodded indifferently, and then asked: "Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, you two should be in the Land of Fire, right?"

Uchiha Itachi, who had already guessed what Pain wanted to say next, replied expressionlessly:

"We have just entered the Fire Country and are preparing to sneak into Konoha to capture Nine Tails."

"One Tail is also in the Land of Fire now. You go and capture One Tail first." After Payne finished speaking, he looked at the other two projections: "Scorpion, Deidara, you two also go together." There is no need to go to Sand Shinobi Village. ."


Although he wanted to go back to his hometown to visit, Xie didn't dare to refuse Payne.

Black Zetsu did not forget to remind: "The enemy is very strong, so you can act together after you meet up."

Deidara said nonchalantly: "Uchiha's Mangekyō? It doesn't matter! I'll let them see the shock of art!"

"A visitor from the parallel ninja world? It's a pity that it's the variant of Uchiha Shisui (good Nori). It would be nice if it was my variant, but Uchiha is also a good material." Xie sighed with some pity.

™Scorpion! Explosion is art! Those broken toys of yours have no art at all. "

"Eternal puppets are art. How can something fleeting be art?"

"You fart!"

Seeing the two people getting into a daily quarrel, Payne silently hung up the communication.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Konan couldn't help but sigh: "Visitors from the parallel ninja world don't know what Yahiko is like in the other world.

Nagato also nodded in sympathy and said with the same emotion:

"I hope Yahiko did not encounter war and betrayal in the other world, the powerful empire that unified the entire world [it was really ten crazy worlds, Yahiko should not be happy at that time, right? After all, he is such a kind person

Konan comforted: "After we collect Nine Tails and bring peace to the ninja world, we can threaten the empire to hand over Yahiko."

Nagato also joked: "I don't know what Xiaolan is like in another ninja world. Is she already married as a wife?"

Konan was not angry after being teased, and said wistfully: "If there were no wars, you might be saying a lot. "I hope I marry ten Yinghui who can make the world no longer have wars."


Looking at Konan whose eyes were full of longing, he hesitated to speak.

The tyrant who rules the evil empire seems to meet your standards...

Nagato muttered in his mind. .

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