After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 189: The Thought That Makes White Fang Afraid! (Please Subscribe!)

Hatake Sakumo: "???"

Are you kidding me? Sarutobi Asuma is the character of Second Generation. Even if his brain is caught in the door, he can't betray Konoha, right?

Throughout the ages, looking at the entire ninja world, which Kage's son would rebel against the village?

Looking at Hatake Sakumo who looked disbelieving, Kakashi explained: "At that time, joining the empire was suppressed by the entire Konoha. As a minority who opposed it, I said there is nothing wrong with him betraying Konoha, right?

Hatake Sakumo: "…………

Hatake Sakumo opened his mouth to speak but stopped.

He always felt that this explanation was a bit sophistical, but there seemed to be no place to refute it.

In the end, Hatake Sakumo chose to shut up.

Kakashi analyzed calmly: "If nothing else happens, the Third Ninja War will break out next year. We may be able to lurk first and collect Chakra metal during the war."

Uchiha does not agree with this: "The problem now is that we are not the only ones who have come to this world. [Are you sure they will not affect the development of this world?"

Cassie, who clearly knows the current situation in the ninja world, said confidently: "They can't prevent the outbreak of the Third Ninja War. Even if we are included, they can't stop it. It has never been Konoha who decides when the war will start. "

Hyuga Neji suggested: "Then let's take down a small ninja village as a base first?"

Upon hearing this proposal, Incasi asked: "What do you think of Grass Ninja Village?"

Uchiha nodded, and then sighed: "It's good, but it's a pity that we are too old, otherwise we could directly penetrate into Konoha."

It is indeed a very good way to replace oneself in the parallel universe. In Ninja World No. 1, this trick was used by them to Ultimate, and the effect was very good.

If conditions permit, he would of course be happy to reproduce a wave of classics. Unfortunately, this method cannot be used now because it is too far ahead of its time.

In this way, the group of people soon arrived in front of a small village.

It was also the small village that Hatake Sakumo passed by before.

Although he had only been in this world for less than half a day, Uchiha found that this world seemed to be no different from the previous world.

One village, one country system.

How ridiculous.

Uchiha sighed silently in his heart.

As a pacifist, Uchiha is not as kind as Uchiha, but he also sincerely hopes that those weak civilians can live a better life?

After witnessing the glory of the empire and the peaceful life of its civilians, Uchiha began to hate other worlds.

Because there is no emperor in those worlds, let alone an empire.

There is no unified empire, which means that the system there is a system where nobles and daimyo rule the world in one village and one country.

In an era shrouded by the dark clouds of the ninja world, the lives of civilians are like candles in the wind, swaying in the endless night.

The shadow of war has not yet completely fallen, but it is already lingering in every village and every street like a ghost, quietly devouring hope and peace.

Uchiha doesn't understand the history of this world, but after coming to this village, Uchiha is keenly aware that the war is coming.

In the village before dawn, the smoke no longer rises peacefully as in the past, but with a bit of haste and uneasiness.

Behind the closed doors and windows of every household are people's deep worries about the uncertainty of the future. In the fields, the figures of farmers working are particularly heavy. Every time a hoe goes down, it is not only sowing food, but also burying the hope for peace in the king. desire.

"Our empire is here to eliminate war. Have you seen those hardworking civilians?" Uchiha suddenly pointed at the civilians working in the fields and asked.

Hatake Sakumo didn't speak, he just looked at Uchiha with cold eyes. He wanted to know what this evil Uchiha kid wanted to say.

Uchiha said: "Even the most diligent hands cannot ensure that the harvest will be immune to the flames of war. The ninjas of your world have brought too many wars, so the empire is needed to shape this chaotic world."

Hatake Sakumo, who had no food and salt, sneered and asked: "So you are bringing a bigger war?"

Uchiha corrected seriously: "No! We are here to eliminate war, to eliminate war with war!"

Hatake Sakumo said indifferently: "No matter how high-sounding you say, you can't hide the fact that you are intruders.

Uchiha didn't say anything after hearing this, but walked through the small village, and soon the group arrived at the town.

The sellers' cries in the market are sparse and weak, and the stalls that were once full of variety now only have the most basic necessities of life.

Prices are soaring and currencies are depreciating. Ordinary families have to be careful and spend every penny wisely.

The children's eyes lost the light of innocence, and they learned to worry and frugality prematurely. Those days that should have been carefree were replaced by the haze of war.

Kakashi said calmly: "Although Ninja Village has gone through ten years of recuperation, the civilians are not so lucky. Even during peace, they still have to endure the attacks of wandering ninjas and bandits...

Hatake Sakumo's eyes flashed slightly after hearing this.

As a Kage-level expert, he knows very well what life is like for the common people in the ninja world.

No matter how hard you try to hide it, you can't hide the fact that civilians in this world are inferior to dogs.

Several people did not stop in the small town. After spending a day on the road, they finally stopped in a village.

This time they chose to rest here.

At night, the old people sit in a circle around the bonfire in the village, telling stories about the peaceful years of the past, with nostalgia for the past and uncertainty about the future shining in their eyes.

Young people were whispering in the dark, discussing whether to join the ranks of ninjas to protect themselves, or to escape from a home that was about to be engulfed by war.

But whether they choose to stay or leave, everyone's heart is filled with fear of the unknown fate and a deep yearning for a peaceful life.

In this ninja world, even in the most inconspicuous corner, there is no escape from the omen of the coming war.

"Do you think there is hope for them? To become ninjas to protect themselves?" Uchiha asked, crossing his arms.

Kakashi did not reply, and Hatake Sakumo also looked at the civilians beside the campfire thoughtfully.

Uchiha said to himself: "This is a wrong concept. You cannot protect yourself by becoming a ninja. Civilians naively think that war is caused by ninjas, and as long as you become a ninja, you can protect yourself.

But they didn't realize that ninjas were also consumables in war. It was the nobles who could really protect themselves. It was a pity that they didn't know this.

So they 1.5 blindly resented the ninjas, worshiped the ninjas, and finally longed for the ninjas, but they forgot that the nobles were still above the ninjas. "

Uchiha complained disdainfully: "The productivity is insufficient, the order is chaotic, and the society is still feudal and decadent. It is really hard to imagine that when Zhihuo faced such a world, he still felt that such a world was also a kind of stability."

Hatake Sakumo didn't say anything.

Because he found that the ideas of these ninjas were too scary and too avant-garde.

As an old-fashioned person, and even half a samurai, Hatake Sakumo only felt that such thoughts were the thoughts of the devil.

Both terrifying and alluring.

Hatake Sakumo was worried that he would be bewitched by such thoughts, so he never dared to argue with Uchiha.

Because he is afraid…………

Hatake Sakumo thought in his heart: "What is more terrifying than the empire's force is the empire's thoughts."

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