After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 176: The Ninja World Affected By The Empire; The Four Major Factions Of Advent, Redemption,

"You said the enemy is too strong because you didn't discover it in advance?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked doubtfully.

"That's right." Sarutobi Asuma nodded, and then explained:

"Even if a powerful empire wants to invade a parallel universe, it must establish a transmission channel in that universe. If we can detect the invaders in advance and eliminate their advance team, the empire will not be able to enter our world."

Sarutobi Hiruzen:“

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless when he heard this.

The early discovery you mentioned was such an early discovery. Fortunately, he thought that the reason why they couldn't defeat the empire was because they were defeated one by one by the empire.

Sarutobi Asuma didn't notice the speechlessness on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, but continued to explain seriously: "The empire's invader advance team can only go to other parallel universes through the dragon vein, and there can be no more than three people at a time. I once did a simulation , As long as the strong men from the ninja world are sent to guard the dragon vein, the enemy will definitely not be able to enter our world. "

A parallel universe visited by a certain empire at this moment.

Konoha 59 years.

The war-torn ninja world will finally usher in long-term peace. It is not that the major ninja villages have given up their hatred of each other, but that the entire ninja world has a common enemy.

A stronger and deadlier enemy!

After Sage of Six Paths summoned the heroes of the ninja world to repel the invaders from other worlds, it resurrected the ancestors of the major ninja villages with great power.

After those resurrected shadows returned to their village, they quickly took over the entire village.

The resurrected Second Hokage used thunder to clear away the darkness in Konoha, bringing Konoha back to life.

First Hokage convened a five-kage conference to jointly advocate the future of the entire ninja world.

Finally, the Five Shadows meeting was held, and the shadows who reached a consensus issued the first joint Ninja Village regulations.

All strong ninjas from all countries who are Kage-level or above must go to the Dragon Vein to guard the Dragon Vein!

Violators will be expelled from Genin Village!

Because of the emergence of this law, Loulan, which was originally desolate, instantly became the center of the world.

After coming to Loulan and seeing so many Kage-level or even super-Kage-level experts, Onoki sighed: "Invaders from other worlds, we didn't expect them to be in places we don't know."

Such a terrifying thing happened. "

After hearing this, Chiyo nodded and said with emotion: "Oh! I didn't expect that the world would change so fast, and that we would one day join forces to fight against the enemy.


Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile: "The decree under the Sage of Six Paths, coupled with the joint efforts of the ancestors of all countries, it is quite normal for us to gather together now. What I did not expect is that besides our Ninja Village, There are actually so many Kage-level experts hidden in the ninja world."

A red-haired middle-aged man wearing a cloak looked at the dragon vein seal in front of him expressionlessly. His eyes flickered and then he observed the surroundings calmly.

Unlike the other Kage from the ninja village, his home and country were destroyed and he hoped more for the arrival of the empire. To be precise, he and everyone behind him longed for the arrival of the empire.

His name is Uzumaki Yueyao. He originally had a beautiful wife and lovely daughter, but all of them were destroyed before, in the hands of those dirty ninjas.

Once upon a time, even if the ninjas of the five major countries destroyed his home, he would still lend a helping hand when facing injured ninjas.

But it was such kindness that harmed his family. The tragic death of Sono Girl made Uzumaki aware of the morbidity and cruelty of this world.

The world deserves to be reshaped!

If this world does not have the power to reshape the world, then let the power from other worlds come!

Just like the Eternal Empire that even Sage of Six Paths is afraid of.

Uzumaki Yueyao and the Adventists he represents have been completely disappointed with the current situation of human society and believe that the one-village-one-country system in this world is hopeless. Such a world is full of war, corruption and oppression of ordinary people.

They believe that the Eternal Empire's advanced strength can bring about radical social changes and thus "save" the ninja world, even if this salvation means the end of the ninja village and daimyo system or being replaced by the Eternal Empire.

Behind the red-haired middle-aged man is a beautiful woman with blue hair, her name is Xiaolan.

Just like Uzumaki Tsukiyo, he did not come to fight against the empire, nor did he come to protect the nobles and daimyo of the ninja world.

The cruel ninja war caused Xiaolan to lose her parents at a very young age. Later, she and two other friends met and supported each other. Finally, because of their friend's fairy eyes, they were lucky enough to become one of the Sannin, Jiraiya.

After graduation, they established an organization together with the purpose of changing the country and building a bridge of hope leading to world peace through communication between people.

It's a pity that their naive people were severely beaten by this vicious world again. In that incident, Xiaolan lost two of his best friends.

The Akatsuki organization also became depressed after that world, and was even in a state of semi-retirement and semi-paralysis, but all this changed two months ago.

They lost hope and saw hope again.

That powerful empire that even the Sage of Six Paths would have to gather the entire ninja world to fight against.

Xiaolan hopes that the empire can intervene in this world and save this decadent and sick world.

In contrast to Uzumaki Tsukiyo and the Advent faction behind him, although the members of the Salvation Faction also recognize the problems of the ninja world, they do not want to sacrifice the nobles and ninjas of the entire world.

Xiaolan tends to believe that the intervention of the Eternal Empire can prompt those nobles and actors to reflect on themselves and carry out reforms, thereby avoiding a catastrophic ending.

Xiaolan hopes to "save" rather than destroy the one-village-one-country system by cooperating with the Eternal Empire or learning its technology and ideas.

Ohnoki also didn't expect that there would be so many Kage-level experts in this world. He calmly chatted with the unfamiliar Kage-level experts.

Then he quietly observed the lineup guarding the dragon vein seal.

Ohnoki is not as naive as First Tsuchikage and others because he knows more of the truth.

After knowing that the Eternal Empire only sent three people over and defeated them, Ohnoki realized that Ninja's resistance was actually a joke.

How could a bug defeat a ninja?

Perhaps they are just bugs in the eyes of that powerful empire now.

Onoki and those behind him are more concerned with the survival of individuals or specific groups. They believe that the invasion of the Eternal Empire is inevitable, and therefore are committed to ensuring that they or selected groups of people can survive under the rule of the empire.

Survivor strategies have included secret preparations, hoarding of resources, or establishing some form of early contact with the Eternal Empire to seek refuge.

One of his purposes here is to get in touch with that empire and seek asylum, at least to ensure that after the fall of the ninja world, Rock Shinobi Village can continue to exist like a stubborn stone.

The rest are the staunch guardians who believe in the Sage of Six Paths and are even willing to put down their hatred to protect the world.

Now there are no less than 20 Kage-level experts in Loulan, but they can be roughly divided into four factions.

They are the Advent Faction headed by Uzumaki Yueyao, the Salvation Faction headed by Xiaolan, the Survival Faction headed by Ohnoki, and the most powerful Guardian Faction mainly composed of Sage of Six Paths.

Because of the visit of Akito and others, the entire ninja world has been completely destroyed.

But in fact Qianyu has temporarily lost interest in their world.

'.||Send strong men to guard the dragon veins? Let's not talk about whether we, Konoha, can stop the so-called imperial advance team. I just want to ask you, this is a matter for the entire ninja world, why should we only be restricted to five?

Moreover, we sent the top experts to guard the dragon veins, so what if other ninja villages invade Konoha at this time?" Orochimaru asked with a sneer.

Then, Orochimaru added: "Now I even suspect that you are deliberately using this nonsense to get us to send the strong ones out, so that other ninja villages can take advantage of it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also nodded. After all, Orochimaru's worries were justified.

Being retorted by the person he hated, Sarutobi Asuma said with a dark face: "Then tell the other villages this news and let everyone come out together.!"

With a mocking smile on Orochimaru's lips, he jokingly asked Daofan (Wang Qian's): "Even if we take a step back, if we really let you do what you say now, then the question is, why should other villages believe what you say? ?”

Sarutobi Asuma:""

Asuma thinks that Orochimaru is a poisonous guy. You may say that he is making excuses, but what he says does make sense.

Even if Asuma was dissatisfied, he had to admit that he could not refute the other party's question.

Sarutobi Asuma could only focus on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Asuma looked pitifully at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "As Orochimaru said, there is actually no trust between Ninja Village and Ninja Village."

Now he is almost four points convinced about this matter.

And even if this thing is true, Konoha. It is impossible to send all the top combat power to guard the dragon veins.

And he didn't think that Konoha's top experts could resist the invaders, and this was a very thankless task.

Even if the strong men he sent to defend were successful, if there was any loss on their side, it would be a devastating blow.

It is impossible for other ninja villages to miss such a good opportunity. Konoha may have to be finished by then. What's more, if Konoha is gone, what's the point of resisting those so-called invaders?

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