After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 169: Sannin And Future Visitors! (Please Subscribe!)

At this time, a proud voice came from the door.

"Tsunade, I'm just saying there must be something wrong with the seal here, right?"

Another voice came.

"Jiraiya! Shut up, we have to quickly investigate what happened to the seal of the dragon vein.

Then the hot girl said in a panic: "That guy won't be kicked to death by me, right?"


Hearing the conversation outside the cave, Xie's expression changed and he quickly prepared for battle.

Sarutobi Asuma also gritted his teeth and said: "It's those three damn traitors!"

Sarutobi Asuma doesn't have the slightest fondness for his old man's three apprentices.

Before the empire invaded the world, he would have had more respect for Sannin, but now, he just couldn't bear that these three guys couldn't die where they were.

Needless to say, Orochimaru's pervert, that bastard, as the old man's apprentice, actually worked with Danzo to deal with the old man.

Needless to say, Jiraiya, that bastard finally became a qualified politician. Not only did he not sit back and watch Danzo suppress the Sarutobi clan, he even secretly fanned the flames.

If these two bastards hadn't been fighting among themselves in Konoha, Konoha wouldn't have fallen so quickly.

The most hateful thing is that Jiraiya secretly defected to the empire. This is what he hates most about Jiraiya.

As a Hokage agent, he almost became "197" and betrayed his village for the sake of the Hokage guy. This kind of traitor is simply unforgivable!

Of course, what's more important is that Jiraiya defected to the empire without bringing the Sarutobi family with him.

Although in the end it was because the old man took the wrong side, the Sarutobi clan was purged by the empire.

But aside from Team Sarutobi's mistakes, Jiraiya's family is an asshole when it comes to defecting to the enemy.

After he really found the old man, he must tell the old man these things and ask him to get rid of these three Yu as soon as possible.

Soulized Jiraiya: "At this moment, Danzo has to shake his head when he sees this scapegoat."

As for the final Tsunade.

If he only hated Orochimaru and Jiraiya, then he wanted to kill Tsunade with a thousand knives.

Although he did not participate in the Konoha Guardian War, Asuma also knew that it was Tsunade, an old woman, who gave the order to bloody cleanse the Sarutobi clan.

Putting aside the fact that Senju was destroyed, wasn't the old man good enough to her?

You know, the old man killed all the Senju, but left her alone!

Is this how she repays the old man?

Even with all the anger and hatred in his heart, Sarutobi Asuma doesn't dare to show his feelings now. After all, they may not be able to beat Sannin at his peak.

"Are they Jiraiya and Tsunade-sama?"

Sarutobi Asuma pretended to be excited and shouted towards the outside of the cave.

Careless Jiraiya turned to look at Tsunade and Orochimaru.

"Someone is calling us? He seems to be very familiar with us."

Orochimaru calmly said to the cave: "Come out!"

Regardless of whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, entering the underground ruins rashly is definitely not an option.

"Okay! We'll come out right now."

Upon hearing this, Sarutobi Asuma quickly replied.

Sarutobi Asuma said to the two of them: "Let's go out, don't worry, I'm sure to convince them."

Rubbing his chest and getting up from the ground, Hidan cursed, but still followed Sarutobi Asuma out.

If he faced any of the Sannin alone, he would definitely sacrifice the other person to the evil god, but facing the complete Sannin, Hidan chose to give in temporarily.

Sarutobi Asuma led the two of them out of the cave.

Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi Asuma coldly and said: "A puppet master, an evil god cultist, and you... you actually have the forehead protector of a Konoha Shinobi on your head. I have never seen KT in Juye."

"I am Sarutobi Asuma!" Sarutobi Asuma quickly explained his identity.


Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, then laughed and taunted: "Even if you want to pretend to be a ninja of Konoha, you should find someone who is not well-known!

Although that guy Asuma has aged prematurely, he is definitely not as old as you! And how could he be here now? Are you a fool?"

Sarutobi Asuma:

Tsunade next to him was also looking at Sarutobi Asuma with interest.

Tsunade found that the person in front of him did not look like a living person at all. As for the fact that the other person said that he was Sarutobi Asuma, Tsunade felt that there was definitely a deeper reason for this.

After all, if the other party really wants to impersonate Konoha Shinobi, they probably won't use such a clumsy way of impersonation.

"He should not be a normal living person. If I remember correctly, you should be the Impure World Reincarnation, right? Call the person behind you to come out [I still have some research on the Impure World Reincarnation technique."

Orochimaru told Asuma's origins in one word, and told the story that Asuma might be controlled by someone.

Sarutobi Asuma is not surprised that Orochimaru saw through him so quickly, after all, he was originally reincarnated by the Orochi King Impure World.

Sarutobi Asuma said bitterly: "I didn't expect you to study this technique so quickly."

After sighing, Sarutobi Asuma said seriously: "No one controls me now. As for the person behind me, Impure World Reincarnation, I am you, to be precise, you in the future, but now I can control myself."

Jiraiya: "???"

After hearing this, Jiraiya's mind froze for a while, and he didn't react for a long time.

But overall, Jiraiya thinks what the other person said is quite nonsense.

This explanation is worse than no explanation at all.

Orochimaru had a faint sneer on his lips.

He felt that the Impure World Reincarnation in front of him was of great research value and interesting.

Sarutobi Asuma said solemnly: "Take me back to Konoha, I have something to report to you Hokage.

"You should tell me your origins. We don't dare to take someone like you with unknown origins around us, let alone bring back Ye." Tsunade sneered.

When Sarutobi Asuma heard this, a coldness flashed deep in his eyes.

This damn woman!

Seeing this blond hair, Sarutobi Asuma couldn't help but think of those tribesmen who died tragically.

Orochimaru, who had been observing Sarutobi Asuma, looked at Asuma thoughtfully with his eyes flickering.

"This Impure World Reincarnation actually has a kind of hatred for Tsunade in his heart? Has this woman Tsunade offended anyone outside the village?" Orochimaru thought with some surprise.

Tsunade is a woman with a bold personality, and she is a medical ninja. Even her enemies will have some respect for her, and she will always be with her master after graduation.

Normally, if Tsunade really offends someone, then the other person should hate the three of them.

Sarutobi Asuma explained in a serious tone: "The three of us are from the future, and I have a piece of information about the future of the ninja world to report to Hokage."

As the brains of the team, Inshimaru squinted his eyes and asked: "Does the abnormality of the dragon veins have something to do with you?"

Sarutobi Asuma nodded.

Sarutobi Asuma explained: "We returned to the present through the dragon's veins. Can you tell me how old Konoha is now?"

Orochimaru thoughtfully replied: "This year is the 44th year of Konoha. If you are from the future, which year are you from?"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Asuma's face was filled with excitement…………

"Konoha 44 years? That means there are still 18 years before the invaders come. We still have 18 years?"

The Scorpion next to him had a gloomy face when he heard this. In Konoha 44, his parents had already died during this time, which meant that his time travel was unintentional.

The carefree Hidan thought it didn't matter. He didn't have any special requirements for the time period.

Xie asked with a dark face: "The timeline is too late! Can you try again?"

Sarutobi Asuma explained: "If we use Dragon Vein again, it is more likely to return to the previous world, and it is impossible to return to Kangbei's time."


Afraid that the other party would not do the job, Sarutobi Asuma quickly promised: "Remember you promised me that after the world is saved, I can send you to an earlier time.

The expressionless Scorpio nodded, and then chose silence.


Listening to the conversation between the two, Orochimaru had an evil smile on his face.

Jiraiya next to him asked a little worriedly: "You won't believe what he said, will you?"

Orochimaru asked: "If you were a ninja, would you find such ridiculous reasons to deceive us?"

Jiraiya replied without thinking: "Which normal person would believe such nonsense?"

Orochimaru nodded, and then asked meaningfully: "Yes! No one would deceive others with such an excuse, but what if what he said is true?"

Tsunade next to him retorted: "Is it possible that he is doing the opposite? He is deliberately using such a ridiculous excuse to deceive us?"

Orochimaru: "It is indeed possible, but don't you think his appearance is somewhat similar to that guy Asuma?"

Jiraiya suddenly realized: "When you put it like that, it seems to be quite similar! This guy looks only a little older than Ashima. If you didn't say, "I would have doubted whether the boss of the garden has an illegitimate child outside." ”

"Now we are skeptical about your words, but let us take you with us and bring you into Konoha. You must reassure us." Orochimaru said.

After hearing this, Sarutobi Asuma agreed directly without thinking: "I am in the Impure World Reincarnation state now. You can arrest me now. When I get to Konoha, I will give the seal that controls me to the old man. This way You should finally believe me, right?"

Orochimaru nodded after hearing this, and then turned his attention to Scorpion and Hidan: "As for you two, we will temporarily ban your Chakra.

How could Scorpio give up the initiative to others?

Scorpion, who did not want to be controlled by others, refused directly: "No need, my goal is not Konoha Village."

After saying that, Scorpion directly summoned a flying puppet.

Xie said to Hidan: "Hidan, let's go!"

Seeing Scorpion who refused to cooperate and even wanted to leave directly, Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru next to him.

Orochimaru looked at Xia and Hidan with cold eyes. After a moment, Orochimaru decided: "Let them go, and we may not be able to keep them."

"Ah! What about our mission?"

Orochimaru pointed at Sarutobi Asuma and said, "This guy will do the trick."

"Let's go back to Heye!" Orochimaru urged.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes and looked at Sarutobi Asuma, thinking with interest: "A person from the future? It's really interesting!".

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