After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 167: The Kingdom Of Fire Has Fallen! (Please Subscribe!)

The number one ninja world.

Tsunade acted quickly. After stabilizing the order of Konoha, Tsunade began to liquidate the nobles in the Land of Fire.

Although those nobles hired a lot of ninjas, they were not enough to face the Senju Legion.

Let’s not talk about the Legion Ninjutsu of the Senju Legion. Even if the Hand Legion moves separately, their strength will definitely be able to crush two opponents of the same level.

The wheel of history ruthlessly rolled over the once glorious daimyo mansion. The sky was low, and the dark clouds seemed to be the ink stains of history, heavily smeared on the sky, indicating that an unprecedented change had come.

The gate of the daimyo's mansion used to be magnificent, but now it looked dim. A crowd gathered in front of the gate, with expectations and uneasiness intertwined in their eyes.

These are civilians, serfs, and spies from other countries who were once oppressed by the aristocratic system.

Their clothes are uneven and they all have their own thoughts. Unlike the Kingdom of Wind, Tsunade's approach seems more blatant.

She is not assassinating the nobles of the Fire Country, but dragging them out for trial!

It is no exaggeration to say that Tsunade is provoking the order of the entire world at this moment!

"The daimyo was actually liquidated. How dare those damn ninjas dare! Haven't they caused enough harm to the world?"

"These damn tools are really out of control! How absurd it is to judge daimyo and nobles! What qualifications do these ninjas have to judge nobles!"

"These ninjas deserve to be hanged!"

The nobles have never promoted a positive image of ninjas. After all, this is not in line with their political correctness.

In this world, Chūnin often means death in the hearts of civilians.

Because for ninjas, ordinary people are too fragile. Even if they are affected by the aftermath of a ninja battle, it will be a disaster for civilians.

Therefore, these unenlightened civilians did not understand the actions of these ninjas, and firmly chose to side with the daimyo.

Because compared to those 910 nobles, they are actually more afraid of ninjas.

This is the power of publicity!

"Is this the stupid people? This is really ironic.

Sasuke, who had just killed two daimyo guardian nin, stood on the top of the building and looked at the group of refugees in tattered clothes below expressionlessly.

In the hearts of these refugees, the nobles may not be heinous, at least these nobles in the capital of the Fire Country have not directly oppressed him.

Although some of these people sold their children to the nobles as slaves, in the hearts of these people, this may not be a sin, but rather a redemption.

Only when I faced this group of people did I truly understand the greatness of the Emperor.

At this moment, Zuosuke suddenly understood why those civilians always blamed "we owe the emperor too much" for saying this.

The scary thing is not being in hell, the really scary thing is being in hell without knowing it.

That's how it feels.

"Fortunately, the Holy Mother who stopped the fire is back, otherwise that guy would have to come up with new ideas." Zuosuke complained.

Uchiha sighed with emotion: "If I remember correctly, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire seems to be related to Tsunade. She is really ruthless. That woman is someone who does big things."

The previous daimyo was Tsunade's uncle, which means that the current daimyo may be Tsunade's uncle.

"This just proves that that woman is a really smart person. Look there..." Zuosuke pointed to the children who were taken away in the yard.

"If it were anyone else, these people would never survive. When an order is overthrown, killing is inevitable.

Uchiha's mouth twitched slightly after hearing this.

Perhaps out of emotion, he thought of his Uchiha again.

"Uchiha Itachi, you are such a beast! Even relatives as far away as Tsunade know how to leave a fire for others!" Uchiha cursed through gritted teeth in an instant.

Listening to Uchiha Setsuna's curse, Sasuke frowned and asked, "How is Uchiha Itachi doing now?"

Uchiha said fiercely: "If it weren't for the fact that he is your brother's transformation, I would definitely make him a living battery!

Now I let him kneel in the ancestral hall like those Uchiha souls to atone for their sins. Remember to take him with you next time you go back. Uchiha Itachi is also a variant of your brother after all, and his blood inheritance talent should be good.

The most important thing is that the weasel has a pretty good skin and is very suitable to be used as the family's stallion. As long as he and that Uchiha Obito can bring 200 newborns to the family, then I will continue to punish them. .

Zuosuke, whose mouth twitched slightly, hesitated to speak, but finally nodded.

This was Uchiha Setsuna's biggest concession. He didn't treat Uchiha Itachi as a living battery. Zuosuke was very grateful to the old man.

Uchiha said in an instant: "Uchiha Runtu has decided to participate in the Rinnegan experiment. If he succeeds, your current achievements will definitely not be enough for the empire to help you open the Rinnegan."

So I suggest that you quickly take care of things in this world and try to get more credit in the New World.


Zuosuke nodded.

If you really want to talk about it, the probability of opening Rinnegan yourself is definitely higher than Runtu.

If Runtu succeeds, then there is no reason why Zuo Zhu will fail.

With a dull bell ringing, a group of uniformed ninjas stepped into the mansion. Their steps were firm, and every step seemed to be at a turning point in history.

These ninjas were holding documents from the Hokage and looked at everyone with expressionless faces. Their mission was to seize the property of the old nobles and investigate and judge long-standing injustices.

Inside the mansion, the once bustling banquet hall was now empty and silent, with only the echoes accompanying the footsteps of the law enforcers echoing under the towering dome.

The family portraits hanging on the wall seem to still have the pride of the past in their eyes, but at this moment, all this will become a thing of the past.

The ancient books and exquisite works of art on the bookshelves were counted and registered, symbolizing that the treasures of power and wealth were about to be redistributed.

When the whale falls, all things will come to life, and 90% of the wealth of the nobles of the Kingdom of Destruction will be used to build the Kingdom of Fire.

This is Tsunade's order and the bottom line for Tsuna (bjeg).

Even if the ninjas of Konoha are very keen on these wealth, they don't dare to have any evil intentions. After all, the lessons of the Sarutobi families are still fresh in their minds.

In a secret room, an elderly man sat there with a haggard face and a look of unwillingness and helplessness in his eyes.

He is the steward of the Daming Mansion. After sensing something was wrong, the Daiming had already secretly ran away from the Country of Fire.

Facing the officials who came to execute the order, the old butler slowly took off the badge symbolizing the daimyo butler. It was the end of an era and the birth pain of a new order.

At this moment, there is no laughter of the victors, only the deep sigh of history and the infinite longing for the empire.

Outside, the rain finally fell, washing away the ancient stone roads, as if to wash away all the dust of the past, allowing new shoots to find space to grow among the ruins.

This liquidation was not complete, but it could be considered a success.

"The farce is over, and there should be no further incidents.

After leaving these words, he turned left and disappeared into the rain.

The escaping daimyo was not taken seriously by anyone. When the empire completely swallowed up the entire ninja world, where could the ordinary daimyo go?

At the famous mansion of the land of earth.

Just now, the Daimyo of the Fire Country issued a mission with a sky-high price of 10 billion chips, which was to eliminate the invaders and take back the Fire Country for him.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire gave this task to Rock Shinobi Village, and even Qian Nagisa was ready.

This was originally good news, but Ohnoki was not happy at all at the moment. The Fire Country fell in a short time like the Wind Country, which was enough to explain a lot of problems.

The empire's army has arrived and has annexed the strongest Fire Nation and the weakest Sand Cold Village. The most terrible thing is that Raikage and Mizukage have been captured.

In other words, in today's huge ninja world, he, the oldest Kage, has become the last lone seedling.

In this case, what can Rock Shinobi Village do to fight others?

Let’s not mention the 500 Jōnin in the Land of Wind. Now, the name of the Land of Fire means that there are also 500 Jōnin in the Land of Fire, and they are all Jōnin from the Senju clan.

The two parties add up to 1000 Jōnin. What is the concept?

Now even if they drain them all, Rock Shinobi Village still can't get 100 jonin-nin, let alone 100, even 50 is a bit difficult.

If it weren't for his rock-solid will, Onoki would have been lying flat at this moment, waiting for the enemy to come knocking.

Ohnoki, who had already made up his mind, said eloquently: "The enemy is too strong, I need more resources!"

At this time, the Fire Nation daimyo, who was a bereaved dog, did not dare to show his face. Without thinking, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, I can give you five billion first."

The Daimyo of Earth Country also said: "I can also give Rock Shinobi Village five billion. I have only one request, and that is that the enemy must not be allowed to enter Earth Kingdom!"

At this time, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Earth no longer care about the money from the Kingdom of Fire. After all, the lesson learned from the Ming Dynasty, the Kingdom of Destruction, is now in front of them.

If the money is gone, you can make money again as long as the land and leeks are still there. If the land and leeks are gone, it is really over.

"But material issues......"

Ohnoki looked at the two daimyo in confusion.

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth said quickly: "I will ask the people below to fully cooperate with you.

Onoki said with high spirits: "That's no problem, I will go back and prepare for the war."

Seeing such confident Ohnoki, the Earth Kingdom daimyo breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the Fire Country daimyo next to him calmly.

They are both famous, is this the difference?

Look at which shadow you chose. Konoha was occupied by the enemy quietly, which is not as reliable as our country's Tsuchikage.

Although the Daimyo of the Land of Earth said nothing on the surface, he had already laughed at the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Fire in his heart.

Looking at the high-spirited Onoki, a bad premonition flashed through the Fire Country star.

The original Sarutobi Hiruzen was so high-spirited in front of him, and vowed to ensure that the enemy would not be a problem.

The fact is that the Fire Nation is gone now. .

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