After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 165: Sasuke Is At Imperial University! (Please Subscribe!)


Kakadong and Zhihuo nodded respectfully, and then followed Nunyi out of the hall.

Runtu was carrying Obito back to his family.

Ninja World No. 0, at the gate of Imperial University.

Sasuke, who was carrying his suitcase, looked at the plaque in front of him with hot eyes. After three months of hard work, he finally came here as he wished.

The man next to him said deeply: "Sasuke, you must not be proud. The reason why you are here is not because you work hard enough, but because you were born in Minzhiha."

The reason why Shu said such hurtful words was because he was worried about Sasuke becoming inflated after entering college. After getting along with him these days, Shu also roughly knew what kind of character Sasuke was.

Some of the children in the clan even gave Sasuke the name "Sunny Sky" or even a nursery rhyme from the seaside.

When the weather cleared up and the rain stopped, I felt like I could do it again...

Although it is unethical to give people nicknames, it can also reveal Sasuke's character.

There is a Uchiha youth ranking list in the clan, and every time Sasuke has a small breakthrough, he likes to challenge those on the ranking list.

Needless to say, the result is that the people who are on the ranking list are all Kage-level experts. Sasuke is actually taught how to behave every time he goes there.

But it happened that Sasuke kept defeating and fighting, and he never tired of it. In addition, Sasuke's character was a bit arrogant, so he got the nickname Qingtianzhu.

Sasuke nodded and did not refute.

After all, his family knew their own affairs. During the few months in Uchiha, although his eyes had grown to the level of three magatama and he had passed the cultural examination, these were not enough for him to enter the Imperial University.

The reason why he was able to enter Imperial University was mainly due to Uchiha Toyama's recommendation.

"Remember, don't be too obsessed with Sharingan's power. The great Emperor is just an ordinary Mangekyō, but his strength can overwhelm the entire empire. The Emperor has used his strength to prove that the blood inheritance limit is not the only one."

Flying looked at the statue at the school gate, his eyes full of admiration.

Sasuke nodded.

He is no longer the young boy who only thinks about revenge, and he is no longer too thirsty for the power of Mangekyō.

Shui pushed Sasuke's back encouragingly and said, "Go start your new life! Remember to get along with your classmates.

Glitter only sent Sasuke to the school gate, but did not enter the school.

If you want to enter the Imperial University, you must either rely on a student ID card, a work ID card or a teacher ID card. Unfortunately, Zhuo does not have either of these. He is now just a small police chief, although he is the chief of the security bureau of the imperial capital. .

"You are this year's freshman, right?"

As soon as he entered the school gate, Sasuke was stopped by a boy.

Sasuke frowned, thinking he was looking for trouble.

I know a lot about school bullying and other things from assistants who have gone to many schools.

"You..." Sasuke, who was not good at sociability, frowned and looked at the boy in front of him.

Junmalu explained: "My name is Kaguya Junmalu and I am your senior. The school sent me to familiarize you with Imperial University."

Sasuke nodded.

The young man in front of him gave him a very dangerous feeling, but he didn't seem to be looking for trouble.

Sasuke probed calmly: "Excuse me, who are you senior to?"

Jun Ma Lu said: "Sophomore year."

"Only one year ahead of me in college?"

Thinking of this, Sasuke became even more excited.

Junmalu, who could see through Sasuke's thoughts at a glance, smiled and asked, "You want to ask about my strength?"

Sasuke, who was exposed, was not embarrassed and asked directly: "Can you please tell me?"

Junma Lu introduced himself: "I am the main ninja and deputy martial artist. I am now at the peak of Kage-level. However, my strength mainly relies on blood inheritance."

After introducing himself, Jun Malu asked curiously: "What are you going to major in?"

Sasuke replied: "I am also planning to major in nindo and minor in martial arts like you."

Junma Lu continued to ask: "As for Ren Dao, are you planning to find a route to the blood successor boundary, or something else?"

After hearing this, Sasuke reminded him leisurely: "I am an Uchiha.

Junma Lu nodded in sudden realization.

Needless to say, as an Uchiha, he must be following the path of blood inheritance.

Only a fool would give up his own advantages and find a path that is not suitable for him.

Junma Lu explained: "That's good. We can communicate with each other in the future. I am also taking the route of blood successor limit. By the way, my blood successor elimination is Dead Bone Pulse.

"Dead Bone Pulse? Not the Blood Succession Limit?"

Sasuke looked at Junmalu deeply.

The five eternal clans of the empire are Senju, Uchiha, Hyuga, Uzumaki, and Hui Yoruichi.

Among them, the Hyuga has the most complicated family history. Due to its special family history, the Hyuga also has a lineage on the moon called Ōtsutsuki.

But the status of the surname Ōtsutsuki is too high, because strictly speaking, the five Eternals are all descended from Otsutsuki.

The strongest among the five Eternals are definitely Senju and Uchiha, and the most complicated situation is Hyuga. The Uzumaki clan is caught in the middle, and the Hui-Yoruichi clan is embarrassingly at the bottom.

This is not to say that the Hui-Yoruichi clan is weak. After all, with the support of the Emperor over the years, the Hui-Yoruichi clan has evolved the Bloodline Limit into Bloodline Elimination.

But in the entire Hui Yoruichi clan, there are very few people who have reached this point. It is said that there is only one in this generation.

In other words, the Kaguya-kun in front of me is the only person from the Hui Yoruichi clan who has been eliminated by Bloodline.

Bloodline Elimination——Dead Bone Pulse is no less than the eternal Mangekyō.

"Imperial University is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

Sasuke couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Sasuke asked very politely: "Is there anything I need to pay attention to at school?"

Although the people of Uchiha are arrogant, their arrogance is only for the weak.

And Junmalu is obviously the kind of being who deserves a little respect from Sasuke.

"For you, the most important thing to remember at Imperial University is three things."

"First of all, you must attend Master Wu Sheng's open class. Even if you are disabled that day, you have to crawl to the scene. That is the second biggest opportunity of Imperial University."

"The second issue is the credit issue. At Imperial University, all ninjutsu can be exchanged for credits, even the legendary Forbidden Technique, and even super S-level ninjutsu.'

"The last thing is that you must not provoke Master Hua Hua in school. She is also studying at Imperial University, but she is already the default princess."

After Junma Lu finished speaking, he thought about it again and found that he had nothing to add, so he said: "That's all for now."

"Here! These are the school rules. Just write them down." Junmalu handed Sasuke another small notebook.

Jun Ma Lu added: "Oh! By the way, stay away from the group of people in the research institute, and don't agree to do anything for them!"

"Research Institute? Is it that group of people?"

Sasuke asked, pointing to a few people in white coats not far away.

Junmalu's expression changed when he heard this, and then he looked away in the direction Sasuke pointed.

After seeing the group of people in white coats again, Nima Lu felt numb all over.

"Classmate, do you want to know more about Xueji Development?"

"Classmate, do you want to know about the super S-level Forbidden Technique?"

"Classmate, do you want to know more about Quick Magic Attack?"

Sasuke fell into deep thought as he looked at the white coats that the tailors stopped to sell.

Does Imperial University even accept people like this?

Just when Sasuke was deep in thought, one of them, Bai Dagui, happened to find them.

Especially after seeing the clan emblem on Sasuke, the man in the white coat seemed to have seen some peerless beauty.

The man in the white coat ran over like a gust of wind and asked excitedly: "Classmate, are you from Uchiha? Upgraded to understand 240?"

Sasuke: "…………"

Looking at the indifferent Sasuke, the man in the white coat asked without giving up: "Classmate, have you ever heard of the Nine Magatama Sharingan?"

Sasuke: "???"

Jun Malu next to him quickly warned: "We don't need it, please get out of our way, I have to take my juniors to understand the school environment.

Security! There are a few people here who want to conduct human experiments, get them away quickly!"

"Classmate, please believe me!"

"The evolution of Sharingan into Mangekyō is actually an upgraded evolution. The real evolution should be Nine Magatama Sharingan! My research is the truth, and now I am short of ten Toyoshipi who are the main magatama to cooperate with my research.

Once my research is successful, your Uchiha's strength will be further improved, and now all I need is your cooperation!"

In the end, the white coat was dragged off by security personnel.

Jun Ma Lu warned: "Junior, you must not believe him. Those people in the institute are all lunatics. I heard someone say before that my Huyong Vein and Pure Land can be combined to exert greater power." What’s the power?”

Sasuke nodded.

In fact, he didn't take the white coat's words to heart.

How can you, an outsider, understand Sharingan better than us Uchiha?

Simply ridiculous!

Jun Malu complained: "The people in the institute are a bunch of lunatics. They dare to think about anything. There is even an academician who thinks that Chakra is actually a universal wish-making device. As long as there is enough Chakra, any wish can be realized.

If Chakra is really so magical, now we should get rid of the shackles of the planet and explore the farther starry sky, "instead of invading other parallel ninja worlds."


.ps: Next, a new ninja world will be opened. As for the timeline, it will either be the past timeline, where Kakashi and the others go to change their own tragedy in another world, or they will write Boruto to teach the new generation of ninjas how to behave.

You can leave a message in the book review area and decide the order of New World. .

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