After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 163: Obito: Kakashi, Are You A Minotaur Or A Green Slave? (Please Subscribe!)

The rumor that the Kakadong team returned to the empire spread throughout the entire empire in a very short period of time.

Just after exiting the portal, Run Tujian shouted excitedly: "I'm finally back! That barren place in Ninja World No. 1 is really uncomfortable. I won't go there in my life!"


"It's not like there's anything good about your world, oh! That statue is nice, but none of the famous figures in our world are so narcissistic that they actually built statues for themselves. Obito curled his lips and complained with an unhappy face.

Runtu didn't have the same understanding of his own transformation. After all, this guy's future was visibly miserable, and it would be redundant to be more pure than this kind of guy.

Seeing that Runtu didn't refute him, Obito had a bad premonition in his heart.

Don’t you care about yourself anymore?

Kakadong urged: "Let's go meet His Majesty first. We still have to exchange merit for rewards. Have you decided what your rewards will be? Don't ask questions and don't know when the time comes. His Majesty doesn't like to delay in front of him. people."

Zhihuo pointed not far away, and then reminded: "Don't worry yet~, look over there!"

After hearing this, Kaka looked curiously in the direction Shisui pointed, and then saw his own transformation and his father, Hatake Sakumo.

Obito said sarcastically from the side: "The two of them really look like a father and son together, but I don't know who is the substitute. You won't be replaced so soon?"

Kakadong's face turned dark when he heard this. He found that Runtu in another world was becoming more and more desperate for death.

Runtu next to him quickly reminded: "This guy is probably begging for death. Yin Kadong, you must not be fooled by him."

Kakadong nodded indifferently.

This guy's mouth suddenly became so mean. He probably wanted to stimulate himself to kill him.

At this time Hatake Sakumo also came over with Kakashi.

Hatake Sakumo watched his son carefully. Although they had not seen each other for only a few months, Hatake Sakumo could clearly feel that his son had grown up.

"Looking more mature, you did a good job!" Hatake Sakumo patted Kakadong on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Obito next to him was looking at Kakashi. He noticed that Kakashi's temperament had changed, "At least Kajumon is no longer like ten salted fish waiting to die like before.

Facing Kakashi like this, Obito felt both happy and jealous.

As the saying goes, I am afraid that my brothers will have a hard time, but I am also afraid that my brothers will pass by the Land Rover.

He and Kakashi were the same before, and he even looked down on Kakashi for being like a salted fish.

But now the two parties have reversed their positions. Now I am more like a salted fish waiting to die, while Kakashi is like the one who worked hard to create a beautiful New World.

The leader sarcastically said: "It seems that you are living a good life at this time, but it is a pity that Konoha, which you miss so much, is gone, and even your master has lost his character, and now everyone is shouting for beatings. the point.

And your master is also dead. He sacrificed his life for Konoha. Everything in Konoha has come to nothing. Now you are truly alone. "

Kakashi was not angry, but full of hope for his future life.

"No! I still have a chance. I can go to other parallel worlds to find Lin, and then change my own tragedy in other worlds.'

Obito: "???"

Obito, who originally wanted to die, suddenly became red-hot.

This is not because he is jealous of Kakashi for being able to change his own secret in another world, but because of Lin!

Instantly red-hot Obito roared angrily and asked: "You bastard who killed Lin with your own hands, what qualifications do you have to see Lin again!"

Kakashi's face changed when he heard this. Kakashi glanced around nervously. When he found no one, Kakashi quickly defended: "Don't talk nonsense! What I mean is that I want to find Lin and give her to His Majesty." ,Only in this way can Lin be happy."

He has never had any feelings for Lin between men and women, he just regards her as one of his companions. What's more, Lin is an imperial concubine in this world. If this kind of thing spreads, it will affect the reputation of the imperial concubine.

Obito: "???"

Is this a tauren? Or a green slave?

Obito was slightly stunned for a while and did not recover for a long time.

I thought it was Kakashi who wanted the Minotaur himself, but it turned out that this guy was actually a green slave?

Why do you want to dedicate Lin to His Majesty?

How could this guy have such disgusting thoughts?

Obito gritted his teeth and said, "Kakashi, you are such a bastard!"

Kakashi sneered: "Not as good as you. If Lin knew that you had become like this, she would definitely regret knowing you."

Now Kakashi is a cultural person who has studied imperial culture courses, and he doesn't talk about bonding and friendship, so he is naturally merciless when he fights Obito.

Before coming to the Empire, he might have thought that Obito became so extreme because of the world's problems.

But after coming to the empire, Kakashi also looked away. Although Obito became like this because of the world's problems, it was also an indisputable fact that his own mental state was a bit sick.

Just because Obito is pitiful doesn't mean he can be forgiven for being hateful.

"I hope you can reform well in the empire. I will come to see you again if there is a chance.

When Kakashi said this, he did not see Obito, but looked at Runtu.

Whether or not you can see Obito in the future is not up to Obito.

Runtu explained: "This guy's bloodline talent is good. If nothing happens, this guy will be able to commit crimes as a stallion in the future.


Kakashi looked at Obito in surprise, and then looked at Obito with some pity.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

Naturally, the soul-body state couldn't help but exclaimed: "Isn't this a reward?"

Looking at Jiraiya in his soul state, the corners of Zhihuo's mouth twitched slightly.

What a reward from God!

Because the living conditions in the empire are so good, the rich women who come to Uchiha for breeding are basically middle-aged tanks in their 30s.

That's no reward.

However, Zhihuo didn't explain it. After all, he really didn't have a good impression of Obito. Even the Holy Mother, such as Zhihuo, felt that Obito's fate was the retribution he deserved.

Hatake Sakumo quickly changed the subject and said: "Ahem! Let's go meet His Majesty first, it's getting late."

It’s better not to delve too deeply into this adult topic.

What's more, he is not in a hurry to have a grandson now. After all, the lifespan of a warrior is quite long. Getting married early will only affect the speed of drawing his sword.

He himself is the best example.

Hatake Sakumo doesn't want his two sons to follow in his footsteps.

He quietly glanced at Kakashi and Kakadong and found that they were indifferent to such things. Hatake secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

When Kakashi first joined the family, Hatake Sakumo did get angry once. It was because he caught Kakashi reading a book called Making Love in Heaven.

Seeing Kakashi holding the book in his hand all day long, Hatake Sakumo once curiously took the book and read it once, then burned the book and gave Kakashi a severe lesson.

……………Please give me flowers………………

Hatake Sakumo: "Okay! No wonder you look like your kidneys are weak all day long. It turns out you read this kind of book every day!"

After that incident, Kakashi changed his bad habits.

There is no way, it’s just patriarchal oppression!

Even Kakashi had to change his bad habits for this.

The group soon arrived at the palace hall.

In fact, the main hall of the palace is just a decoration. After all, offices are now in the conference room, which is generally only used to receive those who have made meritorious contributions.

But the empire has been at peace for almost ten years, and if you have made great achievements, you can meet them all at once during every ceremony.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

Everyone bowed and saluted respectfully.

Strictly speaking, there is no kneeling ceremony in the empire. After all, when the empire was first established, Qianyu clearly abolished this etiquette.

However, some traditions are difficult to change. After all, the empire was only established less than 20 years ago, so some ninjas from the ninja clan knelt down and worshiped.

After talking about it once or twice, those ninjas still couldn't change it, so they simply stopped worrying about it in the process.

"No gifts!"

Qianyu's gentle voice sounded.

At this time, Obito, who was pressed hard to the ground, had the opportunity to look up at Qianyu.

After seeing the beauty next to Qianyu, Obito's pupils shrank, his eyes full of shock and various complex emotions.

Because the person next to Qianyu is none other than "Lin" from this world.

He still has such a familiar temperament, a strong yet gentle temperament, short dark hair, and a pair of big eyes full of kindness.

This is the Lin in her memory. If Lin had not died, she should be the same age as this woman, right?

"But after all, this is not the Bai Yueguang in my mind!"

Obito sighed in his heart, and then lowered his head feebly, not daring to look at Qianyu and Lin next to him.

Runtu next to him breathed a sigh of relief quietly. Although he no longer cares about the life and death of his transformed form, if this idiot offends the emperor, he might actually be implicated.

Qianyu: "The empire will not forget your merits. I will record a world-class meritorious deed for each of the three of you. As the saying goes, you will be rewarded if you have merit, and if you are guilty, you will be punished. Now tell me your wishes."

Kakadong also knew that there was no need to play around with officialdom in front of Qianyu, so he directly begged: "Your Majesty, I want the martial arts scripture!"

Qianyu nodded, and then looked at Zhihuo and Runtu next to him. He was not surprised at all by Kakadong's choice.

After all, as an ordinary ninja, if Kakadong wants to go further, he can only follow the martial arts.

After Zhihuo hesitated for a moment, he said, "I want the Empire's Book of Fantasy."

The reason why he hesitated was because he couldn't decide between the Sealed Book and the Fantasy Book.

The Empire's Sealing Techniques are not like the various Forbidden Techniques recorded in Konoha. Just like his name, the Book of Sealings records the Imperial Sealing Techniques.

The Book of Illusions records all the illusions in the empire (excluding the illusions of cultivating immortals).

"The Book of Fantasy is really suitable for you."

Qianyu smiled meaningfully. He was not surprised by Zhihuo's choice.

Obito said embarrassedly: "Well... Your Majesty, I want to activate the Rinnegan."

Strictly speaking, his request is the most excessive among the three.

Because what he wants is not Rinnegan, but to start Rinnegan himself. .

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