After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 154: Hyuga Hiashi: Why Did Lord Hokage Rebel? (Please Subscribe!)

Hearing this, the ninja clan leaders did not react much. After all, they had been mentally prepared before.

But Danzo and the others are different.


Danzo's pupils shrank, and he thought of the ninja army that was causing trouble in the Kingdom of Wind.

It is said that there are at least more than 300 Jōnin, but there are so many Jōnin in the Fire Country [then what is the use of the dirty earth army he worked so hard to raise?

Danzo's eyes flickered when he thought of this, and then he looked at Orochimaru next to him calmly.

"Okay, if nothing happens, let's stop here."

In the end, Tsunade unilaterally announced the dissolution of the meeting.

After everyone left, Orochimaru, who was left at the end, tore off his disguise.

The pale Orochimaru came up and asked directly: "Tsunade, are you me?"

Seeing Orochimaru take off his disguise, Tsunade didn't find it strange at all.

Tsunade said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be still in Konoha. It seems that you still can't let go of the village."

Orochimaru understood what he said.

Orochimaru sighed: "I didn't expect you to join the empire. It seems that the empire puts a lot of pressure on you."

In view of past friendship, Tsunade reminded: "It's better not to go too far with your experiments in the future. When the empire takes over the world, you will be liquidated if you continue to play like before."

Tsunade, who has spent some time in the empire, knows that if a being like Orochimaru does not submit in the future, it will be difficult to survive in the ninja world.

The Empire will not allow dangerous individuals like Orochimaru to roam within the Empire.

"You should take care of yourself. There is an army of dirt at the root. I guess they will jump over the wall before tomorrow.'

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he turned around and left the conference room.

The answer he wanted to know was already known, so Orochimaru decided to be prepared.

As a smart person, Yin Shezhi would certainly not be tied to death with Tuanzhong people.

"I was negligent in this regard."

Tsunade sighed.

Tsunade said to Yuriya next to him: "You can leave tomorrow."

Yuri also nodded.

Time soon came to night.

Tsunade deliberately stayed in the Uchiha tribe in order not to disturb the people.

But the strange thing is that his side was not attacked by the roots.

Akito, who woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and said helplessly: "Really, their target is actually Naruto."

Using the cover of night, the root ninja wanted to take Naruto away quietly.

However, Akito has already sensed the arrival of this group of uninvited guests through his keen perception and the unique mark he laid.

"No traffic allowed here!"

Akito looked at the root ninjas in front of him indifferently.

The leading Impure World Reincarnation ninja ordered coldly: "Kill them, and then take Nine Tails!"

After hearing this, Akito tapped his fingers lightly, leaving shining golden marks, and then his body flashed, shuttling between enemies as if teleporting. Every time he appeared, he was accompanied by a burst of swords and sword shadows. Before the enemies could react, they were killed. Akito touched his throat.

His speed was so fast that the ninja at his base couldn't even capture his complete figure, and could only feel the afterimage of the golden light passing by.


Akito, who reappeared on the spot, looked at the group of people doubtfully.

As a top student at Imperial University, Akito has not witnessed Impure World Reincarnation with his own eyes, but he has learned about this technique from books.

Looking at this group of ninjas who looked like clay sculptures, Akito felt thoughtful.

"Is the dirt turning into an army? This is really troublesome. Fortunately, when I was studying at Imperial University, I learned the sealing technique of making this kind of ninjutsu. Akito thought with some luck.

The sealing technique to restrain Impure World Reincarnation is not a compulsory ninjutsu, but as a god of learning, he also learned the sealing technique at the beginning.

Mingren made a seal with his hands.

Sealing Technique·Soul Imprisonment!

The so-called sealing technique and soul confinement is a kind of sealing technique that specifically imprisons the souls of others. This sealing technique has a drawback, that is, it can only seal souls without bodies.

That is, the soul whose body has died, such as the soul in the state of Impure World Reincarnation.

Akito has a golden mark in his hand.

"It's round 2!"

Flying Thunder God strikes again!

During the battle, he deliberately left the Flying Thunder God mark on some people, and now he just happened to be able to use it.

Akito's figure flashed again, and this time he was no longer holding a kunai.

Every time Akito passes someone, he will slap the other person hard on the back with his right hand.

With every shot, a soul is imprisoned in place.

In almost less than two minutes, all the Impure World Reincarnation players were stagnant in place like clay sculptures.

At this moment, the souls of these people are sealed in the body, and they can no longer act by controlling the body. If you really want to describe it, then they are now thinking statues.

After finishing, Akito contacted Tsunade through the communicator.

"I just met a group of Impure World Reincarnationers. Their target seems to be my variant, to be precise, the Nine Tails in his body."

Tsunade, who was still waiting in the Uchiha tribe, frowned after hearing this.

"That bastard actually set his sights on Nine Tails!" Tsunade cursed with gritted teeth.

"I'll come right over."

Tsunade hung up the call after she finished speaking.

Root Base.

Danzo looked at the information in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"The ninjutsu that can seal the soul is a bit restrained by Impure World Reincarnation! And that little bastard can actually perform Flying Thunder God."

Orochimaru next to him was expressionless, but a deep fear flashed in his eyes.

He possessed the Living Corpse Reincarnation Technique, and what he feared most was this ninjutsu targeting the soul.

"It seems that it's time to make a decision." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and looked at Danzo and thought.

Danzo put away the intelligence in his hand and said: "Be prepared. Tomorrow we will take Sarutobi Hiruzen to attack when the enemy welcomes the army. Then we will use the name of Sarutobi Hiruzen's Hokage to win over those civilian ninjas. Hum! Those guys may not want to cause too many casualties to Konoha, and they deliberately exclude civilian ninjas. This is good news for us. Orochimaru looked at Danzo with sarcasm. Everyone in the empire knows to minimize casualties, but this guy wants to succeed and drags everyone down. When he met such a beastly leadership, Orochimaru could only say that the civilian ninjas of Konoha deserved to be unlucky. At ten o'clock the next morning. At the entrance of Konoha Village, a cross-border portal about three meters high and two meters wide stood there quietly. A group of ninjas looked at the strange portal curiously. Mitokado Homura, who was in charge of materials, looked at the portal and gritted his teeth and said: "That should be the portal for the enemy to summon the army. The main material is Chakra metal. No wonder Konoha has stored so much Chakra metal. The chakra metal has disappeared. It turns out that it is used for this. "

Utatane Koharu glanced around anxiously.

" Why hasn't Danzo come yet?"

Standing in front of the portal, Tsunade announced with mixed feelings: "Everyone! Get ready to welcome the imperial army!"

…………………Please give me flowers…………………………

Just when Tsunade was about to officially activate the portal, ten old voices suddenly sounded.

"Wait a minute!"

Danzo, who came late, stopped Tsunade.

Danzo shouted righteously: "Tsunade! You betrayed Konoha. You are not qualified to be the deputy Hokage of Konoha. I have reported the news of your betrayal to the Daimyo. Now you can't represent Konoha.

"So what?"

Tsunade was not angry when he was stopped.

He made the portal outside, originally wanting to force Danzo, and then kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Danzo said in a deep voice: "You betrayed the will of the Daimyo and the Land of Fire, so from today on, you and Jiraiya will become traitors of Konoha.

At this time, the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen, whose Chakra was sealed all over his body, stood up tremblingly, and then pointed out: "Tsunade, you disappoint me so much. You actually colluded with outsiders to murder me, but I am your teacher!"

Some ninjas who did not know the truth looked at Tsunade with suspicion in an instant.

Those ninjas who were not qualified to participate in the Jōnin meeting naturally did not know the twists and turns.

So they chose to stand firmly on the side of Hokage.

As one of the Sannin, Orochimaru could betray Konoha, and the other two who were also one of the Sannin might also betray Konoha.

But only Sarutobi Hiruzen, as a Hokage, could not betray Konoha!

Such a simple logical analysis was still understood by those low-level ninjas.

Seeing so many people responding to him, the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very proud.

At this moment, he seemed to have found hope for a comeback.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted with high spirits: "Konoha ninjas! Come with me to catch the rebels. ”

Tsunade didn’t say anything, but squinted her eyes at the ninjas and Jōnin.

She had given them countless chances, and if they still couldn’t grasp them, then they couldn’t blame themselves for being hard-hearted.

The first to choose to stand was Hyuga Hiashi, who led the family ninjas to the portal without hesitation.

Hyuga Hiashi asked righteously: “Hokage-sama, why are you rebelling?”

Nara Shikamaru also stood on Tsunade’s side with the Ino-Shika-Chō group, and accused: “Shimura Danzō, do you want to rebel?”

The moment he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen again, the acting patriarch of the Sarutobi clan took Sarutobi to join the Hokage faction without hesitation.

“Heroes of the Sarutobi family! Follow the footsteps of the Hokage and purge Konoha of rebellion!”


Thousands of ninjas shouted together, and the aura instantly crushed Tsunade faction.

Chief Kurama chose not to help either side.

"My Kurama clan will not participate in this internal struggle. We have something else to do, so we'll take our leave first." After saying this, Chief Kurama led his clan members to leave.

After the neutral faction left, the two sides confronted each other in front of the portal.

If there is really an advantage in numbers, it must be Danzo's side.

Most of the civilian ninjas who don't know the truth and the Sarutobi clan, the number of these two types of ninjas added up to more than 6,000, plus some of the ninja forces behind Konoha F4

The number of Danzo's ninjas is even as large as nearly 10,000!

On the other hand, on Tsunade's side, all the people added up to no more than 3,000, but in terms of quality, Tsunade's side can completely crush Danzo's side, after all, the vast majority of those who support Tsunade are Jōnin, and those powerful ninja clans.

"If I had known earlier, I should have encouraged Danzo to destroy the entire Sarutobi, but I was too soft-hearted. "Yulai said with some regret.

Kakadong comforted him coldly: "It's not too late now!".

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