After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 149: Senju Tobirama: Wood Style? This Uchiha Is Against Tiangang! (Please Subscribe!)

"What does this Jiraiya mean? Isn't it intentionally insulting to ask such a strong man to build a building? And this strong man from Otherworld actually agreed?" Utatane Koharu couldn't help but glance at Jiraiya.

Ninjas who have mastered extraordinary power in the ninja world are in the same class as the nobles in a certain way. The noble ninja masters do not produce and rely entirely on the protection fees paid by the nobles every year.

Now Jiraiya actually dares to let this Zuosuke from Otherworld compete with those idiots for jobs. What a blasphemy!

In fact, it is not just Utatane Koharu who has such an idea, but also the heads of the major ninja clans.

This is not because they look down on construction workers and farmers. In their world view, they mainly disdain to compete with the people at the bottom for jobs. After all, many ninjas cooperate with nobles and do business.

To be honest, Utatane Koharu now has no idea what to do next.

He is even full of confusion about the future of himself and his family. On the one hand, he wants to continue to hold power, but on the other hand, he is wondering whether he will be liquidated if he does so.

At this moment, Utatane Koharu's heart can be said to be in great torment.

Yu Lai also announced: "Okay, that's about it for today. If nothing happens to you, you can leave first."

Several of the Jōnin looked at Kakadong expectantly and asked: "Master Kakadong, we were once followers of Lord Saiki White Fang, can we talk now?"

Seeing this scene, Hyuga Hiashi sneered disdainfully in his heart and said: "You can't wait to make friends so much. It's true that Caijin is so touching."

But when he thought about the astonishing wealth, Hyuga Hiashi understood these ninjas who were born from civilians.

Although Kakadong wanted to refuse, considering that he represented the empire, if he refused these Jōnin's panderings, the impact might not be very good.

So Kakadong bit the bullet and nodded.

Yulaiya saw this scene and didn't stop it, and even found it funny.

Almost all powerful ninjas are not very interested in politics, except for political machines like Luo Shuo.

If it weren't for Qianyu's request, he wouldn't have come here to take over the mess of Konoha. In order to take over Konoha without using bloody means [his origin can also be said to be very deliberate.

As for Kakadong, who only has the Tao of Swords in his heart, he naturally doesn't like this kind of political entertainment.

After the meeting, Zuosuke came to the open space at the entrance of Konoha.

Zuosuke stood on the empty foundation with his eyes closed and concentrated, feeling the pulsation of nature around him.

Zuosuke, who was making hand seals, shouted: "Wood Style——Uchiha Apartment Building Technique!"

Zuosuke slowly opened his arms and closed his hands gently, as if catching the invisible vitality in the air. Then he touched the ground with his hands. Wherever his fingertips touched lightly, the soil cracked, and wisps of emerald green light came out from the cracks. , spread quickly.

In the blink of an eye, tiny buds burst out of the ground, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into thick trunks, extending toward the sky. These tree trunks do not grow randomly, but are arranged into the frame structure of the apartment building according to Zuosuke's will, which is strong and orderly.

As the trunk becomes stable, countless branches branch out from these "pillars" and intertwine to form supports and partitions between floors. The resin naturally secreted between the branches gradually solidifies and becomes an indestructible "wooden wall"

After the general structure was completed, Sasuke adjusted every inch of space more finely. Windows and door frames were naturally formed at specific positions, and their edges were carefully carved into elegant patterns, which have both traditional charm and modern feel.

The roof is cleverly woven with huge tree crowns, which not only protects against wind and rain, but also absorbs rainwater for natural recycling.

Finally, Zuosuke also thoughtfully planted various flowers and plants around the building to build a small ecosystem.

This not only beautifies the environment, but also allows the apartment building to blend perfectly with the surrounding natural environment, as if it is a natural part of the land.

When the sun sets, the last rays of light shine on this apartment building built with Wood Style technology. The entire building seems to exude a soft green light, which is both mysterious and warm.

At this moment, Danzo and others, who just happened to rush back to Konoha, happened to see this miraculous scene.

Senju Tobirama wiped his eyes and looked at the Wood Style apartment building in front of him in disbelief.

For a moment, Senju Tobirama even suspected that he might have fallen into some kind of illusion.

Senju Tobirama asked in a hoarse voice: "Brother... that one just now seemed to be Wood Style."

Senju Hashirama nodded: "Yes, and his Wood Style is more sophisticated than mine. This is a strong man who is not weaker than me!"

Senju Tobirama was confused and numb.

If my perception and eyes are correct, this black-haired kid seems to have Sharingan in his eyes?

"What did I see!!!"

"An Uchiha is actually using Wood Style!"

"This...this is contrary to Tiangang!"

Senju Tobirama jumped in anger.

That's Wood Style!

They are the unique blood heirs of the Senju clan, and are the pursuit of almost all Senju.

How can the evil Uchiha use the Senju clan's Wood Style?

Senju Tobirama, who felt as if his goddess had been tarnished, roared angrily: "The inherently evil brat Uchiha, you are tarnishing the sanctity of Wood Style!"

"This guy is an intruder from Otherworld... How dare they appear in Konoha blatantly? Could it be..."

Danzo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart when he saw Zuosuke.

Danzo's intuition told him that during the time he was away, Konoha had definitely undergone a surprising change that he didn't know about.

"What the hell is going on!" Senju Tobirama turned around and looked at Danzo, Orochimaru and others fiercely.

How could the evil Uchiha tarnish Wood Style?

Those pinkeyes are outrageous enough if they have Mangekyō, but if they add Wood Style, what will Uchiha do if they want to rebel?

And who allowed Senju to marry Uchiha? Didn’t he know that Uchiha’s neurosis can be inherited?

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly dismissed the responsibility and said: "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on."

Danzo also quickly explained: "Don't look at me. I destroyed Uchiha. How could I support Uchiha? I have been carrying out the teacher's will."

Evil Uchiha!"

Senju Tobirama: "!!!"

Senju Hashirama: "!!!"

Senju Hashirama, who instantly grasped the point this time, asked angrily: "What did you just say? Say it again!"


"You destroyed Uchiha?"

Senju Tobirama also looked at the smart apprentice in front of him in disbelief.

Although he always regarded Uchiha as an unstable factor during his administration, he also spoke of an evil Uchiha.

But he really didn't think about destroying Uchiha. What makes Uchiha unstable is the group of psychopaths who turned on Mangekyō [but Uchiha's overall strength is still very important to Konoha.

As Uchiha's old enemy, Senju Tobirama is very aware of Uchiha's abilities. As long as Uchiha is around, they can completely defend Konoha from the invasion of a country alone.

In the end, these idiots actually killed Uchiha, just because he was a little unstable?

I've arranged everything for you. Even if Uchiha wants to rebel, he won't have the ability. What are you afraid of?

This is like an adult raising a child. He puts the bottle to Danzo's mouth, but they don't choose the pacifier and pick up the dog poop on the ground to eat.

Before he could recover from the shock of Uchiha's meeting with Wood Style, Danzo actually gave him such "shocking good news" again.


Danzo proudly showed off: "Yes! Just a few years ago, I encouraged two fools in their clan who opened Mangekyō, forcing them to take action to destroy Uchiha.

The complacent Danzo did not see Senju Tobirama's motherly face, nor even noticed the gloomy face of Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama glared at his brother fiercely.

"Look at all the disciples you have accepted!"

"Self-mutilation" is still complacent, this is more insane than Uchiha

Senju Tobirama was also numb. He did not expect that his remaining disciples would be so "good".

First, Sarutobi Hiruzen attacked the daimyo. Just after he came back, he saw another Uchiha using Wood Style. Now he heard the news that Uchiha was destroyed.

Senju Tobirama collapsed and complained: "What surprises are there next... You are so capable, why don't you kill us Senju too? You are really my good disciples!"

Danzo: "!!!"

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen: "!!!"

The two of them looked at each other in horror. Although they were not from the same world, they all did the same evil things.

The most disturbing one is Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Chakra, who is still sealed, might actually be beaten to death by the enraged Brother Holding Hands.

Danzo was also very nervous, fearing that this incident would affect his accession to the Hokage.

Just when both of them were extremely worried, Senju Tobirama asked again: "Since you said Uchiha is gone, what happened to this little Uchiha who knows Wood Style?"

"Let me answer this question for you!"

Zuosuke, who had just finished building the apartment building, also saw Danzo and others at the door.

Sasuke looked at Danzo who had "resurrected from the dead" in surprise.

"Didn't Our Lady of Zhihuo kill this guy? No way? That guy couldn't be Zhuang's mother to such an extent, right?"

Zuosuke complained in surprise.

Danzo also looked at Zuosuke nervously.

"Teacher, they are enemies!"

Sasuke who knows Wood Style, this guy is definitely not a native Sasuke!

Thinking of the despair of the intruder he faced before, Danzo's entire old face turned dark. .

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