After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 141: The Darkest Region In The Ninja World Is The Kingdom Of Whirlpool! (Please Subscribe!)

Senju Tobirama never thought that his most proud disciple would become like this.

"Hiruzen, why are you like this?"

Senju Tobirama asked unbearably.

"How did I become like this?"

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had lost his expression control, cried out in a broken voice:

"If you have witnessed the real darkness, you will understand how much I have lost! This is a world where power is supreme. I just want to become stronger and lead Konoha further. Why do you want to stop it? Me? Obviously everything I do is correct and normal!"

Senju Tobirama said more seriously: "Hiruzen, look back! You can't go to bed by mistake again.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen retorted crazily: "I'm not wrong! It's you who are wrong, and this time is wrong!"

A group of useless trash occupy high positions and treat ninjas as nothing more than cattle and horses.

This world is not right!

Instead of letting Zero-Tail rule the world then, why not let him Sarutobi Hiruzen come!

"I just want to devour Zero-Tail and rule the world. What's wrong with me?"

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen thought with reluctance in his heart.

Since you allow an ant to step on your head, why can't it be me instead?

Feeling the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen's inner thoughts, Qianyu silently gave him a thumbs up.

There is a saying, this darkened dark Sarutobi Hiruzen is much stronger than that hypocritical monkey.

"It seems that I can only wake you up! Brother, let's subdue him first." Senju Tobirama said.

Senju Hashirama was not originally prepared to interfere with reality as a deceased person, but the dark thoughts of Sarutobi Hiruzen were indeed too dangerous.


Senju Hashirama nodded.

Orochimaru, who was originally prepared to control the two of them, crossed his arms and watched the 28 scenes with interest.

Danzo next to him was so excited that his eyes filled with tears.

Danzo never thought that he would be able to fight side by side with his teacher in this life, and even deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen together.

Teacher! Did you see it? I am the best choice!

Danzo cried out in grievance.

"Hiruzen, as your companion, I can't go wrong there!"

"I'm going to take you back to that bright world illuminated by fire!"

Danzo declared solemnly.

Orochimaru: "???"

Qianyu: "???"

Orochimaru expressed that he was disgusted.

What kind of plot against Tiangang is this!

Even five-star reviewer Qian Yu had to say that he was impressed by Danzo.

Senju Tobirama was the first to throw a kunai at Sarutobi, and Senju Hashirama followed closely, pumping his hands ten times and yelling: "Wood Style·The Flower and Tree Realm is coming!"

As a qualified ninja, Senju Hashirama naturally knows how to create an environment that is beneficial to himself in battle.

After releasing the ninja, Senju Hashirama frowned and said, "I can only use less than 10% of my strength, so let's take action together!"

Orochimaru frowned when he heard this, because Shemaru didn't expect Impure World Reincarnation to be less twitchy than he thought.

Danzo couldn't wait to form the seal with his hands.

Wind Style·Vacuum Jade!

Once he does it, he must let the teacher know who is the most suitable one to become Hokage!

Faced with the Kage-level siege of the Four Beauties, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen did not dare to be careless.

He first mobilized the dark Chakra to restore his body functions to a middle-aged state, and then used his vigorous skills to avoid the ninjutsu of Danzo and Senju Tobirama.

"Hiruzen? How could you..."

Danzo watched in disbelief as the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen regained his youth.

This bastard quietly found a way to restore youth? And without telling these old brothers, he secretly took possession of the secret recipe for eternal youth!

The most terrible thing is that he doesn't know any information at all.

Danzo asked angrily: "You bastard! How many things have you done to keep me company behind my back?"

Too much! Too much!

I, a person who is specifically trying to take the blame for you, don’t even know that you have other black spots on your body?

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who had regained his youth, and his heart was filled with jealousy.

If you could regain your youth, would your chances of running for Hokage be greater?

If the bastard Yu Yu was not involved today, wouldn't Yuan Fei and Hiruzen be able to occupy the position of Hokage forever?

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Danzo's heart surged.

Konoha (I) will never allow a Hokage to have an infinite lifespan!

Orochimaru also looked at his teacher in surprise.

He didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to have such a skill.

Orochimaru mocked: "Teacher! You said before that I studied taboos, but now it seems that the biggest taboo in Konoha is you!"

The misunderstood Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen did not explain, but retorted with a sneer: "If you can't maintain your peak state, how can you lead Konoha with absolute strength?"

Senju Tobirama nodded in sympathy when he heard this.

The Hokage must be strong enough, otherwise he would have too many things to worry about, such as the juniors in the village who are better than himself, and the ninjas who are stronger than the Hokage.

These will be a trouble. If the strength is not enough, you may have to find a way to suppress these strong people, which will make the development of the entire village somewhat abnormal.

"If Hiruzen can maintain his peak form, then Konoha's outstanding juniors shouldn't be suppressed because they touch his bottom line, right? This is also a good thing for Konoha

Senju Tobirama couldn't help but think.

Originally, he was a little worried that Sarutobi Hiruzen would not be able to suppress Uchiha, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

Qianyu: "No! You haven't thought about it too much. This is the reality."

At this moment, Danzo finally saw what a real old cunt is.

You have such ability, how can I suppress those outstanding juniors? I will fuck you directly!

At this moment, Danzo felt like a clown, especially when he thought of Konoha's White Fang that he had driven to death, he felt even more speechless.

If he had known...he wouldn't have suppressed Konoha's White Fang. If Konoha's White Fang had faced off against that bastard Monkey, he might have benefited from it.

"This insidious guy!"

Danzo was filled with resentment.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen knotted his hands, and Chakra balls with five different attributes began to slowly condense behind him.

Five Escapes·The Ultimate Five-Continuous Flowing Dragon!

The water dragon, fire dragon, earth dragon, wind dragon, and thunder dragon slowly entangled together, and finally formed a huge elemental dragon.

Under this terrifying ultimate ninjutsu, the sky dimmed, dark clouds were gathered by the aftermath of the terrifying elemental dragon, and thunder and lightning shuttled through the clouds.

Senju Tobirama looked at the giant dragon in the sky that seemed capable of destroying the world in surprise.

"How can a monkey have such strength?"

Senju Tobirama exclaimed.

Three levels of Rashomon!

Senju Hashirama did not sigh, but quickly formed a seal with his hands to summoning out of Rashomon.

The three levels of Rashomon are called the strongest defensive ninjutsu.


The terrifying elemental dragon fell, and the surrounding trees were instantly destroyed and turned into flying sawdust.

Under this terrifying attack, the first level of Rashomon was instantly destroyed. The second level of Rashomon was also reduced to ashes by the elemental dragon Tuigura. The third level of Rashomon also soon entered. Followed in the footsteps. .


At the critical moment, Senju Tobirama escaped with the Flying Thunder God, while most of Hashirama's body was reduced to ashes under this terrifying ninjutsu.

Fortunately, Senju Hashirama at this time was in the Impure World Reincarnation state, almost immortal, otherwise he would have been killed with just one move.

A small snake emerged from the soil and spit out a new body.

Orochimaru looked at the gap with some fear.

Almost, almost he had to turn around.

Another "resurrection coin" wasted. Danzo also looked at the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen with fear on his face.

"Since when did Hiruzen become so powerful? The technique of Five Release: Ultimate Five Continuous Ryū is unbelievably strong. Danzo couldn't help but think in his mind.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the four people who were safe and sound with a gloomy expression.

Although the move he just performed was ridiculously powerful, the amount of Chakra consumed by this move was also ridiculous.

That jutsu just now almost took away most of his Chakra.

I originally wanted to take advantage of these people's unpreparedness and kill them all with one strike, but in the end, such a terrifying ninjutsu did not cause any casualties.

"Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen is a pity."

Qianyu, who was hiding in the dark, sighed.

Such a powerful ninjutsu would be difficult for even five Kage-level experts to defend together, but it was dark. Sarutobi Hiruzen, an unlucky kid, was unlucky enough to encounter those who had the strongest ability to save lives in the entire ninja world.

Needless to say, Shimura Danzō is a man with ten "resurrection coins"!

As for Orochimaru?

If anyone in Hokage Ninja can survive to the finale, then this person will definitely not be the dutiful son, nor Naruto, nor Boruto, this person can only be Orochimaru!

The Senju brothers are originally in the Impure World Reincarnation state, which is a superposition of death state, and it is impossible to kill them. 377 Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen This wave can only be said to kill a lonely person.

The only one who could be killed was Danzo, but he brought his own resurrection coins.

The people who escaped did not hesitate, but continued to launch the siege.


Ninja World No. 1, the Country of Whirlpool.

"This country is really desolate." Zhihuo sighed sadly.

When he was in Ninja World No. 0, he traveled to the Whirlpool State. The tourism industry in the Whirlpool State is very developed, "even comparable to some capital cities on the five continents.

And what about the Whirlpool State in this world?

The country that was supposed to be prosperous was shrouded in a heavy and depressing atmosphere.

In the streets and alleys, the original bustle and bustle have become a dream, replaced by endless silence and desolation.

Most of the shops had their doors closed, and a few were struggling to stay afloat, with only weak lights swaying in the cold wind, reflecting the faces of passers-by, full of exhaustion and helplessness.

In the fields, the land that was supposed to be fertile is now barren and overgrown with weeds. The few sparse crops here and there are also withered and thin, unable to withstand the invasion of famine.

The farmers, with disheveled faces and hunched bodies, worked hard in the fields. Water mixed with tears dripped down on the land that no longer gave them hope this month.

The children were barefoot, looking for wild vegetables or lost grains to satisfy their hunger among the ruins. The childhood laughter that should have been replaced by hunger and suffering.

Along the way, displaced refugees can be seen everywhere throughout the Whirlpool State. They either left their homes and took their families with them, walking on the dusty road, looking for a place to settle down; or they huddled in ruined temples or abandoned houses, using straw and A makeshift shelter was barely built out of rags.

Illness and despair followed closely, mourning was everywhere, and voices and sighs intertwined into the most desolate melody of that era.

Occasionally, there are some wandering ninjas from other countries who cause chaos everywhere. The disorderly system makes this already desperate land worse, draining the last vestiges of life from the people.

This is the current scene in Whirlpool State. A wrong world and a wrong system have created a devastated and desperate world.

Zhihuo muttered to himself in a daze: "This world shouldn't be like this."

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