After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 128: Tsunade: Tsunade, Yours Is Not As Big As Mine? (Please Subscribe!)

After a while, the person who went out to chase people came back.

"Someone ran away and we didn't even find out who it was." Hyuga Hiashi reported.

Danzo was suspicious: "You Hyuga's Byakugan didn't even see the enemy? It couldn't be that you did, and you didn't want to say it on purpose, right?"

When Danzo said this, his eyes kept staring at Yuraiya.

"Invisible, the other party is like a ball of walking Chakra. It has no specific appearance, and it doesn't even have the meridians that a normal person should have." Hyuga Hiashi shook his head.

What he said was indeed the truth. Although it was a bit unbelievable, that was what he saw with his white eyes.

"That's weird......"

Orochimaru said coldly: "Utatane Koharu from another world said that there were only four invaders who came to this world, but these four people are obviously not the five we had to deal with before."

Hyuga Hiashi glanced at Yuraiya secretly, and when Yurai nodded, Hyuga Hiashi took the lead and said: "But no matter what, the three of you, Danzo, are not suitable to serve as consultants. After all, the suspicion on you has not been cleared away.

Inuzukazuma, who has long been unhappy with the three old guys, also echoed: "That's right! The suspicions on the three consultants have not been cleared. You are indeed not suitable for the position of elders."

The heads of the Ino-Shika-Chō clans did not speak, but looked at Yuraiya cautiously.

As a standard wallflower, Ino-Shika-Chō's code of conduct is to listen to whoever is Hokage.

Yurai also suggested: "How about the three consultants rest at home for a few days and resume their duties as officials when the matter is investigated clearly?"

Seeing that Jiraiya had spoken, the trio of Ino-Shika-Chō nodded in agreement and said, "Master Jiraiya is right. For the safety of Konoha, unit counselors, you should take a few days off at home. We will pay you back as soon as possible." Innocent."

Looking at these three wallflowers, the corners of the Konoha trio's mouths twitched?

"I agree too!" said the leader of the You 243 female clan.

Chief Aburame mainly targeted Danzo.

Now whoever opposes Danzo, he will support without any position.

Except for the families of the three advisors, almost all the ninja clan leaders raised their hands in favor of the proposal to suspend the three advisors.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru sighed in his heart: "Konoha has been suffering for a long time!"

I can't carry it, I can't carry it at all!

Orochimaru lamented in his heart and left secretly.

Although Danzo and others were reluctant to do so, they had to grit their teeth and accept this temporary leave in the face of the decision made by the entire upper class.

Danzo gave Utatane Koharu a vicious look.

"Why are you trying to pick up this trouble? In the end, you shot yourself in the foot?" Danzo cursed fiercely in his heart.

Mitokado Homura also looked at his friend speechlessly. It was originally a good thing, but it turned out to be like this. This is difficult to comment on.

"The three advisors should rest well at home these days. I will ask the clan leaders to set up an investigation team to prove your innocence."

Danzo asked with a cold look: "Why didn't you investigate it yourself?"

Yuriya said expressionlessly: "Because I have to attend the Four Shadows Conference."

After hearing this, Danzo turned around and left.

Danzo also knew his situation in Konoha. Because of his previous operations, these people from the ninja flag wanted to beat him to death.

Now that the power of investigation is in the hands of this group of ninjas, God knows when will his innocence be proven?

Maybe they could drag him to the ground.

If there are no restrictions from the advisors, then the power of Jiraiya, the agent of Hokage, will be infinitely elevated, and by then the entire Konoha will become Jiraiya's Ten Halls.

The most terrible thing is that this Jiraiya may still be an undercover agent.

Thinking of this, Danzo also knew that he could not continue to delay like this.

Time to consider a coup!

Just wait and see, you will know that only I, Danzo, can save Konoha!

After sneaking all the way to Sarutobi Hiruzen's ward, it was dark. Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at himself lying on the bed with complicated eyes.

"You are really ugly like this!"

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed with a hoarse voice.

Looking at himself in front of him, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of himself who was not very weak at that time.

"Why do you think you are doing this? For the sake of so-called companionship, you allowed Danzo to trample on your bottom line again and again."

"And is reputation really that important? A truly powerful Hokage can also bear darkness, but you don't understand this."

"Why did you back down in the first place? If you seal Nine Tails with your life, you will be the greatest Hokage in the history of Shuye.

"Why should you let the three disciples be so disappointed? If they were here, you would have been able to enjoy your old age in peace, and there wouldn't even be anything like zero tail."

"Why did you let Danzo suppress Hatake White Fang? Don't you know his Bushido spirit?"

"Why let Asuma act like crazy? If you train him carefully, he can become the Fifth Hokage."

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke quietly there, as if he was questioning Sarutobi Hiruzen on the hospital bed, and also seemed to be questioning his former self.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at the exact same self in front of him in horror.

"These damn intruders! Are they planning to replace me?"

"Beast! I've become a vegetable, why are you still refusing to let me go?" Sarutobi Hiruzen roared unwillingly in his heart.

"And what nonsense are you asking? I am the greatest Hokage in Konoha! It was me who saved Konoha!"

"And Asuma, how can he become the Fifth Hokage? Do you really think the Hokage can be hereditary?"

"Why should the Hokage be burdened with darkness? If the image of the Hokage is not bright and upright, how can he be great?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is different from the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen who has completely fallen into darkness. His behavior has always been more hypocrite.

A hypocrite who has been pretending all his life is a true gentleman!

In fact, the original anime world of Sarutobi Hiruzen is undoubtedly a success.

It's a pity that the two Sarutobi Hiruzen are not the Sarutobi Hiruzen of the original anime universe, (cfdj), so both of them have failed.

"Okay, that's pretty much what you said."

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the towel in the basin, and then picked up the wet towel.

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to put a wet towel on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face in the dark, a cold voice sounded from the side: "You can replace him, but you can't kill him. His sins have not been atoned for."

After seeing the person emerging from the shadows, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils narrowed.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen asked in surprise: "Are you... Uchiha Setsuna?"

"No, the Uchiha of this world were obviously exterminated. Are you the Uchiha of another world?"

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Setsuna in sudden realization.

Uchiha nodded indifferently: "I'm glad you know my name too."

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't do anything. If he did it in the hospital, he would definitely be exposed, and he might not even be able to escape.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen made a decision quickly in his mind.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen backed down and said: "You can take Sarutobi Hiruzen with you, but he can no longer appear in the sight of the people of Konoha."


Uchiha nodded instantly, and then grabbed the vegetative Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When leaving, Uchiha said with heartfelt blessing: "I hope you can give a wonderful performance to His Majesty."

After Uchiha finished speaking, he disappeared into the shadows.

Seeing the mysterious disappearance of Uchiha in the blink of an eye, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and guessed: "This ability... is it a special secret technique, or Sharingan's pupil technique? What else can I call a wonderful performance for His Majesty?"

After adjusting his physical age to be similar to that of Sarutobi Hiruzen in this world, dark Sarutobi Hiruzen put on hospital clothes and lay back on the bed again.

"The actors are already in place, and it should be a wonderful performance next."

Qianyu, who has been watching the live version of the Hokage Game, is looking forward to the next plot more and more.

As a time traveler, after coming to the world of Hokage, you must see some interesting things.

For example, I watched Konoha F4 step by step to the opposite side of Konoha.

When he was in Ninja World No. 0, because the timeline was too early, he didn't get to see the exciting plot.

Qianyu hopes that this world can satisfy his wish when he traveled through time.

The previous dark Utatane Koharu was killed by him in order to plant the seeds of doubt in Konoha F4 in the hearts of those ninja clan leaders.

Then he forced the four dogs of Konoha to jump over the wall.

As for the purpose of doing this?

Just for fun.

Ninja World No. 0.

After the alert was lifted, Tsunade couldn't wait to come to the palace, where he finally saw himself in this world.

"It's not as big as mine?"

The corners of Tsunade's mouth turned up slightly, trying his best to suppress his urge to laugh wildly.

Little sister, you can’t do it!

Tsunade also looked at Tsunade in front of her speechlessly.

My own transformation doesn't seem to be very smart, and the despicable Targon is actually even more outrageous than me.

Tsunade was also a little uncomfortable with the graceful and luxurious temperament of the person in front of him, so he mocked in a wicked way: "Don't look at it, the one with a D cup must be bigger than you!"


"Me too!" Tsunade retorted through gritted teeth.

Tsunade replied contemptuously: "I can't tell."

Tsunade, who obviously didn't want to quarrel with her own transformation, asked: "Forget it, I heard that you came to me for something? You don't want to quarrel with me, do you?"

"I heard that the emperor of this world conquered the Pure Land and could resurrect the dead?" Tsunade looked at Tsunade expectantly.

Tsunade shook her head after hearing this and said: "Your brother is not in the pure land of this world, and my husband cannot resurrect him."

Tsunade taught him a serious lesson: "By the way, don't touch gambling in the future. My husband doesn't like bad gamblers, so drink less. It's not like being drunk all day long."

"What do you know? You haven't experienced my pain, so of course you won't be as vicious as me. You don't need to take care of my affairs."

Tsunade hates being lectured by himself in another world, because he feels that it is impossible for him in another world to understand him.

If you haven't experienced her terrible fate, how can you understand how much she wants to escape from that world?

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