After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 121: Go Fishing, But End Up Making A Nest For Yourself? (Please Subscribe!)

A world has many tangible assets.

Although the people in this world are rotten, many material resources are still not missing.

According to Zero-Tail's memory, Qianyu discovered that there is only one holy place in this world, and that is Ryūchi Cave. The other two holy places have been destroyed by Zero-Tail.

Having forcibly occupied three major holy places, and it is also a holy place extremely rich in natural energy, Ryūchi Cave's strength has not been greatly improved.

The reason is that the ruler there is not the White Snake Immortal nor the Three God-Tier Princess, but Xin Ya.

Zero-Tail could not allow those things that could threaten him to exist. White Snake Senshi and Sanjin Ji both threatened or had the potential to threaten Zero-Tail, so Zero-Tail killed them all.

Qianyu, who was looking at Zero-Tail's memory, frowned and thought: "Isn't this pressure too harsh? It actually cut off the Sage Mode cultivation method?"

But the good news is that Xinya follows the Chakra system, which means that the three holy places in this world must have accumulated a lot of natural abilities.

The bad news is that he can only watch it now but not use it.

Next is the dragon vein.

Zero-Tail didn't touch the dragon veins in this world. This wasn't because Zero-Tail's conscience discovered it, but he never noticed the dragon veins.

Thinking of this, Qianyu had another bold idea in his mind. Can he use the dragon veins of this world to continue sending advance teams to other worlds?

It's just right to try it with Shadow Danzo and the others. Since they are not one of their own, they won't be heartbroken even if something goes wrong.

Finally, there is the body of Ten Tails, which is the Gedo Statue.

This thing actually has another name, and that is the Sacred Tree Seedling.

Qianyu remembers that this is what Ōtsutsuki Koyehime told him.

After Ten Tails eats members of the Ōtsutsuki, they will quickly grow into a sacred tree. After that, the 21 roots of the sacred tree will spread to every corner of the planet, absorbing the Chakra of all life forms on the planet.

When the Chakra on this planet is exhausted, the sacred tree will bear huge sacred tree fruits.

Since the people in this world are already rotten, let's play their last role.

As for sacrificing Ōtsutsuki members?

Qianyu thought of the Six Paths demon.

I don’t know if the Six Paths demons count as Ōtsutsuki. If they don’t, it seems that they can only find the real Ōtsutsuki.

But the most important thing now is to find Wei's body.

Zero Tails did not destroy Ten Tails, but kept it sealed under the earth.

The reason why Zero-Tail didn't destroy Ten Tails was that he had the same idea as him. Zero-Tail was also waiting in this world, hoping to catch a Ōtsutsuki and feed it to the sacred tree.

It's a pity that Zero-Tail didn't catch Ōtsutsuki, but instead made a nest with himself.

Then the future of this world is already determined...

Become the nourishment of the sacred tree, and then be completely abandoned, or become a pure mineral planet.

Finally, there is the Grayl Stone.

This thing is equivalent to the solid oil of the ninja world. Unfortunately, this thing has been dug up in the No. 0 ninja world.

Thinking of this, Qianyu controlled Zero Tail and waved his right hand gently, and Dark Hyde was summoned in front of it.

Although Hyde's youth was extremely unhappy when he was suddenly summoned, after seeing Zero Tails, he still kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"Great God, for what purpose have you called me?"

Qianyu looked at Haide indifferently.

In this fucked up world, those who survive are almost all the villains in the plot.

Hyde seems to be a kind and amiable person, but in fact he is vicious at heart and is an out-and-out evil person.

Qianyu squinted his eyes and asked, "If I give you more manpower, can you speed up the mining of Gray's Stone?"

Hyde asked cautiously: "Great God, do you need the Grayl Stone?"

Qianyu nodded and said: "I don't care what method you use, I want Greel Stones, the more the better! I will give you as much Dark Chakra as you hand over Greel Stones."

In this world, Dark Chakra is as addictive as opium.

Therefore, no one in this world can refuse the temptation of the dark Chakra, even Hyde who guards the Grayl Stone.

With great excitement in his heart, Hyde carefully probed: "What if Master Shadow is not happy?"

"I will send him away and let him go to another world. Now the whole world is under your control. Remember! I will see the Grayl Stone in front of me every day for a week!" Qianyu said no. After waving his hand patiently, Hyde disappeared again.

People in this world are basically scoundrels. If you only give them benefits, they will think you are easy to bully and may even push you to your limit. Only by squeezing them viciously will they feel normal.

What else is next?

Qianyu frowned and thought.

Medicinal materials?

But most of the medicinal materials in this world seem to have been contaminated by the dark Chakra.

Ninja World No. 0.

Qianyu, who was doing two things at once, manipulating the soul puppet to control Zero Tail and studying the purification circle, suddenly stopped what he was doing.

Qianyu asked: "Ma Yi, have the losses in this incident been calculated?"

Nuanyi shook his head: "Except for the floor tiles in the square that need to be repaired, the country has not suffered any losses.

After Nuyi finished speaking, he looked at Qianyu with hot eyes.

She likes the man in front of her, no! It can even be said that she adores him crazily.

This man is like Optimus Prime, able to hold the sky up by himself even if the sky falls.

Zero-Tail's power is obvious to all, but for such a powerful enemy, within a few rounds of fighting Qianyu, Qianyu discovered his weakness and then manipulated it.

"It's just the people of Uchiha complaining. Of course, it can't be regarded as complaining. At most, it can be regarded as ridicule.

They all said that with His Majesty here, there is no need for the army to exist. After all, there are enemies that even Your Majesty cannot defeat [the army cannot defeat]. " Numbtongue teased.

Qianyu raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

This is indeed a problem.

The army cannot lose its role. The empire now has good security, and in addition, life, death and natural disasters are controlled by the empire these days. "There are even fewer places to use the army."

If this continues, the military may forget what war is.

This is a very bad omen.

Thinking of this, Qianyu frowned and said: "Urge the Ninja World No. 1 to quickly collect the tailed beasts and send the army there. Uchiha's complaints and complaints are justified. The army cannot be idle. Let them go first. Make a difference."

Numbay nodded.

Undecided, Nunyi asked: "Which legion should be sent over first?"

After pondering for a moment, Qianyu said: "Just Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki, all the legions of their three clans are dispatched.

Qianyu arranged it this way for a reason.

In the No. 1 ninja world, these three major clans have been wiped out, so that two identical variants can be avoided from fighting each other.

The most important thing is that they all have no bonds in another world and will not hesitate when they start.

After all, for a Holy Mother like Zhihuo, there are only Miyan and Zhihuo in the entire empire, and other people's views are still very upright.

Nuyi nodded. From Qianyu's arrangement, Nuyi also roughly knew Qianyu's purpose of doing this.

After arranging all the affairs, Nuyi returned to the office and locked the door, then turned around and said seriously: "Okay, the formal report is over, my great Majesty, I haven't had an injection for a long time...

"I have a slight fever now. If I don't cool down the fever, it may affect my work!"

Qianyu: "..."

I just experienced a big battle!


An old Chinese medicine practitioner is online!

Isn’t it just an injection? This is professional!

No. 0 Ninja World Sand Ninja Village, Kazekage Office.

Luo Shuo, who received the latest instructions from the empire, directly held three rounds of meetings.

Luo Shuo looked at Qianyo and Qianqiu in front of him and said: "New instructions have just been sent from the empire. Your Majesty is no longer prepared to delay it any longer. He is going to send the army over."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Chiyo frowned.

Her original plan was to boil the frog in warm water and take over the entire Kingdom of Wind with zero casualties. Now it seems that this plan will definitely not work.

"Yes, mainly because there are some new changes in the empire."

Luo Shuo sighed.

"Just half a day ago, a Chakra aggregate from another world broke into the empire through the portal..."

Upon hearing this, Chiyo and Chiaki's expressions changed at the same time.

"Is the empire okay?" Qianqiu asked anxiously.

Luo Shuo said proudly: "What can happen? Your great Majesty took less than an hour to defeat the enemy, and even invaded the world in turn. That world is now under your Majesty's rule."

Upon hearing this, Chiyo's eyes flickered slightly.

Chiyo asked curiously: "Didn't you say that His Majesty is too strong and the portal can't transport you?"

"Rather than taking action personally, the Emperor only controlled the Chakra aggregate that invaded our world, and then indirectly ruled that world through remote control of Zero Tail." Luo Shuo explained.

Luo Shuo then said: "But that world is so bad, Your Majesty means to prepare to destroy that world.

Hearing this, Tashiro's heart pounded.

This world will not face such a fate, right?

Thinking of this, Chiyo felt infinite fear.

Luo Shuo, who saw the worry in Chiyo's heart, explained: "Don't worry, this world is different from the dark ninja world. It is a very bad world. It is said that the pioneering team who discovered that world all went to see a psychiatrist after they came back. ”

Chiyo looked at Luo Shuo with some confusion.

Is there a worse world than this one? How bad is that world?

Luo Shuo said: "If you are interested in another world, you can go to that world to see it after you finish your work here.

We can go together then. After all, I am also very curious about that terrible world. "

Chiyo nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Chiaki next to him said: "With One Tail's Chakra, our portal can only send 500 Jōnin over, which should be enough if we just defeat the Wind Country.

Luo Shuo waved his hand in high spirits and said directly: "Then let's conquer the Kingdom of Wind first!"


Yuriya pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache.

"Why are you in such a hurry! I still have a lot of operations to do here." Yuraiya sighed depressedly.

Zuosuke next to him asked curiously: "So we have a direct showdown?"

Yuraiya ordered: "After Zhihui and the others come back, you go to the Country of Uzumaki. Princess Kunaxin said that the Namendo in the Country of Uzumaki has a mask that can summon Shinigami. "We need the other half of Shinigami's belly. Nine Tails.”

Zuosuke asked with concern: "What about you? Will you be alone in Konoha..."

"I will leave Konoha too, you see."

Yurai also handed a letter to Sasuke. .

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