After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 118: Dark Ninja World! (Please Subscribe!)

An ominous and gloomy atmosphere began to permeate the imperial capital.

Since the establishment of the empire, such a dark atmosphere has not appeared for a long time. Even the negative emotions in the tailed beasts are not as evil as this dark energy.

When Qianyu arrived at the tower in front of the square, he saw a huge black claw sticking out from the portal, and then firmly grasping the edge of the portal, and then another black claw came out of the portal. Poke out.


Hatake Sakumo rushed over and looked at the monster that was about to come out of the giant portal with a solemn expression.

Qianyu explained helplessly: "Something happened to the alien exploration team, and then we were counter-invaded."

Hatake Sakumo asked in surprise: "Don't the team's mechanical watches have an anti-theft program? Did they betray the empire?"

Qianyu shook his head and said: "There is another possibility, that is, the pioneering team may be controlled, or it may be intentional."

"Is the barrier ready?" Qianyu asked cautiously.

Hatake Sakumo replied confidently: "We are ready. It is absolutely impossible for the enemy to leave this square!"

When they first built the portal, in order to prevent powerful people from other worlds from invading the home world through the portal, they placed a lot of barriers and seals around the square.

Now is the time for these things to come into play.

Nuanyi ran over in a hurry, holding something that belonged to a tablet computer.

"Your Majesty! This is the message sent by Team No. 4. It was just sent back."

Qianyu took the tablet and asked, "Is this the mission log of Team 4?"

Numbay nodded.

Rather than saying it is a mission log, this is a rather long piece of information.

"The members of the fourth team are Inuzuka Kiba, Li Nok, and Hyuga Teru. The information was sent by Inuzuka Kiba's ninja dog." Numbay paused after finishing speaking, and then glanced nervously at the person who was about to teleport. The huge thing came out of the door.

"According to the intelligence, 280 Hyuga Hui has now surrendered to the enemy."

Qianyu raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

Qianyu didn't expect that someone would betray him, especially when this person was a Hyuga.

Nu Ma responded: "The intelligence said this is the case, but directly told me that there must be something hidden behind it.

Qianyu also picked up the information and read it.

Your great and supreme Emperor, the faith in our hearts, Inuzuka Kiba (Inuzuka Kiba variant) may no longer be able to follow you.

When we first came into this world, we noticed something was wrong.

This world infinitely magnifies the dark side in our hearts. As we stay in this world longer and longer, the dark side in our hearts becomes bigger and bigger, and there are more and more quarrels between teammates.

In the end, the three of us had to separate to collect intelligence. When the three of us reunited, Hyuga Hui had betrayed the empire and joined the dark ninja village.

He led the ninjas from the Dark Ninja Village to ambush us. Our intelligence was leaked, and the enemy was stronger. Unfortunately, we were captured.

The Dark Ninja Village is the only Ninja Village in the world and the only armed organization. The ruler of the Dark Ninja Village is called Shadow.

Your Majesty, this is a terrible world!

I have not seen other worlds, but I can guarantee that this is definitely the worst world of all.

There is no justice in this world, let alone kindness. This world seems to be insulated from light, just like the opposite of our world.

People in this world like to kill themselves, and everyone's heart is extremely violent and dark. If the empire can destroy such a world, then there will never be a few innocent people in this world.

Qianyu frowned and looked at the information in his hand.

A world full of negativity?

So far, he has discovered a total of four parallel universes. Except for the first and third ones, which are relatively normal, the rest seem to be more bizarre than the last.

The flesh and blood ninja world, the dark ninja world...

Just when Qianyu was analyzing the truth of the dark ninja world, a communication request was made to connect from the outside.

"Hyuga Teru?"

Qianyu raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that this "traitor" would come to his door.

After taking a look at the giant monster still squeezing out of the portal, Qianyu connected to the communication.

"See Your Majesty!"

The video was connected, and Hyuga Hui respectfully asked for instructions.

Looking at such docile Hyuga Teru, Qianyu did not speak, but looked at the somewhat embarrassed Inuzuka Kiba behind Hyuga Teru with interest.

"What's going on?" Qianyu asked curiously.

Inuzuka Kiba lowered his head in shame and said, "Your Majesty, Hyuga Teru did not betray me, I misunderstood him."

Qianyu nodded, he had expected this.

Hyuga Teru was originally just the son of the branch house. Without his appearance, Hyuga Teru would have become a caged bird for life like Hyuga Neji.

Under this premise, the possibility of Hyuga Hui betraying him is very small. After all, Hyuga Hui is not a clan member.

"Your Majesty, let me explain." Hyuga Hui took the initiative.

Qianyu nodded. Hyuga Hui is the captain of Team 4 and the smartest one. Everything today should be Hyuga Hui's plan.

Hyuga Hui quickly explained: "The monster in the portal is called Zero Tail. It relies on the darkness in people's hearts to produce a huge dark Chakra aggregate.

According to the information I collected, Zero Tails was originally an artificial tailed beast, but for some reason, he broke free, relied on the darkness in people's hearts to grow, and finally became the ruler of this world. "

"The most incredible thing is that even the Six Paths demons in this world have fallen into the hands of this terrifying monster, and even the variants of many people in this world have died. So far, I haven't even found any of the imperial concubines. Variants."

"Zero tail?"

Qianyu frowned in thought.

Zero-Tail is actually equivalent to a beggar's version of the Evil Sword Immortal in the ninja world. He is transformed from the darkness in human hearts and can rely on the darkness in the hearts of intelligent beings to continue to grow.

If Zero-Tail loses control, it is indeed possible to grow to the Six Paths level. After all, the morbid world of the ninja world is so dark, it can only be said that everyone understands it.

"Then there are the armed organizations of this world. The ninjas in the Dark Ninja Village are a group of extremely vicious people. They are strong and unscrupulous in doing things. They are a group of complete villains!"

"The leader of the Dark Ninja Village is a guy named Shimura Danzō. He is called Shadow by the (cbej) people. It is said that he is Zero-Tail's most loyal and powerful dependent, and he has received Zero-Tail's gift."

After Qianyu heard this, he admired in his heart: "That's okay, Tuanzi! You've finally made your mark."

Danzo in another world actually became a shadow, and he was also a First Generation shadow. This was something Qianyu had never imagined.

"What about Danzo's strength?"

Qianyu asked curiously.

Hyuga Huihui reported: "Shadow's strength is probably at the Super Shadow level, but infinitely close to Six Paths level. As for Zero-Tail, his strength is at least Six Paths level, and the specific strength is unknown."

Qianyu nodded, Hyuga Hui's guess was reasonable.

Since Danzo from another world can rule the entire ninja world, his strength cannot be bad. Super Kage-level can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Qianyu even suspected that this unlucky child was already at Six Paths level.

As for zero tail?

Zero-Tail's upper limit has been determined from the beginning. If there is only one world's dark emotions as nourishment, then Zero-Tail's strength will be the peak of Six Paths.

Ma Yi, who was next to Qianyu, suddenly asked: "Then what do you want to do by joining the Dark Ninja Village?"

After hearing this, Hyuga Hui sighed depressedly: "My subordinates are forced to have no choice. This world is very strange, and it seems that it is designed to help the dark side of human hearts.

If we don't open the portal quickly, we will go crazy if we stay in this world for a long time, and the problem will only be bigger by then. "


Ma Nuyi suddenly realized? "So you..."

Hyuga Hui nodded proudly: "So I had no choice but to take the risk and pretend to join the Dark Ninja Village. I used the resources of the Dark Ninja Village to build an eye-shaped portal.

Moreover, by joining the Dark Ninja Village, you can not only get more information, but also use the Dark Ninja Village’s help to build the portal. This is definitely a win-win situation and the only option we have to make a comeback!”

"Your Majesty, please believe Hyuga Teru. He is truly loyal to the empire. There is only one dark ninja village in this world, and almost all the Chakra metal is controlled by that recharge.

You also know that our strength is not strong, even if I am the strongest, I am only at the peak of Kage-level. With the abilities of our three teams, it is impossible to open the portal for the empire. "1

Qianyu nodded in approval.

Of course Qianyu knows the strength of Hyuga Hui and others.

Without using some means and cost, it is indeed impossible for the Hyuga Cards to build a cross-border portal.

The difficulty of conquering the Black Ninja World is definitely far higher than that of the No. 1 Ninja World. If they can think of using the enemy's resources to build a portal, Hyuga Teru and the others have indeed found the only and correct choice.

"Then what's going on with this monster that's preparing to invade our world?" Nuyi asked with a cold face.

Hyuga Hui said awkwardly: "Originally, we thought Zero-Tail would not trust us and let us try to teleport ourselves, but it turned out that this guy was so stubborn that he directly separated ten and a half sources to invade the empire."

"So brave?"

Qianyu also looked at the monster in the portal in surprise.

"Half origin?"

The smile on Qianzi's face gradually changed.

After devouring the nine tailed beasts and absorbing so much dark chakra, Qianyu couldn't even imagine how much energy this guy had.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

"I did some tricks when building the portal. If the empire loses, I can start the portal's self-destruct program now." Hyuga Hui said cautiously.

"No! Just protect the portal properly. I will accept this big gift package without mercy." After Qianyu finished speaking, he hung up the communication.

At the same time, Zero Tail (only half the origin, equivalent to half a tail) finally emerged from the portal.

"New World! Your God is coming!"

Zero-Tail announced his arrival with a sharp god-tier voice.


Zero-Tail, who was still extremely excited, suddenly gave a startled sound.

"What the hell!"

"Why is there so little darkness in this world?"

Qianyu, who rushed over, slightly raised the corners of his mouth after hearing this.

Not to mention that the social atmosphere in the empire is as good as a utopia, and people's hearts are full of sunshine and positive emotions.

What's more, the entire square is now isolated by a sealing barrier. "You still want to absorb the darkness in people's hearts? There are only a few guards in the entire square now? And how much darkness can be in the hearts of these people?"

After seeing the sealing barrier outside the square and the few sparse ninjas in the square, Zero Tails realized that he might have been fooled. .

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