After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 113: Every Asuma In The Ninja World Is Destined To Be Killed! (Please Subscribe!)

And this scene is also something Yuri is happy to see.

After just instructing several controlled Anbu to spread rumors about Neji, an Anbu came to Hokage's office nervously.

After confirming that no one was in the office, the Anbu reported carefully: "Sir Jiraiya, there is something I need to tell you."

"What's up?"

Yurai also glanced at this Anbu.

The other party is from the Sarutobi clan. He is considered a die-hard loyalist of Sarutobi Hiruzen. He is also a person on the cleanup list.

"The compatriots in the Roots sent top-secret information that Elder Danzo wants to assassinate the Sarutobi clan leader.

Hearing the origin of these words, he also raised his eyebrows, and then gave the guy in front of him a meaningful look.

It’s not surprising that there are spies of Sarutobi Hiruzen at the root. The Sarutobi Hiruzen in this world can suppress Danzo for decades, and it must be more than just his strength.

Darker than Heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen is no weaker than Danzo.

Yuraiya sighed in a strange way: "Interesting, he didn't report this kind of information to me, your Hokage, but instead came to you? It seems that the agent Hokage is not the real Hokage after all.

Hearing this, Anbu's face turned pale.

Before he could explain, Yuanye said: "Since that compatriot believes in you so much, then I will leave this matter to you, Anbu.

After hearing this, Anbu opened his mouth but hesitated. He wanted to say that Hokage's transfer order was needed to transfer Anbu.

But seeing the sense of oppression exuding from the expressionless Yuya, this Anbu finally nodded silently.

The meaning that the origin also needs to be expressed is already obvious.

You Sarutobi are so powerful, then I won't care about this matter.

After the Anbu left, Yulai also called Zuosuke.

Yuraiya said: "Sasuke, go give that Sarutobi Asuma a ride. He has been a little close to Yuhi Kurenai recently.

Just think of it as a favor from us to the imperial concubine. "

"It's a pity. Sarutobi Asuma is a good chess piece. He is moderate, impulsive and irritable. Such a person is easy to take advantage of." Yuyuan said with regret.

There is no way, Sarutobi Asuma fell in love with someone he shouldn't like, and he himself does not have strong strength. This is his biggest original sin!

Sasuke listened and nodded.

He had seen the woman named Yuhi Hong, who was at least eighty similar to Princess Yuhi Hong. Although they were not at the level of twins, they still looked like sisters.

Although such a variant is not qualified, as the origin said, such a variant can be used to sell favors.

Yuriya added: "It's best to frame this matter to Genbu, who will probably take action tonight."

Sasuke nodded, and when Yuriya said so, he knew what to do.

No matter what he does, Sarutobi Asuma will definitely die today.

The current situation in Konoha is complicated. Among all interest groups, the Adventists are the strongest, followed by the roots.

Now both groups want Sarutobi Asuma to die soon.

In this case, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen is not Hokage, it is impossible to save his son.


After receiving the information, Sarutobi Asuma specially strengthened his security force.

Although Jōnin is considered a powerful being, Sarutobi Asuma also knows that he is just Jōnin.

It's actually not that difficult to assassinate a Jōnin.

Sarutobi Asuma gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn Shimura Danzō, the old man shouldn't have left this scourge behind. He should have been killed directly in the first place."

After cursing, Sarutobi Asuma whispered sentimentally: "Old man, I guess you wouldn't have thought that your good friend Yu would do anything to your only son, would you?"

Since returning to Konoha a few days ago, he has found that the atmosphere in Konoha is different from before, and it is no longer like the Konoha he remembered.

There are intrigues and mutual abuses everywhere, but where is the warmth between family members?

The former Will of Fire.

The companions in the village are all family members, and family members should protect each other, even if they sacrifice themselves.

Now the Will of Fire.

The village belongs to everyone, and you young people should sacrifice yourselves to protect the village.

The village does belong to everyone, but your life is yours!

Except for some civilian ninjas (bjci), which ninja clan is now willing to sacrifice their family to protect Konoha.

The last "hero" has become a negative teaching material for all major ninja clans. No matter which ninja clan leader mentions this "hero", he will spit to show respect.

Sarutobi Asuma, who was drinking alone, thought a lot tonight.

After being appointed to become the clan leader at the last moment, his life was not happy. He had neither the pleasure of being in power nor the unfettered freedom.

On the one hand, he has to face the fear of the agent Hokage and the suspicion of the major ninja clans. On the other hand, he has to face the aggressive Shimura Danzō.

Because of this family, he hasn't even seen Hong for a long time.

Originally, judging from the development process of the two, they would be able to become a couple after a while.

"It's all those damn intruders!"

Sarutobi Asuma couldn't help but curse after taking a sip of wine.

Sarutobi Asuma is not very worried about his own safety. He does not believe that anyone can take his life in the Sarutobi tribe.

"There are enemies!"

An exclamation broke the peace of the Sarutobi clan. All the ninjas who received the news rushed in the direction of the shout.

This even includes the two guards responsible for guarding Sarutobi Asuma.

Sarutobi Asuma still sat there calmly drinking.

"A stupid plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain."

Sarutobi Asuma curled his lips in disdain, even more disapproving in his heart.

He felt that Danzo must have underestimated him, Sarutobi Asuma. Otherwise, how could he use such a clumsy trick to lure a tiger away from his mountain to trick him?

In fact, just as he guessed, within a moment, an exclamation came from outside the house.


A low shout sounded, and the future intruder was discovered again.

"Sure enough, it's to lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

Sarutobi Asuma understood, and even felt a little proud.

Aburame Ryoma said: "Sure enough! That guy Sarutobi Asuma was not fooled so easily.

"Secret Technique·Insect Tornado!"

Aburame Ryoma directly chose to strike first.

A hurricane composed of countless parasitic bugs flew towards the guards. These bad bugs were also mixed with a lot of nano-residents.

But these Jōnin, who had never been on the battlefield, did not realize this.

Although there are many ninjas in the Sarutobi clan, almost all of them were raised rich and have never been in battle at all.

Compared with Aburame Ryoma, it's like a domestic cat bumping into a wild cat.

Seeing so many densely packed insects, the guard ninja did not dare to be careless. They quickly formed seals with their hands and shouted together: Wind Style·Great Breakthrough!

The huge gust of wind instantly cracked the secret technique of insect tornado, and at the same time blew away the nano poisonous insects hidden in the parasitic insects.

"As expected of the troops secretly cultivated by the Third Hokage. Although they lack combat experience, they are quite capable of combining ninjutsu.

Aburame Ryoma was amazed in his heart and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Secret Technique·Hurry!

The tornado composed of parasites moved up against the strong wind. Although it was difficult to move forward, it kept approaching everyone.

A Jōnin guard whispered: "Use Fire Style, all the insects in the Aburame family are afraid of fire!"

"Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

Several huge fireballs merged together and then hit a tornado composed of parasites.

Everything was as expected.

After the flames hit the insect tornado, the tornado was ignited, and many insects were burned to death.

Zuosuke, who was hiding in the dark and observing, folded his arms and whispered softly: "The Great Fireball Technique unique to the Uchiha clan was used in a decent way by this group of Sarutobi."

According to the current situation, Aburame Ryoma should not be able to break through the defense line for a while. The longer the delay, the greater the possibility of the opponent's failure...

"Looks like I have to take action!"

Sasuke quietly walked around the battlefield and slipped into the house.

Sarutobi Asuma is still drinking wine at this moment, as if he is not worried about the outside world at all.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Without him, it would be impossible for Ryoma Aburame to break through.


Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Sarutobi Asuma's pupils shrank, and then he put down his wine glass in fear.

Originally he thought it was impossible for the enemy to bypass the outer defense line, but it turned out that he was wrong.

Sarutobi Asuma pretended to be calm and asked: "You are not from Danzo, right? Judging from your hair color and eyes, you should be from Uchiha, right?"

Sasuke is always generous to a dying person, so he is happy to answer Sarutobi Asuma's doubts.

Sasuke nodded and said: "You can call me Uchiha Sasuke.

Sarutobi Asuma behaved unusually calmly at this time.

Sarutobi Asuma asked confidently: "Uchiha Sasuke? You can come here quietly, you must not be the Sasuke I know, right?"

Zuosuke nodded again.

After receiving confirmation again, Sarutobi Asuma's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, they are invaders from another world! These damn guys are still lurking in Konoha, damn it! Why didn't Anbu and Genbu discover this group of people?

Even if they look alike, it's impossible not to find any clues, right?

There is only one possibility for the man named Sasuke in front of him to cooperate with him like this, and that is that in the heart of the man in front of him, he is a dying person.

Because only when facing a dying person will the other person tell his secrets without reservation.

Without hesitation, Sarutobi Asuma directly chose to strike first.

Chakra Knife·Shinichimonji!

Sarutobi Asuma injects Wind Style Chakra into the Chakra knife to generate two beams of high-power blue luminous Chakra double knives, which are so sharp that they can cut iron like clay.

Normally, with such a close range and the fact that Sarutobi Asuma is good at playing with knives, the sudden explosion of Sarutobi Asuma might be able to kill an old shadow powerhouse.

Unfortunately, he was facing Saosuke.

Just as Sarutobi Asuma was about to pounce on Sasuke, he met Sasuke's scarlet eyes.

Unpredictable storm!

The Mangekyō pupil technique bloomed silently, and Zuosuke gently tapped Sarutobi Asuma's heart.

Sarutobi Asuma, whose heart was instantly broken, vomited blood and lay on the table with a face full of reluctance.

"You shouldn't have come back!"

The condescending Zuosuke said indifferently.

The dying Sarutobi Asuma gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn bastards, Konoha will not let you go!"

"I think you Konoha will thank me, especially Danzo!" Zuosuke's mouth turned up slightly, his eyes full of mockery.


After using illusions to modify Sarutobi Asuma's memory of the three minutes before his death, Zuosuke hid his merit and fame and quietly left the Sarutobi clan.

With his super Kage-level strength, he really only needs to have the skills to assassinate a Jōnin.

outside the house.

With the tacit cooperation of the six Jōnin, as a special Kage-level

The Aburame Ryoma just didn't succeed in breaking through the discovery.

After receiving feedback from the insect and knowing that the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan were approaching, Aburame Ryoma sighed depressingly, and then reluctantly chose to retreat.

If it drags on any longer, he really won't be able to leave.

And this mission is not a mission that must be completed.

The mission given to him by Master Danzo is to scare the arrogant young man Sarutobi Asuma.

Now the task is considered completed.

After returning to the base, Aburame Ryoma reversed the situation.

After hearing Aburame Ryoma say that his mission failed, Danzo nodded calmly.

After all, he is still the son of an old friend, and Danzo doesn't want to do anything too extreme. Even the source of the leaked information was specially arranged by him.

From the moment Sarutobi Asuma knew he was going to be assassinated, this plan had been successful. .

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