After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 110: Sage Of Six Paths: Where Is My Freshman Son? (Please Subscribe!)

Realizing that something must have happened to the software, Sage of Six Paths quickly used his soul to sense the situation of his two sons.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

Something went wrong with this investigation.

Where is my son?

Where is a big boy my age?

"No way? This generation of Indra won't die prematurely, right?"

The spirit body of Sage of Six Paths had a look of shock and anger on its face, and a bad premonition flashed through its heart.

Sage of Six Paths did not find Indra in the ninja world. Unwilling to give up, he searched around the Pure Land again. Although he found Uchiha Madara, it was just the reincarnation of Indra's previous generation.

But this generation of Indra's reincarnation disappeared strangely, as if it had never been born in the ninja world, and even disappeared with Indra's Chakra.

"what happened?"

"Why is this happening?"

Sage of Six Paths panicked, knowing that it was a plan that affected him for thousands of years.

The most important thing is that Indra's reincarnation will die when he dies, but there can be no problem with Indra's Chakra!

And who is that Six Paths-level strongman who appears inexplicably?

The situation in the real world can only be perceived through the soul. Sage of Six Paths found no trace of the Six Paths level powerhouse.

And what's even weirder is that he also found two inexplicably familiar auras in the ninja world.

Those two peculiar Chakra breaths are a bit like his two sons, but not exactly the same.

Thinking of this, Sage of Six Paths felt numb all over.

I just took a nap, why did the world become so baffling?

Even if Indra's Chakra disappeared inexplicably, why are there still so many abnormal points?

Unwilling to give up, Sage of Six Paths decided to find the answer from these anomalies.

Black Zetsu "820", who had always trusted his own intuition, immediately gave up on Konoha's exploration mission after realizing something was wrong.

Exploration missions can be completed at any time, but if your hometown is stolen, it will be really fun.

After hurriedly returning to Rain Shinobi Village, Black Zetsu received a piece of news that was like dew on a sunny day.

Rinnegan was snatched away......

What's even worse is that it was still snatched away by the group of people from Otherworld.

If Rinnegan was brought back to another world, wouldn't all his calculations and plans for nearly a thousand years be in vain?

As for finding a way to get it back?

Black Zetsu did think so, but he quickly threw the thought away.

Not to mention that both chess pieces are useless, and if someone can snatch Rinnegan away, it means they can also deal with him.

Black Zetsu, who is not completely angry, has a determined look in his eyes. He has not given up for thousands of years, let alone now?

"Looks like we have to find a way to enter another world!"

Black Zetsu thought with squinted eyes.

Without hesitation, Black Zetsu gave up Rain Shinobi Village and headed towards Sand Ninja Village. He didn't even take the initiative to come out to see Nagato and the others.

Without Rinnegan, Nagato has no use value.

"There is definitely a way to go to Otherworld in that place. If it doesn't work, you can only use Impure World Reincarnation Madara."

Black Zetsu thought silently in his heart.

No. 1 Ninja World Konoha.

Transformed into a pile of shredded paper, Xiaolan quietly returned to Konoha under the breeze.

After seeing Xiaolan coming back, Yulai Zai quickly asked with concern: "How is it?"

Xiaolan nodded and explained: "Things went more smoothly than I imagined. Nagato in this world has not reached the Six Paths level, but the situation is a bit special. Zhihuo and the others probably misjudged Nagato's strength, but this You can’t blame Zhi Huo, after all, Nagato with the Rinnegan is quite bluffing.”

Yuanyuan also nodded and said: "I thought it was strange before. After all, Nagato's eyes are not his own, and his life level cannot be evolved to Six Paths because of his eyes.

Yuraiya asked again: "What about Nagato and the others?"

Xiaolan smiled and said: "They did a pretty good job in the Country of Rain, so I didn't force myself to be that bad guy. "I think it would be difficult for them to separate from that land.

Yu Laiye said regretfully: "It's a pity, Xiaolan, you are just too kind, you should know..."

Xiaolan smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, I don't need to compete for favor."

In fact, competition for favor in the eyes of others, but within their harem group, is actually just a way to express their love for Qianyu.

"Okay, send me back. I have to give these eyes to Qianyu."

Xiaolan had no intention of staying in this world longer. After all, normally, any concubine in the harem would long for the emperor to stay with her forever, and it was impossible to stay outside the palace for a long time.

It's the same even in the ninja world.

Yu Laiye nodded, he also knew that Xiaolan really couldn't stay here longer.

Without hesitation, Yurii quickly called Naruto.

Those who listened again had to contribute their own chakra, and Nine Tails, who had been squeezed dry once, was anxious.

Nine Tails, who was paranoid about dying, cursed: "I won't go! Do you know how much Chakra it takes to teleport that woman? He almost drained me dry last time!"

Naruto comforted helplessly: "But if you don't actively cooperate, they will forcibly extract your Chakra."

After hearing this, Five Tails became even more autistic.

It didn't expect that its most powerful tailed beast would be reduced to a guest power bank.

Nine Tails, who knew that he seemed to have no choice, said in despair: "Tell them to stop playing like this. If they continue to play like this, my origin will be damaged. How about you ask them to find a way to get my other half back, otherwise I will I will really be drained by you!"

After hearing this, Naruto turned to look at Akito next to him. There was nothing wrong with Nine Tails's proposal, and it wasn't excessive at all. After all, they were all friends now. [We can no longer guard against Nine Tails.

Of course he hopes that Nine Tails can find his other half, but the problem is that he doesn't know how to find it.

Akito explained: "According to Yuraiya-sama's information, the other half of Nine Tails should be in Shinigami's belly now with your father's soul."

Hearing that the other half of Nine Tails was in Shinigami's belly, Naruto asked worriedly: "Can I take it back?"

Akito said: "It's not a big problem, but I have to check with the empire about the specific operations on this matter."

Nine Tails, who had his Chakra drained this time, fell into a deep sleep with a depressed expression. This time he really didn’t have a drop left...

When Xiaolan was about to leave, Akito asked: "My dear, after you return to the empire, can you help me find out how to get the soul from Shinigami's belly?"

"Okay, I'll ask them to check it for you when I get back."

Xiaolan nodded.

Nine Tails' Chakra is indeed a bit troublesome after half of it is missing. It would be more conducive to the empire's expansion into this world to restore Nine Tails to its integrity as soon as possible.

Although Akito is not from her faction, he is still serving the empire. She has no reason to refuse, and it is impossible to refuse.

Sand Ninja Village.

Although they were very uneasy, the siblings still had to embark on the journey to a foreign land.

Temari reluctantly glanced at the Sand Ninja Village outside the window.

"Goodbye, Sand Ninja Village!" Temari said silently in her heart.

Luo Shuo patted Kankuro on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I have contacted Gaara in that world, and he is already waiting for you over there.

I believe that after experiencing life in the empire, you will definitely like the empire. "

Kankuro: "...

That's why I'm worried.

Gaara from another world…………

He won't just kill us as soon as we meet, right?

Thinking of Gaara's extreme character, Kankuro felt despair in his heart.

You said you couldn’t find anyone to pick her up? But why should you ask Gaara?

The uneasy Temari thought that she belonged to her sister, so she entered the portal first.

Stepping through the bright portal, one step is a world of difference.

Temari came to the square in front of the palace and looked at the surrounding scene in surprise.

Such a big square, and that huge statue...

Is this another world?

Kankuro from behind also followed nervously.

The two siblings stood in front of the portal. "At half past ten, I don't know how to proceed.

A clear voice sounded, and I Jueluo asked cheerfully with a sunny smile on his face: "You are the sister and brother from another world, right? They do look similar.

Hearing this title, both siblings were in a daze.

Temari couldn't even believe what she just heard.

Am I hallucinating?

Gaara calls me sister?

Looking at the boy in front of him who was at least somewhat similar to Gaara, Temari even thought for a moment that he was hallucinating.

My brother can't be so polite!

As for why it is a nine-point image?

Because the Gaara in front of me does not have a pair of panda eyes, and her temperament is not gloomy at all. Instead, she looks cheerful and generous.

Temari, who couldn't believe her ears, asked in a stammering tone: "Are are Gaara?"

"My name is Gaara in the other world?"

The corners of I Jueluo's mouth turned up slightly, and then I explained with a smile: "My name is Jueluo. If nothing else, I should be your younger brother in this world."

"I Jueluo?"

Kankuro looked at me thoughtfully.

Because the world is different, Gaara's living environment is different, so her personality is also different?

In other words, Gaara is not actually bad in nature? Is it just because of the influence of the environment?

Doesn’t that mean that the people around them have affected Gaara’s character?

So if you are treated like this by Gaara every day, is this something you brought on yourself?

Thinking of this, Kankuro inevitably feels a little guilty...

Gaara in the other world has such a good personality, cheerful and handsome. If Gaara's living environment is the same as him in the other world, then Gaara must be a very good younger brother now.

I felt that my brothers and sisters in the other world seemed a little dull, so I smiled and invited: "Okay, don't stand here stupidly [I will take you to register first."

Temari and Kankuro nodded quickly and followed.

Kankuro whispered to Temari, "He is not carrying Gaara's gourd."

Temari's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said excitedly: "Maybe the mother of our world is not dead?"

Kankuro's eyes lit up when he heard this. It would be great if that was the case.

The registration process is not complicated. It is nothing more than reporting your name, birth address and strength.

After learning that the strength of the two of them was only at the level of Chūnin, I Jueluo said with a headache: "You two are actually Chūnin? That would be a bit troublesome, because your strength does not meet the empire's admission standards.

Feeling good about himself Kankuro asked proudly: "What? Are we too strong and do not meet the admission standards? I have already said that we are all Chūnin, how can we still need to go to school.

Hearing this, I felt the corner of Luo's mouth twitch slightly.

Kankuro in the other world doesn't seem very smart, and he feels too good about himself.

I thought Luo leisurely said: "Empire

The admission standard for the university is Jōnin, and your strength does not meet the admission standard.

Originally, he didn't want to give Kankuro and the others any blow when they met for the first time, but he was a little worried about the arrogance of the two siblings, Gajuro, who ended up becoming a villain.

Kankuro shouted in surprise: "What? We are not strong enough?"

I nodded silently.

Temari asked inexplicably: "The admission standard for Imperial University is Jōnin? Even if it is Jōnin, what else can ninjas learn in school?"

"There are so many things you can learn, such as martial arts advanced courses, super Kage-level Chakra advanced courses, immortal arts and various forbidden book arts, and even the development of various blood successors, etc...

Looking at me, Jueluo, who was starting to count with his fingers, the two siblings accompanying him were speechless.

"Is it true that what you are talking about can be learned casually?" Temari asked in disbelief.

I Jueluo nodded matter-of-factly: "Of course, as long as you are willing to learn, you can even learn the blood inheritance elimination."

In order to prove that he was telling the truth, I Jueluo did not hesitate to reveal: "I am a graduate of Imperial University. Although I just graduated last year, I did learn a lot at Imperial University."


Still a little skeptical, Kankuro questioned: "Then what did you learn?"

I Jueluo said: "I won't go into details about Magnet Style development and some 2.4 Taboo Techniques that involve life and soul. After all, you won't understand even if I say it."

"Magnet Style?"

Kankuro exclaimed in disbelief.

Temari also looked at me in surprise.

Neither of the two siblings expected that Gaara in this world would actually learn the Magnet Style.

"What's so strange about this?"

I Jueluo waved his right hand lightly, and a golden spear stretched out from the soil.

Seeing this scene, Kankuro was stunned and said: "Controlling metal... is really Magnet Style!

"Okay, since you haven't arrived at Jōnin yet, let's go back to Wind State first!"

"Magnet Style·Aircraft!"

I Jueluo formed a seal with his hands and summoned a very strange-looking aircraft.

After jumping onto the aircraft, I Jueluo said: "Come on, we will reach Wind State in about half an hour.

The two of them did not realize that this was the Country of Fire, nor did they realize what it meant to reach the Country of Wind within half an hour.

The two of them jumped on the flight in a daze.

The golden flying barrier ejected under the impetus of magnetic force, and then shot straight into the sky.

On the wall of the palace, looking at the flying aircraft in the distance, he gritted his teeth and said: "This is my younger brother who actually took away my transformation? Doesn't he know that Xiao Gong is the person that all women have taken away?"

Do you take your own variant with you?"

He complained, but he didn't mean to disturb me.

After all, he was born into a wealthy family, and Temari knew the importance of strength better than Xiaoying, who was born into a commoner family.

"It's really a pity that I didn't see myself in another world with my own eyes. It's all my fault, Jueluo. It's just Fengfenghuohuo." Shouda complained for a few words and jumped off the city wall.

The purpose of her coming today was to see herself in another world. "But the person who came here is sitting on the ground. (To read Jing Shuang's novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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