After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 102: Sex-Changing Universe Or Infinite Tsukuyomi World? (Please Subscribe!)

After Luo Shuo left, Kankuro looked at Temari nervously and asked: "What should I do? Temari."

"What should I do?" Temari looked at Kankuro confused, not knowing what Kankuro wanted to say.

Seeing that no one understood Temari, Kankuro explained: "What should we do next?"

Seeing that Temari remained silent, Kankuro suggested: "How about we go find Granny Chiyo while he's gone now and tell her that [my father has been replaced by an intruder from a parallel universe?"

"You don't think all the ninjas in the village are fools, do you?" Temari looked at Kankuro speechlessly.

They didn't even bother to pretend, they could see through it was the village's top management, how could they not see it?

Temari, who was afraid that his brother would do something stupid, advised: "The current situation is that the other party may have taken control of the entire village. "It will be useless even if we expose him."

Kankuro collapsed and asked: "Are we really going to another world? To study abroad in that so-called empire? I've already graduated!"

Temari took advantage of his chin and said: "It feels pretty good. You don't have to fight or kill anything, and you can't become stronger without going to the battlefield. This is a good thing."

Kankuro: “………………

"And I think the father in the other world is pretty good too." Temari added.

Even Gaara next to him couldn't help but nodded.

There is no harm without comparison. The Luo Sha of this world is indeed a dog shaking his head when he sees it.

"Grandma Chiyo is the legendary puppet master of the village. She will definitely find a way!" After Kankuro said this, he rushed out of the room without looking back.

Temari cautiously probed: "Gaara, what do you think about this matter?"

Gaara said coldly: "I can't go to that world, otherwise I would rather go to that world. I hate this world!"

Gaara threatened again: "Also, you are so dishonest, be careful he will kill you."

"Oops! Kankuro that idiot!"

Only then did Temari think of stopping Kankuro.

Temari also ran out to stop Kankuro. This was just one of the reasons. More importantly, he didn't dare to be in the same room with Gaara.

" it because mom loves me?"

After she was alone in the room, Gaara gently stroked the word "love" on her head, and then looked down at the information on the tatami.

His photo is above, so it's obviously his personal profile.

Gaara reached for the document bag with her right hand trembling slightly, then opened the document bag and slowly read it.

He didn't care about the other things, what he cared about was the truth of that night.

Soon, Gaara found the answer he wanted to know.

Looking at the content above, Gaara fell silent.


My uncle loves me, and my mother...

Gaara slowly closed her eyes, her hatred for Luo Sha deepening in her heart.

Now Uranus Laozi is here, Luo Sha is not his biological father, his biological father is Luo Shuo!

Kankuro, who didn't know that his brother had been bribed with just a bowl of rice, finally arrived at Chiyo's house.

"Grandma Chiyo, open the door quickly!"

"Grandma Chiyo! I have important information to report here."

Kankuro yelled as he smashed the door.

Qianqiu, who opened the door, asked fiercely: "Kid! Don't you know that the elderly also need to take a nap?"

Kankuro frowned and looked at Qianqiu in front of him, his eyes filled with fear for a moment.

no the same!

This guy is also different from the Chiyo Granny in my memory!

Could it be that Grandma Chiyo has also been replaced?

"What's wrong? Qianqiu?"

At this moment, another old voice came from the back room.

"This little devil seems to have something to do with you." Chiaki pointed at Kankuro.

After seeing it was Kankuro, Chiyo smiled and said hello: "Kankuro! I didn't expect you to come back so soon."


Kankuro, who was shocked by the two Chiyos, yelled dumbly.

Chiyo asked kindly: "Kankuro! What do you want from my old woman?"


Looking at Qianqiu next to him, Dongkuro swallowed the words in his mouth.

He wanted to make a snitch and expose the fake Luo Shuo, but after seeing Qianqiu next to Chiyo, Kankuro had a suspicion in his heart.

Could it be that Chiyo's mother-in-law also surrendered to the enemy? Then wouldn't she have surrendered herself to the trap now?

Thinking of this, cold sweat began to break out on Da Lang's back.

As a human spirit, Qianqiu probably guessed what was going on, so he threatened meaningfully: "I think this little guy must have discovered something. Little guy, just tell me what you found. There are no outsiders here."

Kankuro became even more frightened after hearing this.

No outsiders?

Doesn’t that mean………………

Chiyo rolled his eyes at his own transformation speechlessly. He was already quite old, but he actually liked to scare children.

"Okay, stop teasing him."

After Chiyo finished speaking, he invited with a smile: "Come in and sit down, I'll tell you something you don't understand."

Temari, who was chasing after him, panted and roared: "Kankuro! Why are you running so fast? I can't even catch up with you."


Seeing this girl who was at least somewhat similar to Thou, a kind smile instantly appeared on Qianqiu's face.

Qianqiu invited her kindly: "Little girl Temari is here too, anyway, we are all here, come in and sit together.

Temari was also shocked when she saw two Chiyos who looked similar.

Faced with Qianqiu's invitation, Temari had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod.

Temari gave Kankuro a stern look.

If I had sent it today, I would have been tricked to death by your frizzy guy!

Kankuro, who was about to cry without tears, looked at Temari with embarrassment. He really didn't expect that there was such a big pit waiting for him in Chiyo.

After calling the two little ones in, Chiyo thoughtfully made them a cup of hot tea.

"You guys came here in such a hurry because you wanted to talk about Luo Sha, right?"

The two siblings nodded.

Chiyo said with certainty: "Luosha is indeed dead. Although we did not find his body, we found his remains.'

After hearing this, the two siblings were also a little depressed. Although Luo Sha was not qualified as a father, after all, blood dissolves in blood.

There was still some doubt in his heart. Temari looked at Qianqiu cautiously, and then asked: "Is it really Orochimaru who did it?"

Qianqiu next to him heard this and knew what the little girl was suspecting, so he said confidently:

"Girl, you don't have to doubt us. If we really want to kill Luo Sha, we don't have to put in so much effort [that guy Ling Lian should have told you his origins, right?"

Temari nodded.

"If Luo Shuo wants to kill Luo Sha, even if Luo Sha has 1,000 lives, it won't be enough for him to kill him, and he will still crush him." Qianqiu said confidently.

"As the governor of the Wind State, Luo Shuo's strength has reached the peak of super shadow, which is the limit that ordinary ninjas like us can reach.

You may not know what the peak of super shadow means. The original Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were at this level.

At this time, Luo Shuo can completely claim to be the God of the Ninja World!"

"Besides, the transformation also has special meaning to him. Unless necessary, Chuan Shuo is a transformation that is absolutely impossible to kill him." Finally, Shengqiu concluded.

Temari didn't completely believe it, but looked at Chiyo curiously.

Compared to Qianqiu, he believed in Qianyo more.

Chiyo warned seriously: "This is indeed the case. Luo Shuo wants you to go to the empire to further your studies, right? This is a good thing, and you should cherish it."

Even in the empire, being admitted to the Imperial University is a matter of honor for one's ancestors.

Kankuro asked weakly: "What is the empire? Are we going to betray the Kingdom of Wind?"

"The Kingdom of Wind?"

A sneer flashed across the corner of Chiyo's lips and he said: "Now Sand Shinobi Village serves the empire. If it weren't for the fear of alerting others, the Kingdom of Wind would have been reformed long ago."

"But you don't have to worry about this. After all, this is a matter between adults. You are not even Chūnin now, so there is no point in thinking so much." Chiyo comforted.

Temari asked curiously: "Grandma Chiyo, can you tell me about the empire?"

Chiyo, whose share was instantly popular, clicked: "Of course, no problem, I lived in the empire for a short time."

"The powerful empire was created by the great and supreme emperor. 20 years ago..."

Chiyo began to tell a story about the Emperor and the Empire that was most accepted and familiar to the people of the Empire.

No. 2 flesh and blood ninja world.

The soul fragment of Orochimab drives a humanoid puppet to roam the vast land of flesh and blood.

According to the position displayed on the radar, Orochimaru came to a pillar of flesh and blood that reached the sky.

Looking at the exquisite bottle on the ground and the blood-streaked snake medicine wrapped around it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The soul catcher has not been assimilated yet, and the soul of Nara Deer Group should still be intact.

Qianyu's divine mind residing in the puppet was relieved after hearing this.

"This is a good thing. Let's check the infectivity of this thing next."

"This thing in front of you should be the source of all disasters!" Qianyu said.

Orochi clicked and took out the seal scroll.

After the sealing scroll was activated, a small laboratory appeared on the flesh and blood land.

"The natural energy in this world is very abundant, even to the extent that it exceeds the standard. The closer it is to the pillar of flesh and blood, the more terrifying the situation becomes." Orochimai Hui, who was holding a detector, reported.

Normally, Chakra is actually more advanced than natural energy.

Because natural energy is a special energy that originally exists in nature, and Chakra is a special energy extracted by humans through the combination of cells and souls.

Whether it is functionality or quality, Chakra is actually superior.

But natural energy is closer to the essence of energy. It can be said to be the foundation of all cultivation systems, such as the internal power of the martial arts system and the spiritual power of the immortal cultivation system.

These require natural energy to transform.

The good news is that Qianyu discovered that he can refine spiritual power in this world, but the refining process is more difficult.

Because when refining natural energy, he also needs to be distracted to remove the dirt in natural energy.

The bad news is that Chakra was suppressed at this time.

To give a simple example, Chakra's activity level in the original world was 100, but in this world it is 1, or maybe even less than ten.

Orochimaru also said happily: "Fortunately, the sealing technique can be driven by spiritual power, otherwise our research plan would not be carried out."

If Qianyu's spiritual thoughts had not followed him, he would have been left alone in this world waiting to die, let alone doing research.

Qianyu suddenly asked: ".~Orochi Yao, do you think that thing looks like a sacred tree?"

Orochimab said: "It does look similar, but I believe in my research data more. Your Majesty, we will be busy next time I come."

Qianyu nodded:

"It's good. I feel like there is a secret in this world that can help us take a step further!"

In this way, the two scientific madmen began a frenzied research journey.


Now that Xiaolan is gone, if she wants to relax, she can only go to the Baiyan sisters.

In other words, Hyuga is actually quite suitable for working in the massage industry.

When the two Zhida sisters step on their backs, they can accurately hit the corresponding acupuncture points with their eyes open, which makes them feel comfortable.

The sound of high heels hitting the floor sounded. When Tian Xue heard this familiar sound, he knew that work was coming again.

Nuanyi said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I have good news to report to you."


Qianyu, who squinted his eyes, said casually.

Nuyi announced excitedly: "That's it, another team has successfully contacted us! Ninja World No. 3 was born!"

Qianyu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he soon became depressed again.

Now that the portal cannot keep up with the pace of reclamation, even if the New World is discovered, it can only wait for its men to slowly infiltrate.

Qianyu asked: "Who is the captain of Team 4?"

"It's Aziyi (Aziyi's variant, Samyi's younger brother)."

Hearing this, Tian Bao nodded.

No wonder this girl is so excited.

Strictly speaking, although Ma Muyi was his secretary, she was not his imperial concubine. Samoyi was his imperial concubine.

According to the factions, Ma Yi actually belongs to the Samu Yi faction and represents the local forces in Lei Zhizhou.

This is indeed good news for Ma Yi.

After regaining his composure, Qianyu asked: "What's going on in that world?"

Nuyi commented: “It’s not optimistic, but it’s not too bad.

"How to say?"

Nuyi explained with a strange expression: "That world is a little strange...

The expression on Kenma's face made Qianyu even more curious.

"Tell me more about it!"

Nuyi: "That's a parallel world with reversed personalities."

Damn it!

Sex changes the universe?

Qianyu couldn't help but curse.

Nuyi emphasized speechlessly: "Ahem! Is it personality, not gender?"

After hearing that it was about personality and not gender, Qianyu became less interested again.

Qianyu sighed calmly: "Oh! It's his character!"

Although there is only one word difference between gender and personality, they represent worlds of difference.

"Where's the timeline?" Qianyu asked casually.

Numbay: "It's similar to the timeline of Ninja World No. 2."


Qianyu suddenly grasped the key point.

Inverted personality?

Could it be the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Nunyi followed and explained: "Aciyi has already started collecting Chakra metal, but due to strength issues, they did not dare to be too high-profile, so they reported the situation there first."

Qianyu nodded in understanding, Aciyi's approach was the right one.

After all, the quality of Team Aziyi is far inferior to that of Team 1 and Team 2. Everyone in Team 3 is only Kage-level.

If this is really the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, then they really can't keep a high profile.

But there is also an advantage to that world. There should be no Six Paths monsters in the Infinite Tsukuyomi world.

But the problem now is that Qianyu is not 100% sure that it is the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi. After all, it may be an ordinary universe with reversed personalities.

Qianyu warned worriedly: "Tell them to be careful. Don't let the portal disappear without opening it. The stored energy of the dragon vein is no longer enough. We can't send people to fish for it anymore."

The stored energy of the dragon vein can only be used once, and that only time was used in the No. 2 Ninja World.

If Aciyi overturns this wave, then he really can only wait another 10 years until the dragon veins have energy before fishing.

After all, he was his brother-in-law, so Qianyu still expressed his feelings to Guan Yongxin.

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