The next day, Su Hanyan got off work on time. When he took the car home, Jin Chen was already waiting for her at the door of her house. He was leaning against the wall with one hand in his pocket, holding a book in the other hand, and he was reading attentively. . A rattan basket was placed under his feet, and a handful of verdant green leaves stretched out, swaying gently in the evening breeze.

In the alley, there are people coming and going, and many people are looking at him, but he is not aware of it, and looks attentively and seriously.

"Jin Shen." She yelled.

Hearing her voice, Jin Chen looked up and saw her standing not far away with her bag on his shoulder.

"I'm back?" He smiled lightly and collected the book, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, let's open the door!"

"You also bought vegetables?" Su Hanyan opened the door, let him in sideways, and took the opportunity to grab the basket and glanced in, "It seems that you are going to settle for dinner with me? But, I don't know how to cook. Yeah!"

"I will. I will cook it for you!" Jin Chen said.

"Okay!" she smiled, "then I will work hard for you tonight!"

In the evening, it was Su Hanyan's cram school time. The students soon came one after another. By seven o'clock, they were all there, waiting for her to give lessons.

Su Hanyan prepares lessons in the office during the day, and at night gives the students a focus on grammar, leading them to do reading and translation topics.

Jin Shen is busy in the kitchen, he is very good at cutting vegetables, whether it is chopping vegetables or meat. During the years living abroad, he took care of himself and cooking was not a problem for him.

The summer night was very hot. He was busy in the kitchen alone. He slowly cooked mung bean soup, fried small rapeseed, cold cucumber vermicelli, and made a small stir-fried pork.

Everything was ready, he clasped the cooked food on a plate, and then went to the yard to enjoy the cool.

From time to time, I heard the sound of students reading loudly. More often, it was Su Hanyan who was explaining. He listened carefully. Her voice was slow and firm, and her grammar was very good. There were indeed two brushes.

Jin Chen looked at the beautiful woman through the window, and the more she felt like she was lost, the more she wanted to understand, the more charming she was.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the cram school ends.

After sending away the students, she was already hungry.

"Are you hungry? Go wash your hands and eat!" Jin Chen told the room, he had already set a table in the yard, opened a dish, and put the staple food and clear soup.

"Oh, there is a Mr. Tianluo in my house!" Su Hanyan was full of excitement when the food was ready, and he hooked his neck and hopped a sweet kiss on his cheek, "I'm welcome That's it!"

"Eat more, you have to endorse after dinner." Jin Chen handed the chopsticks over.

"Yeah." Su Hanyan raised his chopsticks, Feng Juan Canyun took a pass, leaning on the back of the chair with a full stomach and narrowing his eyes comfortably.

Jin Shen has seen her look like this more than once, lazy and charming, like a cute cat.

"The taste is not bad, Mr. Jin, you are really a treasure!" Su Hanyan praised him happily, "I found a baby!"

Jin Chen smiled slightly and got up to clean up the dishes.

"I'm coming!" Although Su Han's cigarette holder said that she was coming, she didn't move at all. You must know that after the work and tutoring this day, she has no energy.

Jin Chen patted her head: "Don't worry about it, you go and study obediently, first open the textbook and wait for me!"

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