"I see." Su Hanyan took the piece of paper and glanced down, "Then I will go back and study tonight."

"to make."


University of Foreign Languages, sophomore year.

Yan Yi played a recording for the students and asked them to repeat it as much as possible. If they can't repeat the original sentence, then express it in their own way of expression.

If there is a problem with the presentation, she will come to help the students point it out.

Upon entering the university, the school will be divided into fast, medium and slow classes. She teaches a fast class. The students in this class are generally at a higher level and the teaching progress is faster.

The teaching philosophy here is to lead in listening, speaking, and to keep up with reading and writing. Because most of the talents here to be delivered to the country will do oral translation in the future, so there is a focus.

"Shen Xingchen, you can repeat it." After calling a few students, Yan Yi was not satisfied, so she called Shen Xingchen.

His foundation is more solid than ordinary people. Shen Xingchen’s mother, Jin Baiwei, is a parent who works in the education industry. Since he was a child, he has been stricter. In addition, he is Jin Chen’s cousin. I went to Jin Shen to practice English, so his level is quite high.

Shen Xingchen is almost a retelling of the original sentence. Even if he cannot retell the original sentence, he uses a brand-new way of expression. There are no grammatical errors, and the sentence meaning is appropriately restored. The result is not bad.

"Yeah. Please sit down." Yan Yi was very satisfied. "Shen Xingchen's retelling is great. Everyone applauds him! We must listen to the textbooks and listening materials that we have distributed before. You also have help groups, right? Let’s work hard to make progress together. At the end of this semester, we will organize an interpreting exam. I will reward those with excellent results."

Shen Xingchen was praised, and all the students in the class cast admiration and admiration at him, and they slapped his hands loudly.

"Next, let's do the translation." Yan Yi said, picking up a chalk and writing a long series of sentences on the blackboard, "Chinese to English! Come on, let's start!"


The time for a class is very short.

After the end, Yan Yi packed up the books and looked up at Shen Xingchen, who was surrounded by his classmates in the middle of the seat. He was really likable, handsome, and very talkative. Everyone likes to surround him like stars holding the moon. .

"Shen Xingchen, your English scores are so good, so just take over our team?"

"Our group will also study with you. If you don't know, you can ask you. Our group leader is too good, and there are always problems with pronunciation, not as pure as you!"

"It's easy to say, easy to talk." Shen Xingchen clasped his fists in his hands, in a bold attitude, "Let's go back and specify a study plan together. I will be the leader of the team. You must cooperate!"

"I am very sure of that."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yan Yi's mouth. This Shen Xingchen really has the shadow of Jin Chen back then. It's just that Jin Chen is surrounded by many people, but he will always be so cold.

He seldom talks to others, and he seldom agrees to others' requests.

If Jin Shen could have half of Shen Xingchen's character, it wouldn't make her so difficult to approach him.

Yan Yi has the final say, hasn't she been back for a while?

However, she didn't see Jin Chen at all, either he was unfortunate, or she was unfortunate, even if it was convenient for both of them, he deliberately avoided her.

It's always not a solution.

"Xingchen." Yan Yi suddenly shouted, "You come out with me, I have something to tell you."

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