"If you need money, just tell me." Su Dajiang exhorted, "You don't need to spend money on Tongtong!"

"I see, Dad."

When Su Hanyan was going out with Tongtong, the phone in the room rang, and she was looking for Wu Jiaojiao.

After Wu Jiaojiao answered the phone, her face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly called Su Jingheng, and the couple ran out.

"Why are you two going?" Su Jingrui asked too much when he saw that the couple had been thrown away by thieves.

"Your sister-in-law's mother was taken away by the police station! We have to go over and have a look, and I'll talk to you later!" Su Jingheng rode on the bicycle and ran out with Wu Jiaojiao.

Su Hanyan saw it, a smile turned up at the corner of his mouth.

"Auntie, do Mom and Dad don't love me?" Su Tong saw that her parents ignored her, her eyes were hurt, "They said it was because of me that my father lost his job! Because of me. Mom can't give birth to a younger brother... Aunt, I'm a superfluous person, right?"

"No!" Su Hanyan squatted down, took Su Tong's small hand, and solemnly said to her, "Tongtong is not a superfluous person! Many people like Tongtong! For example, aunt, aunt likes Tong most. Tong! If someone says something like this to you next time, you just curse me back! Remember? Tong Tong!"


Su Hanyan took Tongtong to the First People's Hospital. Jin Shen was undergoing surgery in the operating room, and she took Tongtong and waited for him in the corridor.

After Jin Shen's operation was over, he saw Su Hanyan with the child in the corridor, with a curious and surprised expression on his face.

"Yanyan, is this kid...?"

"This is my elder brother's child." Su Hanyan briefly said about Tongtong's condition, "This eye is injured, and the doctor diagnosed that she will be permanently blind... The child is only six years old... Jin Shen, I want to ask if you have any ophthalmologists you know? Help Tongtong check it again!"

"Understood! You are waiting for me here, I'll change my clothes and come!"

"it is good."

Jin Chen changed the sterile surgical gown to a white lab coat. When he came out, he raised his hand and touched Su Tong's small head, his waist was slightly bent, his upper body leaned forward, and he took the initiative to say hello to her: "Hello, Xiao Tongtong !"

Su Tong was a little afraid of the doctor in a white coat, and only wanted to shrink behind Su Hanyan.

"Don't be afraid of Tongtong, my uncle is a friend of my aunt, he is a very good doctor! His friend will help you heal your eyes!" Su Hanyan calmed her.

"Come on, come with me!" Jin Chen smiled and stretched out a big warm hand.

Su Tong slowly put her little hand in his palm, and said in a low voice: "Hello, uncle! I'm afraid of pain, uncle's examination should be lighter."

"no problem!"

Su Hanyan looked at Jin Chen, who was 1.8 meters tall, pulling the little Su Tong. Her heart warmed for no reason. The corners of her mouth curled slightly, and her eyes softened.


Jin Shen greeted the ophthalmologist and asked him to help Su Tong check.

Su Hanyan waited outside the door, a bit of anxiety in his eyes. She hopes that the results of the last inspection were inaccurate, and that there will be a good result this time.

Seeing her beautiful face collapsed tightly, Jin Chen's mouth faintly curled up, stretched out his hand and held her hand: "Are you nervous?"

"Well, I'm worried about Tongtong." She told the truth.

Tongtong is still young, if his eyes are blind, it will be very regrettable and heartbreaking.

"Don't be afraid." Jin Shen comforted her, "He is the most authoritative ophthalmologist in our hospital. Listen to what he says! There will be a way."

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