"These kids are always lost!" Su Hanyan shook his head helplessly, "Last week another kid lost his house key to me! You said what if you lose your admission ticket during the exam? it is good?"

"Let's remind me more." Zhu Lin smiled and went out of the kitchen to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door bolt, she rushed into the four strange men. Zhu Lin looked at those people who weren't like students, but they looked like good people in their dangling style.

"You are……?"

"Tied up!" Brother Liang gave an order.

The few of his accomplices acted immediately, one went to cut the door, the other two rushed up, one covered Zhu Lin's mouth with a towel, and the other immediately cut Zhu Lin's arm back.

Poor Zhu Lin didn't even utter a cry, and was "cooked" by these people.

"Find a house and throw it in for me, and get the camera ready! Hello later!" Brother Liang said, "Hurry up and find another one."

Su Hanyan heard the movement outside in the kitchen, and when he looked out, he saw the situation.

There was a panic in her heart, and her heart was beating.

Calm! Must be calm!

After a quick analysis in her mind, she quickly made a decision. She plugged the kitchen door, dragged the table with the dishes and chopsticks to hold the door, stepped on the pot platform and climbed to the small window, shouting to the street. .

"Help! Help!"

I'm eating at this point, and I may not be able to hear it all, but people nearby can definitely be able to hear it.

After shouting a few times, she looked for something she could use to defend herself in the kitchen.

You can't take a kitchen knife. This thing may be in your own hands. In the end, it is hard to say whether you hurt the other party or you.

After searching for a long time, she saw the iron drill that pierced the briquettes stove. This thing was a long iron stick with a pointed end, which could still be used for self-defense.

After all, this thing is long, which can ensure that those people can't get too close to themselves.

The sound of kicking the door came from the kitchen, and a hole was kicked just after the door was clicked, and the table was kicked torn apart along with it.

Brother Liang rushed in with a few people and saw Su Hanyan standing on the edge of the stove, carrying a big iron brace in his hand, staring at them closely with his expression full of alert.

"Yeah! This little girl is quite spicy!"

"Be obedient, put down the things in your hands, brothers won't hurt you, if you don't listen, you will have to suffer a bit!"

"Don't come near!" Su Hanyan yelled and shook the thing in his hand. "This thing is not eye-catching. If you accidentally puncture one or two, I will be irresponsible!"

"Oh, who wouldn't blow a big talk?" Brother Liang laughed at her, waved his hands, "All up!"

Several accomplices all rushed forward, and Su Hanyan didn't care about the three-seven-twenty-one, it just swung around, and he felt as if the jingle was hitting so many times.

"I wipe it! It hurts me so much!"

"Come on!"

As soon as they discussed, they rushed to Su Hanyan and took her iron brace.

Su Hanyan told herself not to panic, and tossed all the things that could be thrown on her hands, salt jars, vinegar bottles, soy sauce buckets, and finally, she touched the canola oil in the tea jar.

"Don't mess around!" She shouted, "If you are in a hurry, I will put this stuff in the stove, and when it catches fire, I will drag you all to death!"

Her move really bluffed these people, and they were stunned in the same place.

At this time, Su Jingrui's shout came from the courtyard: "I said Yanyan, you are not at home, why don't you open the door for me?"

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