But when he was really training for the movie, Gu Chen realized that not everyone can play.

The physical requirements for playing drama will only be higher!

The training for half a month severely frustrated Gu Chen's heart——

His proud young body is nothing at all in front of professional actors!

At that time, when Gu Chen was helpless, conceded himself, even risked paying high liquidated damages, and had to resign from the movie, Gu Chen received the medicine Lan Xinning gave him.

Gu Chen and Lan Xinning met on a variety show a year ago.

Because the two were able to talk, and Gu Chen had a good impression of Lan Xinning, both parties left private contact information to facilitate future contact.

On weekdays, Gu Chen did not contact Lan Xinning frequently because of his busy schedule.

So when he received the medicine from Lan Xinning, Gu Chen was surprised.

Gu Chen didn't believe it at first when he learned the effect of the medicine on the body through Lan Xinning's message.

After he drank the medicine and experienced it personally, Gu Chen was shocked by the obvious boosting effect the medicine brought to his body!

Before drinking the medicine, he had just finished several sets of fitness training in his private gym.

After drinking the potion, the exhaustion was wiped out on the trained body——

At the same time, the whole body is full of strength, which makes him do twice as much training as usual!

Because of the increase in physical strength, Gu Chen gave up his thoughts of terminating the contract with the film producer from day to day.

With the support of the medicine, when he was training and playing, he was completely able to withstand the training intensity, and he also exceeded the progress on the training schedule every day visible to the naked eye!

In this way, in the next ten days of training, he completed the play training plan that was supposed to be completed in a month!

Immediately afterwards, he went home during the Chinese New Year and encountered unhappiness.

That day, Gu Chen wanted to let his family use that kind of magical potion, although he couldn't achieve it.

However, he himself insisted on using the medicine every day.

After using it for another month, today Gu Chen was notified of the award for a movie he made last year.

He came to the scene of this important awards ceremony. When he was about to take the stage to accept the award later, he was resting in the dressing room backstage and found that the facial features on his face had changed somehow—

His charming eyes, which fans call them deceptive, are the most impressive for fans. When he looked in the mirror, he discovered that the whites of his eyes became weird green, and his eyes were also stronger than before. A big circle!

Gu Chen's eyes were not small at first, but the current changes make his eyes look like monsters!

Such an astonishing change made Gu Chen stare in surprise!

His green eyes, which had become bigger and weird, protruded when he stared, as if they would'jump' out of their eye sockets at any time--

Gu Chen never thought that one day he would become such an abomination!

At this moment, let alone the star halo on his body, he would not allow himself to become such a ‘monster’.

Even ordinary people can never accept that their eyes are not like what a person should have!

His recognized big eyes are as horrible as a ghost now!

After seeing himself in the mirror, Gu Chen's heart collapsed instantly...

At this time, he suddenly thought of what Lan Yin said when he returned to Gu's home to deliver the medicine on the New Year's Day. After being questioned by his family, Lan Yin said--

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