After the Villain is Reborn, I Hold My Golden Thigh

Chapter 346: It's just a defective product

In the past few days, Lan Yin found that in the small yard in front of the villa where she lived, plants were growing slightly faster than before.

Although the change is not great, it can be seen by careful observation.

Such changes are the evolution of plants.

Lan Yin didn't know how long this situation would last, because the novel didn't explain how far the world would eventually develop until the end of this novel.

In the novel, waiting for the male partners to complete their love and leave their homeland, the obstacles of the male and female protagonists are all dead. The two are infinitely strong. After they get married, the story is over.

But now, with my own changes and advance the timeline of events, the background of the world is constantly changing.

The novel does not indicate the end of the world's change, but Lan Yin will not let it develop because of this.

She is used to taking everything in her own hands.

She wants to know the future changes in advance.

This is also her original idea for studying this subject of biological evolution.

As Lan Yin took two assistants, he began to research on a new subject.

Eleven young juniors from the Xiuxian School and the family also gathered again in the old villa in the backyard of the Imperial University in early August—their special project research room.

Many people haven't seen each other for a month, and everyone will inevitably spend some time communicating with each other about their progress in special refining methods during this month.

Among them, Shen Yunxi, a lady who likes to wear cheongsam, has now been able to make Guben Peiyuan medicinal liquid capsules independently by a new type of medicine refining method.

It's just that her entire production process was not proficiency enough, so in the case of no one to help, in the final finished medicinal liquid capsule, several kinds of refined medicinal liquids were placed for too long, and the medicinal properties could not reach the best.

The properties of Guben Peiyuan Liquid Capsules will weaken a little, only about 80% of normal.

Shen Yunxi felt that even if it was only 80%, it was pretty good. As long as she continued to practice, sooner or later she could achieve 100% efficacy.

In addition to Shen Yunxi, there are three or four people who can independently make Guben Peiyuan medicinal liquid capsules.

But their situation is a little worse than that of Shen Yunxi, and they can only retain 70% of the efficacy.

After Lan Yin was busy in the Biological Science Laboratory Building, he asked his assistant to continue to observe the follow-up experiment. When he went to the backyard of the Imperial University to see his eleven immortal students, he happened to hear what they said about his medicine refining situation.

Perhaps in the eyes of the young cultivators of these sect families, being able to achieve 70% to 80% of the original medicinal effect is already very good.

But in Lan Yin's eyes, it was a failure at all!

"If what you learn is not Guben Peiyuan medicinal liquid capsules, but life-saving medicine, originally a normal pill that can save the dying person, replace it with the defective product in your hands, is it just Lost those lives?"

Lan Yin was very dissatisfied with the idea that these students were complacent with the defective medicinal liquid capsules and felt that they were good at their level.

While she was talking, she had walked into the lobby of the old villa, looked at the eleven talents selected by the immortal cultivator and the family, and said.

"One month, before the start of school, those who can't independently complete the 100% efficacy of the Peiyuan Pharmaceutical Capsule can leave here."

I have been teaching these people for more than half a year, and her apprentice selection should also begin!

The eleven people present immediately heard Lan Yin's meaning.

Whether you can eventually become Lan Yin’s apprentice depends on the result a month later——

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