But Li Hongyi didn't expect that Lan Yin's achievements would actually stimulate Xinning.

Let her be devastated, and even believe in such ridiculous things as Xiuxian!

At this moment, Li Hongyi was disappointed again with Lan Xinning.

Since she pulled herself to record variety shows before, let herself put down everything about the company, and accompany him for three whole days, Li Hongyi felt that his fiancée was a little different from the one he loved...

In those three days, although they looked affectionate under the camera, they left the company's things aside for three days, and some irreparable losses occurred to the company.

Their business has lost tens of millions!

Tens of millions are actually not that important to Li Hongyi. If his fiancée is good before, Li Hongyi can ignore it.

But now, Xinning, who abandoned his studies and fantasized about cultivating immortals, made him unfamiliar, but at the same time, she couldn't help but think of the loss that her behavior had caused to the company...

Li Hongyi took a deep breath.

"Xinning, can you listen to me, go back to school and go to school?"

In Li's company, in the office of the president, Li Hongyi looked at the girl with a joyful expression in front of him, and said in a serious tone that he wanted to make him cultivate immortals with her.

"Didn't you say that you will be admitted to the Imperial University in the future? But if you abandon school like this, you are sure to pass the college entrance examination next year?" Li Hongyi was very worried about his fiancee's grades.

But when this word fell into Lan Xinning's ears, it suddenly became a question from her fiance about her ability to learn.

So in his eyes, he is so incompetent?

The college entrance examination is only, she is sure.

If not, would she take a long vacation to concentrate on cultivating immortals?

"I said I could pass the exam, do you believe me? I said I want you to cultivate immortals with me, would you like it?" Lan Xinning looked at Li Hongyi and said sternly.

At this moment, the initial joy on her face has disappeared.

Some just looked at their fiancé seriously, trying to see his absolute trust in him in his eyes!

"Xinning, you and I are not children anymore, how can I believe this..." Before Li Hongyi finished speaking, he saw the loss in his fiancée's eyes.

"Forget it, Xinning, the company still has a lot of things that I need to do. As for Xiuxian, I don't have time to accompany you. If you are willing to do this, you can do it yourself."

What he only regarded as his fiancée was a joke she had imagined.

Let her do what Xinning wants to do.

In the future, if she can't become the person who can stand by her side in her ideals, it doesn't matter if she can make progress together with her.

He is willing to let her become his vassal.

Li Hongyi has not forgotten his fiancée's help to his grandpa in the beginning.

If it weren't for Xinning's rescue of grandfather with medical skills at that time, grandfather would not have survived the introduction of the'phototherapy machine' and eventually cured the cancer.

So even if Xinning becomes different from before, he will marry her.

He liked her and thanked her for everything she did for his grandfather.

The future life will continue to be good to her, just as...compensation for her.

It is not difficult to tell whether a man loves himself or not.

Lan Xinning found that her fiancé looked at her in the eyes, and it seemed that she didn't have the sincere affection she had when she looked at her before.

His love for himself seems to be gradually decreasing...

Lan Xinning didn't understand why this was happening?

She is doing everything for his good, but he feels that his cultivation of immortals is just playing around?

He doesn't believe in himself...

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