Mao Ruoyu and Cheng Yishi on the side were surprised when they saw this:

"The technique the girl just performed is..."

"Although it is for probing purposes, these ripples are indeed a bit profound mystery mysterious." You Luo's face became serious again, pondered then said: "Don't mobilize Yin Qi in your body at will. This strange formation seems to be able to eliminate Yin. Qi power."

Lin Tianlu watched carefully, and soon found that the surrounding ripples were receding, replaced by one after another extremely exquisite and gorgeous red glow silver wire condensed out of thin air, and with some kind of The law began to be drawn on its own and painted horizontally, as if to be intertwined and outlined into a strange pattern.

The red glow silver wire outlines like a stroke of a brush, the stroke of the brush is chic and comfortable, but it also implies a bit of graceful and graceful woman. A glance at the surroundings shows that these traces seem to constitute a landscape of landscape, but only a few The pen is full of charm and exquisite.


You Luo couldn't help sighing when she saw it: "Is the surgeon here, or a talented person?"

"But, this It doesn't look like it's safe and sound."

Cheng Yishi frowned her eyebrows, and her face was a little worried.

At this moment, I saw a faint red candle in the picture of this self-constructed landscape beauty. I was in a trance to see the bright flowers blooming in full bloom, extremely charming and dazzling, even faintly Smelling a little sultry fragrance, supplemented by the warm and warm wind blowing on the top of the mountain, when there is really a spring and blossom, sleepiness suddenly arises.

"Wake up!"

A cold and low drink suddenly sounded in the ear, and it was the cloud h, who looked like a fox, waking up in his ear.

Mao Ruoyu and Cheng Yishi, who were a little confused, woke up immediately, and frightened for a while.

Lin Tianlu looked back at their pale faces, his eyes turned back to the red-flaming landscape.


In an instant, I saw a red flame swirling around.

When You Luo saw this, his eyes were slightly drenched, and his fingers popped out. The condensed Yin Qi was burned and swallowed as soon as he touched the red inflammation, and even a little wave was not aroused.

She couldn't help but startled, she was about to use other means, but she saw a big hand immediately came from the side, and directly forcibly'caught' the flying red inflammation.

Pu chi!

With the effort of the five fingers, the red inflammation was quickly crushed and turned into a splendid stream of light flying all over the sky.

"Husband, there is an injury!"

Mao Ruoyu behind him screamed immediately.

"It's okay."

Lin Tianlu waved his hand casually, shook his five fingers imaginarily: "This fire looks more like a work of art, rather than murderous. Intentional trick, it feels quite warm to the touch."


You Luo's eyes trembled when he heard this remark.

Although it was a touch and depart just now, the power contained in this fire surprised her, and it was definitely not something that could be resisted by ordinary means.

"You scholar, how can you take your skin is rough, flesh is thick, and not soaked in water or fire."

"It's an extraordinary natural talent."

Lin Tianlu chuckled twice, his eyes swept like sharp: "I will handle this battle, you should stand here first and don't move." Said with a smile: "You have to be more careful, the face of the palace may not be able to protect your two little wives."

"If the girl can protect herself, Good."

Lin Tianlu quickly took the initiative to take the initiative, concentrates his mind, his eyes and ears clearly received all the movement and quiet around all around in the wonderful scenery of the mountains and rivers, clusters of red candles were clustered , Connected into a piece, seem to be in a sea of ​​colorful flowers. Observing carefully, you can even see that many wonderful artistic conceptions converge between the mountains and rivers.

In order to break the situation violently, this battle seemed too rude and savage, incomprehensible, and wasted the good intentions of those who set up the battle.

He secretly thought about it carefully, and vaguely realized that the landscape in this picture seemed to have a special meaning, the peaks and mountains were like stars, and the beads were in a string, intertwined into a vivid trace of a dragon.

While his mind was moving slightly, Lin Tianlu flashed and flicked in no hurry in the face of the swiftly hitting red candle flames, his fingers flicked, and the sheer vigor hit the stars extremely accurately. mango.


Until the last point of the peaks and stars was hit, this strange landscape immediately trembled again, and the Nether Fire that was about to continue the onslaught also dispersed.

In just a few breaths, this mysterious array has been easily cracked.

"--It seems that this speculation is wrong."

After Lin Tianlu confirmed that the traces of the formation had completely disappeared, he turned back to Mao Ruoyu who was not far away. and the others beckoned: "Let's go, let's go and take a look at a few other places on the top of this mountain."

"Husband is really amazing!" Cheng Yishi walked up quickly, her pretty face overflowing Kind of admiration for the smile.

"It's just a coincidence."

Lin Tianlu looked at the back of this stone mountain with awe-inspiring eyes: "And the Lord here's methods are indeed completely different from those of ordinary demons. I will wait. Please remember to be more cautious. Don't let the other party have any weird tricks."

As You Luo followed, he glanced at the direction where the strange landscape just disappeared, and his eyes looked extremely solemn.

This technique is not as relaxed and casual as this scholar teaches.

Although it has an appearance, it is innocent, false and true, true or false, even she can't figure out a way to crack it for a while.

As for such a cracking

"Not only does it have to be free of Yin Qi and its own martial arts is extraordinary, but it also needs to have extraordinary knowledge, wisdom and knowledge, in order to approach the moment of crisis. Make the most correct response and break this technique easily."

Among them, as long as a missed move, it will lead to an unimaginable counterattack and fall short.

This formation is really extraordinary.

"However, this scholar is more monster."


Lin Tianlu and the others are walking out of a section of the road along the stone mountain After that, I suddenly realized that the mist lingering all around here became more and more dense, and even the surrounding temperature was constantly rising, which was quite warm and comfortable.

"How can there be so much fog?"

Mao Ruoyu flicked his sleeves to disperse the mist lingering in front of him, frowning and muttered: "Look at the scenery if behind this stone mountain The terrain is sunken, with the sound of trickling water, and there seems to be a lake?"

"It is."

Lin Tianlu's eyes narrowed slightly, and through the fog, he could see a wide area faintly. The water pool, the clear spring that resembles a stream, is trickling out from another crack in the rock and merging into the deep water.


"Didn't expect, there are people in this world who can break the two Formations I have laid down one after another, and successfully come here."

Behind the misty water mist, suddenly there was an extremely vague, sweet and smiling sound.

"If you don't practice Yin Qi, don't practice Yin Qi, don't kill evil, don't stick to bad habits... Coupled with the combination of civil and military, wisdom and courage, when will there be such wonderful characters in this world?"

Is it the voice of a woman?

Mao Ruoyu and Cheng Yishi couldn't help looking at each other, they were surprised and curious.

The rumors are not that Phoenix is ​​entrenched on this mountain, why is there a voice of a woman?

Besides, it's so sweet and soft, and I feel trembling all over when I hear it.

Or is this fairy phoenix able to spit out a woman's voice?

But You Luo's expression at this moment was very solemn and cold, and even the folding fan in his hand was closed and clenched.

"It's not quite right, there is no trace of breath left in this water pool all around?"

"The two art forms arranged by the gods are indeed exquisite, in the lower-class People can crack it, and there is a lot of luck."

Lin Tianlu took a few steps forward and bowed his hands, and said loudly: "And a group of lower-class people broke into the top of the fairy phoenix mountain without intention to disturb Hazard to the Qingxiu. I just want to find out if there is anything you can do here—"

"You can break through two Formations yourself, which is enough to prove that you are quite qualified."

Before he could finish speaking, the soft and soft woman's voice soon sounded again, sultry saying: "If you want to elaborate, come over and talk to me in person. Standing outside is a real gain. As for the accompanying women next to you--"

The delicate and soft voice couldn't help but chuckle: "Just stay here and don't move anywhere. Yes."


Mao Ruoyu and the others are all slightly startled, and their whole bodies are frozen in place.

And You Luo is lightly snorted, shaking away this strange aura that is shrouded inexplicably.

"What weird tricks do you want to perform?"

"Hu~ There are such cultivation base demons going up the mountain together, which makes people disgusted."

The woman seemed to bring a bit of displeasure in her charming, coldly snorted and said: "When I talked with this person, it was not your turn to chirp chirp twitter twitter and keep making noise."

tone barely fell, suddenly there was a loud thunder from the sky above the mountain, as if it was blasted in Divine Soul.

Lin Tianlu's complexion was slightly startled, and he raised his head and looked up.

The scarlet is intertwined and twined, and it seems to be torn and pierced through a large number of black holes, which is very strange and amazing.

After a stalemate, the ferocity of overbearing slowly disappeared until it became calm again.

"...That's it, now that you have all come here, if I can no longer treat guests, I really look a little bit unreasonable."

There was a burst of warmth.

The wind forcefully blew Mao Ruoyu and Cheng Yishi away, and disappeared behind the mist with a scream.

Lin Tianlu brows slightly wrinkle: "Shangxian's move is--"

"Just send them out to sit outside and wait for a while. After all, there are too many people, it's all It looks noisy."

"However, Shangxian left the palace behind?" You Luo sneered with interest.

"You girl is quite interesting, it doesn't matter if you leave a few words to talk about."

The voice fell, and the mist of hot water in front of me disappeared. A lot.

Soon, the two of them saw the shadow of the woman sitting in the shallow pool more clearly.

Although I can't see his real face, I can see a long red hair that looks like a coquettish fire, which is scattered in the pool of water and smudged.

Lightly caress the hair with your bare hands, revealing the round and delicate fragrant shoulder of the neck. A little bit of water drops along the muscles, without the slightest water stains, and it is as smooth as jade-like and flawless.

The beautiful back curve is perfect and alluring. I am afraid that it is the most wonderful thing in the world. It makes people even more curious about how stunning and refined the figure behind the mist is.

Lin Tianlu was just taken aback, and soon he closed his eyes and turned his head back, so as not to increase embarrassment.

It's that You Luo's beautiful eyes move slightly, lightly said with a smile: "The girl knows, where is the fairy phoenix entrenched here now hiding?"

"Hoo~you here Did the demon come for Phoenix?"

"It's just a little curiosity in my heart." You Luo charming said with a smile: "Or, the girl sitting in the pool now is the hundreds The incarnation of the fairy phoenix that left many rumors years ago?"

"Not bad."

Raising her hand to brush the rippling water on her side, the red-haired woman didn't look back. Lightly said: "I thought I could scare you a bit, but now it seems that you are all well prepared."

As expected!

You Luo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the woman can't feel the slightest Yin Qi or even the breath fluctuation from her body, looking at her back, she has an inexplicable and extremely amazing vitality, which makes it difficult to remove her appearance for a moment, as if the world is the most dazzling The presence of scorching heat.

"Don't you two get closer anymore, standing still in a daze, do you just want to communicate with me from a distance?"

Lin Tianlu hearing this couldn't help but lightly coughed: "Although Shangxian is a noble fairy and phoenix, she is still a woman now. It would be impolite to let you see it carelessly--"

"I have been sitting and cultivating on this mountain for hundreds of years, almost I have never met with outsiders, but almost forgot these worldly rules."

The red-haired woman shook her head and sneered.

Immediately, she stood up from the clear and clean water pool, and as the water slipped down, she suddenly revealed a lovable body that looked like a finely carved jade in the mist, with a curvy and elegant curve. His legs are white and look like ivory, and the bee waist outlines a thrilling arc.

The faint red flowing light flashed, and suddenly a gilt and red silk dress robe envelops the proud figure, but the silhouette flickers like an afterimage, like a ghostly illusory shadow on the shore.

Seeing the slender legs under the curtain veil walking staggered, You Luo was about to speak, but as soon as he raised his gaze to see his face, he frowned in surprise.

The face of this woman turned out to be

"Now, you can turn your head around."

The red-haired woman looks lazily and charmingly teasing her chest. Hair, even more turbulent waves, this woman's demeanor can be described as eye-catching, and it makes her heart sore.

In the charming voice and whisper, there is also the spring love that can make ordinary people intoxicated, and the sip is as charming and innocent as a girl, which is very strange and contradictory.

Lin Tianlu saw You Luo who was next to him suddenly silent, curious, and turned back to Yiyan.

But after seeing the other person's face clearly, he also immediately showed a look of astonishment, and said in amazement: "How could it be you...Xuanling!?"

The face of the immortal phoenix incarnation that appeared in front of him was Yu Xuanling, no matter his facial features or outlines!

Chapter 311 The Giant Lock of Tianshan Mountains is so wonderful

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