"I am waiting to go to Xianfeng Mountain today, but the girl is depressed in her heart?"

"This is natural." You Luo glanced sideways with a smile, like a anger Come: "My palace wanted to see you meet with experts from many forces in Fengtai County to see what amazing methods they have. But now you are determined to go to Xianfeng Mountain first. I missed my thoughts."

"If the girl is unhappy, now I can—"

"Don’t say much."

But I didn’t wait for Lin. After Tianlu finished speaking, You Luo quickly retracted his gaze and said lightly: "Compared with the struggles of those forces, it may be more interesting on your side. If you hesitate and hesitate, this palace will not be there anymore today. Sit in Mr.'s car obediently."

Lin Tianlu hearing this laughed:

"Girl You Luo is really in a good mood."

After that, He patted the chessboard in the luggage beside him:

"If you are free, how about playing chess with me?"

"My palace does have several points of interest, but this Going to play chess--"

You Luo's eyes flowed and smiled: "Sir, this chess skill is a bit mysterious. I don't dare to take the move without any preparations. If I rashly hit the move. , You can show a strange ugliness in front of your husband.

Or, the husband just wants to see the face of the shy man with red ears, uncovered clothes, and squeamish gasping?"

" ……"

Lin Tianlu's expression subtly stopped.

It sounds like he wants to eat tofu deliberately.

But then I thought about it, when he played chess with men and women wearing Yin Qi, some strange natural phenomena were indeed prone to appear.

"Forget it, let's read the book at ease."

Seeing his helpless expression, You Luo raised his hand to cover his lips to block a bit of smile, that smart and profound In the beautiful eyes, there is even more unnoticeable flattery.

The scholar teased it, and it was so interesting.


Ning village.

This place is the closest mountain village to Xianfeng Village, and its village size is obviously completely different from Yumin Village.

After waiting for the carriage to drive into the village, you can almost see the approximate scope of the village when you look up. The location is narrow, and the thatched stone houses are scattered, apparently just a small village with hundreds of people. That's it.


"This place looks so different from Yumin Village."

I saw a few children covered in dirt running frolickingly not far away.

The village women I saw along the way were all dressed in shabby clothes and coarse linen. Obviously, they can't be considered and have plenty of supplies.

"This is a normal-scale mountain village."

Mao Ruoyu whispered on the side: "Although life is a bit poor, if three people can be reunited and depend on each other in the family, it will be Barely considered carefree."

Cheng Yishi browses slightly wrinkle, but soon relaxes.

At this moment, Lin Tianlu casually lifted the curtain of the car, looking back and asked: "This village is a little smaller. It seems that I can't find the Inn station, so I can only ask someone nearby. .

Ruoyu and Yishi, you can sit in the car for a while, and I will ask if there are rumors of Xianfengshan."


Not long after I got off the bus, I saw an old man of vicissitudes coming with a crutches, stroking Chang Yu hoarse and saying: "youngster, I don't know where you came from?"

Lin Tianlu hearing this hurriedly said, "Back to Old Mister, the next line is from other provinces and counties. This time I came to Ning Village to hear the wonderful rumors of Xianfeng Village nearby, so I wanted to take a look at it myself. "

"Xianfeng Mountain?"

A little astonished flashed across the old man's face, but he quickly smiled kindly: "I really scared the old man. I thought the village What happened here, why suddenly people from outside the village came to visit, it turned out to be for this anecdotal story that I don’t know many years ago."

"It really disturbed everyone in the village."

Lin Tianlu showed a humble and gentle smile, and said softly: "It's just that the residents of this village seem to be..."

"Our Ning village has always been sparsely populated, and sometimes some young and strong men grow up. Most of them also went to work in several nearby towns and counties to make money, to fill some households for the elderly parents in the family." The old man lightly said with a smile: "As for the fairy fengshan you were looking for, there were such rumors at the time, and it was me. Many children in the mountain village have heard big stories since they were young."

As he said, he turned around and pointed his finger at the back of the mountain village: "Hey! The mountain range that stretches into the clouds and mist over there is Xianfeng Mountain."

Lin Tianlu took the opportunity to look over, and could vaguely see the towering mountain peaks towering into the clouds, and today’s winter weather adds to the damp and cold dense fog lingering between the clouds, which is just for people to see. It's not true and extremely unfathomable.

"Then Old Mister, I don't know those rumors--"

"Youngster, do you really believe that Phoenix exists in this mountain?"

The old man shook his head and let out a laugh "Worshiping the fairy phoenix in the mountains every year is a custom inherited from generation to generation in our Ningxia village, and it is the Old Ancestor's rule. But if you really believe that there is Immortal God in this mountain entrenched to climb the dangerous mountain forest, it is not worth the loss. Ah."

"Isn't there any villager going up the mountain to explore the reality in the past hundreds of years?"

"Naturally there is." The old man said with a smile dumbly. "But looking for a long time in this mountain, after all, it is just a bush full of trees, even if you climb to the top of the cliff, you can only see some withered leaves."

There is no foreign matter in the mountain?

Lin Tianlu said curiously: "I wonder if there is really no natural phenomenon in this fairy phoenix mountain in these years?"

"Well... if you want to talk about natural phenomenon, it is Once, it only dates back to a hundred years ago. At that time, the parents of the old man were still children running around in the village." The old man stroked his long beard, his eyes squinted as if he was thinking of the past: "I heard the old parents Speaking of, there was indeed a burst of light in the mountains at that time, that is, it was as bright as daylight in the middle of the night. However, most of the villagers were sleeping in their homes at that time, and not many people saw it with their own eyes, but occasionally a few people were up at night. Villagers describe... As for true or false, old man has never been able to prove it."

It sounds like this fairy phoenix mountain hasn’t been moved for many years.

Lin Tianlu pondered for a moment, and quickly asked: "But I don't know the area around this Ning village. Some weird things have happened recently?"

"Although it is poor Something, but there has never been any supernatural power."

The old man caressed his beard and laughed: "old man knows that the young man is seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again Thoughts, but I still want to let the young man down. This Ning village has been safe and worry-free for decades, and there have been no natural and man-made disasters.

However, if you really want to explore this fairy phoenix mountain After all, the old man still recommends that you wait for a while and wait until the beginning of spring next year. After all, in winter, the ice in the mountain is frozen and snow is very slippery and cold, and this accidentally will slide down the cliff."

A kind of solemn expression appeared on his face, and he said earnestly: "This statement is not alarmist, deliberately intimidating. It's just that the wilderness in the mountains is really dangerous in winter. Even the villagers of Ning village will not approach the mountain at will in winter. all around."

"It's exactly what the Old Master said."

Lin Tianlu just looked from a distance and can see that there is already a lot of snow on this mountainside.

If there are not many people who are ready to climb the mountain rashly, they are afraid that a slippery foot will fall into the ten thousand zhang abyss and end up with a skeleton doesn't exist.

"Youngster, go back earlier, and come back to see the beauty of the fairy phoenix mountain when spring begins."

The old man smiled and shook his cane: "But if you want to If you want to be a guest, our village is also very welcome. Simply go to the old man’s shanty to have dinner and sleep for one night."

"Many thanks Old Master for kindness. I have to pay for it." Let's talk with the other wives and concubines who are accompanying me, and I will do what I can."

Lin Tianlu said goodbye for the time being.


After a while, he quickly returned to the carriage parked in the village.

"Look at Husband just talking with that Old Mister for a long time." Cheng Yishi probed out and asked curiously: "Are there any gains?"

"Nothing unusual."

Lin Tianlu helplessly said with a smile: "Unlike the situation in the village at the foot of Yufeng Mountain, this place looks very safe and hassle-free. There has been no abnormality for a hundred years. As for that a hundred years ago, I am afraid that it was rumors. There are more rumors, true or false is really unpredictable."


Mao Ruoyu and Cheng Yishi frowned upon hearing.

In this case, doesn't it break the intelligence connection again?

Or, the real destination is not Xianfeng Mountain, but there are other destinations?


The sudden shock caused Mao Ruoyu, who was still thinking and pondering, to scream, and his face was ruddy.

Lin Tianlu and Cheng Yishi couldn't help looking towards her. They were confused, but their expressions soon startedled.

Because the beautiful woman's angry peak wrapped in the breast of the robe is now trembling slightly, with dizzying waves, and Cheng Yishi is dumbfounded.

"Fa, what happened?"

"Eh, eh?"

Mao Ruoyu's face began to flush, subconsciously raising his hand to cover it , But there was a reaction when his mind moved slightly, and he hurriedly reached out and fumbled toward his own mind.

Soon, the jade pendant originally worn on the body was quickly taken out of the jacket.

And the jade pendant, which hadn't moved, is now flowing with strange colors, and even trembling slightly.


Mao Ruoyu suddenly relaxed, blushing and said: "It seems that Xuan Ling did not take the initiative to communicate with the slave family, but... something more wonderful Induction?"

Lin Tianlu hurriedly stepped forward and took the jade pendant in his hand, said solemnly: "Xuanling, do you have any impressions of this place? If you think there are really clues here, please give us more Instructions."


Seeing the jade pendant floats quietly, it whirls in the direction of the moved towards mountain range a few times before it floats back into the palm of the hand.

Cheng Yishi blinked beautiful eyes, muttered: "It seems that there may not be any Phoenix in this fairy phoenix mountain, but there is really something related to Xuanling girl?"

Lin Tianlu couldn't help but smiled, and poked the jade pendant in his hand: "Next time the reaction will be faster."

If you don't follow the previous sentence, I am afraid that they will leave Ning village. will not detect.

The jade pendant trembled twice again, as if responding.

You Luo, who was sitting sideways in the driver's seat, smiled and looked at:

"It seems that we can finally search the mountains now?"

"It's true."

Lin Tianlu slightly nodded: "But the road in this mountain is slippery and there are a lot of spiders and insects. If the girl finds it dirty and troublesome, she can stay here for a while."

"If this palace dislikes these, why would you follow it?"

You Luo lightly leaped off the carriage and brushed the skirt tied with the ribbon on the side of his waist. Faint smile said: " Besides, even a gentle and gentle woman like Mrs. Mao will not mind going up the mountain, why would this palace push three and four?"

Mao Ruoyu hearing this smiled elegantly: "That can get many thanks, Miss You Luo for help It’s a great effort."

This huge fairy phoenix mountain range is very vast. It is naturally a good thing to have one more person to help search for it.

Lin Tianlu stepped forward and touched the horse's head:

"Since Youluo wants to go up the mountain together, we will first ask the household to deposit the carriage, and then go up the mountain to look for it. ”


Sha Sha Sha

As the dry and snow-covered branches flicked, Lin Tianlu quickly fiddled with the road ahead.

Behind them, Mao Ruoyu's three daughters are closely following, looking at all around all around from time to time, so as not to miss any weird things left in the corner of the mountain.

This winter mountain road is indeed quite slippery, and the temperature is extremely cold, but the four people present are extraordinary, and naturally they are not afraid of such difficulties.

Even though the mountain road is rugged and steep, everyone still walks as easily as walking on the ground.

"This mountain is indeed extremely high, I am afraid that the snow on the top of the mountain is quite thick."

Lin Tianlu looked up and looked at the faintly discernible Snow Mountain in the clouds and fog. Jing, can’t help but say with a smile: “If there is any Phoenix entrenched, I probably have to hibernate.”

“I just don’t know where the treasure is now hidden.”

Cheng Yishi simply summoned the battle axe to help cut off the weed thorns one after another, so as not to damage the clothes of a few people.

"If you find every corner of the mountain, even three days and three nights will not be enough." Mao Ruoyu took a closer look at the jade pendant in his palm: "Xuanling younger sister, there are still some Prompt induction, point us in the direction again?"


The jade pendant trembled again quickly and poked towards the top of the mountain.

Lin Tianlu recovered his appearance muttered: "It seems that the treasure in Xianfeng Mountain this time is hidden on the top of the mountain again?"

You Luo who followed behind said curiously "Is it possible that Mr. has ever had such a mountaineering trip before?"

"There was indeed one a few months ago."

Lin Tianlu is about to continue his footsteps.

But at this moment, Mao Ruoyu suddenly gave a soft voice.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not a slave, but a younger sister of Xuanling?"

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