"You can hear the words of His Royal Highness."

Li Jinghe said solemnly on the side: "Ms. Cheng is clearly intact now. This matter is broken, but only I just said two bad things. If Lin Fuzi harbors resentment, even if we sue the government, we will not be punished. Or that Lin Fuzi is such a small belly chicken intestine, just because of two rumors from outsiders. Shouting and killing, threatening his life? Master Lin had already hurt His Royal Highness before, and His Highness did not blame you, but forgave you for your disrespect. But it was just a few moments when talking with his retainers after returning home. Sentence, why take seriously?"

"Also please Lin Fuzi Mingjian!"

Pei Yan bowed very solemnly again.


Lin Tianlu silently looked at the two of them.

After a moment of silence, he quietly raised the corners of his mouth:

"You have several points of performing innate talent."

Li Jinghe's face suddenly changed. Yi Shen: "Lin Tianlu, are you giving tit for tat with us in the end? So arrogant, how can you be called a master, but just an ignorant and brash man! Relying on your own strength, has several points of strength, Just vent his anger indiscriminately, what is the difference with those mountain bandits outside the county!"

Lin Tianlu heard this remark, the smile on his face has not changed at all.

"It's true as you said, if you just say a few words in your mouth, I will greet you with a few punches in the face. At that time, when I was on my way to Dengxianfang, I did I haven’t mentioned any killing intent, I just want to teach it a lesson.

However, do you think I came here on purpose, really empty-handed?"

While speaking, he patted both hands .

"I'm tired of you, Miss Yang."

Tone barely fell, a beautiful shadow appeared behind him like bubbles, his complexion was cold and indifferent, and he took out a tone barely fell Large volume paper file.


Pei Yan and the others were shocked when they saw this, and felt a little nervous.

Yang Chanzhen’s eyes were calm, and she opened First Volume casually, and slowly said: "On the matter that can be followed, Pei Shizi killed people in private 13 years ago. Just for a moment, he killed three civilians and exposed them to the wilderness.

Nine years ago, Pei Shizi deliberately killed the son of a county government office in order to seize a woman surnamed Wang, and let her fame. Sweeping the floor. His wife who had not yet passed the door was taken into the bag by Shizi with clever words, and has become a private slave in the family.

Eight years ago, Shizi Pei and his generation had a vengeance and sent someone to assassinate him in private. The whole family unto the third generation executed the whole family unto the third generation. All 37 people up and down died unjustly. All this is because the youngster caressed the face of the son of the world and puts you in front of outsiders. Lost a share.

Six years ago, Shizi Pei has grown up and knows how to restrain his temper. But doing things is more vicious and vicious, building his own private guard team and underground organization. In the past six years Although he was hiding his powers and biding his time, on the surface he talked happily with everyone and made friends with each other, but in private he did countless things in which people and gods were indignant."

Yang Chanzhen trembled expressionlessly. A stack of files: "This records a total of more than two hundred grievances committed by Pei Shizi. The number of people killed is countless, and the number of people who are still living in pain is even more numerous. I need to write this one. Did you tell me the crime and the whole sequence of events about the incident?"

"This, how is this possible--"

Pei Yan's face is already pale One piece, the look is even more incredible.

And Li Jinghe’s expression is even more distorted, angrily shouted: "Where is this a lie?"

"True or false, just look at the expressions of the two of you It’s clear."

Lin Tianlu smiled and accepted the file in Yang Chanzhen’s hands: "Or, let these victims and their families come forward to confront you before you are willing to confess guilt completely. "

Pei Yan's expression changed several times, and he suddenly waved his hand: "Impossible! You have just met me not long ago, how could you possibly collect these things! I have been active in other provinces and counties in the past. Even if it only takes half a month to go back and forth between the two places, how can you know what I have done before!"

"That’s why I said, His Royal Highness is so tender."

Lin Tianlu shook his head and let out a laugh.

"From the very beginning, you didn't put Ms. Cheng in your eyes, you just regarded her as a'vase' woman."

"What did you say--- "

"These ten days are enough time for her to secretly send people to collect intelligence and inquire about news. And some of your less-smart guards and servants, the tone does not seem to be too strict." Lin Tianlu spread her hands to Yang Chanzhen, and talked freely: "This girl is acting in the dark, helping to collect all the secret Secret Sect that you wanted to cover up in the past. On the one hand, she keeps her distance from you on the surface. At the same time, it attracts your attention. On the other hand, it is to grasp the overall situation, collect a lot of information, and integrate all the crimes you committed one after another...In the end, it is you who were disturbed by the two women. Tuan Tuan, I haven’t noticed the slightest problem so far."

"No, impossible!"

Pei Yan looked at a loss, her eyes widened: "Then Cheng Yishi...When will... …"

"You just treat Ms. Cheng from the bottom of your heart as having no self-attachment and cumbersomeness, and you don't feel that she can make any waves in your palms."

The smile on Lin Tianlu's face gradually faded away: "But in fact, you, the so-called son of poetry and book reading, do not know how to change your mind. Pretending to be profound, you are actually an arrogant and arrogant fool. I really feel that this world is The principles and rules are in your hands, and everyone will let your thoughts act."

Yang Chanzhen's beautiful eyes blinked and said calmly:


"...I don't believe it!"

Pei Yan's eyes became red, and blue veins popped up on her forehead: "We have obviously erased all traces of the past, and this world is nothing but me. Apart from simply no one else can know what can be done with two women alone!"

"I don’t even want to pretend to pretend the son now..."

Lin Tianlu raised the corners of his mouth sarcastically: "It's a pity, only on martial power, you are obviously not the opponent of the girl next to me. Where can the face continue to scream and arrogantly?"


At this moment, I saw that Li Jinghe's silhouette flashed suddenly, breaking the ground and turning into streamers!

"Zhuzi died!"

Li Jinghe's roar shook the lobby, and the burst of vigor from all over his body even stirred up the wind, accompanied by the blast of fist strength, like a swim Go straight out like a dragon!

Yang Chanzhen's eyes condensed slightly, and the slender fingers in the sleeves pinched the seal art, ready to fight back.

But soon a black shadow flashed in front of me, and I saw Li Jinghe, who had rushed forward in an imposing manner, suddenly disappeared, as if disappeared from the face of the earth.


For a while, the lobby seemed to fall into dead silence.

The wind and waves rolled up by the fist wind disappeared together, turning into calm and tranquil.

Yang Chanzhen's beautiful eye blinks twice, and she quickly raised her head and looked upwards as if feeling instinctively.

I saw Li Jing He Zheng shaking back and forth on the ceiling with a slow rhythm, only above his neck was penetrating the roof, motionless like a hanging corpse, his hands and feet were hanging down weakly .


Pei Yan looked up at this scene with a blank face, his mind seemed to be stuck and stiff.

What happened just now?

Although Uncle Li accompanying him can't be considered Unparalleled Beneath The Heavens, its cultivation base can also be regarded as a well-known figure in the Scarlet Demon Realm. Dealing with ordinary mortals without even having to use their hands, even against other Nether Ghost spellers, is also crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

But now...

Could it be that you lost?

"This person has a lot of blood on his hands."

Lin Tianlu slapped the dust off his sleeves, and walked out calmly: "Being a tiger, regardless of right and wrong, relying on I don’t know how many cruel crimes the confidant of the world has committed. The murderer does not know the geometry, and his crime is really punishable!"


Pei Yan suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, subconsciously took two steps back.

Losing one's head out of fear, he couldn't help but look sideways at Bi Junheng not far away.

And Bi Junheng's face is also a bit ugly at this time, but after frowning and thinking for a while, he walked out brace oneself: "Master Lin, please calm down. Just now you can't tell good from Li Jing, who is bad, how to deal with it, feeling angry and thinking--"

"Do you think I didn't hear the conversation between you just now?"

Between the two of them, Bi Junheng, Lin Tianlu showed a kind smile: "rape and pillage, do no evil. There is a handsome skin, but the bottom of my heart is very ruthless. I don't know how many innocent women have been destroyed."

"! "

Bi Junheng's heart shook suddenly, and his pupils shrank to needle-like sweat immediately.

Until then, he really felt what... the real horror!

The cultivation base of this person in front of me must be far surpasses the imagination!

As long as his thoughts move, he will be frustrated, die without a burial site!

With a sudden change in his mind, he barely pulled up an extremely embarrassing and weird smile, tremblingly backed away and avoided: "No more words, please let Master Lin continue."


Pei Yan, who was about to take a breath, suddenly exclaimed: "Bi Junheng! How dare you—"

But Bi Junheng just closed his eyes and was speechless, and his face turned pale and stepped back. Obviously dare not get involved anymore.

"You, wait!"

Pei Yan's expression became more and more ugly, and he waved his hand to stop and said, "This son is wrong! It is the son who committed a lot of sins in the first place!" Please also ask Master Lin to stay in a breath for the time being and leave it to the government to deal with it. Even if you don’t trust the government, let the current saint go up--"

Lin Tianlu gradually closed his eyes:

"Did you hear it?"

"What...what did you say?"

Pei Yan was in a daze.

Lin Tianlu sighed in sorrow: "The rebuke of those who were killed by you is still in your ears."

"How could I--" Pei Yanzhang He opened his mouth and looked back blankly.

In the corner of the previously empty lobby, it is now full of silhouettes.

They may have different heads, rotten bodies, or blood and tears on their faces...

Just a glance, countless souls swarmed to gather them together. Fall down.

In the end, it was too late to even whine and beg for mercy.

It has been swallowed up by countless Remnant Soul resentful ghosts.

Chapter 235, the unity of skin and soul, collapsed on the first encounter

As the blue smoke drifts away, it reveals Pei who is lying on his back. Yan.

His eyes opened wide, and the corners of his eyes were filled with dark blood, as if he had witnessed something terrifying.

In the same way, this person's breathing has stopped.

In the boundless fear, completely cut off the vitality.


Lin Tianlu silently glanced at his miserable corpse, there were not many waves in his heart.

Although this person is in a high position, he has never done secretly insidious things. It can be said that this is the cycle of heaven and retribution for those who are full of evil. Those innocent civilians who were killed by him will surely be able to comfortably rest under Jiuquan.

With a slight sigh in his heart, he looked back and looked towards the beautiful and alluring woman standing behind him.

Yang Chanzhen is letting go of the seal art in her hand, and the faint Yin Qi entangled around her body is dispersed, her delicate face is calm and calm.

"Miss Yang, this technique you performed is quite ingenious."

"It's just a subtotal."

Yang Chanzhen shook her face calmly. the head: "Ting Pang, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, sloppy, and thin!

The ghosts that emerged just now are not It is a pure false illusion.

It is given a physical existence under this method of tracing the soul, which is no different from an ordinary ghost. And if this Pei Yan really took blood and committed murder , These ghosts with unresolved grievances will naturally not spare this person lightly.

The final result is also sufficient to prove that the so-called King’s Heir...

is a human face and beasthearted person. die without regret.

Being killed by the Remnant Soul of the person he killed himself is also considered death cannot wipe out the crimes.

Lin Tianlu's face is a little soft: "many thanks Miss Yang came to help. "

"It's okay, I can help Mr., can't be considered what is difficult." "

Listening to her calm words without ups and downs, Lin Tianlu is still very grateful.

After all, this girl has indeed contributed a lot during this period of time. Not only did the guarding Chengfu resolve many crafty plots and machinations in secret, but also obeyed Cheng Yishi’s instructions to collect a lot of information. It was found by Yang Chanzhen’s secret technique.

Otherwise, how could these dust-covered cases in history be easily found in this short ten days or so.

It’s no wonder that Pei Yan and the others will immediately show such a lost self-control look when they hear about many cases.

After all, many cases are indeed destroyed and all the clues are destroyed. Without leaving a trace of personal evidence, even the so-called detective will be helpless.

It can be seen that the technique used by this Miss Yang is so subtle and mysterious, it is certainly not as relaxed and casual as his mouth said.

"Ms. Cheng and Mr. Cheng have a deep marriage, and you will definitely be a happy couple in the future. It is naturally what I should do to help her out of danger. "

"Why the girl cares so much--"

"You are kind to me." ”

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