"For today's matter, I really have to confess to the season shopkeeper."

Lin Tianlu apologized: "It broke with carelessness." The wall, this big pit will cost a lot of repair costs. Later I will give all the compensation money."

"Absolutely not!" Ji shopkeeper hurriedly waved his hand: "This time today. I am very guilty for not being able to help after the accident. What kind of face is there to charge any fees."

"In this neighborhood, where is it necessary to be so polite."

Lin Tianlu let out a laugh: "As for me and Ms. Cheng, we will go back for the time being. The business of this Dengxianfang is like this fire. The season shopkeeper can entertain the guests with peace of mind, and we will not continue to harass here. To avoid accidents, Disturbed the bustling and prosperous place here."


Ji shopkeeper's mind turned naturally and transparent, just glanced at the mess in this elegant room, and he was already guessing in his heart. bits and pieces, quickly nodded solemnly and said: "Master Lin is at home with peace of mind. I will help deal with the endgame here, and try not to spread the storm to the county."

"many" Thanks. If what difficulty is there, the shopkeeper season will definitely help and repay me, despite the words."

After the two parties hurriedly said goodbye, they soon left Dengxianfang.

However, after sitting in the carriage, the charming maid accompanying her was obviously still blank and dull, with a trance expression that did not wake up from her dream.

What happened today, for her ordinary person...

It is too unimaginable.


Inside the Chengfu courtyard.

The charming maid walked up holding the teapot with a complex face, and poured tea for Lin Tianlu, who had just seated.

Just watching her hands are trembling slightly, Lin Tianlu can't help but lightly said with a smile: "It's rare to see the girl you look trembling in fear."

" My uncle did such a'feat.' I was just a commoner, and I was naturally scared to tears."

After all, it’s the relatives of the emperor, and being beaten by you like this...

Although it is refreshing for a while, if he comes back to ask the crime afterwards, we will all suffer."

Seeing her pitiful appearance of trembling with fear, Lin Tianlu couldn't help but amused: "Since you know that Cheng Mansion is in danger, girl, why didn't you take the opportunity to escape?"

"If something really happened to Eldest Young Lady , How can I live alone..."

The maid said dejectedly: "Naturally, I can only go to the underworld with Eldest Young Lady and my uncle."


"When... Huh?"

She blinked her eyes brightly.

After a moment of silence, the maid could not help showing a calm expression of lack of interest: "My uncle is deliberately teasing the slave and maid?"

Lin Tianlu picked up the teacup and took a sip: "You I can see this girl's mind more or less clearly now. Although you were shocked at first, you have already recovered your calm by now, deliberately trying to pretend to be scared in front of me."

He lost said with a smile: "Do you want me to comfort you more?"

"Just want to set off the bravery and mighty grandfather of my uncle."

The maid was originally calm Her expression gradually emerged and sighed: "After all, the previous punch of the uncle... really relieved the servant's heart."

She shook her small fist twice and snorted slightly. Said: "That Pei Yan, who always pretends to be gentle and elegant, is really unpleasant. Obviously, the slave and maid had already hinted that he was driven out many times at the beginning, or he still went here with sullen expression. If it was not for his noble status, the slave and maid would want to go up and give him one. Fist, let him change that disgusting tone."

Lin Tianlu laughed.

didn't expect this little girl seemed quite violent.

"But, grandpa really won’t regret beating Pei Yan?"

It’s extraordinary to have supernatural powers. But after all, Pei Yan was born in the wealthy Aristocratic Family. After that punch...the danger in the future will be endless."

"If you see your sweetheart being When others are teasing and teasing, which man will submit to humiliation and sit back and watch?"

Lin Tianlu shrugged: "As for any revenge, I will naturally one after another."

The maid’s face was applauded, sweetly smiled: "My aunt is really masculine, and he is more brave than the slave and maid imagined."

"You don’t have to say these compliments, a few of them It is true and false, and only you know it in your own mind."

Lin Tianlu let out a laugh.

The maid was about to say something again, but when she turned her ears, she leaned forward and said: "Uncle, the slave and maid retire first, so you and Eldest Young Lady will stay warm and reminiscence. If you need it, call other servants. That's it."

Tone barely fell, and she hurriedly turned and left.

At the same time, Cheng Yishi's beautiful shadow has appeared from the corner of the veranda, and he walked up and looked at his distant back with curiosity.

"That girl, is it possible that you secretly talked to Tianlu again?"

"Just a few small chats."

Lin Tianlu looked sideways at the young girl who was close to her. She has now faded away from the dignified gown she had when she went out, and put on a full-chested skirt showing youthful beauty, embroidered navy blue, waistband wrapped, and more The slim figure is fully revealed, the slightly exposed white and tender skin has a beautiful jade color, and it is as flawless and moisturized as exquisite porcelain.

"Her concubine body is quite understanding, she must not be able to control her mouth..."

Cheng Yishi stroked the braid that fell on her chest lightly, her eyes moved slightly:" Where are Mrs. Mao and the others now?"

"I realized that this place might be a little troublesome, so I just set off on the road first." Lin Tianlu laughed: "As for now, they should be cleaning the dust at home, after all. I have been away for nearly half a month.

But on the way home, they will hear those gossips more or less, and they will be worried. I have to go back and say peace to them later."

"It makes you bother."

The girl sighed faintly.

Lin Tianlu put down the teacup in his hand, said curiously: "Why don't you tell me what happened in these days? Why did that Miss Yang stay in Changling?"

"This matter is a bit long."

Cheng Yishi pondered for a moment, and quickly responded: "The reason Miss Yang is here is probably because of you. She seems to be to you. I am very curious about my identity, so I will stay here for a while and observe from a distance. And this time I will be walking with my concubine, it was she who discovered that Pei Yan and the others were conspiring in secret, and then I thought about protecting my concubine personally. ."

Then Miss Yang is so enthusiastic and kind?

Lin Tianlu was a little surprised.

"If it hadn't been for Miss Yang to sit in Changling and help me turn peril into safety in secret, it would be difficult to cope with the harassment of Pei Yan and the others if I was alone."

Cheng Yishi said in a calm tone: "Because of his investigation, the concubine body is completely sure that Pei Yan is indeed the one who misses evil."

It seems that tomorrow I really have to find Miss Yang. Thank you in person.

Lin Tianlu secretly thought.

"However, what did you think about Yishi before?"

"Look at it in Changling secretly doing something unknown Stick out."

Cheng Yishi frowned slightly, said solemnly: "Furthermore, he often speaks frivolously, disregarding Tianlu's existence as nothing. The concubine body is naturally annoyed in his heart, and he wants to set the situation. Play a bit and let him know how stupid those actions are. If he can be killed completely, it would be even better!"

In the eyes of a girl who was originally elegant and dignified There was a flash of hard to describe cold glow killing intent suddenly, and his eyes became extremely scarlet.

"Let him as the son of the elder, make a fool of himself under the eyes of thousands of county citizens and people from the rivers and lakes, betray his reputation, betrayed by everyone, and finally die completely in despair... This kind of scene, the concubine really wants to Take a good look at the last time with your own eyes, and then use an axe to all split up and in pieces, crush all the bones on his body, and let him taste what is pain and regret--"

Lin Tianlu's eyes jittered after hearing it. , The smile is stiff.

Her own girl, Cheng...

She seems to be more angry than she thought.

I really didn't see the calm and indifferent expression before, until now there is such an anger and humiliation hidden in my heart. This baleful aura that I can't wait to swallow Pei Yan alive is really trembling in fear, I am afraid that others will be frightened when they see it.


At this moment, Cheng Yishi seems to have also realized her lost self-control, and her face full of shame and madness is slightly startled. The bloody baleful aura that was rising all over disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before, and was still a dazzling and dignified Eldest Young Lady.

Immediately, she hurriedly raised her sleeves to cover her lips, and said slightly red on her cheeks: "It's the concubine who got out of control, which made you hear some strange things, Tianlu."

" It’s okay. I have to vent my unhappiness. I’ve been holding back and don’t say it, but it’s not good for myself."

Lin Tianlu smiled apologetically again: "Besides, remembering poems, you can be consistent, but it makes me I feel guilty and let you stay alone in Changling and wait in silence. It’s really wrong."

"No, it’s okay, my concubine didn’t take this matter too seriously."

The corner of Cheng Yishi's mouth unconsciously raised an arc of joy, recalling the scenes that happened in the restaurant before, and the warmth in his chest could not stop: "Tianlu can be so loving, and my concubine is already satisfied."

"Yi Shi, you are too humble." Lin Tianlu raised his hand and stroked his rounded fragrant shoulder: "If there is any entanglement in my heart in the future, just talk to me openly."


The girl adjusted her mood a little, and said with concern: "However, Tianlu, are you prepared to deal with the current situation?

Although the cultivation base of Peiyan and the others cannot be mentioned on equal terms with Tianlu, they seem to be tinkering with some mysterious and weird ceremony in private, and from the intelligence point of view, not only those martial arts people will come one after another, even There are also some...'great character' approaching, when Changling County will inevitably become more chaotic, and all influence will be mixed in."

After some consideration, she quickly continued. : "Now I have torn my skin with Pei Yan and the others, even if they will temporarily converge in the past few days. But after a while, maybe they will re-"

"I understand. "

Lin Tianlu nodded sternly: "The character of that elder son, I can see one or two by looking at his face. It must be a person who is very good at forbearance, and on the surface may continue to welcome us with smiles. But behind him, he will definitely do something aggressive, to "repay" the humiliation he has suffered a hundredfold."

Cheng Yishi was a little confused: "Why did Lu just verbally warn him that day? Let go?"

This move of let the tiger returns to the mountains, it will cause no end of trouble.

"--Calculating time, it's almost the same."

But Lin Tianlu looked up at the sky at this time, showing a meaningful smile: "If it was true before There was a conflict, and I was a little worried that the innocent tourists in the restaurant would be involved. There is really a powerhouse behind the scenes glare like a tiger watching his prey, I may not be absolutely sure to remember the poem you all person. Simply let that Peiyan The entire group obediently and honestly returns to his house, and it can easily save a lot of trouble.

As for now... I will take a little time and find them again."

Cheng Yishi felt astonished, and after a little thought, he took out a stack of files from his sleeves: "Tianlu, please bring this thing."

Lin Tianlu took a closer look and immediately revealed his face Surprised, he quickly raised his hand to take it, smiled and stood up and said: "Yi Shi, you wait here for a while, I will go back."

Tone barely fell, its silhouette suddenly turned into an afterimage and gradually disappeared .


At this moment, in Pei's mansion.


Pei Yan, who was flushed and bruised, spit out a mouthful of bruises on the ground, and carried out the cultivation technique with a gloomy expression to heal the injuries on her face.

His awkward gaze, which seems to be devouring people, is slowly sweeping over the bodyguards kneeling on the ground in the lobby: "It's all a bunch of useless waste!"


The bodyguards are silent, with cold sweat on their faces.

They were personal guards, but they watched as Patriarch's son was beaten by a punch, which was already negligent.

And there are a few heavy-looking elderly men sitting on both sides of the lobby, thinking about the previous accidents, their faces become even more ugly.

"My Pei Yan's guards are actually your group of useless rubbish. It is really a shame!" Pei Yan waved his sleeves abruptly, and angrily shouted: "Come on! Worse than this! A pig’s trash has all been pushed out and cut!"

"――Pei Shizi, why bother to be so angry?"

A slightly smiling voice suddenly sounded in the lobby.

Pei Yan's gloomy gaze suddenly turned to the door, and saw a handsome young man stepping forward with a wicked smile on his face.

"Is it possible that, was it in the hands of the Cheng Family Eldest Young Lady to suffer a bit?"

Chapter 233, Hidden Tricks, Hidden Murderous Intention


Hearing this remark, Pei Yan's face looked a little more ugly.

"Bi Junheng, don't you want to be pushed down and beheaded just like these wastes?"

"Please be forgiving, Xiaosheng has just arrived in Changling not too long ago. I am showing my fists in front of the son."

The young man named Bi Junheng chuckled his sleeves and said: "It's just a rare occasion to see the son showing this angry appearance. That's why he was curious and couldn't help but talk a lot. "Sentence."

"Then shut your mouth!"

"My son, why bother with me as an outsider." Bi Junheng once again showed a frivolous and casual expression. Smile, as if he did not take these threatening words seriously: "I just came here to share my worries for the son."

"Pei Shizi, please calm down a little bit."

One of the old men who also sat in the lobby opened the mouth and said in a low voice: "The old man has more or less knowledge of the whole sequence of events. Although it is extremely humiliating, if the son of the world wants to achieve great cause, wait There is still room for people. Just because of a conflict, you lose your calm, cry and make noise like a child who has not grown up, after all, it will not be a climate."


Pei Yan gritted her teeth, took two deep breaths, and gradually calmed down her excitement.

After a while, he let out a long sigh, and said to the old man: "Many thanks Old Hu to persuade him. I was really stunned by the anger just now, and I accidentally said something silly."

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