"Then the acknowledge allegiance you just said is..."

"Half of me has been taken away by you. Now there is another half, waiting You." Yun H's eyes drooped slightly, and he said softly: "As long as I can be included in this Immortal Mountain, I can completely recognize you as the master. The monster veins and the ghost are reunited, and the Canghu is forever loyal to you. Slave."


Lin Tianlu was speechless and walked to her side in silence.

Yunh turned his eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"Why do you have this idea."

With this straightforward statement, Yunh's face remained as indifferent as before: "You are the only man I admit, so naturally I can recognize you as the master."

"You haven't talked about this seriously before, why this time? Suddenly mentioned? Does this recognize Master or not, does it have anything to do with your cultivation base breakthrough?"


But it was unexpected by Lin Tianlu Yes, Yun H actually nodded admit it.

"Recognizing Master, it is necessary."

"Tell me in detail, if I can help, I will naturally help. But the so-called "slave" must not be anymore. Mentioned." Lin Tianlu warned repeatedly: "Talking about this appellation, it hurts your feelings too much."

"I..." Yun H's eyes finally burst into waves.

However, her eyes this time looked towards the other side.

A fox was quietly falling into the clouds, jumping to the opposite side of the lake.

"'She' is here."

Chapter 226 The storm ceases, the cold ghost girl

This is... the other half of Yun H soul?

Lin Tianlu was about to ask when he saw the fox actually opened his mouth and said: "Tianlu, don't get too close to her. Her temperament is now extremely cold and cruel. If you don't pay attention, you will suffer its backlash. "


Lin Tianlu said with a strange face: "How does the fox's small mouth make a human voice."

See him. With a confused look, the fox鈥檚 face showed a humane didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "This is not the time to make a joke."

"I know."

Lin Tianlu was slightly nodded, and the emotion on his face was reduced: "I just want to say a few words to ease the relationship between the two of you."

The moment when the ghost and the fox meet , There was a gloomy cold wind around the lake. Even if the two sides have not yet fought, the atmosphere of with swords drawn and bows bent is too choppy, and it may be impossible to fight with each other.

"Relax the relationship... Tianlu, this matter is not as simple as you think."

The fox just wanted to continue talking, but Yunh, who was sitting on his knees, faced him. Reaching out his hand expressionlessly, countless Moon Wheels condensed all around in an instant, covering the heavens, shielding the sun moved towards the fox's location and shot away!

But the right hand she had just raised was quickly caught by Lin Tianlu, and all the Moon Wheels that were about to fall fell apart.

Seeing that the fox who was about to resist was relaxed, he simply sat down and dangled the fox's tail slowly.

"--Why stop me?"

Yunh looked up calmly.

Lin Tianlu slapped his tongue: "Why did you suddenly do it?"

"I and her are in the same situation, it is difficult to coexist."

He responded indifferently: "Since you don't want to accept me as a slave, then I will defeat it and prove that I am far stronger than her."

"Your relationship..."


"Tianlu, she is too cold, so let me explain it to you."

The fox sound transmission from a distance: "At the beginning, Tianlu you half-spirited my evil spirit. Sent into this mysterious Immortal Mountain, the power is evenly distributed, and it can be perfectly balanced with the help of the cultivation technique I have developed.

But a few days ago, I was immersed in the abundant Spiritual Qi within the valley, and it cost you more. With help, the realm bottleneck loosens. The Monster Qi and Yin Qi in the body are mixed with each other. Under the cultivation technique, Yin Qi is surplus, and the body is out of balance. The two forces are completely divided into two halves. I am a demon and she is a ghost.

But if there is yin, there is yang, and Tianlu and I get along with you more and more positive and cheerful, and she has acquired the negative emotions of more than 900 years, echoing with Yin Qi, it can be said to be born. Yin to evil."

Lin Tianlu brows slightly wrinkle, thinking to himself.

In short, after he rescued Yunh from Netherworld, he has not completely resolved the resentment remaining in his Divine Soul.

And Yin Qi was originally the master of Divine Soul, and this balance was chaotic, which led to the appearance of Yun H with a different posture and temperament in front of him.

"Is there no way to adjust Yin Qi's balance and restore the usual state?"

"Yin Qi in the body is already too heavy, and the resentment is too deep, and my past cultivation technique alone is not sustainable. . If it weren鈥檛 for this, she wouldn鈥檛 specifically find you to seek the sun to check and balance."

"Probably understand."

Lin Tianlu looked thoughtful nodded, looked towards a The little girl who didn't say anything: "Actually, it's Yunh that you started to have a little temper?"

Yunh's eyes were cold, and he forcibly shook his palm open: "Nonsense."


The fox in the distance couldn't help laughing twice:

"It doesn't matter if you understand Tianlu this way, after all, her heart is indeed full of resentment for 900 years."

"--Since you don't want to follow my advice, then I can only use some martial power." Yun h raised his eyes slightly, and the whole body rose up with wisps of aura: "As long as you defeat all of you, I will-- "

But at the next moment, a broad palm suddenly pressed against her head, so that the look startedled.

"Don't make trouble."

Lin Tianlu looked at the girl below him calmly: "Be good and obedient."


Yunh suddenly changed his face, feeling that his shoulders seemed to be severely pressed by the mountains, and the newly gathered Yin Qi was directly shaken away forcibly.

At the same time, countless emerald spirits are locked all around, appearing together, entwining her lovable body everywhere, making it hard to move even the slightest.

As soon as I wanted to speak, I could feel a mysterious power sealing my lips and teeth, and I couldn't even make a sound.

The fox quietly appeared to his side, and whispered: "Tianlu, the cultivation technique I practice is very special, it can be described as my life source way. It may take more than ten years to slow down. Slow--"

"The solution is actually quite simple."

Before she could finish her words, Lin Tianlu smiled relaxedly: "Since the resentment in my heart is hard to dispel, then Just think of a way to let her experience the joy of life and dissolve those grievances. When you can make her smile, maybe she will be safe."



The fox suddenly looked strange.

There is even this kind of cheating method... But if you think about it carefully, does it have several points of feasibility?

After pondering for a moment, the fox also docilely nodded and agreed.

"Then you can only believe in Tianlu."

But she quickly sighed: "But today's change really caused you trouble. This way home should have been. Try to be happy. But because of my unstable temperament and the resentment remaining in Divine Soul, I make you worry for no reason."

"What's the trouble, in fact, whether it's her or you, it's'cloud h'." Itself, isn't it?"

Lin Tianlu squatted down, rubbed the fox's head with a smile: "It's just like getting along with the awkward little girl Yun H for a while, so coax me more. It can be changed back."

"This, this kind of statement is really a bit embarrassing."

The fox turned around as if covering up his shame, and urged: "Okay, Now that Tianlu has made a decision, let鈥檚 go back and rest earlier. By the way, don鈥檛 let'I' do anything excessive outside."

"Don't worry."

Lin Tianlu grinned lightly, stretched out his hand and rubbed the sweeping tail in front of him, pulled up the emerald green spirit lock, and disappeared with the cloud h that was tied up and opened to be unable to move.


As the Yin Qi storm dissipated, Hua Shuya and Mao Ruoyu dropped their hands in surprise and stared at the silhouette that appeared in the bedroom.

Until the familiar voice sounded again.

"Don't worry."

Lin Tianlu waved away the green smoke that filled the surroundings, gently said with a smile: "Yunh, her state has stabilized now, everyone Go back to your house and rest at ease."

Mao Ruoyu hearing this patted chest, secretly relaxed.

She is really worried that there will be some uncontrollable change. No matter who was injured because of this, she didn't want to see it.

Hua Shuya loosened his face and took the long sword back into its sheath.

Since this matter has ended safely, then they are-eh?

Suddenly, Hua Shuya and Mao Ruoyu couldn't help making noises, staring blankly at the cloud h that appeared again in the bed.

"This, what's going on?"

Mao Ruoyu was even more astonished: "Why are all the tails behind Yun elder sister gone?!"

Not to mention fox ears, even the fluffy foxtail that was enough to cover the entire bed is now gone, and the whole person has turned into a delicate girl like a porcelain doll.

Hua Shuya hurriedly put his hand on the hilt of the sword, a bit of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Its temperament is completely different from before.

In the past, Yun H has always been quite graceful and elegant, as gentle and considerate as Madam Mao. Sometimes there is a strange temperament like a mother.

But there is only the boundless cold in this woman, even if the eyes of both sides have not been touched, she feels a little bit of chill all over her body.


Yun H opened his scarlet eyes and swept across them two indifferently, without opening a greeting.

Instead, he turned his eyes back to Lin Tianlu: "This is your choice?"

"Of course."

Lin Tianlu as it should be by rights Nodded responds: "You don't like it?"

Yunh's eyes drooping, and his voice soft: "I don't have much objection."

Mao Ruoyu approached uncomfortably. Coming up: "husband, what happened to Yun elder sister, why is she now--"

"Don't be nervous, she is still Yunh."

Lin Tianlu let out a laugh , Patted her shoulders soothingly said: "In short, just like Ruoyu's previous experience, you have also differentiated another'self'. But only the two sides of the'mon' and the'ghost' are combined into one. Then it becomes the cloud for us to get along and communicate with each other normally.

And now we are in the realm bottleneck, and with the influence of the cultivation technique he once practiced, this has led to the split between the demon and the ghost. This is in front of us. This is the female ghost named Yunh."

Mao Ruoyu was surprised when he heard: "didn't expect Yun's elder sister's physique is so special? It's just..."

She was a little worried again: "Does the Yun elder sister still recognize us now?"

If there is no memory of getting along with each other, how should the two parties manage the relationship?

"I remember it all."

Yun H took the initiative to speak at this time, but his delicate and flawless face still has no fluctuations: "Everything I experienced before, I remember everything in my heart. Don鈥檛 worry that I can鈥檛 recognize you.

I鈥檓 just expressing...slightly different from before."

"As you can see, she really can only show this coldness now. "Lin Tianlu shrugged"

Lin Tianlu shrugged: "What we need to do now is to find a way to dissolve the grievances that have been entwined for 900 years in his heart, so that he can smoothly break through the realm shackles. Once the realm breakthrough, it will be natural. Can recombine the two forces into one and return to normal."

Mao Ruoyu meditated nodded.

She barely has some experience in this area.

After all, I had a similar experience not long ago, maybe I can think of a way out of it.


The next morning.

Lin Tianlu and his party did not continue to stay in Anshi County, and soon set off on their way home.

Only in today's carriage, the atmosphere is a bit...


Hua Shuya sits in a precarious position, staring straight at the opposite cloud h, as if he wants to see some thoughts in his eyes.

Yun H replied with hollow and deep eyes, silent, and for a while, the carriage was as cold as an ice cellar.

But after the two sides looked at each other for a while, Hua Shuya's eyes trembled, and he secretly defeated.

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