After a few deep breaths, the panic on her face gradually calmed down, revealing a bit of stubbornness.

"I have no intention of harming her."


Lin Tianlu brows slightly raise, slightly surprised: "So to speak , The girl is quite enthusiastic."

The white robed woman gritted her silver teeth lightly, barely showing a smile: "Mr. can make Yingjiao ugly crisp, so fortunately, the inlaid rhyme and the sorrowful smile!

"It's just a scholar who can be seen everywhere. "

Lin Tianlu smiled and walked to the front, raised his hand and held her shoulder.

In an instant, the several Yin techniques that had just been prepared in secret suddenly shattered!


The white robed woman was held back and sat back blankly.

"Those small secret actions are unnecessary, they are really meaningless. "


white robed woman looked up at the man in front of her, her pupils tightened, her delicate face showed a little panic.

"Do not touch me! "

She raised her hand abruptly to fight back.

It was just a palm shot, but Ka-cha snapped her wrist.

Sudden pain She suddenly changed her color and almost screamed in pain.

"The girl doesn't have to react so fiercely. I'm just curious, why do you disgust men in Cihangzhuang so much?" "

Lin Tianlu lost said with a smile: "After all, when we met for the first time, we should have done nothing rude to you." "

"...We, many of us, many Cihang people were persecuted by men before they were alive. Isn't it possible to hate men?" "

The white robed woman's lips trembled slightly, her face changed a few times.

In the end, she slapped her tongue very unwillingly, icily said: "I have to admit that my strength is far inferior to yours. , Now that you are under coercion, you can only handle it. "

Lin Tianlu's face is weird.

How does this sound a little intriguing?

"I'm not interested in dealing with girls." "

He quickly sighed, helplessly said: "My scholar does not like shouting and screaming, and girl, you have never indiscriminately murdered. It's just that the girl had bad intentions just now, and she simply left you a little warning. "

While speaking, he patted the shoulder of a white robed woman with care:

"The girl will live with peace of mind in the future, but don't have any thoughts that shouldn't be there." "

"I--huh?" ! "

The white robed woman suddenly felt a pain in her chest, and she was shocked to find that a chain had penetrated her chest, as if something had been forcibly pulled out of it, and her heart seemed to be missing a piece.

"This action is self-insurance. In the future, if the girl commits evil deeds again, she will have to be punished carefully. "

Lin Tianlu smiled with satisfaction: "I know what the girl thinks in her heart. At the moment, instead of stunned with me in the bottom of my heart, I'd better go back and meet with your companions, and take a rest early. "

The white robed woman's face is getting paler.

"I, I...know..."

"It is natural for a woman to be reserved and solemn, but in the future Don't intimidate innocent men at will. "

"I, I understand..."

"The girl has extraordinary strength, self-confidence is good, but don't think too much of yourself, and want to play nonsense without a bottom line." "

"Good, good. "

"When you see a woman who doesn't agree with your idea, don't have to say some foul language, remember to cultivate yourself." "

"...Hmm. "


After talking a lot, Lin Tianlu was nodded with satisfaction:

"If it's not early today, the girl will go home in peace Well, I won't bother much. "

The white robed woman is already in a trance. Hearing this, she immediately sat upright with her lovable body with her legs tight, and suddenly nodded in response: "Understood! "

Lin Tianlu didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "The girl's move is different, and her heart is still slandering? "

"No, nothing!" "

The white robed woman lovable body shivered for a while.

"Finally, let's say goodbye first." "Lin Tianlu cupped the hands: "In the future if fated will meet again. "


Until I see the other silhouettes and leave completely.

white robed woman Then did she spread her legs and slumped to the ground, holding her forehead I sighed for a while: "Why do you want to take this road today..."

There is only regret left in her heart.

Regret is like Lin Tianlu, a monster. When the man ran into him, he regretted thinking about some crooked thoughts.

"Young Master, Young Master? ! "

A few exclamations soon sounded in the restaurant. She looked up and saw several companions rushing in.

"What happened? ! "

"Why would Young Master--"

"Nothing happened. "

The white robed woman waved her hand quickly, her face was embarrassed.

She couldn't say that she was taught as a three-year-old child, and she almost lost her life.


"First, help me up first. "

"Young Master... are you hurt?" "

"--No. "

The white robed woman clenched her lower lip in shame, and said like a mosquito: "I just have a weak leg. Stand does not raise."


At noon the next day.

As the ceremony approached, even though the sun shone brightly now, there is still no silhouette on the streets of the town and county, which is a little sad and lonely.

Lin Tianlu I went to the river bank with Mao Ruoyu.

Although the popularity is no longer lively, but the scenery here is really good, plus the autumn atmosphere, there are many golden leaves floating on the river, and the atmosphere is very good.


Mao Ruoyu is now wearing a soft white robe. His posture is dignified and elegant, but it is still difficult to conceal the familiar charm. The robe is embossed and exquisite, and his eyes are full of affection and sultry.

She raised her hand to take a fallen leaf, and sighed:

"Such a beautiful scenery, if only Ms. Cheng and the others come to appreciate it together. "

"Madam, are you still thinking of them at this time?" "

Lin Tianlu helped her brush off the fallen leaves on her shoulders and brushed her hair, making it smoother like a wonderful silk.

Mao Ruoyu said with a smile: " Although Ms. Cheng is overbearing a bit normally, her mind is always pure and considerate. How could the slave family not care about her?

even more how, the slave family and the husband... have done that shameful act again. With Miss Cheng, probably has several points of sisterhood? "

Lin Tianlu chuckled: "This matter, I am really too much--"

"Shh. "

But Mao Ruoyu touched his lower lip with a slender finger, and said in judo: "Men's three wives and four concubines are normal by themselves, and you don't have to blame yourself."

At the beginning, the slave family had already made up their minds to serve the good husband as best as they could, and to get along well with Ms. Cheng to make the family peaceful and warm. "

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-eighth chapter of the dark road

Lin Tianlu secretly sighed.

I can meet such a gentle and virtuous woman, really the blessing of three lifetimes.

Mao Ruoyu's beautiful eyes blinked lightly, showing a somewhat narrow meaning: "Mr., was moved by the words of the Nujia just now? "

"Madam's words, which man can be unmoved?" "

Lin Tianlu let out a laugh, and hugged the beauty's fragrant shoulder: "So virtuous and considerate, I don't even know how to repay my wife." "

"Return? "

Mao Ruoyu was held in his arms, bowed his head and muttered: "The slave family does not ask for fame or fame for his husband, nor does he ask for his reputation to broadcast. He only hopes that his husband can be safe and worry-free throughout his life. , This is enough to satisfy the slave family. "


"First, if your husband is moved, then you will accompany Nujia and Ms. Cheng more in the future." "Mao Ruoyu's beautiful eyes flickered, stroking his braids shyly: "If Mr. is out for a long time, the slave family will eventually be lonely, and can't help but be a little worried..."

Lin Tianlu Shaking his head and bursting into laughter, he gently rubbed the beautiful woman's hair in his arms: "If you go on a long trip, you will definitely bring your wife with you. "

Mao Ruoyu's eyes are shining, and his face is joyful: "The Nujia will take care of Mr.'s food, clothing, housing and transportation. "

"So you are worried about these things." "

"Mr.'s skills are amazing, the slave family naturally believes that Mr. can be safe and worry-free." "Mao Ruoyu said softly and pettingly: "However, this windy meal and sleeplessness hurts the body and mind, so you have to take good care of it." "

"Okay, remember the madam's instructions below." ”

Lin Tianlu smiled gently, and put his arms around the plump beautiful woman in his arms. He clasped his hands and gently folded them in front of the flat lower abdomen.

Such an ambiguous posture made Mao Ruoyu couldn’t help but I blushed and my heart trembled slightly.

But feeling the broad chest behind, my heart gradually settled, leaning on my arms extremely docilely, and even more endearing little bird.

Just quiet While admiring the scenery, the beautiful woman's face was like a peach blossom, and her side face exclaimed: "Although the slave family has committed to the body and mind, but... the husband can be more restrained in intercourse. It's not good. "

Lin Tianlu teased, raised his hand and brushed her delicate cheeks: "Ming Madame Ming is more immersed in it, maybe I have to say this again? "


Mao Ruoyu's eyes opened slightly, and he was immediately embarrassed and embarrassed, and his tender body warmed up slightly.

Several degrees I wanted to refute a few words, but it was difficult to say what I said. I can only glance at him as if resentful, as if there are thousands of styles wafting in his eyes.

Lin Tianlu 讪 said with a smile: "It's just a small joke, Madam doesn't have to take seriously. "

Mao Ruoyu sighed faintly, pulled his right hand on his chest, and said ashamed: "If you really like it, the slave family will naturally serve Mr. more often." But if the slave family can’t stand it... Mr., go find Miss Cheng and she...wu!"

At the end, she was already shaking with shame and coughed sharply: "Mr. Hurry up." I forgot what I said earlier, the Nujia said something strange for a while, don't take it seriously! "


"It's so nice~"

Yunh, who is curled up on the treetops, whispers softly, watching the people playing with each other Intimate men and women can't help but show a faint smile.

"The innocent men and women who love each other may be so sweet. "

She shook the fox's tail lazily, and her eyes appeared narrow.

If it rains, this girl, she is a bit more nutritious than she imagined.


Obviously the reason and intelligence brought by the personality, and the gentle concern for the lover are constantly reminding oneself to be patient, but the plump and mature body is extremely eager to caress, two complex emotions When they collide with each other, Yun H sees Mao Ruoyu's shame and cute appearance several times.


"In the end, Ruoyu is still taking care of. "

Yun H secretly sighed.

Lin Tianlu's body of the Yang Qi is the most terrifying she has seen in her life. For the past two days, she was killed every night, throwing her helmet and removing her armor, and wailing again and again. If it weren’t for her pity and patience, she really didn’t know how many times she would faint.

Jiang He, feeling the warm and cool autumn breeze, can't help but feel a trace of joy and gratitude.

This is the life I have longed for for thousands of years.

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