Surrounded by this, it seems that it is not a human county town, but a ghost town circling by Yin Qi. "For the world, a real alien...On the contrary, it is a fragile mortal."

The voice of coldness and indifference sounded from behind.

Lin Tianlu was slightly startled, looking back towards the direction of the bed, he found that Mao Ruoyu had turned over.

"Madam? You are... wrong, is it a girl?"


Mao Ruoyu's eyes are light, as if ethereal and ruthless Dolls.

She did not respond loudly, but stood up silently stroking her skirt and walked to the window together gracefully, like an extraordinary and refined Fairy.

"Everything living here has its meaning. Whether it is a mortal, a ghost, or even the so-called Immortal God, they have their desires in their hearts, and what they do is only to satisfy that obsession."

She closes her snow-white hair lightly, beautiful eyes look sideways, indifferently said:

"The player who holds the chess looks down on the world. And are you ready to be a cold-hearted person? Ruthless chess player, the trial is in charge of this world's rules?"

Lin Tianlu looked at the woman with completely different temperament in front of her, with a slightly startled expression.

It’s just this remark she said. After making Lin Tianlu silent for a moment, she couldn’t help laughing: "This question, if it were the original I might say...killing ghosts should be natural."

"But now, I just want to see everything clearly with my own eyes, to taste and feel the warmth and coldness. The weight of life is not summed up by identity."

"en." Mao Ruoyu slightly nodded: "Because of this, you will leave this little green fox?"

"Girl, do you...know Yunh?"

"Occasionally Know."

Seeing what she didn't say anymore, Lin Tianlu asked: "You are not Mrs. Mao, and you are not a girl, who are you?"

"Years are gone, and identity has become empty, why bother to speculate?"

Mao Ruoyu turned his wrist, gently raised his hand and pressed it on Lin Tianlu's chest, indifferently said: "Now the blue fox is near Body, she will tell you a lot of secrets about the past, and you will know more about this world.

If you want to know the lost past earlier, go to the place of clues earlier. The Haiming Spirit Pendant will guide you. Don’t listen to that girl’s nonsense and indulge in meaningless female sex.

And I will continue to watch you. No matter what you do The choice will always be with you."

But at this point, her figure suddenly softened, and she fell into his arms trembling.


The two sides seemed to be silent for a moment.

'Mao Ruoyu' regained his footing, raised his beautiful eyes slightly, and gave him a faint look: "Be gentle with your wife, concubine and lover."

, Her ethereal and distant within both eyes seemed to show a bit of glamour.

Immediately, she raised her right hand abruptly and exclaimed:

"Be careful! Madam Danger—Huh?"

She looked in front of her face Lin Tianlu, who was stunned, suddenly showed a dazed look, and blinked beautiful eyes: "Why is it the master...Isn't this, this cave?"

"You are girl Yu?"

"It's Ling'er me!"

Lin Tianlu quickly said: "What happened to you just now?"

"No, not quite clear."

Yu Xuanling shook his head: "Ling'er, I only remember that his wife was dragged into a strange place, full of weird aura, my Yin Qi was difficult to mobilize, and there was no way to help. I can only watch the lady fall into a cave and communicate with a white-haired woman..."

She looked weird and said: "I heard not quite clear their communication, but it didn’t take long. , The white-haired woman who seemed to be very kind at first seemed to be trying to attack her, with bad intentions."

"Ling'er, I struggled desperately to help, but at that time--"


Yu Xuanling held his forehead in a daze: "Consciousness, seems to be disconnected?"

Chapter 130 has three souls

Yu Xuan Ling is indeed at a loss.

Her consciousness seemed to be forcibly cut off.

A moment ago, she also watched Mao Ruoyu in a dangerous situation with her own eyes. When she couldn't possess her body, she could only be anxious in the jade pendant.

But in the next second, she found herself in the guest room here, all around the danger is no longer there, everything is calm and tranquil.

If she hadn't been smart enough, she almost didn't even react.

After Lin Tianlu explained the whole sequence of events to her, Yu Xuanling bit her vermilion lips lightly, revealing a thoughtful expression: "didn't expect ..."

"Miss Yu, do you have a clue about this matter?"

Faced with the inquiry, she shook the head a little helplessly: "Ling'er is totally unclear about Madam why she would... Is it Madam? There is another consciousness hidden in her body?"

"It's not like." Lin Tianlu rubbed his chin: "And she also mentioned you specifically just now, it seems to be very clear about your character. But madam, she I should have never talked to you face to face."

"Is it the Broken Sword Sword Spirit that the master carried with him?"

"Before I found her, the lady had already become It looks like this." Lin Tianlu glanced at the Broken Sword placed on the table: "Besides, although this sword is now a bit spiritual, I have not felt the birth of a Spirit Soul like you."

Without control, this sword will not move.

Since it is not the anomaly of the lady itself, nor the intervention of other artifacts, naturally only "" is left.

Yu Xuanling held his forehead, his expression trance:


"In the Heart Sea Spirit Pendant, besides me, there is another consciousness hidden in it?"

Lin Tianlu brows slightly wrinkle: "You don't remember Miss Yu?"


She shook the head.

I don't even know where I came from, but how do I know the existence of another consciousness.



Just thinking about it, she quickly showed a relaxed and meaningless smile: "Although I don't know who the other party is, but It’s always a good thing to help Madam through the difficulties."

Such a free and easy response made Lin Tianlu dumb and said with a smile: "You are generous."

"Since she helped the madam, and showed her kindness to the master. Linger naturally won't mind~"

Yu Xuanling laughed and was about to step forward, suddenly her posture Crooked, staggered for several steps.

"This, what's going on?"

She couldn't help showing a dazed look: "Why are my legs so... sore?"

Lin Tianlu quickly stretched out his arm to help, and said in embarrassment: "My wife and I have already had sex."


Yu Xuan's expression was dazed.

Until then, she later realized that something was wrong with her body.

It is very difficult to stand on her legs, and her lower abdomen is even warmer, and the soreness almost makes her sit on the ground.

"This, this body--"

She stroked her abdomen with a flushed face, and her charming eyes were like silk, breathing twice.

It seems that there is still a little pleasure remaining deep in the body, with the slight movement of her mind, bursts of heat dissipated, making her leaning against Lin Tianlu's arms, clenching her hands, her plump and beautiful legs slightly Standing straight away, slender waist leaned forward, bent into a thrilling arc, and shivered suddenly for a few times.


After exhaling a long trembling gasp, Yu Xuanling raised her head with her eyes wavy, and licked her red lips with a charming smile.

"This is the feeling that Madam once experienced. It is really trembling, sweet and unbearable."

Seeing her face full of spring feelings, Lin Tianlu's eyes flashed. Jitter.

"...I almost forgot that you were in Madam's body."

What is this?

Yu Xuanling hid her lips and smiled slyly: "Master, don't be embarrassed, if you really mind. Ling'er can also accompany the master to have a good time."

Lin Tianlu hearing this sighed , Knocked her head: "Don't be fooling around, this is the lady's body."

"Um~Master is really harsh."

Yu Xuanling pursed her small mouth. There seemed to be a bit of resentment: "Obviously, I'm part of this body...Huh?"

But she quickly snorted and looked at the large object on her chest with a little bewilderment.

"What's wrong?"

"It seems... not Ling'er's body?"

She looked all around and quickly came to the copper mirror, He looked curiously at what he looked like at the moment.

"--Really different."

Lifting up her white hair, carrying the corners of her clothes and making a full circle, the slender and plump legs in the flying skirt of the skirt are undoubtedly evident.

Immediately, he turned upside down the soft and large object again, and touched his smooth and white face.

Seeing that she even raised her hand to hold the ribbon on her shoulders, with the intention of tearing it off, Lin Tianlu hurriedly stopped, didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and said: "If you look at it this way, you can see this Does Gu's body have a part of you?"

"Well, you have to see how your figure is!" Yu Xuanling didn't mess around anymore, but looked at the "self" in the copper mirror and asked in surprise. "But this body really has nothing to do with me, and it is not made up of Yin Qi that I absorbed."

"It's not your power..."

Lin Tianlu has a slight feeling. Surprised: "Is that the one just now?"

"It should be right."

Yu Xuanling tightened her face, put on a serious expression, and the temperament of the whole person followed The changes.

Seeing this indifferent expression, she said with certainty: "It is true, this body should be given by'that'."

Lin Tianlu fell silent immediately.

Looking back now, I can really feel that Mao Ruoyu's personality is different from the past.

As long as she doesn't say a word, the cold temperament that emerges spontaneously is absolutely extraordinary, as if she really is like a dreamlike fairy fairy, who is heartless and ruthless, looking down at all things in the sky with indifferent eyes.

"And this clothing is also very extraordinary."

Yu Xuanling twisted the thin gauze and shook it twice: "Yu Linger's skirt was transformed into a Chinese girl at the time. The materials of the robes are almost the same, and even more tenacious. From the look of style, they are at least the characters of the same era as Ling'er."

At that time, I hadn't observed it carefully, but now I take a closer look. I saw the incomparably delicate and elegant embroidery patterns, such as embellishments of flowers and engraved with twinkling stars. A large number of tassel pendants are scattered from the corners of the skirt, and gold ware is attached to the hollow ribbon between the side of the leg and the chest and abdomen, which shows the noble and gorgeous.

And the gauze skirt is lined with pure white color, and the gauze is concealed, which hides the luxury and nobleness, but appears ethereal and ethereal.

Lin Tianlu pondered for a moment, pondered then said:

"If she shows up again next time, it seems that I have to apologize to her."

"Master, don't care. Although I borrowed the power, this body is still Madam Mao's own."

Yu Xuanling soothed and tried to shake his hands.

"But, now the body is filled with a very strange Yin Qi, and the breath of the shadow seems right but actually isn't."

"Is there any danger? "

"It should be safe and worry-free." Yu Xuan's slender fingers opened, as if a little star-like drop of water appeared in his palm.

"This force is very harmonious with the lady, and can be manipulated like an arm with a finger. Moreover, it infiltrates and nourishes all parts of the body all the time, and the benefits are extraordinary. The most important thing is -"

Lin Tianlu was curious: "What?"

She suddenly looked up, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly:

"Madam has become more moist and charming, If you really want to become'pretty and beautiful', you can soften honey with a single pinch!"

Lin Tianlu: "..."

This girl, her head There is no way of thinking inside.

The 131st chapter Yunhu wakes up

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