With the lovable body surfaced, the lake water seems to be condensed into silk, intertwined and wrapped around the slender and plump legs, and the water color reflects the skin more holy. Until the delicate and delicate toes touch the surface of the lake, the cool and charming face is full of solemnity.

Yunh no longer speaks, and as soon as his palm rotates, a round of shallow meniscus is launched immediately.


The streamer flashed, but a silver bell rang.

The soft and bright meniscus is solidified on the chest, making it difficult to get in.

The hair is fluttering, and the light moonlight illuminates her delicate face.

Mao Ruoyu pressed his hands indifferently, and the meniscus caught in his palms quickly broke down into fine spots of light, which were dispersed with the wind.

"If Yu...really has a good innate talent."

Yun H couldn't help but sigh slightly.

No matter how complicated and perturbed she is now, she still sighs when she sees this scene.

Those Yin Qi are controlled so meticulously, the yin breath that blends into the whole body seems to open up the essence of their lifeline, so that they completely shedding body, exchanging bones, and show extraordinary terrifying talents.

"Yun elder sister, please enlighten me."

"It's...not good."

Yun H showed a sad smile, waved his sleeves, a lot The meniscus flew out rapidly in a circle.

dīng dīng dīng dīng ――!

Mao Ruoyu's posture spins lightly, like dancing and flying on the lake, flicking with his fingertips, smashing these crescent moons one after another and flying.

Snow-white hair wafts, the face is still calm and composed:

"Yun elder sister, you don't seem to use your full strength."

"I... …"

"The slave can sit down and talk with the elder sister, as long as you stop--"

Before the voice fell, Yun H suddenly raised his hand.

A crescent moon bursts out of the sky!

Mao Ruoyu stretched out his hand as he tried to block it, but soon he made a soft sound, his toes touched the lake surface until he retired ten feet before he forcibly erased the crescent moon.

Seeing the faint red mark left in her palm, a hint of surprise appeared in her eyes.

Formidable power is much stronger than before.

"Ruoyu, although I don't know where your power comes from."

Yunh raised his head again, helplessly said: "But you haven't reached the barbaric state. After all, it’s not my opponent."

"Yun elder sister, try your best."

Mao Ruoyu squeezed his right hand, coldly said: "The slave family will do everything possible to resolve the elder sister. All the offensives of Shuiyue until you give up."

The chill is blowing in the Shuiyue Cave, a little bit of ice and snow flying around.

With the sound of the water, the cloud h immediately lifted its palm, the lake trembled violently, and the huge waves rolled away!


The waves are tumbling and the lake is splashing.

Mao Ruoyu's lithe and graceful figure shuttles fast on the water, and the veil is flying.

At the same time the seal art is squeezed, and the lingering water around the body rotates rapidly, resisting the meniscus that comes one after another.

Although she was an ordinary Nether Ghost surgeon before, she benefited from the ten years of studying in the lunar month within the valley when she was young, and she had a little understanding of the use of profound techniques, but lacked sufficient Yin Qi control of maturity.

Now Yin Qi flows freely in the body, as if Danger Land does not fill the whole body without any scruples!


Deep down in my heart, there seems to be some weird memories coming out, making her control of Yin Qi even better!

At the same time, several water whips shot out from the lake in a flash, quickly binding Mao Ruoyu's ankle, making his posture stop suddenly.

A large amount of water whips gathered together, and instantly tied his whole body together.

But the delicate body was scattered like a cloud, and his real body fell lightly onto the other side of the water.

"Yun elder sister, if this is your full power, let's give up this idea."

"If it rains, don't...force me." Yun H's expression was complicated.

"The slave family is now more stubborn than Yun elder sister wants."

Mao Ruoyu stroked the veil, and the clear stream of silk lingers around his body again, the cold and dusty look like a daffodil .

Yun H sighed faintly.


A terrifying coercion enveloped the cave in an instant!

Mao Ruoyu's expression was slightly startled, and when he came back to his senses, he saw a large group of water polo shots on both sides flying rapidly.

"this method ――"

The slender waist twists, shuttles at an extremely light pace, escapes from the water whip and the water polo, and gets away from the toes. Churning over the lake, as if dancing on the waves.

The seal art in the hand is constantly squeezing, and the silhouette turns into dreamlike bubbles, intertwined and flashing on the lake surface, avoiding all waves of pursuit, even without the skirt corners. Slightly stained with water.


Yunh lowered his eyes as if he couldn't bear to look straight, hands gently clapped.


The figure who was dodge fast suddenly stopped, several afterimages were all shattered, and the ankle had been entangled by the water whip at some point, and the whole person suddenly Was dragged into the lake forcibly!

I saw Mao Ruoyu's silhouette being shaken quickly at the bottom of the lake, the skirt rolled upside down, and a lot of wave blisters were turned up.

She hurriedly waved and shook the water whip and jumped out of the water embarrassedly, but all around had already planted an inescapable net, and countless water whips were coming!

Mao Ruoyu bit his lower lip lightly, doing his best to perform Yin Shu.

Seeing that its silhouette has become faintly discernible, the reality is uncertain, and the clear currents are lingering. Every time you set foot on the lake, you will appear outside ten zhang, as if you are changing shadows.



The water whip that appeared suddenly curled up her arms and slammed it to the sides, with a big mind open.

The sudden surprise attack made Mao Ruoyu's face look shocked. Before he could react and resist, a ray of vitality in the air blasted into his chest and flew out fiercely.

"Cough, cough ――"

She was waiting to turn over to adjust her balance, a wave of water in the lake below suddenly burst and shot a large amount of water whip around her left leg .

The coldness immediately penetrated into the body, and as soon as his complexion changed, he was dragged into the bottom of the water again for a frantic shake "wū wū wū wū?!"



A short while.

Mao Ruoyu gasping for breath fell on his knees on the edge of the lake, his body was completely wet, his hair was messy, and his chest was complexion pale and coughing.

"Ruoyu. Your technique is wonderful, and the combination of virtual and reality is even more ingenious."

Yun H's voice came faintly: "It's a pity that this technique is for me. It is meaningless, just use a more subtle and sophisticated technique than you to break open."

"... Yun elder sister is really powerful."

Mao Ruoyu took a deep Breath, the figure floats up again, there is not much turbulence in the eyes. "But the slave will gradually learn your moves until it surpasses you."

While speaking, she suddenly pushed out her hands and unfolded the technique she had prepared secretly.


The pressure enveloped Yunh's body in an instant, as if a huge boulder was pouring down!

The terrifying impact caused the lake to oscillate in a ring shape from the center, wave after wave, the ice ring unfolded, like never ending!


Yunhface doesn't change standing in place, but the light gauze on his body is scraped off by coercion, but the sexy figure stands tall, never before The slightest staggering.

Mao Ruoyu couldn't help his eyes widening slightly.

How come?

"If it rains, bear with me a little bit of pain."

Yun H's complexion is getting colder, and Yun H hits out his palm.

Seeing the streamer hit, Mao Ruoyu was about to dodge sideways.

Pu chi!

There is a cold touch on the shoulders.

Her pupils suddenly tightened, and she was shocked to find that a round of full moon had torn away the clothes on her shoulders, almost rubbing her skin and passing by!


At the same time, Yun H waved his hand and directly smashed the technique covering his whole body. With a wave of his sleeve, a densely packed full moon appeared all over his body, flicking with his fingers, Qi Qichao Mao Ruoyu, whose face was full of shock. Pouring away!

bang bang bang bang!

The dense explosion caused the lake to stir up waves. A silhouette shuttled through it extremely fast, but lost the original agility and etherealness. The tricky angle penetrated into his body invisibly, groaning constantly, and the full moon tore open the outer robe one by one. In just a few rounds, Mao Ruoyu fell into the water embarrassedly, and his dress was worn out, like white porcelain. The beautiful jade carcass was exposed, and only the light gauze covered with holes was still wrapped around her body, and she coughed and coughed all over her face.

Until several water whips hit her waist, abdomen and shoulders, she was forcibly knocked out from the bottom of the water and fell onto the stone platform in the middle of the lake.

"Puff, cough cough cough cough cough......ha......"

She clutched her chest and spit out a few mouthfuls of lake water, her lovable body trembled slightly, and her expression lifted the head in a trance. .

In the blurred vision, I only saw the sadness and guilt on Yunh's face.

And Yunh almost bit his lips and bleeds at the moment, lowered his head and hissed: "Enough! If it rains, stop here! You are not my opponent, and then Persevering will only increase the injury--"

"The slave, will not retreat..."

The hoarse and low voice sounded again, without a trace of timidity or weakness.

Mao Ruoyu stood up again with trembling legs, but before he had time to stand still, he saw the foxtail suddenly stretched behind Yun H, entangled his wrists and ankles, and carried him directly to in midair .

Mao Ruoyu just wanted to speak when another foxtail was wrapped around her neck and tightened slightly.


She almost coughed up tears, trying to struggle very hard.

"The situation, this step is now here again."

Yun H's voice trembled, and he approached step by step.

"Hurry up... Give it up."

"The slave house -"

Mao Ruoyu raised his head and said intermittently: "Absolutely not, Easily compromise......!"


Chapter 121 Moon Wheel fell, waiting by the side

Yun h was silent for a while.

She never knew that Mao Ruoyu, a seemingly gentle woman, had such a stubborn and persistent side.

Even if he experienced the pain of freezing cold, felt the gulf of strength, and even suffered a miserable defeat and was captured, he did not have the slightest hesitation.

This reserve and loyalty to memories and love makes Yun H's heart tremble.

"Yun elder sister ……"

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