Chapter 984

[Originally I wanted to write a final review, but after thinking about it, I’d better wait until the extra chapter is over before I start pretentious. Starting from this chapter, each chapter will basically be a separate story. The new book will be released after the New Year. Book. 】

After Han Qian retired, businessmen in Binhai and even several surrounding cities breathed a sigh of relief. This man's retirement made them relieved. Han Qian came with great force. From an unknown person, it took him less than three years to become a businessman. Over time, Li Dahai was killed first, and then Gou Dapao, who united with the Binhai business circle to squeeze out the Lin family of the Changxiang Group.

Even in the capital, he has considerable skills. He is still young, a man under thirty years old. If he wants to expand, the neighboring cities will not be spared.

Han Qian's retirement became a topic of discussion for many people. At the same time, it was a girl named Tong from Binhai who attracted the attention of these people.

This girl appeared out of thin air. It is said that she was just a teacher before.

But now she is sitting with several business tycoons from Binhai, chatting and laughing. It is said that this girl named Tong not only enjoys a good life in the business circle, but also wanders around in some dark areas after dark. She is also at home in business and Everyone knows that certain forces are involved. This is not the scariest thing. What is scary is that this Teacher Tong is not only well-off with a certain force in business, but is also treated as a guest at the Yamen Gate.

Does Cheng Jin from Binhai know that?

Now serving as the acting secretary and mayor of Binhai, the agent of Shit is only in name for everyone to hear. He is now holding two positions on one shoulder. Teacher Tong doesn't even need to knock when he enters Cheng Jin's office door.

If this is not enough, there are rumors that the teacher named Gu in Beijing is very optimistic about him.

In the three circles, is it inappropriate that this person is the second Han Qian?

But one good thing about Teacher Tong is that she doesn’t know much about business.

Binhai's government office has supported many enterprises. Now Binhai is like a new life, but unfortunately there has been no splashing.

Wu Qingsi and Wei Jiu's movie had a good effect after it was released. At least Cai Qinghu did not lose money, but made a lot of money. But what followed was Wei Jiu's announcement that he would take a break, and when will he be active on the screen again? is an unknown quantity.

But this guy's Weibo has never stopped updating, and he will take one or two photos from time to time. Most of them are of the construction of Yeats's resort. Many attentive fans have discovered some clues.

In Wei Jiu's photos, there is always a figure with short hair from behind. As time went by, someone found out the identity of this person.

A young man from Binhai, a tiger man with a grassroots background who shakes up corporate conglomerates.

Han Qian's name quickly became a hot search, and it also made Binhai popular. But within a few days, a hot search suddenly appeared.

Someone with good intentions compiled Han Qian's entry. When Wei Jiu posted on Weibo again, the comments below were neat.

【It’s a complete mess! 】

He came out of the mountain at the age of twenty-five and was already standing on the top of the Coastal Pyramid at the age of twenty-eight.

He is only twenty-eight years old!

But not long after, a hot search appeared out of thin air.

The retirement life of Wei Jiu and Han Qian.

Someone immediately left a sad message on Weibo.

He reached the summit at the age of twenty-eight and retired at the age of twenty-eight.

Isn’t it awesome to reach the summit in three years?

Isn’t it awesome to just let go of the money in your hands indifferently?

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality!

Cai Qinghu was lying on the sofa, scrolling through his phone, and kept laughing while reading the messages on Weibo. The nursery rhyme on the side looked sideways at Cai Qinghu and frowned.

"Can you make some noise that people should make?"

Cai Qinghu put down his phone, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Teacher Tong is teaching you! If you don't go out to socialize today, why are you here at home?"

"Come back and see your parents. Did you buy the hot search for Han Qian and Wei Jiu's retirement? The government office is angry. They have been using the popularity to hype the coastal tourism industry. Your sudden retirement will have a big impact on them. "

Cai Qinghu curled his lips and said.

"I only care about my husband-in-law, what does the life and death of other people have to do with me? When my husband-in-law goes to his house on the beach, the entrances of the government offices are like celebrating the New Year. How can I feel happy?"

Tong Yao frowned and said in a low voice.

"I beat the leaders to the end. Don't you like watching others retire? I also let them experience the fun of retirement. Why don't you go see Han Qian today?"

Cai Qinghu shook his head, then nuzzled at Xiwu.

"Yan Qingqing is about to give birth. My husband said that Liu Shengge has been abnormal recently. He wants to keep an eye on me and wants me to keep an eye on Mr. Yan. Ji Jing, on the other hand, is about to give birth. She acts like a normal person and her warm belly is gone. movement?"

Nursery Rhyme sighed.

"Ever since the two of them slept in the same room and Wen Nuan cried a lot, the two of them didn't seem to have any close contact. Wen Nuan was afraid of getting pregnant, and now she's even more scared when she looks at Ji Jing's belly."

Cai Qinghu sighed, lowered his head and touched his belly.

"I don't have any movement at all! But you are right, Ji Jing is really a girl. Luo Shen calls Ji Jing three times a day now, as if she is her daughter."

"She is her daughter. Now the outside world doesn't know that Luo Shen can't have children. She needs a child to cover up the rumors outside. Otherwise, if it is said that the eldest daughter of the Luo family has been misbehaved and has a chaotic private life and cannot have children, the Luo family will also If you can't handle this public opinion, are you watching here today? Then I'll come in the evening."

Tong Yao stood up and Cai Qinghu suddenly spoke.

"Don't always force yourself. My husband has been nagging me a few days ago, saying that I won't see you even once in several months."

Nursery Rhyme took a deep breath and sighed.

"Some dishonest people want to reach out to the seaside, and some short-sighted people are trying to make do with Yu Shici and Yeats. Those who haven't even grown their bristles always want to break arms with Chang Xiang and beat them. I feel much more at ease now.”

Cai Qinghu stood up and frowned.

"Nongrong, have you ever killed someone?"

Tong Yao chuckled and did not answer. As for whether he had been killed or not, only Cui Li, who was waiting outside, knew.

After leaving the door, Cui Li got out of the car and opened the door. After getting in the car, Tong Yao whispered.

"Have you found the person behind Yan Qingqing's arrangement?"

Cui Li whispered.

"I found it. This guy once pursued the queen, and she became a little violent after that."

Tong Yao took out a pair of myopia glasses and put them on. The woman's hairstyle, which was rolled up high, told outsiders that she already had a man. Looking at the information handed over by Cui Li, Tong Yao sneered.

"I guess it's because your young master has retired, and even Han Qian, who was making little fuss, didn't respond. Do you really think that no one can deal with him? Where did Xu Hongchang die? Is he a bastard who has become determined by the scale?"

Cui Li lowered his head and whispered.

"It's the scale that ate the iron bastard. He won't come back even if he's beaten to death."

Nursery Rhyme sighs feebly.

"I can't do anything about him. Call the people in District 8 and ask them to send a car to follow us."

"Okay, little lady."

The names of the several girls are somewhat different, the eldest lady, the young lady, the eldest mistress, the young mistress, Miss Yu, Secretary Ye, and Mr. Yan are more special. Sometimes the old man will call her empress with a smile.

After starting the Mercedes-Benz S600 and heading straight to the destination, Cui Li spoke.

"Little madam, the people from District 8 are following us. Please keep the big dog behind the wheel."

"Huh? Isn't this guy arguing every day and not caring about worldly affairs? I went to the Eighth District to find him a few times. He hugged the door frame and said he didn't go out. He said he wanted to build virtue for the children. The sun is rising in the west today?"

Cui Li didn't speak, and the nursery rhyme continued.

"You just say you don't know some things when they ask them. Just because your young master doesn't kill anyone, doesn't mean that I, Tong Yao, am also a soft-hearted old woman!"

We drove all the way to a wealthy community. When Tong Yao and Cui Li got into the car, two people got out of the Volvo behind them, Guan Dagou and Xiao Hai. The four of them walked into the community. Cui Li took the first step. Tong Yao was not impatient or impatient.

Guan Dapipipipian came forward and said with a smile.

"Teacher Xiaotong, my master said that if you were born in the same era as her, there would be nothing wrong with my master in the Eighth District."

Nursery Rhyme pouted.

"Listen to Boss Tu's nonsense. I couldn't meet Han Qian in that era. It's useless!"

"You said that, I'm not stubborn with you, so I'm here to join in the fun! You can do whatever you want to do with Xiao Hai."


"They're all one family."

Walking to the door of the villa, the door has been opened. Tongyao Dabu walked into the living room and sat on the sofa in front of everyone's horrified eyes. Xiaohai put his hands behind his back and looked cold. Guan Dagou, who was wearing a red windbreaker, laughed. , half squatting on the coffee table.

A few minutes later, a burst of howling ghosts and wolves came from the second floor. Nursery Rhyme immediately frowned. Xiaohai turned to close the door. At this moment, a middle-aged man and woman hurriedly walked in outside the door. When he saw the woman sitting on the sofa, , their faces changed, and the man looked angry.

"Nurse rhyme! Do you still have any royal laws? You are breaking into a private house!"

Nursery Rhyme licked his ears, and Guan Dagou chuckled.

"Teacher Xiaotong! It seems that without Han Qian, you still lack some weight."

Nursery Rhyme smiled and said nothing, then Guan Dagou pulled out the short knife from his waist, pointed at the middle-aged man and smiled.

"I'll listen to what you're shouting! Come on, don't control yourself."

The middle-aged man looked at Guan Dagou and gritted his teeth.

"Tu Xiao and I still have some interests involved!"

"No, no, this has nothing to do with my master. I, Guan Dagou, am considered a semi-retired person. I don't care about this."

At this time, Zongli came down from the second floor, dragging a man about thirty years old. The man no longer dared to shout at this time. He begged in a low voice and shouted that he didn’t dare anymore and would never dare again in the future. Yes, but how could Cui Li listen to what he said? He brought the person to the nursery rhyme and said softly.

"My dear madam, this is the person. Inside this USB flash drive is the evidence that he bought a navy to slander the empress."

Tong Yao stood up, took off her white mink velvet coat, revealing her graceful figure, and nodded to Cui Li. Cui Li grabbed the man's hands and pressed them on the wooden coffee table. Tong Yao smiled at Guan Dagou. road.

"Brother Dog, can I borrow a knife?"

Guan Junbiao did not agree, but winked at Xiaohai. Xiaohai did not dare to move. Guan Junbiao reluctantly handed the dagger in his hand to Tongyao, and then Tongyao raised the dagger in his hands and stabbed the man's right hand that was pressed on the coffee table.

The short knife passed through the palm and passed through the coffee table.

When the man was about to cry out, Tong Yao bent down and said coldly.

"You're yelling at me to cut out your tongue!"

Letting go of the knife in his hand and looking at the bright red on the white sweater, Tong Yao frowned, then turned around to look at the man whose eyes were already red, and smiled.

"Li Mu! Let's talk now? Do you want to destroy your son's mischievous hands, or let him disappear from this world? You can choose as much as you want. If you choose the latter, I will give you a chance to get any house in Binhai. Investment from top companies, 100 million? 300 million? 500 million?"

Li Mu was stunned and flicked the knife on the table. Li Mu's son bit his lip in pain, but he didn't dare to make any sound. Li Mu didn't dare to hesitate and whispered.

"I took a knife for my son! Then I sent him abroad."

"Ha, do you think I am Han Qian? Will it be okay if I go abroad? My mother-in-law is about to give birth. If there is any problem with her mental state, you will be responsible. Do you think you are willing to get a knife? Then this knife should be aimed at the heart. .”

Li Mu was silent again, and her wife rushed over like crazy, knelt in front of Tongyao and kept begging, Tongyao said indifferently.

"Have you ever thought about this when you were killing people with words? Isn't this the first time your son has done this kind of thing?"

After finishing speaking, Cui Li spoke.

"Back to Madam, during the investigation, Li Mo once caused a girl to get pregnant and miscarry, and then used words to slander her and posted her nude photos on the Internet. As a result, the girl named Zhao Yingying couldn't bear the infamy and jumped off a building to commit suicide."

Nursery Rhyme smiled at Li Mu and his wife.

"heard it?"

After saying this, Tong Yao turned around, pulled out the short knife and pierced the back of the other hand again, then pulled out the short knife and threw it to Guan Dagou, strode towards the door, and said calmly when opening the door.

"Your family has surveillance and witnesses. You can sue me at any time! But I don't know if your son will survive until the day of my trial."

Tong Yao left the villa, Guan Dagou chuckled, looked down at Li Mo, and said with a smile.

"You should skate, right? I will send you to quit. Teacher Xiaotong, please wait for me. Do you want us to go see Qian'er~"

Cui Li and Xiaohai left without saying a word. Tong Yao sat in the car and talked on the phone with Yan Qingqing, nagging that her clothes were dirty and she had to pay for it. Yan Qingqing, who was lying on the bed and touching her belly, said suspiciously.

"Don't tell me you went to find Li Mo? Why are you talking to him? I think I'll take care of him after I give birth to the child."

"I'm just here for my unborn eldest son, so don't be so sentimental."

"Nongrong, what have you done to people?"

"I have lost both hands, and then I will wait for the Internet violence. I am not the kind of Han Qian who leaves a way out for others when doing things. He likes to kill people with words, so I will destroy him with words, and you will be blind. Why are you talking to this Li Mo?"

"I'm not paying attention! Don't talk nonsense, nursery rhymes! careful outside."

"Nao Suo, if I can't protect you, I won't carry the banner of Korean characters! Don't worry about having children, I will protect you from now on."

"We'll have dinner together when we come back tonight, and we're not allowed to drink anymore."


After hanging up the phone, Tong Yao remembered Cai Qinghu's words.

My husband nags me that I haven’t seen you for a long time.

Nursery Rhyme sighed and said softly.

"Xiao Li, drive to the beach to see if your young master is still alive. Don't tell him what happened today! Do you hear me?"


Cui Li lowered his head and agreed.

The car soon reached the beach. Looking at Guan Dagou who also got out of the car, Nursery Rhyme whispered.

"Can you please stop being a light bulb?"

Guan Junbiao pointed to the temple on the top of the mountain.

"I'm going to see Liu Shengge. I heard that he has been having convulsions recently. He is probably lonely in the temple. I will call Su Liang and Wei Jiu later and go to the temple to play cards."

"I don't care about you! Don't come and disturb me before dark!"

This house on the beach was built in less than a month. It is a very ordinary, ordinary small house.

In the summer, some vegetables would be grown in the fence garden. Wen Nuan and Ji Jing would always come over at that time. The two cows would roam freely on the mountain. Yeats and his two dogs would follow. Nursery Rhymes would stand outside the fence garden and watch and play chess in front of the window. The two people laughed and shouted sweetly.


The old man turned his head and waved to the nursery rhyme.

"Come on, come on, Tongtong, come here. Just now, this bastard was nagging that you haven't come to see him for a long time."

Tong Yao opened the bamboo door and walked into the yard, sat opposite Han Qian, picked up the horse and put it in front of Hong Shuai, smiling.


Han Qian smiled.

"Horses can't walk straight, and they can't go this far."

"I am a thousand-mile horse!"

"That doesn't count as a general."

"I am a war horse!"

Han Qian looked at the chessboard seriously and pretended to deduce. After about half a minute, Han Qian put down the chess pieces and said seriously.

"Teacher Tong is a superb chess player, but I am not as good as others. I surrender!"

Tong Yao narrowed her eyes into small crescent moons and smiled.

"Are you really not going back to the city? Your Majesty and Ji Jing are about to give birth, so you won't go back to accompany them?"

Han Qian sighed and said helplessly.

"Which one should I accompany? Now Ji Jing's mood is very unstable and she often gets angry. However, the empress has always been quiet. It's better not to join the crowd. Ji Jing has just left. Xu Hongchang has been following Ji Jing recently. Yang Lan is also there in the evening. I'm here with you, your clothes are nice."

Han Qian touched Tong Yao's clothes, and then saw the blood on the sweater inside. Han Qian frowned slightly, and then smiled bitterly.

"Have you gone to find Li Mu and his son? What's the hurry? I'm waiting for my daughter's son to be born before I go to them to settle the score."

Tong Yao shook her head and said softly.

"You? Forget it? Didn't you go back to Binhai a few months ago? Some new business owners drove back to their hometowns overnight, for fear that you would go and chat with them. In fact, you are very good here. I will stay here at night? Can’t get enough warmth?”

"Is she going shopping with Yu Shici at night? Xu Hongchang has been following Ji Jing recently, and there is no one to see her off. He basically won't come here at night."

"What about dad?"

"Let's go after cooking."

"Oh! Then I won't leave at night. I will chat with you and give you a bath."

Han Qian raised his head and chuckled.

"The relationship is good, let's clean it up, and then when my daughter is born, I have already thought of the name. The boy will be called Han Jiayi, and the girl will be called Han Chong'er."

Nursery Rhyme smiled.

"I can feel it even before the child is born. You dote on your daughter hundreds of times more than you dote on your son. Be careful of my empress quarreling with you."

Han Qian smiled.

"No way, you can't pamper a boy, you're a girl! Then she's my pet peeve!"

An update of 5,000 words

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