Han Qian forced a smile, put down the chicken wishbone in his hand, picked up the crab, cracked it open, handed half to Nuan Nuan, and said calmly.

"What happiness do you think Han Qian has with you? Let's talk about the three years you were married first! It was Han Qian who did the laundry and cooking, right? It was Han Qian who cleaned the room, it was Han Qian who watered the flowers, it was Han Qian who called you to wake up, and then you still There is...um...how do you say it?"

Wen Nuan looked at Tong Yao with cold eyes and gritted his teeth.

"you shut up!"

Nursery Rhyme shrugged and continued.

"And then he took on four million in debt."

"Nursery Rhyme!"

Tong Yao chuckled, turned to look at Yan Qingqing, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is probably the woman who puts the most pressure on Han Qian, of course! Your pressure also laid the foundation for Han Qian, and then I will give you a planning project for the Honor Furniture Mall within a week. Even a donkey wouldn't be so forced, right? ?”

Yan Qingqing gritted her teeth and said angrily.

"I paid him four hundred thousand!"

"How much is the Honor Furniture Mall worth now? How much did you invest? Without Han Qian, Gao Jishi would be the general manager, why are you still playing tricks? Then in order to consolidate your position, you plotted against Li Dahai, sacrificed Wu Siguan, and How can Han Qian be happy with you scolding people at every turn?"

Yan Qingqing and Wen Nuan's eyes were full of anger, and then Cai Qinghu spoke.

"Yes! Look what you two have done?"

Nursery Rhyme chuckled.

"You? It has nothing to do with you to offend the dog cannon, but Han Qian shot himself in the shoulder to protect you. Does it hurt? Madam Cai, do you think it hurts? The bullet fired at close range is particularly hot. , and then get into the flesh!"

"You... stop talking!"

Cai Qinghu's hands were shaking. At this time, Ji Jing suddenly got up and said she was sleepy and wanted to take a nap. Tongyao sneered.

"Run? Madam Bobo! You have a lot to do with Han Qian becoming what he is now. A handsome, gentle and virtuous girl said she doesn't want fame, money, or anything. She just wants to be good to you. Who can Not tempted? Moreover, Han Qian is still soft-hearted. If you had not shown up, Han Qian might have simply rejected the queen."

Ji Jing covered her face with a pillow and said nothing.

Yu Shici, who was already a little drunk, stared blankly at the nursery rhymes.

"What about me? What about me?"

"You only have two things on your mind: having a baby with Han Qian and having a job. You spend 360 of the 365 days a year thinking about how to have a baby with Han Qian. Why don't you get under the covers in the middle of the night? What do you think? How can Han Qian be happy with his personality? He is under a lot of pressure!"

After saying this, he looked at Yeats.

"Don't look so innocent."

Yeats frowned.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Without giving you a platform to use his fists, can Han Qian take down Feng Lun's Yezhai Pavilion?"

Finally, there was An An. Tong Yao leaned close to An An and whispered.

"Han Qian went to the capital mostly for your safety! Can he be happy if he worries about a girl who is out of town?"

Several girls were told the nursery rhyme, and the child monster put down the crab and took a deep breath.

"And I'm not happy either."

The living room was eerily quiet. Han Qian felt that things were not going to happen in seconds. He wanted to run away, but just as he stood up, Ji Jing suddenly put down the pillow, sat up straight and shouted to the nursery rhyme.

"You have to say it? Then let's talk about how you took off Han Qian's virginity hat!"

Just know it!

I knew I would talk about this.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the girls were about to burst into flames. The incident of having their home stolen by Nursery Rhyme had always made them curious as to how it was done.

Tong Yao's face became a little embarrassed and he coughed dryly.

"Ahem! That's it!"

Cai Qinghu said angrily.

"Impossible! I have seduced Han Qian many times without success!"

Nuan Nuan gritted his teeth.

"Cai Qinghu, you are shameless!"

"What happened to me seducing my husband-in-law? What? I'm still holding on to my husband-in-law when we are together? Like Miss Ye?"

"Cai Qinghu! If you call me Miss Ye, we will fall out!"

At this time Nursery Rhyme stood up.

"I'm going to buy a drink!"

As soon as she took a step forward, Nuan Nuan reached out and grabbed her ponytail.

"Come back here! Tell me clearly!"

Tong Yao groaned and sat on the chair. At this time, Yan Qingqing walked to Tong Yao's side, put her hands on her shoulders, and smiled.

"Say it! Let us know how you did it. It's definitely impossible to say that Han Qian took the initiative."

Nursery Rhyme lowered her head and whispered.

"If he doesn't take the initiative, then I will."

Yu Shici gritted his teeth and said.

"Impossible! I...I risked my life. I went to find him secretly in the middle of the night, but he pushed me out."

Nursery Rhyme lowered her head and said again.

"That's because you are stupid, just drug him."

Case solved!

Cai Qinghu almost crushed the quilt to pieces, his face was ashen, and he growled.

"Child monster! This is a fucking crime!"

Tong Yao muttered in a low voice with a very unnatural expression.

"Here, forcing women and children to have inappropriate relations is a crime of rape and indecency. Men are not included in this! At least men were not included two years ago..."

"What? Two years ago?"

Yu Shici let out a scream. At this time, Wen Nuan had already walked up to Han Qian, grabbed Han Qian's hair and said angrily.

"Why didn't you call the police?"

Han Qian grinned in pain and said anxiously.

"I, I, I, I'm embarrassed."

At this time, Yeats rolled his eyes. The keen An An discovered Yeats' abnormality, took a deep breath and whispered.

"Well...it may be illegal to drug someone now!"

Yan Qingqing gritted her teeth and looked at Yeats.

"What are you going to do?"

Yeats raised his head and said angrily.

"I want to drink! What's wrong with you? Can you drink?"

Yan Qingqing became dumb, and Ji Jing stood up.

"I'll drink with you!"

Then Nuan Nuan pushed her shoulder. Ji Jing sat on the sofa with a disappointed look on her face. Nuan Nuan looked at Tong Yao and gritted her teeth.

"Teacher Tong! You are really good at playing! You are quite a teacher and bitch!"

How could Nursery Rhyme not hear the word bitch? She whispered with a very unnatural look on her face.

"You don't blame me if you don't take action!"


Yan Qingqing was the first one who couldn't accept it anymore and went upstairs angrily. Tong Yao got up and Cai Qinghu got a full glass of red wine and gritted her teeth.

"Full cup, you two bottles! Nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, I'm not done with you!"

Nursery Rhyme whispered.

"I won't drink, I surrender!"

The words came out warmly and shouted.

"An'an, there's a funnel! There's one in the bathroom!"

The living room instantly turned into a battlefield. Nursery Rhyme drank beer, and Yeats asked Yu Shici about getting into bed in the middle of the night.

In short, it was very messy. When the empty wine bottle was thrown at Ji Jing, Han Qian quickly covered it up and protected Ji Jing on the second floor. He changed new sheets and quilt covers and then let Ji Jing lie down. Ji Jing was not Han Qian can completely understand the simple hypocrisy. Yan Qingqing sat on the bed and vented her anger on the baby. Ji Jing lay sideways on the bed and looked at Han Qian who was sitting on the floor.

Having vented enough, the empress turned to look at Han Qian.

"Were you really drugged? Did you not take the initiative?"

Han Qian raised his hand.

"I swear to God!"

"It's no use! It's annoying to death. It's annoying to death. What about you and Jingjing?"

Han Qian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I took the initiative!"

"Suffer death!"

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