When An An walked in, everything was complete. Ji Jing, who was a little lazy, was lying on the imperial concubine's couch playing with her mobile phone. Yan Qingqing was sitting on the single sofa with her chin in one hand and looking at Cai Qinghu. Murderous intent could be seen in her eyes.

Cai Qinghu and Wen Nuan got together, each holding two small red notebooks and reading them, a pair of marriage certificates and a pair of divorce certificates.

Tongyao stood in front of the window and was talking on the phone, seemingly talking to his brother. Then Han Qian forgot the name of Tongyao's brother and was thinking hard about it. Yu Shici was sitting on the stairs, holding a notebook and typing on the keyboard. This girl's head It's all work.

Yeats was lying on the balcony basking in the sun with a folding bed. Han Qian didn't even know he still had this object at home.

Later, An An was leaning on the dining table, holding the ice coffee she bought when she went upstairs.

After a while, Cai Qinghu suddenly spoke.

"Yan Hu, you are staring at me, I will dig out your glasses!"

Say it! Han Qian, who was sitting next to Yu Shici, suddenly raised his head.

Things have changed?

Yan Qingqing chuckled.

"I'm standing right in front of you, why don't you touch me? My life is worthless. What's in my belly is the eldest son of the Han family."

Cai Qinghu chuckled, threw the marriage certificate on the coffee table, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"How great is it to have children? You have eight children and you are nameless! Let's talk about it with our certificates!"

Nuan Nuan immediately threw the marriage certificate on the coffee table and continued.

"Yes, let's talk with the certificate!"

Yan Qingqing glared at Wen Nuan, looked at the divorce certificate and frowned.

"Go aside and don't join in the fun."


Wen Nuan let out an aggrieved sigh, and then moved closer to Ji Jing. Ji Jing was surprised by Wen Nuan's active approach, and quickly sat up, Wen Nuan chuckled.

"You lie down, and I'll see what you're looking at! What does it feel like to be pregnant? Do you want to eat crabs?"

Ji Jing smiled sweetly at Wen Nuan.

"Yes, I really want to eat it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Yao, who was standing on the balcony, hung up the phone, squinted at Ji Jing and said calmly.

"Is it fun for you to lie to Nuan Nuan?"

Ji Jing turned her head, narrowed her eyes and smiled softly.

"Teacher Tong! You'd better shut up, or I'll jump out of the window with you. I will remember you for the rest of my life because you broke the condom."

After Ji Jing said it, everyone knew the inside story. They had always been very taboo about Ji Jing's sudden pregnancy. When the news was revealed, everyone's eyes fell on Tong Yao. Tong Yao panicked and turned around. Walk.

"It's noon. I'm going to buy groceries. You are all hungry."

After taking two steps, Yu Shici spoke.

"Yeats and I were shopping for groceries when we came here. We were in the kitchen."

Tong Yao's smile was a little stiff and she forced a smile.

"I'll go clean it up."

Tong Yao ran into the kitchen and closed the door, when Ji Jing stood up.

"I'm going to help. I guess you don't know how to cook."

Ji Jing also went to the kitchen.

It was quiet for about two minutes, and there was no quarrel in the kitchen. Han Qian sighed. Just when he was about to relax, Yeats suddenly took out a tablet, looked at the screen and said.

"Pregnancy will indeed make you gluttonous. Ji Jing is right, but what you want to eat varies from person to person, but I don't recommend eating too much. When the time comes, your body will change and it will be difficult to come back. The embryo is too nutritious. It will get bigger, and your belly will have stretch marks by then! It’s very ugly!”

Wen Nuan lowered his head and glanced at his flat belly, then turned to look at Yan Qingqing and said softly.

"Eat quickly and let me see what you will look like. I'm thinking about it."

At this time Yeats said immediately.

"A C-section will leave an ugly scar."

This sentence frightened Wen Nuan and hid behind Cai Qinghu, while Yan Qingqing chuckled.

"I have started to control my appetite and I chose to give birth naturally."

Yeats spoke again.

"Scars can be avoided, but as for stretch marks!"

Yan Qingqing frowned.

"Yeats, are you stimulating me here? Envy?"

"I'm not envious. Let's eat, drink and have fun. You can take care of your baby with peace of mind, Yu Shici! Let's have some drinks together later?"

Yu Shici pouted.

"You're no match for me. You're just a novice. I'm afraid I'll break your legs."

"You want to fight? Practice on the second floor?"

"If Miss Ye is in the mood, of course I will accompany you."

After saying this, Yeats sat up, frowned, looked at Yu Shici, and gritted his teeth.

"Don't call me Miss Ye!"

"Miss Ye?"

Yeats stood up and walked towards Yu Shici. The latter smiled, handed the computer to Han Qian, turned and went upstairs. Yeats followed him upstairs, and then there was a ping-ping-ping-pong-ping sound upstairs. Han Qian hugged his notebook and sighed. He took a breath, forced a smile to Han Qian, and said softly.

"Almost safe..."

Without saying anything, Yan Qingqing once again spoke to Cai Qinghu.

"Cai Qinghu! Just get the certificate when you get it. Did you come here to see Wen Nuan today to show off? Let me tell you first, you only have a marriage certificate because of your work. We just let you. I hope you won't be spoiled."

After hearing this, Nuan Nuan pushed Cai Qinghu away and said seriously.

"Are you here to make me angry?"

Cai Qinghu hugged Huan Nuan and smiled at Yan Qingqing.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't bring Nuan Nuan with you. I'm here today just to explain to Nuan Nuan. After all, Nuan Nuan is in front and I am behind. I will show off this marriage certificate in front of you, but I won't show it off to Nuan Nuan because she has had it before. .”

Wen Nuan nodded to Yan Qingqing.

"Yes! Me too!"

Yan Qingqing chuckled.

"Don't talk so nicely. We are all foxes. Who is more cunning than whom?"

At this time Nuan Nuan spoke again.

"But not as sexy as you! We don't hook up with our subordinates!"

After saying this, Cai Qinghu burst into laughter, and the nursery rhymes in the kitchen couldn't help laughing. Even An An, who had been silent, covered her mouth. Yan Qingqing's face turned from green to purple, then turned red, and stood up Walking up to Wen Nuan, he slapped her butt twice.

Han Qian felt pain after these two slaps, but Wen Nuan didn't take it to heart at all. He lay on the sofa and chose not to speak. Cai Qinghu protected Wen Wen and looked at Yan Qingqing, frowning.

"What are you doing?"

"I do! Han Qian doesn't care, but you care about me?"

The empress was very angry. Cai Qinghu glanced at Han Qian and then said.

"He acts like a fool. What can he do? He has no use!"

Han Qian, who was holding the computer, looked at Cai Qinghu aggrievedly. When the empress found out, she said angrily.

"What a fart are you looking at!"

"Yan Qingqing, who are you scolding? Who are you?"

"Whoever he looks at is a fart!"

Then Han Qian slowly turned to look at An An, who was about to pour the iced coffee on him. Han Qian turned around obediently, looked down at the book, and then saw Yu Shici's computer screen. Isn't this big photo of him?


With a sigh, Yan Qingqing and Cai Qinghu shouted angrily at the same time.

"Shut up!"

Han Qian quickly covered his mouth, fearing that the fire would burn him, but he couldn't avoid it! Han Qian stood up and was about to go to the kitchen to help. At this time, the second floor became quiet. Yu Shici walked down while talking about her hair. A few buttons of her shirt were pulled and adjusted, and the whiteness of the snow was vaguely visible.

Han Qian held up the computer with both hands, and Yu Shici gasped and said calmly.

"Are you making trouble with me? Little Yeats is tied up by me, it's so hot to death!"

Han Qian glanced at the bright sun outside the window and hurriedly ran to the second floor. Yu Shici continued to sit on the stairs, and Yan Qingqing continued to quarrel with Cai Qinghu.

An An drank coffee and watched the excitement. At this time, she probably understood.

It turns out that the people in Binhai don’t get along well with each other!

The premise is that there are no outsiders!

Han Qian went up to the second floor, pushed open the door of the second bedroom, and looked at Yeats who was wrapped in a quilt and tied up with two stockings. Han Qian hurriedly stepped forward. If only after a while, this girl would be familiar with her!

When Han Qian took off the quilt, he turned around and ran away.

Miss Ye is not wearing anything! No wonder there are two pairs of stockings!

She was completely plucked out by Yu Shici!

Han Qian went downstairs and looked at Yu Shici, who smiled.

"How is it? Is it a feast for the eyes?"

Han Qian didn't know what to say. After a while, Yeats gritted his teeth and walked downstairs. He jumped up when he was still three or four steps away from Yu Shici.

"Yu Shici! I will fight with you!"

Yu Shici refused to dodge, Han Qian stepped forward to catch Yeats, Yeats kicked his legs angrily, Yu Shici said lightly.

"No memory? Have you forgotten the time when Zhang Shengli and I started fighting? My sister has been doing judo for eight years!"

Yan Qingqing and Cai Qinghu were both looking at Yu Shici and Yeats. At this time, Wen Nuan sneakily got up from the sofa, walked quietly behind Yan Qingqing, stretched out her hand and patted Yan Qingqing's shoulder. The empress didn't think too much, and turned around. When she turned her head to look at the warmth, her ears were caught by the warmth.


The empress covered her head and squatted on the ground, snorting warmly and proudly.

"I hold a grudge! I hold a grudge!"

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