If Yan Qingqing is not upset, then she is no different from a fool. The explosion caused tens of millions of losses, and all the machines in the workshop were burned down. In addition to the workers' compensation, these are not bad, mainly at the Yamen Gate. She won't let this matter go easily, and she will definitely be scolded.

Sitting on the threshold, Yan Qingqing leaned on Han Qian's shoulder and whispered.

"I'm so tired! I don't know what kind of test I will face tomorrow. The moment I heard the explosion in the factory, my first thought was to run away. I am such a failure!"

Han Qian put his arm around Yan Qingqing's shoulders and said softly.

"You are already very successful. You control Glory and compete with the entire Binhai alone. My mother-in-law is a powerful girl!"

"If...if I hadn't been obsessed with having children and not inspecting the factory, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. Han Qian, am I being too willful?"

"No! Don't be willful! You have done a very good job. Among the girls in the family, you are the one who works the hardest and is the best in business. No one's life will be smooth. You will collapse on this matter. , think about those three broken families? Their pillars of support have fallen, but isn’t your pillar of support still here to comfort you?"

Yan Qingqing suddenly cried and choked with sobs.

"It was my negligence that caused them to be in trouble. It's all my fault."

Han Qian sighed and smiled.

"It's not your fault, it's my fault! When I retire, nothing will happen to Binhai. Stop crying! I will handle these things tomorrow. You can play at home with peace of mind, with Nuan Nuan, and with Ji Play quietly.”

Yan Qingqing raised her head and looked at Han Qian, choking.

"I have always thought that I have done many things right in the past twenty years. It wasn't until I met you that I realized that holding on to you was the only thing I did wrong."

"You can't say that. Before you met me, everything you did was just to meet me. My mother-in-law can't be wrong."

The two of them looked at the sky until Wen Nuan asked angrily in the room whether Yan Qingqing was still alive. They separated. Yan Qingqing went back to the room to sleep, while Han Qian continued to run to the toilet. Han Qian no longer knew what time he went to bed.

Breakfast was already prepared when I got up in the morning. To be honest, Han Qian really liked nursery rhymes. This is a true wife and mother! Of course only if she doesn't get sick.

After dinner, he called Cui Li to come to his home to protect the safety of several girls. Han Qian drove to work and told Xu Hongchang to bring the old Taoist priest to glory.

Nine thirty minutes.

Xu Hongchang and the old Taoist priest walked into the office together. At this time, Han Qian was handling the documents on the table wearing glasses and nodded to the two of them. At this time, little Yang Jia came in with tea and served them two teas.

After about twenty minutes, Han Qian took off his glasses, stood up, stretched, and said softly.

"Old liar! I always feel a little weird, do you feel it?"

The old Taoist priest picked up the teacup and smiled.

"I told you that your destiny is too tough and you talk about metaphysics. Your mother's illness has something to do with you. Fortunately, you have met Wen Nuan, a soft-tempered girl with a soft heart and a weak destiny. But if you don't restrain yourself, you will rush into everything. At the front, your going to the capital is your last love affair. The girls and friends around you have been helping you share the punishment and pain. I guess you have felt it yourself. Every time you choose to retreat, things will get better. De-escalate, the further forward you go, the worse things get.”

Han Qian lit a cigarette and stood in front of the window, frowning.

"According to what you said, I will definitely not be able to survive if I don't retire?"

"My suggestion is that you put down everything in your hands. This will be better for everyone. The girls around you will not be in trouble, and you won't be too tired."

"Can't this thing be broken?"

"It can't be broken. I'm afraid that I will break it for you and take away my old life. Boy Han, you have no luck in wealth and no career in this life. You can do the math for yourself. Millions of dollars are in your hands." Have you passed? There seems to be no good end for those who stay, right?"

Han Qian lowered his head and thought for a while, and it seemed that this was really the case. When he was taking Li Dahai's shares, he met Gou Dapao. Not to mention other things, he just got Cai Qinghu's Cayenne and crashed it in the capital two days later. After returning to Binhai, Ji Jing, who doesn't fight or grab, actually wants this car.

This is very wrong.

Then after getting all the Lin family's possessions, Luo Shen could no longer have children, and her children had to live in the capital.

Squatting on the ground with a headache, he said helplessly.

"Is there really nothing you can do? Can't I stop making money? Old liar, give me a trick."

The old Taoist priest curled his lips and said.

"Nothing, you don't have this in your life. It's good for you to be alive now. Retire early. Everyone wants you to retire. Boy Han, there is a time in life, but there is no time in life. Don't force it!"

Xu Hongchang said.

"Taoist Master, can this transfer the cause and effect of my young master to me?"

After saying this, the old Taoist priest sneered.

"You? Your life is gone for the one percent that this kid is carrying on his shoulders. He only involved you once, and you almost lost your life, right? If there wasn't a little girl here at that time, your life He's gone long ago, and he still wants to help and resist? There is also a junior he left by his side who should be in jail. Didn't he also lose half his life? Now the little girl around him who has not suffered is the one with the weakest temper. Is Ji Jing calm?"

Han Qian whispered.

"There are also Yu's poems. Wen Nuan was arrested once, Qinghu was threatened by Gouda Pao, the family of nursery rhyme, Yan Qingqing's trouble this time, Lao Xu was beaten by Cui Li, Cui Li was almost beaten to death by Zhang Shengli, Xiao Liang, Big Dog, Wu Sijuan, etc., are all this implicated by me?"

Xu Hongchang whispered that it had nothing to do with the young master, and the old Taoist slapped Xu Hongchang.

"It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter? It has a lot to do with him. The old monk in the temple is chanting sutras for you, boy Han! Think about it yourself."

Han Qian scratched his head irritably.

"Oh, it's not that I don't want to retire, I just feel that I still have a lot of things to do. In order to retire early, I am living one day at a time without resting for a minute. I will work hard and try to retire before getting married. , when the time comes, Lao Xu, you..."

"I'll follow the young master and leave the rest to Cui Li!"

Xu Hongchang was willing to be a loser. Han Qian sighed and stood up. At this time, the old Taoist priest spoke again.

"It would be good for you to get married early. You can be strong and soft at the same time, but let's forget it with this little girl named Yan. Her character is too strong."

As soon as the old Taoist priest said that, Han Qian remembered what Yan Qingqing had asked him and Ji Jing to kneel down yesterday.

He sighed helplessly and took out his cell phone to call his mother.

"Mom, when are you coming back? You, my Aunt Qian, and her Aunt Qinghu should set the date for the marriage certificate."

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